Out For Karma: Mass Effect

[Book Two] Chapter 19: Girls night

Chapter 19: Girls night


Half the team were waiting nervously and in worry, sitting at the dining table on the Crew Deck. All were looking at the opaque windows of the maid bay. Samara’s presence, which usually created an atmosphere of calm and peace, didn't help at all.

Tali was fumbling with her hands dying of worry and full of fear for her best friend's life. Garrus was next to her, impassable but the taping of his talon on the floor revealed what he was feeling. Samara was praying to the goddess in her meditative position on the ground in the middle of the room. For her part, Miranda was writing a report on a portable terminal she had brought out of her quarters but if one paid attention they would have noticed that her head was elsewhere as the report has been blank for the past three hours and she still had Rick’s blood on her hands. Jack was the most active of them all, walking back and forth in the back of the area, her mind a mess of confusion, anger, worry and fear. Even Joker, thanks to EDI, was looking at the scene from the screen on his side from his cockpit. Finally, Shepard was removed from the rest and rested against the wall. Her eyes focused on the med-bay door trying to burn holes into it to see what was happening inside. She was subconsciously opening and closing her fist, murder in her mind. Murder of the Illusive Man.


Rick had been right, he knew it was a trap, the intercepted turian signal that tipped him to the location of the Collector ship was a gross fake from what EDI told her, and he knew that. He expressed his regrets at Rick’s situation but she knew it had been just words and that he wasn’t caring one bit. He had been more interested in the data collected. That had infuriated her but she kept her tongue in check. Talking and arguing would have been of no use.

Right now the only thing she could do was to wait for Chakwas or Mordin to come out and inform her of the situation. She hated it. Every second of it. She felt so helpless and useless. She had hesitated to join Grunt in the gym who pumped away weight after weight so she could pull her mind away. Thankfully her torture stopped when Chakwas exited the med-bay. She immediately was upon her.

“Doc, how is he?”
“One punctured lung, and one punctured femoral artery. Almost drowned in his own blood. The first-aid you and Miss Lawson did saved his life. He’s very lucky though; one inch higher and it was his heart not his lung that would have been hit. He would have died on the spot.”
“He’s going to be okay, then?” Tali asked from the side.
“He will. Not for a while but he is expected to make a full recovery.” Karin answered to everyone’s relief.
“How long?” inquired Shepard.
“Six to eight weeks in a proper hospital. In the med-bay? More.”
“Thank you, Karin.”
“Can we see him?”
“I’m sorry, Tali. Not until he can breathe normally with his helmet on.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Garrus asked, standing up from his seat.
“I’m afraid not. He’s been quite clear on this two years ago and reiterated it when he joined back on Omega.”
“How did you remove his helmet?” wondered the redhead.
“Samara opened it for Mordin and I.”

Everyone looked at Samara who kept her eyes closed and didn’t react. Clearly she wasn’t about to answer any questions about that topic.

“Commander?” came the helmsman voice from the coms.
“Our next destination is the closest between the Citadel and Omega.”
“We’ll be on Omega in four days.”
“That’s fortunate, Shepard. I have a file for one last recruit and he’s on Omega.” explain Miranda.
“Then we’ll pick him up.”
“Shepard, what will we do once on Omega?” asked Tali.

Her initial plan was to bring Rick into a clinic and leave him there to recover faster than in the med-bay, but that wasn’t realistic. For one she didn’t want to leave him alone, though she suspected Tali would stay with him. For two she didn’t think Aria would allow that. There was the problem with his identity which he ensured to be kept secret no matter what.

I wonder if Aria knows? Probably, Samara knows and she hadn’t known him as long.

“We contact Aria, I’m sure she’s well equipped to take care of him.”
“And we’ll leave him there temporarily. We still need to help Kasumi with her problem. And no, I don’t think you’ll be allowed to stay with him, Tali.”
“I-I wasn’t asking.” replied the quarian defending herself badly.


Shepard was clearly not convinced. With the tension in her body released she needed a stiff drink, that’s why she went to the lounge where she found Jack at the counter, already nursing a bottle of something.

