Out For Karma: Mass Effect

[Book Two] Chapter 18: It’s a trap

I'm  in a good mood today, so here's another chapter. And who knows, maybe there will be more before the end of the day.


Chapter 18: It’s a trap


This R&R was turning out to be awful for the commander of the Normandy. It was early in the morning when the redhead came back to the ship, wearing the same clothes from the night before. It was a deep green dress that accentuated her eyes that she had bought after seeing Miranda looking like a goddess two days before when she left the ship at Rick’s arm in an amazing black dress. She, too, wanted to look like a billion credits and feel good about herself. And if she was to be honest, she was a bit jealous with what was going to happen between her two teammates. She hadn’t been laid in years and she wasn’t counting the two she was dead. So when the top cerberus agent came back early in the morning a stupid smile on her face and looking like she had been fuck senseless (along sporting a different choker, one with the word ‘pet’ on it, which mysteriously she didn’t wear anymore when she came back out of her quarters in her usual catsuit), the redhead had had enough.

Once she had helped Garrus with his problem, which consisted in finding the guy who betrayed him and his men on Omega, she went straight to buy the prettiest dress and pair of shoes she could find without caring about the price as she was billing Rick for it. When evening came she went alone in some lounge to find someone. She didn’t have to wait long before a human man accosted her. He was rather handsome and well mannered enough that she entertained him. Half an hour later and after several drinks they ended up in a hotel room where they spent the night.

She woke up before her bed companion, quickly dressed and left the man behind without so much as a note. Somehow she was even more frustrated than she was before. She didn’t dwell on it as her mind was focused on one goal and one goal only: Get back to the Normandy, get to her quarters, take a much needed shower and try to salvage the rest of this early morning by catching some fulfilling sleep.

Entering the ship, she immediately removed her high heels and walked barefooted on the bridge. Because obviously her morning couldn’t get any worse, it did as Rick exited the lab and walked toward the elevator. The glare she gave him stopped him right in his tracks and killed in his throat any word he was going to say after ‘good’ of what she believed was ‘good morning’. She entered the elevator, alone, and went straight to her cabin. Passing the door she threw her shoes across the room and let her dress fall to her feet. She entered her shower and let the hot water wash away the filth on her body and in her heart. She felt dirty and used. Her one night stand has been a poor lover. Despite his stamina and his quick recovery time he never brought her off and probably didn’t care if he did or not. She mused on her poor choice.

Sure he had a rather handsome face but was way too short. He was what? 5”9? 5”10? He only talked about himself, flaunting how good he was about what he did, the money he made…  the people he knew. Babbling and babbling non-stop. If at least he was just mumbling to himself about new ideas or… or… how the atlantic shrimps reproduced! And he kept looking at my tits! I know my girls are spectacular but he could have at least spent more time looking at my face! And oh god, was he a disappointment in the dick department. And he called that a cock! Ah! He wasn’t even six inches long and was as thin as a pencil! He was so proud of it! ‘Rather big, huh?’ Rather big my ass! He didn’t stretch me nor did he reach the back of my pussy! And his skills! Or rather his lack thereof. In and out, in and out… Ugh!! Not even some foreplay, he went right for sex, pawing at the girls. He couldn’t even resist when I took charge. He submitted like a little bitch! He could have resisted! He could have fought me for it! But nooooo, he laid there and took it!

She took a break from her rant as she paid special attention to clean her most intimate place, being careful to remove every trace of her one night stand. She didn’t want him in there for a moment longer.

Why couldn't I have been accosted by a tall and muscular guy? One with broad shoulders and a good sense of humor. That was smart and could speak of anything but himself and looked me in the eyes. That could take and give back any diss I sent his way. Someone who knows how to play a woman’s body like a musical instrument and knows how to use his big thick cock in more ways than just pumping away. A guy that would fight for control and take it from me! That just wouldn’t go down being intimidated. Why couldn’t I meet a guy like…

Her body and mind froze right at this moment as the face of who she was thinking of appeared in her mind. That has been so unexpected, she didn’t know where that came from. She thought about it for a minute then she thought harder, trying to understand how it came to be, if, in truth, she wasn’t wrong about the stupidity and absurdity of the notion that entered her mind. She couldn’t come to a conclusion so she went rationally at it, checking everything she wanted and needed in a man and crossing box after box when she thought about the owner of the face which had popped up in her head. When her checklist was done, none were left unchecked. Letting out a deep desperate breath, Shepard couldn’t deny it anymore.

