One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 5: Training (1)

Ben woke up again after passing out. This was the second time in a single day. It was already night time. Ben looked at the lion's corpse, and his stomach growled. He was hungry, and he knew that he needed to eat. He used his skills from a camp he had attended in his previous life with his sister to create a fire. He cooked the lion over the flames.

As he was eating, Ben thought about the system. He wondered why it hadn't said anything to him since he had defeated the lion. 



He thought that maybe he needed to get stronger before the system would help him again or complete the quest. If anything, this has taught him not to rely on the system and he should do everything in his power to get stronger.

Ben decided to stay on the island and train his incubus form. He knew that he needed to be able to transform quickly and easily if he wanted to survive in the One Piece world.

The next day, Ben went out into the forest and looked for a challenge. He soon found a giant elephant, and he challenged it to a fight. The giant elephant was at least 5 meters tall, and it had a thick hide that was difficult to pierce. The elephant's skin was a dark gray color, and it was covered in wrinkles. Its tusks were a creamy white color, and they were curved like scimitars. The elephant's trunk was long and muscular, and it was used to grasp objects and to spray water. The elephant's eyes were small and black, and they were set deep in its head. Its ears were large and floppy, and they were used to help the elephant cool down. The giant elephant was a majestic creature, but it was also a deadly one. Ben knew that he would have to be very careful if he wanted to defeat it.

Ben tried to transform into his incubus form, but he struggled. The elephant charged. Ben dodged it by leaping to the right. The elephant charged again and Ben leaped to the left. He knew if he got hit while the elephant was charging it was game over for him. 

Ben tried to remember how he transformed last time. He thought about surviving before. He started to think again. The elephant was charging again towards Ben. He was determined to defeat it. He transformed into his incubus form, and he charged at the elephant.

The elephant was surprised by Ben's speed, and it was caught off guard. Ben landed a few punches on the elephant's trunk, and the elephant roared in pain. The elephant retaliated, and it swung its tusks at Ben. Ben dodged the attack, and he slashed the elephant's flank with his claws.

The elephant was bleeding, but it was still not defeated. It charged at Ben again, and this time it caught Ben with its trunk. The elephant lifted Ben up into the air, and it was about to crush him with its trunk. Ben punched the trunk with all his strength and was able to break free from the elephant's trunk. Then, Ben punched the elephant in the face, and the elephant staggered back. Ben then kicked the elephant in the stomach, and the elephant fell to the ground.

Ben was victorious, but he was also injured. However, he didn't pass out this time. He considered this progress. 

After the fight, Ben went out of the forest and back to his raft. He had stripped down and taken off his ripped shirt and jeans. He needed a shower. Ben took off his underwear. He looked down and saw his penis. His flaccid penis was about 5.5 inches and looked already thick. He guessed he would get bigger. Well at least that will help me in the harem quest, Ben thought. 

Ben bathed near the shore. and then went back into the forest. He thought of doing some hunting. 

A few hours later, Ben found a giant sheep. He challenged the sheep to a fight, and this time he was able to transform into his incubus form at will. It only took me two tries and I can transform at will. I guess I am the hero, Ben smiled to himself. 

The giant sheep was about the size of the elephant, and it had thick wool that was as white as snow. Its wool was so fluffy that it looked like a cloud. Its horns were as long as swords, and its eyes were as black as coal. The sheep was a formidable opponent, but Ben was determined to defeat it.

Ben knew that he would have to be careful if he wanted to defeat the sheep. The sheep's wool was so thick that it was almost impossible to pierce. Ben's claws and teeth could not penetrate the wool, and he was forced to use his fists.

The sheep was also very strong, and it was able to knock Ben to the ground with a single charge Ben was injured, but he was not defeated. He got back up and continued to fight.

Ben eventually found a way to defeat the sheep. He used his speed to his advantage, and he was able to land a few punches on the sheep's head. The sheep was stunned, and Ben was able to finish it off with a punch to the head that was so hard that it killed the sheep instantly..

Ben was victorious, but he was also injured. He had been hit with the horn and kicked, and he had a few broken bones. However, he could feel them being healed.  

Ben knew that he had to rest so he went back to the raft. Ben had dragged the sheep corpse with him so he could eat it later. After the sheep`s death, Ben found in this world, the sheep's underbelly wool was softer so he was able to pierce it with his claws.

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