“Everything alright, Jack?”
“Why don’t you mind your own business and fuck off?!” came the explosive reply from the bald woman. Shepard looked at her in silence with a brow raised.
“Sorry.. I… It’s just.”
“I get it.”
“No you don’t. It should have been me, I should have died there.”
“And you didn’t.”
“Did he save your ass?” she asked aloud to which Jack nodded.
“I mean, we’re not friends, we’re not even fucking, there was no reason for him to do it.”
“You’re part of the team, that’s reason enough.”
“Not true. I would have let him die if the roles had been reversed.”
“Considering that you saved his life in return, I doubt it.”
“I didn’t…”
“You took down that big thing and picked him up. You could have run. You didn’t.”
“... I’m still half expecting him to ask for a blowjob for doing that.”
“He wouldn’t.”
“I know. It’s just…People always wanted something from me. It’s… unbelievable that he doesn’t. Part of my mind… part of it is still waiting, you know? For that moment when he asked something. Yet another part knows that he just won’t. Nobody’s ever done something for me without wanting something in return.”

Hearing Shepard chuckling, her anger rose.

“What’s so funny, bitch?!”
“I was just imagining Rick answering that. He would probably say ‘ What are you talking about? I didn’t save your life! I saved mine! There is no way I’ll teach gingerbread alone! I’d rather kill myself! Bla Bla Bla’ she sucks, bla bla bla she’s so dumb.” answered the redhead, making Jack laugh.
“Yeah, he’d probably say something like that.”
“How about a toast? To the idiotic bastard that we hate liking and love hating!” she proposed provoking a snort out of the tattooed woman.
“To the idiotic bastard!”


She steel herself for the conversation she was about to have. She had no idea if Rick’s state was breaking the first rule of Omega or not. In fact she didn’t know at all how Aria would react. With a decisive gait Shepard walked into Aria’s box alone. At the sight of her the queen of Omega snapped her fingers and everyone but a batarian left the room to the commander’s surprise.

Definitely, not starting well. I wonder what she knows.

“Is he dead?” Aria inquired.
“But something happened, you wouldn’t be here alone otherwise and he would have come.”
“And you need something from me. What is it?”
“He’s recuperating from a punctured lung and femoral artery. He needs to be taken care of for six to eight weeks.”
“N-No?!” Aria’s answer has been so unexpected that she sputtered a bit.
“But I thought that…”
“I cared for him? Rick is a useful individual I’ll admit it but I’m not his babysitter nor his mother. I don’t have the time or the inclination to take care of him or have someone I trust to do it.”
“I see…”
“Anything else?”
“Then enjoy Omega during your stay, Shepard.”

Dismissed, the redhead exited the box.

“Are you sure that’s wise?” Anto asked.
“Yes. He wouldn’t have been safe here. He’s too well known now because of that backstabbing piece of shit. His location wouldn’t be secure and any pathetic loser would have tried to get to him to make a name for themselves.”
“... For a moment, I really thought you didn’t care.”
“The humans have an interesting saying: to fool your enemy you must first fool your allies. She’s wondering a lot about our relationship.”
“And you just threw her off. Still, aren’t you worried?”
“I am, ever since he slaughtered a cell of blood pack, stole their ship and left Omega when he was sixteen.”
“Ha, the good times. Couldn’t believe he had it in him.”
“He always had, he just wasn’t interested and was too lazy.”
“That brings another problem though. Lynesse, she won’t be happy if she learned of…”
“She’s already unhappy with me, Anto. Besides, she hasn’t seen him in ten years and he’s been here for the past two. She only has herself to blame.”
“Me think, you should tell her. At least she won’t be able to blame you.”
“Ugh… you’re right.”


Shepard entered the Normandy and ordered Joker to depart for the Citadel. They needed to go there anyway to buy the medical supplies that had been used on Rick. She didn’t like leaving Rick vulnerable in the hands of strangers but she didn’t have any other choice left.

“EDI, please tell Karin that Rick’s transfer is canceled, we’re bringing him to the Citadel.”
“Yes, commander.”