She stopped her shower, dried herself and went to her bed. Her eyes were unfocused and she was moving out of habit. When she fell face first on the mattress she buried her head deep into one of the pillows and screamed longly. Venting everything she was feeling until she was out of air. As she turned around and looked at the stars through the small window on her ceiling she admitted the truth to herself and thought the words.

I’m in love with Rick.


Rick felt a chilled down his spine as he was working on his idea about a gun ID. In fact that brought him out of his tired state as he didn’t get a wink of sleep the previous night.
Shepard hasn’t been on the ship so he couldn’t have peaceful dreams. Not wanting to bother Tali during the night again he just stayed up and worked on some things as he wasn’t in the mood to train his biotics. That’s why at almost 5:30, he exited the lab to go get a cup of coffee when he met an enraged redhead in a beautiful dark green dress. Shooting away with an imaginary shotgun the thought she was perhaps the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen at that moment, he still tried to wish her a good morning. Tried and failed as the look the redhead gave him froze his blood and triggered a memory that he wished had stayed forgotten in the deepest recess of his mind. In the end he went back to his quarters and began to work silently. He couldn’t explain the chill so went on with what he was doing for a while until he felt two arms circle his neck from behind.

“Good morning.”
“Good morning, to you too, Tali.”
“How come you’re already up and not cuddling?”
“I didn’t go to sleep, I couldn't, too much on my mind. Besides I felt cheated, you didn’t keep your promise.”
“I did. The meeting was not successful so no groping.” she said resting her head on his right shoulder.
“It was!”
“It went well, true but no contract was signed, so it’s not a success. Too bad, try harder next time.” she teased.
“That wasn’t my fault!”
“Doesn’t matter. Now let’s get you back a bit, it’s cuddle time.” she said as she pulled his chair away from the desk and sat sideways on his lap, warping his arms around her waist and letting her head rest on his chest.
“Hmmm, yeah, that’s the stuff.” She muttered in a gleeful and satisfied tone.
“You know If I didn’t care about you, I would have ripped off that suit and had my way with you long ago.”
“Good thing you do care.”
“From where I’m standing on the subject, I’m beginning to reconsider my stance.”
“Please! It’s not like you don’t have Miranda for that.”
“That’s not…”
“Rick, the commander wants to see you in her cabin.” interrupted the voice of EDI.

Remembering what happened earlier in the morning and the chill he felt right after, Rick was thinking of the worst.

“Any idea about what?”
“She got a message from the Illusive Man about a Collectors ship that was found.”

He let out a deep sigh, knowing he couldn’t escape the conversation with the redhead.

“Did the two of you fight again?” Asked Tali after seeing his reaction.
“Really? You didn’t inadvertently pissed her off?”
“For once, Rick is not responsible for the bad mood the commander is in.” commented EDI.
“What do you mean for once? I almost never… only half… Alright, alright I’m always the reason when she’s pissed off.” He admitted defeat at the flat look Tali was giving him.

The quarian hugged him tight before raising herself from his lap and wished him good luck. Five minutes later he found himself sitting on Shepard’s couch, waiting for the redhead to speak.

“The Illusive man got word that a Collector ship had been found drifting away in space, damaged by a turian patrol.”
“Yeah it’s a trap.”
“How so?”
“A Turian patrol damaged a Collector ship? No way in hell that happened.”
“What do you think then?”

He took a moment to think about it before giving her his answer.

“The Collectors have been after you for the past two years but now they know you are after them. It’s possible the ship is not derelict at all and they are just luring you in. I think TIM thinks the same.”
The Illusive Man.”
“So he’s sending us to our potential death.” she said with a frown, silently acknowledging the nickname and liking it.
“Hmm.. No. I think he believes we’re the best team for the job with the highest odds of success. I also believe he won't shed a tear if we all die as long as he gets the data we will gather. TIM is the kind of man for whom nothing is too great a sacrifice to reach his goal. Well… maybe not anything. I don’t think he will give up his own life, he’s looking after himself after all first and foremost despite what he’s saying about humanity.”
“Did you find anything on him?”
“No. He’s too smart to leave a trace. But no one is perfect and I will find some information.”

