One Piece: Unreal Adventure

Chapter 29: Face the power of my claw claw fru…

"And you lot… don't go near that chum just yet, he ain't dead."

The marines looked at the fallen pirate in question, and all of them saw that the pirate's throat was caved in, and his neck might as well be broken. So they were confused as to what the straw-hat wearing young man meant.

"Khu khu khu… so you are not someone ordinary boy are you?" the pirate who seemed to be dead just a moment ago, stood up, dusting his clothes and rubbing his throat. "But you have made a huge mistake… do you know who I am? I'm the famous captain of the Blackberry Pirates!"

Some of the marines gasped. While Luffy just picked his nose, taking out a booger and wiping it on Sterry's head. "Never heard of it." The prince seemed to struggling to get the large booger out of his flaky hair.

"Brat, I have a bounty of Fifty million berries. A man that survived the grandline…" With that, the pirate jumped on Luffy with wolverine like claws coming out his arms. "Face the power of my claw claw fru…"

And he was silenced again with a punch to the diaphragm that most likely popped his lungs and busted most of his ribs. The man again hit the lamppost, breaking the thing over his head. "Oh, so you wouldn't happen to be the pirate that grandpa's looking for?"

Luffy mused that his own grandpa's home was being threatened by a pirate that the old man was chasing.

"You… you, are you Garp's grandson?" the pirate questioned this time with anger as he threw the lamppost on Luffy, who just sidestepped which almost hit Sterry.

"Eh, don't you see the resemblance?" Luffy said picking his nose again. And flinging his booger at the pirate.

"Fuck you…"

"I don't swing that way."

"Grr… I will kill you." The pirate stood up again fully recovered from his injuries as he jumped at Luffy.

"Now, that's not a good way to handle rejection my friend." Luffy comically punched the screaming pirate in the head. Planting him head first into the road.

Some of the marines now looked at Luffy with newfound respect, they didn't know their hero had a grandson, but now they could see the resemblance.

While others found the whole situation funny. However other than the marines there was a certain someone who was taking photographs of the situation.

Luffy was already on his merry way, entering the shop. Luckily the shopkeeper was still inside and Luffy found the chocolates he was looking for. The shopkeeper was thanking him profusely for not getting his shop damaged and even didn't take the money. Huh, who knew playing a hero gave free chocolates?

"Seize the criminal," Sterry ordered, before he looked at Luffy with newfound courage and anger, "And surround him…"

The marines were shocked seeing the prince pointing at Luffy.

"But prince… he's your…" one of the marine captains wanted to say something, but Sterry cut him off.

"Are you questioning me marine?! Now that my parents are dead, that makes me the king!" Sterry screamed at the marine. For a boy, he sure did have a high pitched voice, "I will have your tongue for…"

But this time he was the one who couldn't finish his sentence. As he looked down and saw a blade that exited out of his chest. The prince coughed blood.

"You scream like a bitch." The pirate said, annoyed by the prince's high-pitched voice.

Luffy would have agreed if he didn't have some of the sweets stuffed in his mouth. But once he gulped them down he convinced himself otherwise.

"Oh, no… the useless price… no I mean the king is dead." Luffy said, handing the chocolates to Sparky. "How sad… as an honest citizen of this island, I can't let you go on your evil ways." Luffy grabbed the handle of the Horn's edge.

"You… I'm not done with you brat…" that's all the pirate could say, before he was beheaded.

The entire people around them looked at the scene with silence and awe. They didn't even see the blade move.

The pirate's head started rolling in the air. And funnily enough, it rolled and fell to a nearby fountain, dawning the water bloody red.

And the head seemed to be struggling. And before long it stopped.

"Well, there goes the captain of the black bitch pirates…" Luffy mumbled as Sparky jumped onto his shoulder before he disappeared from everyone's view with a sudden guest of wind.

Of course, Luffy didn't leave, but he didn't like people crowding him. It didn't matter if Sterry died or not, because the whole royal nobles in the kingdom were trash, with the main family dead, he was sure other trash would take its place. Not that Luffy cared. He just wanted the whole ordeal to over with so that he could buy his stuff.

And now he was waiting for something. Luffy was a bit far from where the incident happened, standing above one of the shop's roofs. And was looking at a certain fruit vendor. Waiting for something.

Sure enough one of the fruits started shaking, and so Luffy quickly snatched the fruit away. And he and Sparky looked in awe as the fruit transformed into one of the devil fruits.

Luffy looked at the fruit. The Claw Claw fruit… The ability of gaining claws is kind of subpar, but that level of regeneration, that's kind of op depending on who the user was.

But oh well, this could really be a useful fruit… the only reason why the pirate lost was cause he was relying too much on the fruit and sneak attacks.

A good fighter would have more use for this fruit's ability.

"This day was not a waste at all, huh." Luffy said grinning. Sparky nodded. "Let's get back shall we…"

With that, they were off.

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