The redhead went to the armory to put down her weapons and then went straight to her cabin. She couldn’t help but feel responsible for the situation. That the choices she had made were the wrong ones. Removing her armor she placed it inside her closet and drawers. Turning around she laid on her bed face up and looked at the stars. She didn’t see any of them. What she saw was Rick getting impaled over and over again in a never ending loop.

She wondered if things would have been different if they had not been so low on ammo. Rick’s portable cooling system had probably saved their lives. She felt stupid for not having her own on her, she had been complacent just because thermal clips were all across a battlefield. And yet when she had needed some there were none. She should have known, Collectors’ weapons didn’t use them, it was a given that in their own turf they wouldn’t be any. She felt so stupid to not have thought of that. One thing was sure, she wouldn’t go into the field without one ever again and she’ll make sure that all members on her team did not either.


Tali had tried to do a movie night with just EDI but it felt wrong to her. When the AI asked why, she didn’t quite know how to answer.

“I guess… it’s not about what you’re watching, but who you’re watching with. It’s not the same without him.”
“I… understand.”
“You do?”
“I’m not sure. I know that I like discussing the movie afterwards with Rick as he always has a perspective that I can’t grasp. So…”
“Out of the box?”
“Yes, I believe it is an apt metaphor.”
“And you enjoyed the experience less without him.”
“Then yes, you do understand.”

“Should we put on hold movie nights?”
“Yes, I believe we should. Now the question is, what do we replace it with?”
“A gathering of every female on the ship? I believe it is commonly referred to as Girls night.”
“That’s an excellent idea, EDI!”


“I have to say, I didn’t think an old lady like me would be asked to participate in something like this.”  confessed Karin Chakwas.

Every female member of the team with the addition of Gabriella and Karin were  gathered in the lounge for the first girls night.

“You’re not that old Karin.”
“Thank you, commander.”
“Besides you’re not the oldest here, no offense, Samara.”
“None taken, Shepard.” replied the asari.

“Okay, can you all stop using my rank or my last name! At least for tonight?”
“If you insist, Jane.” answered Miranda.
“Wait! Jane? Your name is Jane?” exclaimed Tali.
“You didn’t know?!” asked a bewildered redhead.
“No, it was always commander or Shepard, or gingerbread or red or… I blame Rick for that.” replied the Quarian.
“Him and his stupid nicknames!” said a frustrated Jane.
“Yeah! I want to punch him in the face every time he uses mine!” Jack said. Many had been surprised to see her here.
“He all gave you nicknames? Does that mean I’ll have one?”
“Probably, Kasumi.”
“What are they?”

Everyone clamped up and didn’t say anything. Finally it was Miranda that gathered the courage to say hers.

“Mine is Bubble.”
“From your perfectly shaped ass, I supposed?”
“Centerfold, over here.”
“Because he thinks I have the body to be on the center pages of a charm magazine.”
“He’s not wrong, Tali.” Jane said to which many across the room nodded in agreement.
“I guess it’s my turn. There is Red. That’s the one he uses the most but there is also, gingey, gingerbread, Carrot Top, fire crotch on the rare occasion and once he called me Jessica Rabbit.”
“Wow… Almost all of them are offensive.” noted Kasumi.
“That’s alright, it’s nothing I’ve never heard before and I know he’s not being insulting about it, not in a mean way at least.”
“Yeah, that’s why I didn’t shoot him dead yet.” Jack confirmed.
“I never really understood those nicknames.” confessed Tali.
“They are all referencing my hair color. It’s a human thing you see. Red hair or any shade of red, has always been rare among humans. It’s a genetic mutation which people used to mock for fun. It died down in the last century or two as it disappeared since it’s a recessive gene.”
“It’s recessive and yet your hair is red.”
“That’s because of the gene therapy my mother did when she was pregnant with me. When she learned that I had the gene she asked for it to be dominant. She did the same for my eyes. Green is also a rare mutation and a recessive gene.”
“The diversity of humans’ genetic makeup is really fascinating.” Tali said.
“So Jack… What’s yours?” Kasumi asked, redirecting the conversation on the previous topic.

