Pick Up the Rejected Pure Love

Chapter 62: At the Basketball Court

I’ve agreed to tutor Han-gyeol in Korean until the June mock exams.

Since Han-gyeol was having some difficulties with the non-fiction passages, I planned to focus on that.

It was easy to see why Han-gyeol spent so much time on non-fiction texts.

“Do you look at the question and try to find the basis for the answer directly in the passage, Han-gyeol?”

“Isn’t that what you usually do? The passage should have the answer.”

Han-gyeol raised his head and looked at me.

My heart fluttered every time we made eye contact, but I decided to hold back now.

After all, it wasn’t just about talking through the studies.

“Right, fundamentally, you’re correct. But blindly searching the passage without knowing what the question demands won’t work. The options are essentially asking, ‘Han-gyeol, do you really understand this?’ So, if you grasp what’s being asked, you don’t need to go through the whole passage, just quickly catch what the question wants.”

“I get what you’re saying, but I’m not quite feeling it yet.”

“It’ll become more intuitive to see the flow between paragraphs with practice. The only way is to keep at it.”

“Let me give it a try.”

“Sure. Let’s tackle the next passage.”


Han-gyeol diligently worked on interpreting the text, referencing my advice.

He occasionally frowned, but it was always tough at first.

Watching his expressions was quite enjoyable for me.

“It’s still tough, but I think I get what you mean, Eun-ha.”

“Really? You’re quick to understand, Han-gyeol~”

I said, stroking Han-gyeol’s hair.

I really wanted to hug him tightly.

“Why does it feel so strange when Eun-ha stroke my hair?”

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“Is it? Stroking Han-gyeol’s hair feels really nice.”

“It’s a bit embarrassing, though?”

As I stroked Han-gyeol’s hair, I playfully swept his bangs to the side.

“You look handsome even without bangs.”

“Eun-ha is pretty even without her bangs, too.”

“Shall we get back to studying now?”

“Too bad. Weren’t we just getting into a flirtatious mood?”

“Ah-ah, no way. Just one more hour of study, then we can be flirtatious. Okay?”

“Are you always this Spartan as a teacher?”

“Let’s look at the next problem~”


After about an hour more of studying, we closed the workbook.

Han-gyeol stretched lazily as if slightly stiff, and I seized the moment to hug him tightly.

“What’s this? Hugging as soon as studying ends.”

“I can’t hug you while we’re studying, can I? I’ve been holding back.”

“Really? Then, me too.”

Han-gyeol wrapped his arms around me, embracing me tightly.

His strong grip made it a bit hard to breathe, but it felt good.

“Han-gyeol, I can’t breathe.”

“Just bear with it a bit. I wanted to hug you, too.”

“Then, me too.”

We hugged each other as if competing in a show of strength.

I wanted to savor the pleasant scent of Han-gyeol’s shampoo a little longer.

I felt incredibly happy, as if time could stop just like this.

“I want to be with Han-gyeol like this every day.”

“Me too. I want to be with Eun-ha every day.”

“Let’s really hang out every day next year.”

“Yeah. I promise. Let’s hang out together every day.”

Han-gyeol’s response made me very happy.

Soon, I would be able to hang out with Han-gyeol every day.

I wanted to go skiing together, and take a long train journey somewhere.

“Kids, if you’re done studying, come out and have some snacks~”

Hyun-joo Unnie voice called from outside the room.

“Han-gyeol, let’s go out and eat some snacks.”


After ending our brief embrace, we went out to the living room.

“Did you study well?”

“Yes, yes. What’s the snack?”

“Cake. Han-gyeol, could you get some plates?”


Han-gyeol headed straight to the kitchen.

“Now he has completely blended into our house.”

“Right? Ah, I want to make a room for Han-gyeol in our house.”

“Oh my, oh my. You can just share a room, right?”

“Ah-ah! I didn’t say that much.”

“Han-gyeol~ Eun-ha wants to share a room with you~”

“Aack-! No, no! I didn’t say that!”

I quickly intervened to stop Hyun-joo Unnie from teasing any further and turned to Han-gyeol.

But Han-gyeol just played along with Hyun-joo Unnie’s joke.

“Eun-ha is like a wild animal these days, so we can’t share a room~”

Ah, really... It feels like everyone in our house just teases me.


After having snacks and chatting, it was time for Han-gyeol to leave.

I wished he could stay for dinner, but that seemed a bit much.

“Well, I should be going now.”

“Okay. Take care on your way.”

“I’ll walk Han-gyeol out a bit.”

We left the house together.

“You don’t have to see me off.”

