Ninja World: I Have A Life Simulator

Chapter 56

Chapter 56: Itachi, did you and Uchiha Akira happen to be passing by? (5th more)

Is Uchiha Akira a genius? This is unquestionable in the whole ninja world!

Is it only seven years old now? But the Three Tomoe Sharingan has been awakened! It is the strength of Jōnin!

However, no matter what, he is only a seven-year-old child.

In the Uchiha clan, there are at least dozens of ninjas of Sangouyu, right?

Danzo is most concerned about the Fugaku patriarch, several elders, and people like Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui!

However, since he shot Shisui that time, he has encountered Uchiha Akira and Uchiha Itachi to save the game, and even he was beaten away, which made Danzo a little hard to accept!

As the head of the root organization, Danzo believes that in Konoha Village he is under one person and over ten thousand people!

How dare you get beaten up at Konoha Village? That’s kind of embarrassing!

Plus, Danzo finds it even weirder!

The planned attack, even Shisui didn’t know he was going to attack him!

Why did Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Akira happen to appear? This is not normal!

In this way, these days, they have been busy dealing with the most likely coup d’etat of the Uchiha family.

At the same time, Danzo’s mind was also thinking about this unreasonable place!

Just yesterday, Danzo took a photo that was not Kabuto as usual, said it was Kabuto, and gave it to Yakushi Nonoyu.

Suddenly, in my heart, I thought of Yakushi Kabuto!

I remember when I went to Cloud Shinobi Village to participate in the Chūnin assessment, Kabuto and Uchiha Akira were a team!

And, at that time, they actually blocked Orochimaru’s attack?

I was a little curious, wondering if Kabuto has any information about Uchiha Akira?

It was just a casual question, so Danzo found Kabuto and asked about Uchiha Akira!

In front of Danzo, Yakushi Kabuto naturally did not hide it, so he said what Uchiha Akira said, he has the ability to predict the crisis!

The day before Orochimaru’s attack, Uchiha Akira had predicted that Orochimaru would attack!

That’s why, by being prepared in advance, Might Guy was seriously injured and blocked his attack!

Shimura Danzō couldn’t sit still after learning about Uchiha Akira’s prophetic powers.

So, I found the Third Hokage to discuss this issue!

The ability of prophecy, this is a big variable that Konoha must take into account when he takes action against the Uchiha family!

Third Hokage heard what Shimura Danzō said, Uchiha Akira actually has a certain prophetic power?

This made his face become serious!

The ability of prophecy, if it is true, is indeed a big variable!

Especially when the Uchiha family is about to launch a coup, this ability is too variable!

So, how to deal with this ability?

Danzo had a good discussion with Third Hokage!

Slowly, a rough plan was finalized!

“Hiruzen, that’s enough for you!” However, Shimura Danzō and Third Hokage had big differences, and they fought hard and held opposing opinions!

“Before, you wanted Uchiha Shisui to dispel Uchiha’s intention to stage a coup!”

“Now, you want to use Uchiha Itachi against Uchiha Akira?”

“Aren’t you taking Uchiha’s power too seriously?”

Shimura Danzō really finds it hard to understand, why does Hiruzen like to use Uchiha’s people to deal with Uchiha? Isn’t he afraid of backfire?

“This is my decision, and I also believe that Uchiha Itachi understands what he is doing!” Third Hokage looked at Danzo and said with a strong attitude!

As Hokage’s own self, I have the right to go my own way!

Danzo can give himself advice, but it is up to him whether he listens to his advice or not!

In this way, the two fought a few more words, and Danzo left the Hokage office angrily!

On the third Hokage side, Uchiha Itachi was summoned!

So, after waiting for about ten minutes, Uchiha Itachi came to the third Hokage and knelt down on one knee!

“Itachi, on behalf of Konoha Village, I apologize first!”

His face still had a pleasant expression on his face, and Third Hokage gave the impression of being a kind old man.

Uchiha Itachi looked at the Third Hokage suspiciously, and clearly understood what it meant to apologize to himself for no reason!

“It’s about Shisui, I didn’t expect that Danzo would…”

The Third Hokage opened his mouth and explained to Uchiha Itachi what he had talked to Shisui and how Danzo attacked Shisui privately.

And said that after Uchiha’s affairs are finished, he will punish Danzo well and give Uchiha an explanation!

Uchiha Itachi who said these words was secretly moved!

“By the way, when I heard that Shisui was attacked, you and Uchiha Akira went to rescue. Was it a coincidence?” Finally, Third Hokage asked casually.

(Ask for flowers, ask for an evaluation ticket? What?~~~)*

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