“You bitch!” the ex-convict said to Jane sitting on her left.
“Everyone’s getting a turn.”

“Dudette?” inquired Kasumi not understanding.
“That’s… I don’t want to talk about it. And I’ll shoot anyone who tries to explain.” she said with a tint of red on her face.
“I have to say, he’s right, you’d look good with hair Jack.” Jane said.
“We’re not talking about me anymore, Carrot top.” was said in a very threatening manner.
“Alright, alright, who’s next? Samara? You spent four years with him, I’m sure you got one.”
“Majesty, really? I guess that fits. I never heard him call you that though.”
“It lasted a couple of months, afterwards he was using my name.”
“Anyone else?”
“I rarely talk to him but a few times he just called me Gabby like everyone else.”
“He just calls me doc, most of the time or Karin on occasion.”
“I know from councilor Anderson that he calls the asari and salarian councilors Gorgeous and Hoodie, respectively. To their face of course.” divulged the redhead. Making Samara chuckled.
“Count on Rick to not give an ounce of care about social status and call anyone anything he wants. Even when facing the representatives of two of the most important species in the galaxy.” stated the asari in an amused tone.
“Not just call but do also. From some rumors I heard, the turian councilor was in fact not assassinated by the geths during their assault on the citadel.” Miranda said.
“Now that’s going a bit too far doesn’t…” At the sight of a drinking Jane and an extremely uncomfortable and fidgeting Tali, Kasumi didn’t finish her sentence.
“No way! It’s true?!”
“Wait! It is?!” exclaimed Miranda.
“He’s a madman.” Jack said laughing.
“Officially councilor Septimus was done in by the geths, Kasumi, the geths.” commented Shepard.
“And in reality Rick did it? Why?” Miranda pressed on for the truth, forcing Shepard to take a deep breath.
“Oh who cares anyway, there is no proof and it’s not a very well guarded secret since there are rumors about it. Apparently the turian councilor tried to run away when it was proven true that yes, the geths and Saren were attacking the Citadel and had already infiltrated the presidium. Rick shot him in the head, putting an immediate stop to the panic spreading idiot and took control of the council and the situation.”
“Wait, wait, wait. Rick took control of the council?” Asked Miranda feeling the heat beginning to rise at her core.
“He ordered them around. Put Varlen on civilian’s evacuation and protection and put Tevos in charge of coordination of c-sec and the mercs that Rick had hired along with Anderson and the alliance's soldiers under his command. He even told her that it was time for her to ‘Pull out your commando leather from your closet.’ then left Anderson in charge. No one protested. Because they were scared to end up as Septimus or because Rick seemed to know what he was doing, I don’t know but they fell in line. I think it was the latter though because they offered to make him a spectre after the battle. Scariest moment of my life that time.”
“Rick could have been a spectre? Why isn’t…. Oh goddess, he declined? Worse he said or did something and the councilors changed their mind?” Samara wondered aloud.
“Right on both accounts. I freaked out when they gave him the opportunity and felt immense relief when he refused. Then he began to list out loud the pros of being a spectre. Like starting a war with the Alliance, Killing the turian primarch and putting the blame on the council. Thank god for him voicing his thoughts because the council retracted their offer on the spot. I still remember the face of ambassador Udina. He was apoplectic.” Shepard ended her tale with a laugh.
“He’s… completely insane.” Kasumi said.
“He just enjoys riling up people and the chaos born from change. I’m perfectly certain he was joking about what he would do. I wouldn’t have traveled with him for years if he was a bad person.”
“Enough about Dickhead! At this rate the next topic would be how he’s fucking cheerleader over here.”
“You two are…” began Kasumi but was interrupted by Shepard.
“Jack is right! Let’s talk about something else! It’s a girls night not a Rick night!”
“Anyone have a new topic to share?” asked Miranda.
“From my studies, women often talk about their sex life or love life during girls night.”
“EDI? You were listening?” asked Jane.
“Yes. It is girls night after all.” replied the AI
“But… aren’t you…” Kasumi didn’t quite know what to say.
“I guess that’s our new topic of conversation.” said Tali.


I hope you all loved the face reveal!

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