Shepard nodded and thought about what to do. Did she take everyone with her for that mission to cover more ground or did she take only two people ( not counting Rick which by default was with her) and infiltrate the ship? Both choices were risky. If she went with everyone  and that it was indeed a trap they would be easier to spot but could hold their own. On the other hand a small team would be harder to detect but will be in deep shit once discovered.

“I think… We’ll go with a small team. We’ll take Miranda and Jack with us as they are the most suited for infiltration. Well not Jack, obviously but I’m taking her for her abilities and I know she can be discreet.”
“It will be difficult if we’re discovered, especially if we encounter another big one like we did on Horizon.”
“I have you with me to be the big guns. I’m not worried.” She replied with a shrug as she raised herself from the couch. “The new shields’ installation will be done before tonight. We’ll leave immediately then so enjoy your last day on the citadel for a while.” she added as she went to sit at her desk.

Rick had stood up too and made his way to the door when Shepard was suddenly on him and grabbed his arm.

“You know what? Change of plans! Let’s go shopping!” was all she said as she dragged him out and ignored his protestations.



Joker had always almost felt bad for Rick every time he saw the man's dejected attitude after Shepard dragged him around all day during a shopping day. This time however, things were different as a new face was with the duo.

“Kasumi meets Joker, the best pilot in the galaxy. Joker meets Kasumi, the best thief in the galaxy.”

Joker raised his hand as a hello and the asian woman, as far as he could tell because of the hood, said hi back, before disappearing right in front of him.

“And one more weirdo in the crew.” he said with a sigh.
“I agree.” Rick said curtly.
““You’re the weirdest! ”” replied Shepard and Joker in unison.

Rick looked at both of them in silence for a moment before shaking his head and going down the bridge.

“Is he always like that?”

The voice of Kasumi came right from Joker’s side and made him yelp in fright at the sudden reappearance of the woman.

“Don’t do that again!”
“No promises.”
“Rick is not really forthcoming with strangers but give him time and he’ll warm up to you.”
“He was dragged all day by you commander, no wonder he’s not in a good mood.” the helmsman muttered, unfortunately not low enough for his own good.
“Anything to say Joker?”
“Nope, commander. I’m good.”
“That’s what I thought.”
“I think I’m going to like it on this ship.” Kasumi said, walking to Shepard’s side.
“Glad to hear it.”



After being awake for two days with one of them being used as both a velvet and cash machine by Shepard, Rick had dropped onto his bed, dead to the world, missing movie night. Tali had been worried but EDI reassured her, telling her that it had been expected as he overworked himself a bit. He had been surprised when he woke up the day after that he didn’t have any nightmares. He knew that it had been a fluke because of his exhaustion and that it was not the solution to his problem, despite how much he didn’t want to rely on Shepard. Nevertheless he went back to his sneaky and reprehensible ways the nights afterwards.

He was done with the theory part of the ID system and only needed to pass the work along to Tali to see if that was feasible. His time now free, instead of beginning to work on a new shield, which was entirely more difficult, he spent more time training Shepard with her biotics and spending time with Jack.

The ex-convict was becoming less and less wary of him, she, sometimes, just hated his guts for sleeping with Miranda when he declined ever wanting to have a go with her. For Jack who hated the Cerberus agent for what she represented, it was a huge blow to her ego. Nonetheless she appreciated that Rick had never cared about how their first meeting went and let it go as if nothing ever happened or that it was not worth mentioning. She also appreciated the respect he showed her when talking about biotics and training the commander. She wouldn’t say that he was a friend as Jack didn’t do friends but he was at least a friendly acquaintance. It was something different from what she had known her whole life and after being cautious for a while, simply enjoyed it because she realized that he truly didn’t want anything from her which was a first.

“Come on, Shepard! Lift that shuttle!”

While Rick taught the redhead control and how to explosively use her biotics, Jack focused on developing the amount and magnitude of power she could use. She had her use her biotics on heavier and heavier objects and it went quite well.

“You’re quite optimistic, dudette.” Rick said from the side

She hated that nickname. At least it was slightly better than the usual ones people called her like bitch, slut, whore, and many more. She also let it slide because he wasn’t insulting her but was teasing about her bald head. She was half of a mind to let her hair grow just to shut him up but decided it wasn’t worth it.
What bothered her more than the nickname was the role she was playing. Rick, because of the nature of the relationship with Shepard, was the de facto asshole teacher that would taunt her and put her down while Jack was the de facto good and supportive teacher. That was something new for her. Encouraging someone else. She found out she liked it, that was what really bothered her. It wasn’t in her character to be like that. In the end deciding there was no point thinking about it, she ignored it and just enjoyed herself.