“I just want to spend a bit more time with Han-gyeol.”

“How about we don’t go straight home and take a walk in the park?”

“Really? Can we? That would be awesome.”

“Of course. But you could have just said if you wanted to stay longer. I always want to be with Eun-ha, too.”

“I feel a bit guilty taking time away during the mock exam period~”

“But can’t I find time for a short walk in the park with my girlfriend?”

“Then let’s stay a bit longer before I go.”

We took the elevator down and slowly headed towards the park.

“The weather’s nice.”

“It’s sunny.”

While walking hand in hand with Han-gyeol in the park, we noticed a basketball court.

Someone had left a basketball lying in the center of the court.

“Han-gyeol, let’s go play basketball.”


I led Han-gyeol straight to the basketball court.

Picking up the large basketball, I tried bouncing it just like Han-gyeol.


“Wow, you look pretty good at this~”

“Really? Do I have a talent for basketball?”

“Try shooting a basket.”

“Watch this.”

I threw the basketball with all my might using both hands.

But it fell to the court floor before even reaching the hoop.

Han-gyeol quickly picked up the ball and handed it back to me.

“Try throwing it with a bit more force.”

“How about you show me how it’s done instead?”

“Me? Ah, I need to look cool and make it in at a time like this. I’m feeling the pressure.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“Don’t fall for me after watching this.”

“No promises there~”

“Watch closely.”

Han-gyeol bounced the basketball and then jumped, shooting the ball.

The basketball traced a beautiful arc and swooshed into the hoop.

“Wow, you got it in one go.”

“See? Want to try this time, Eun-ha?”

“Yes, yes. Show me how.”

“Alright, hold the basketball like this. Then, think of pushing the ball up as you jump and throw it.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll try it just like Han-gyeol said...!”

Following Han-gyeol’s advice, I adjusted my grip on the ball and jumped.

Extending my arm, I threw the ball, and it hit the backboard, then went straight into the hoop.

“Wow! Han-gyeol, I made it!”

“You made it... Maybe you really have a talent.”

“I want to try from further away.”

“How about a three-pointer?”

“Yes, yes. This is fun.”

“Alright. Let’s do it.”

I picked up the basketball again and stood outside the three-point line.

“Han-gyeol, I just throw it harder than before, right?”

“Yeah. Try aiming for the backboard.”


I took a deep breath and threw the basketball with all my strength.

But it hit the backboard and bounced off.

“Too bad. Want to try again?”

“I’d like to try dunking, but that might be too much, right?”


“Yeah. It seems like it would be fun.”

Han-gyeol seemed to ponder for a moment, then suggested,

“Want me to give you a boost?”

“A boost? No, Han-gyeol, you might get hurt. I’m heavy.”

“Come on, Eun-ha’s light for me. I’ll boost you. Try dunking.”

I wanted to say it was okay, but the idea sounded really fun.

“So, if it doesn’t seem to work, we stop right away, okay?”

“Yep, yep. Now, grab the basketball and climb onto my shoulders.”

Han-gyeol sat down under the basketball hoop.

I was a bit worried, but carefully climbed onto Han-gyeol’s shoulders.

“Han-gyeol, how is it? Can you stand up?”

“Ready to go up? Hold onto the basketball tightly.”

“Okay, okay.”

As I responded, Han-gyeol slowly stood up.

My view gradually elevated, unveiling a world I had never seen before.

Still, it wasn’t high enough to dunk the ball into the hoop.

“...It’s so high.”

“How is it, Eun-ha? Think you can dunk?”

“Uh... I don’t think so? It’s dangerous, let’s get down.”

“Really? Just a moment...!”

Han-gyeol then slowly lowered himself and knelt on the court floor.

I stepped onto the floor and climbed down from Han-gyeol’s shoulders.

“Han-gyeol, was I heavy?”

“No, not at all heavy.”


Han-gyeol stood back up and looked at me.

“But I can’t do it a second time.”

“You, come here right now.”

Han-gyeol backed away a few steps, laughing.

“Just kidding, just kidding.”

“That didn’t look like a joking face. Come here.”

Han-gyeol slowly retreated and then suddenly started to run.

“Ah, why~ You were light as a feather!”

“Then why are you running away?”

“Your eyes looked fierce like a wild animal.”

“Hey~ Calling your girlfriend a wild animal. Come here, don’t run away.”

Han-gyeol hesitated for a moment before dashing off.

“Han-gyeol, you-!”

I chased after Han-gyeol with all my might.

“Eun-ha, it was a joke~!”

“Come here and talk to me-!”

--- The End OF The Chapter ---

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