People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 536

Chapter 321: 2 Ritual Vs Bullseye (Part 1)

The latest website: The strength of the man is great, and the baseball he throws makes a deep dent in the wall.

Even after many rebounds, the speed did not decrease in the slightest, and they intersected each other in the air, leaving a series of afterimages, which made people overwhelmed.

The speed is so fast that it is difficult for people to respond.

After multiple rounds of ejection to change the flight trajectory, it is even more unpredictable, let alone dodge or resist.

A man can say with great pride: Even if Captain America comes, he can’t stop this blow.

And this shivering woman is even more impossible.



Baseballs staggered in the air, flying from two different directions.

The two rituals raised their heads.

The man was stunned when he saw her expression clearly.

Because this woman didn’t have the slightest fear on her face, but was so excited.

She was not shaking with fear at all.

But excited to be difficult for themselves.


When the two ceremonies looked up, they raised their right hand and drew a cold light in the air.

The baseball stopped abruptly and fell apart in the middle.

The man was stunned, and then smiled happily, “It turns out that he was confident in his own skills and deliberately chose this kind of place to go, police? FBI? Military special forces? Or the Avengers?”

“Frey invited me.”

The two rituals stood up straight and looked at the man with a smile at the corner of their mouth: about forty, wearing black tights, showing a sturdy figure. I don’t know if it’s because of dragging the head or what, his face looks a little fierce, and there is a target mark between his eyebrows.

Very personal, but she doesn’t know her.

But it doesn’t matter.

Even if the man gave a sense of oppression, the two rituals didn’t care, they just looked at him with a playful smile, “But I refused.”


The man smiled noncommittally, “So, I’m facing a guy who can reach the level of the Avengers?”

After speaking, he laughed even more excitedly.

“I just had nothing to do, come out to have some fun, and see if I can kill the little bug that jumped around, but I didn’t expect it to be unexpected.”

“me too.”

The two ceremonies raised their daggers horizontally, and the corners of their mouths rose, “Don’t worry about those external things, let’s fight! Didn’t you come here because you wanted to fight?”

“No, I don’t crave it at all.”

Looking at the two strange ceremonies, the corner of the man’s mouth cracked open, and he shouted excitedly, “I only enjoy the thrill of killing people!”

The voice fell, and he raised his left hand.

There is a deck of playing cards in his hand. With a slight squeeze, the playing cards in his palm bend and then fly all over the sky.

The two rituals don’t know what the **** the man is doing.

But she had a bad premonition in her heart, knowing that this was the opponent’s attack method, and immediately slashed the dagger and killed the man.

“My name is Bullseye!”

The man didn’t care at all, and even introduced himself at leisure.

At the same time, his right hand touched the air.

A poker card was pinched in his hand and flicked.

“call out!”

Playing cards spin and fly like sharp blades.


“Where are you aiming?”

Glancing at the card that flew into the sky and disappeared into the night, the two rituals came to Bullseye in one step, and the dagger was aimed at his neck.

But Bullseye still didn’t care, with a calm and calm smile on his face.


The two ceremonies were puzzled.

Suddenly, an alarm bell rang out in my mind.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly closed her hands and jumped back.

call out!


The cards fell from the sky, and they were inserted into the concrete like a sharp blade.

Bullseye was stunned for a moment, and then praised: “As expected of the level of the Avengers, this kind of attack can also be avoided.”

Saying that, he clasped his hands together.

Ten playing cards are caught in the hand.

The pupils of the two rituals shrank, and they turned around and ran without any hesitation.

“Hey, don’t be so disappointed!”

Bullseye said, raised his hands, and ten playing cards flew out at high speed, killing the enemy with different trajectories.

The two ceremonies kicked hard and jumped into the air.

Cards flew under her.

But the magic is that after the card flew over, it hovered in the air for a while, and then flew back.

At the same time, Bullseye shot ten cards again.

There are chasing troops in front, and blocking in the back.

In this narrow alley, there is no room for the two rituals to dodge.

What’s more, she’s still in the air.

There is no leverage point, and there is no way to shift positions.

She can only intercept these cards.

But after the transformation of Edman alloy, Bullseye’s power is very powerful. In the past, it could be used as a poker card for killing people with flying knives, but now it is more powerful than bullets.

Two ceremonies cut the bat and avoid the roundabout.

The body and reflexes she has shown have surpassed ordinary people and almost reached the limit of ordinary people.

But that’s about it.

It would be fine if it was just three or four playing cards for the frontal attack, but a total of twenty playing cards were attacked back and forth, flying from different trajectories.

That’s not enough to see.

In other words…

“You are dead!”

Bullseye roared excitedly, his tongue sticking out like a pervert.

In a sense, he is indeed a pervert.

In an accident at a young age, he lost his parents.

But he also gained a powerful aiming ability, no matter what, it will become a flying weapon in his hands.

But the accident made him self-sufficient.

He became withdrawn and was not good at communicating with people.

Because of this, he was isolated in the orphanage, and his personality became extreme.

because of a misunderstanding.

He used his ability to make the coach who taught him baseball die a “coincidence”.

But looking at the corpse of the man who wanted him to enter the baseball league, he didn’t feel any guilt, on the contrary, he felt very comfortable.

It was as if something that had been repressed for so long had been released.

Especially the bright red blood made him extremely excited.

He was vaguely aware that he was different.

But as a teenager, he can already distinguish the surrounding environment and knows that he cannot show this abnormality in this world ruled by law.

In order to legally release the pressure.

He joined the army.

Because of his outstanding shooting ability, he quickly became a member of the Marine Corps and made great achievements.

However, because he did not obey the order, he shot and killed the robbers who held the hostages… Although the hostages were all intact, he was rescued by him.

But he still retired for violating military discipline.

Considering the situation of the target-eye shooter, combined with the situation at the time, the army did not send him to a military court, but assigned him to the FBI and became a glorious FBI agent.

But later in the case of Jin Bing.

He was framed by Kim and framed to sow discord, and was arrested by the fbi as a spy.

Out of desperation, he could only resist.

In the end, as Jin Bing wished, he became his subordinate.

But maintenance doesn’t hate Jinbian.

Because Jin understands him well, never suppresses him, and asks him to do things that release his nature every time.

So while Kim did ruin his life.

But he didn’t hate Jin Bing, but was very grateful.

At this moment, another girl is about to die in her hands.

Or someone who received a reunion invitation.

This made him even more excited.


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