In the end Shepard, bolstered to prove Rick wrong, succeeded in lifting the shuttle a few inches above the ground before being exhausted.

“You were saying?” Shepard said with a ragged breath.
“That Jack was quite optimistic. Never said it was wrong for her to be.”
“You smart ass.” she said before collapsing on her back, making Jack snort.
“She did pretty good though if you consider she began her training a couple months ago.” admitted the ex-convict.
“That’s because we’re the best, that’s nothing to do with her.”
“You’re not wrong.”
“FUCK! YOU! BOTH OF YOU!” the redhead yelled from the ground making her two instructors laugh their asses off.
“Guess, we’re done for today.” Rick stated.
“Perfect timing, I’m hungry.” Jack said as she walked towards the elevator with Rick following her.
“Hey! Don’t leave me here!”

Rick turned to look at her then turned back to take the elevator when he saw it closed with a smirking Jack. She couldn’t help herself and loved watching the drama between Shepard and him.
Sighing, he went to Shepard and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt. The woman expecting to be pulled up was not ready for being dragged like a garbage back.

“Oh come on!” She protested but was ignored. It was only after she was put in one of the seats at the table and seeing everyone looking at her in amusement that she swore she would never push herself so far again.

“You all…” she couldn’t finish insulting her teammates as Rick pushed a spoon full of food into her mouth.
“Now that’s one spoon for daddy, next is for…”

Decades later and she still didn’t know how she found the strength to punch his helmet so hard it cracked before falling down on him completely out of juice, to the hilarity of the others who couldn’t hold their laughter anymore, particularly Jack who had trouble breathing and tears in her eyes.


What was I thinking? Loving him? No way! There is absolutely no way I’m in love with that asshole!

That was Shepard's thoughts as she was gearing herself up after waking up. They would arrive shortly at the location of the Collector ship and she didn’t want to stay in the area longer than necessary by wasting time.

Him and his stupid helmet! I bet Ashley lied and he’s butt ugly under it! Or she has another concept of what beauty is!

She opened her closet and looked at her own helmets. Seeing the one from Kestrel she picked it up and threw it across the room as it reminded her a bit of Rick’s. In the end she picked up her standard N7 one.

I was just frustrated and horny and between Ash and Miranda’s stories, I just thought of him! Yes! That’s it! That’s why!

When she closed the door of her closet she found herself face to face with Rick. By reflex at his sudden appearance she threw a punch which he simply blocked.

“It’s good that you’re motivated but keep it for the mission.”
“What are you doing here?” she asked with a scowl on her face.
“Everyone is waiting for you and you didn’t answer EDI.”
“I tried thrice, commander but you were lost in your own thoughts.”

“I… Sorry, EDI.”
“I don’t know what’s going around in your head, but we need the old Shepard here, the one focused on the mission, not the expressive you.”

What’s going around in my head is you pouding me! I mean, me pounding you! I mean, me pouding your face!

She took a deep breath to calm herself. Rick was right she needed to be the soldier she was here, not the angry mess that she was.


She nodded and put her helmet on.

“Let’s go.”
“Are you sure? Red, this is perhaps the most dangerous mission we did together to date. If you’re not ready, say it, nobody will hold it against you. I’ll take Garrus instead and…”
“Let’s go.” She said with authority in a tone that didn’t leave any room for arguing.

He looked at her back pensively before following her. The elevator ride was done in silence. They stopped at the armory where Shepard equipped a M-96 Mattock and a M-5 Phalanx. While the Mattock’s ammo was limited and his fire rate slower than the M-15 Vindicator, his power and precision was top notch.
Rick for his part took his own trusted shotgun, the M-66 Shredder. He had built the shotgun himself and with Tali’s help the weapon looked good. He then equipped a phalanx, forgoing the M-92 Mantis to be lighter.
Once done they went down to the Cargo bay where Miranda and Jack were waiting for them at the shuttle. They quickly boarded it and Joker wished them good luck.

