People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 537

Chapter 322: 2 Ritual Vs Bullseye (Part 2)

The latest website: Unconventional martial arts, mortal peak physical fitness.

The two rituals also stand on the pinnacle of human beings by their own abilities. But in the face of Bullseye, an existence beyond common sense, he was in a desperate situation at this time.

in this small place.

No matter how agile you are and your martial arts skills, there is nowhere to play.

That being the case…

“Then use out-of-the-ordinary means!”

Looking at the approaching ultimate move, the two rituals closed their eyes and then opened them.

The dark eyes turned blue.

If you look closely, in the blue arc, there are five colors of light, which is truly beautiful.

But when he met these eyes, Bullseye felt terrified, as if he was being stared at by the deadliest creature in the world.

he knows.

There are many things in nature that are more beautiful and more dangerous.

These eyes are clearly so.


Two ceremonial daggers slashed on the wall, like cutting paper, it would cut a hole.

She reached out her left hand in time to grab it, and then pulled it hard.

The whole person flew in and jumped in.

Puff puff……

Playing cards flew over, cut each other, and finally fell into pieces.

The two rituals stood at the entrance of the cave, looking down at the enemy indifferently.


Bullseye smiled, smiling happily.

Just like a king playing a man-machine game, the enemy will only follow the program and do not understand a bit of flexibility. No matter how much you kill, it will just be boring.

Only by fighting with opponents of similar level can you experience the thrill of the game.

So does Bullseye, who sees killing as a hobby.

The more the enemy resisted and the higher the level of performance, the happier he was.

Only by hunting high-level people can you have a sense of accomplishment.

“Happy, happy, really happy!”

Bullseye said excitedly and launched a new round of attacks.

He raised his right hand and threw out five flying knives.

The two rituals just turned away and hid behind the wall.

dong dong dong dong! ! ! ! !

Perhaps it was a problem with the structure of the weapon. The flying knives did not perform any maneuvers such as turning and manoeuvring, and they were all nailed to the wall.

The two ceremonies glanced at the owner of the house who was still sleeping in the room, jumped down for life, and then ran away without looking back.

In this straight alley, there is not enough space to dodge, and there is no chance of winning in the face of an enemy like Bullseye who can carry out multiple attacks.

The same is true even if the direct death magic eye is turned on.

Because it is impossible to get close.

“I said, don’t be so boring!”

Bullseye grinned and followed slowly.

The two ceremonies were ignored, and they ran away with all their strength.

In a short while, the enemy was thrown out of the shadows.

But she still didn’t stop and continued to run away.

About ten minutes or so.

The two ceremonies ran out of the alley and came to the open area behind the apartment complex. She looked left and right, only a few cars were parked scattered not far away.

“Isn’t this the right battlefield?”

The corners of the mouths of the two rituals were slightly raised, and a smile appeared.

Then, she stood in the middle of the field waiting for the enemy to come.

“Boom boom boom…”

About two minutes or so, the violent roar of the motorcycle engine sounded in the distance, from far to near.

The two rituals frowned.

She was all too familiar with this voice.

She walks the area every night and hears these sounds.

This is the motorcycle engine of the Speed Boys.

However, they have always been in groups and rarely start the engine so arrogantly when they are alone.

“Idiot, they all told you to go home!”

The two rituals bit their thumbs, feeling inexplicably irritable inside.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect.

In the face of this group of teenage bikers who came up to molest, but was beaten, she respectfully and let her be the eldest sister, and she didn’t give up after being rejected. Every day she met the teenage bikers who came up to say hello, how could she not feel at all?

Although I always felt that these little devils were annoying, every time I was impatient to drive them away.

But the two ceremonies were very enjoyable in the bottom of my heart.

After all, in her world.

Apart from her father and the housekeeper Qiulong, no one else had any interaction with her.

They are all strangers passing by.

Although she and the group of boys and girls didn’t even know each other’s names, they also entered each other’s field of vision and greeted each other every day.

This emotionless feeling is so precious to the two ceremonies.

At this time, the two ceremonies suddenly realized.

It turned out that the ordinary life she pursued had already been achieved.

Although a little weird, different from others.

But there is no doubt that this is what she is after.

“No wonder I’m so excited today!”

The two ceremonies suddenly understood why it was so unusual today.

Although she has a bloodthirsty impulse, and as time goes by, the impulse becomes stronger and stronger, but only today, she can’t help but show her excitement.

Gein, did you hear that David was dead?

Not only did the dead person stimulate the bloodthirsty impulse, but also because it was someone he knew well.

“Boom boom boom…”

The engine of the motorcycle is getting more and more violent.

A beam of spotlights shone from the corner, and Bullseye rushed out on a Ghostbuster.

“Don’t run, come and fight with me!”

Bullseye shouted excitedly, stepped up the accelerator and rushed towards the girl.

The two ceremonies watched silently.

Looking at the familiar ghost fire motorcycle and the blood splashed on the oil tank, the scene at that time naturally emerged in my mind.

Bullseye came out after two ceremonies, met the blond boy who was chasing after her, knocked him down, stole the motorcycle and continued to chase.

It cannot be concluded that the young man is dead.


The two ceremonies breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily, and then stared sharply at the rushing ghost motorcycle.

This modified bike is long and big.

Naturally, it will also be heavy.

At this speed, it is enough to knock people into the sky. This is true even when facing the power of human (ordinary) limits.



The two ceremonies stared at the motorcycle and the bullseye riding on it, with strange lines or dots on it.

That’s dead lines and dead spots.

Everything dies eventually.

Humans, animals, plants and other living things needless to say, stones, atmospheres and even planets, also have their time to perish.

These lines and dots represent the concept of death.

It can be conceptually killed just by touching it.

This is the ability brought by the Demon Eye of Straight Death.


“There is only one dead line for that man, what’s going on?” The two rituals were a little puzzled.

Generally speaking, there are many dead lines for people.

But there is only one bullseye.

This shows that the opponent is very resistant to beatings, has strong vitality, and is difficult to kill.

But judging from the previous fights, this person doesn’t look like a type with strong vitality and resistance.

“Forget it, one is enough!”

“There is only the concept of death, even if it is a god, I will kill it for you!” The two ritual daggers are in front, waiting for the enemy to come.

“Woman, die, die!”

Bullseye stood up on the motorcycle, raised his hand and threw a palm-sized metal ball.

This is the bomb.

As a has served in the Marine Corps, fib, although he is crazy, he is not stupid.

How could it be possible to melee the two rituals who showed amazing martial arts?

Everything is fake, in order to paralyze the opponent.

He used baseball, playing cards, and throwing knives before, but he did not use modern weapons such as firearms, just to create an illusion for the enemy that he would not use hot weapons.

If the two ceremonies cut the metal **** apart like they cut baseballs before, they would be blown away by the explosion from this year.


The other party did as he imagined.

Just listening to the sound of “clang”, a cold light flashed across the darkness, the metal ball was divided into two, and the cut surface was faintly flickering with fire.



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