Ninja World: I Have A Life Simulator

Chapter 55

Chapter 55: Danzo: What? Uchiha Akira also has the ability to predict (4th more)

Konoha, Hokage House!

“Danzo, you did a good job!” Third Hokage’s face showed an angry look, staring at Danzo in front of him and said!

Uchiha Shisui committed suicide. Originally, Third Hokage thought that it would be difficult for him to attack the Uchiha clan after all, so he had to choose between Konoha and Uchiha, and committed suicide!

However, the Third Hokage recently learned from Kakashi that Danzo had attacked Shisui, and Shisui’s death had nothing to do with Danzo!

“Hiruzen, I am also for the village!” Danzo replied calmly as he looked at the Third Hokage!

“For the sake of the village? If Shisui’s use of Distinguished Heavenly Gods can really distort the minds of Uchiha’s high-level officials, this is the best ending!” Third Hokage’s face was still full of anger!

Anger, Third Hokage’s heart is indeed very angry.

Originally, my plan was good, and by then, the entire power of Uchiha will be available to me!

And relying on Uchiha’s power, he can make Konoha Village more prosperous!

However, this matter was actually broken by Danzo!

Both public and private, Third Hokage was in a bad mood, and of course, full of anger towards Danzo!

“Indeed, if Shisui did it, it would be the best ending, but who knows if he would do it?”

“Hiruzen, relatively speaking, I still think Uchiha is inherently evil!”

“His Distinguished Heavenly Gods are too dangerous!”

Of course Shimura Danzō wouldn’t admit that the reason he attacked Shisui was for Hokage’s position.

Anyway, gritted his teeth and said that everything he did was for Konoha, and he had absolutely no selfishness!

“I believe in Shisui, I believe he is the same as Mirror!” Third Hokage emphasized!

“So, you have your thoughts, and I also have mine. You protect Konoha with your thoughts, and I protect Konoha with my thoughts!”

Danzo still has a sense of righteousness firmly occupied by himself.

“Danzo, don’t forget, I’m Hokage!” Seeing Danzo’s appearance, Third Hokage couldn’t help but remind him!

“After Uchiha’s affairs are finished, I will rectify your roots!” Without giving Danzo a chance to say more, Third Hokage announced immediately!

This has to wait until the Uchiha family’s affairs are finished, but Danzo is not in a hurry!

“Hiruzen, I’m here today, and I have something very important to inform you!” Danzo said after he didn’t bother to rectify his own roots any more!

“What’s the matter?” Third Hokage’s expression was still not very good, and he asked casually!

“It’s about Uchiha Akira!” Danzo said!

“Uchiha Akira? I heard that he has opened Three Tomoe Sharingan!?”

Hearing this, Third Hokage’s face also became a little ugly!

As Konoha’s now well-known genius and a member of Uchiha’s clan, Third Hokage is of course more concerned about Uchiha Akira’s situation!

Judging from the age, it will be seven years old soon, right?

At the age of seven, he opened the Sharingan of Sangouyu? Have the power of Jōnin?

To be honest, every time I think of this, Third Hokage’s heart is also secretly amazed!

It is said that Konoha is the cradle of genius, but no matter how genius, compared with Uchiha Akira, it seems that he can’t make it at all!

“Not just talent, but more importantly, Uchiha Akira has a special ability, do you know what’s going on?” Danzo asked the Third Hokage afterward!

“Special ability?” Third Hokage looked at Danzo inquiringly with surprised eyes!

Uchiha clan, the blood follower limit is Sharingan!

However, what special ability does he have?

This made Third Hokage’s heart secretly surprised!

“Prophecy!” Danzo followed!

“Prophecy!?” Those words made Third Hokage’s expression change involuntarily! As Jiraiya’s teacher.

Mount Myōboku has a Great Toad Sage with the power of prophecy, and Sarutobi Hiruzen also knows the news!

However, this Uchiha Akira actually has the power of prophecy?

“I’ve never heard of the Uchiha people, they have such power!” Third Hokage looked at Danzo and said seriously!

“I’ve never heard of it either!”

“However, they were a group before, but these days, I have been wondering why Shisui reached the limit in the first place, and Uchiha Akira and Itachi just happened to show up to save him?”

“Yesterday, I just found out from Kabuto!”

“It turns out that Uchiha Akira has the ability to predict the future!

“Before, they were able to make Orochimaru’s attack come back in vain because Uchiha Akira knew about Orochimaru’s attack a day in advance!” Danzo followed! *

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