From EDI’s reading the ship was more or less dead and there was no real activity from the power outage scan. Rick was not convinced one bit but kept his mouth shut.
Landing the shuttle after going through the only open entrance they could find, the team was unnerved by the hive-like architecture of the inside. They only walked a few feet until EDI announced that after analyzing the ship’s signature she recognized it as the ship on Horizon.

“EDI, could you make a comparison with the vessel that blew up the Normandy two years ago?” asked Rick.
“You think it’s the same ship?” inquired Shepard.
“It is.” EDI answered to the redhead's surprise.
“So, they really are after me? Why?”
“I have some ideas but that’s for later. It’s definitely a trap though.” he said as Shepard nodded and contacted Joker to be ready to leave at any moment.

They went deeper into the ship encountering the same pods they saw on the Horizon though those ones were empty. They had no hope that the colonists were still alive, not after all this time and they were right. They had found a big pile of at least two dozen dead bodies. All humans.

“Why is there a pile of bodies in the middle of the way?”
“They could have been used for experiments. If they were…”
“It’s a taunt.” Rick said, cutting Miranda’s line of thought.
“What do you mean? How is it a taunt?” Shepard asked.
“We came through the only open entrance of the ship because it sustained damages. Did you see any trace of it when we landed?”
“Well, no but…”
“Don’t you find it weird that a big pile of bodies from your species is awaiting you a few feet away? A few feet away from the only open entrance? And experiments? Collectors have been snatching humans for almost a year, the toll is well into the hundred thousands already. They experimented all they wanted months ago. Those bodies…” he began and scanned them with his omni-tool. “are a month old, two at best. No, this pile here exists to lure us deeper. Either through our anger or curiosity.” he explained.
“It’s a trap, like you said.” the redhead said with a sigh. “Any ideas of what their plan is?”
“Too many, give me time to think.”

Shepard nodded and took the lead again with Rick closing the march, mumbling away possibilities after possibilities. They quickly arrived at a terminal alongside the body of a Collector inside a pod. After analysis EDI revealed that the Collectors were protheans before being heavily experimented on and that they were conducting basic comparisons between their and human DNA.

“Maybe the reapers chose us to be the next race to be enslaved instead of wiping us out? Doubtful though.” voiced Rick from behind.
“Done talking to yourself?” said Jack.
“Yes, and the conclusion I came up with is not good.” he replied before talking to EDI. “Be prepared for an attack when you begin to data-mine, either from a worm or a power surge. That’s when they’ll attack.”
“Why?” Miranda inquired.
“We’ll be vulnerable. We’ll be stuck in one place to maintain the connection for EDI. In that case their best course of action is to delay her data-mining for as long as they could while disabling the Normandy. With the Normandy out of commission we can’t escape. Should they fail, they will try to control the path we take and make us circle around until we’re overwhelmed or can’t fight anymore.”
“EDI is there any countermeasure you can take to avoid that?” asked Shepard.
“I can’t avoid the power surge but I can divert the overload to non-vitals systems. As for the worm…”
“Use their tactics, make them go round and round. Use subroutines for that, don’t do it yourself, you should focus on the data-mining.”
“Won’t they discover the subterfuge quickly?” wondered the commander.
“I don’t think they will, at least not until you are almost done, EDI.”
“What makes you so sure?” asked Miranda.
“Because they are arrogant.”
“You’re shitting me right?” Jack said in an unusual flat tone.
“Collectors have been at the top technology-wise since the reapers disappeared fifty thousand years ago. They are protheans after all and we’re still trying to understand the bit of technology we found about them. I don’t think the idea that an inferior species would outsmart them would even cross their minds.”
“You have absolutely no proof of that.” noted Miranda.
“We’ll see if I’m right or not.” he stated with a shrug.

The conversation went no further and they moved onward. They were pleasantly surprised when they discovered some weapons near their position that were rather advanced. Unfortunately they couldn’t take them all with them as they would have slowed them down when they would have to retreat. Rick picked up the sniper rifle which was really heavy as he was the most mobile with his biotic charge and Shepard picked up the assault rifle despite its weight as after testing it found out that its fire rate and ammo capacity was off the charts. The shotgun, the heaviest of them all, was left on the ground. Rick was very happy with his Shredder and Jack found it impractical.


They soon arrived in what looked like the main area of the ship as it extended to no end in sight with thousands perhaps millions or more of pods all across the walls, ceiling included. Rick noted out loud the existence of only one path that led them to a console and Miranda voiced the lack of Collectors corpses. As predicted, when Shepard connected EDI to the console the Collectors acted. The power surge was deflected and of no consequence while the subroutines did their jobs. EDI data-mined as much as she could but encountered a problem. Someone else was fighting her and destabilizing the connection. Collectors were coming from floating platforms from all sides. Not accepting to do nothing but wait, Rick handed his mantis to Shepard while he took in his hands his new spire rifle.They did their best to get rid of the most dangerous of their enemies floating away especially the big ugly ones with a big hunch that they encountered on Horizon while Jack and Miranda took care of the ones coming too close. At the sight of a Collector rising in the air and beginning to glow, Shepard dropped the mantis and picked her new assault rifle, and unloaded everything, neutralizing it.


They held as long as they could, waiting for EDI to get the control of their platform back which she finally did but not before the team had their Thermal clip reserved severely depleted.

“And that’s why you need a portable cooling down system.” Rick said as he put two clips in his.
“Thank god, you got one!” Shepard exclaimed, giving him her used clip.
“Can’t believe you’re not using yours. You too, Bubble.”
“Never had to use one before.” the brunette defended herself.
“Better to have it and not need it than… well you know the saying.”

By the time EDI landed the platform the team was at least at half ammo capacity.


As if they were not pressed enough, Joker warned through the coms that the Collector ship was powering up and targeting the Normandy. Without any more delay the team went double time, thankfully they were now back on solid ground and the way was more or less straightforward with a lot of cover. The fact that everyone on the team was a biotic didn’t leave anyone defenseless when their weapons ran out of ammo. They didn’t have to wait around for Rick to throw some cooled down clip their way. One because he could only do two clips at the time two because he was busy charging right and left. To everyone bewilderment he had charged a group of two with only his biotics. He dealt with the two normal ones with his hands and did a reverse round-house kick sending a power curved throw towards the glowing one that was way out of reach and gunning alone for Shepard. The Throw connected and the super-collector was sent flying down a bottomless home that was just behind him, leaving the area clear.

“What the fuck Dickhead?!” exclaimed Jack.
“Did you just use a Throw with your feet?” asked Miranda
“And curved it at that?” added Shepard.
“Less awing, more moving!” yelled Rick as he tossed a clip each to Shepard and Jack. “There is perhaps one more cooling down in them, after that the clips are toasted.”

They went down a slope and EDI warned them that she had secured an escape route but sadly for them a big, big one was on their way. The same type they barely killed on Horizon. If that wasn’t enough husks came from the direction of their escape route.


Since the big one was after Shepard, she was the one who baited him with Rick and Jack acting as support while Miranda would take care of the small fry and secure the route. Things went from worse to total FUBAR when Collectors grunts came from the way they came and were shooting at them from the high ground. This resulted in the big one diving for its nearest target Jack who was sent flying feets away by Rick as he charged her. He gripped the front limbs of the monster and held desperately. Shepard, who had timed to move towards the exit, shot the thing in the head with the Mantis but a split second too late as the big one used two of his extra limbs to stab her XO in the thigh and in his torso. It still destabilized the enemy enough for Jack to send its way a powerful shockwave making it fall to the depths on the side. She wasted no time to get to Rick and picked him up. Miranda came to help as Shepard covered them with her sniper rifle as more and more Collectors were converging to their position. Quickly passing the door that was maintained opened for their escape, EDI closed it. They had no time to breathe however as the Collector’s ship was almost done powering up. Jack was the only one left with ammo and it was only half a clip for her shotgun. Taking the lead while Shepard replaced her as Rick’s support, she didn’t dally daddle and dealt promptly with the dozen husks on her way. She was lucky, as her last shot killed an explosive one taking down with it the last ones around it. When she reached the shuttle she immediately powered it up and put it in position to leave.

“Come on, come on, come on. Don’t make me leave you behind.” she muttered to herself.

The trio almost didn’t make it but in a last bout of strength Rick charged towards the shuttle bringing along his companions just in front of the side door then passed out. With everyone in, Jack didn’t wait for the side door to close and flew away towards the Cargo bay of the Normandy. The shuttle got in just in time for Joker to do an evasive manner from a shot coming from the Collector ship weapons. With everyone on board he didn’t wait around and fled the location.

Back on the shuttle Miranda and Shepard were applying first aid to an unconscious and severely wounded Rick under the worried gaze of Jack.

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