Naruto : Hidden Cloud

Scary Sato

It took Sato's group half an hour to finish their entrance exams.

Sato got the highest score in Kumo's history, he had created a new record in the hidden cloud academy.

'I remember only Itachi and Minato created records in their academy days, I am the same as them for hidden cloud huh?'

Sato smiled softly after realising this, it was a weird feeling to have, being compared to such mega geniuses in some way was weird.

Sato felt even more weird as he was from a world where this world was fictional, he had seen Itachi and Minato as drawings before yet now he is being compared to them.

"Haha, this is fun."

Sato laughed loudly, which made some people in the class look at him.

He didn't care about them and waited patiently for the teacher to come.

The teacher came to the class after 2 more minutes, and then the introduction sessions began.

"I am going to become the Raikage."

Sato finished his introduction with a smile and received a class full of applause.

Everyone was trying to get his attention, even the teacher was trying to get on his good side, which made Sato realise how big his influence had gotten nowadays.

But after about half an hour of attending his first class, Sato excused himself and left the classroom with his group, it was time to fight Darui and officially claim his position as the next Raikage.

"We left the academy on our first day, is this okay?"

Hinata asked with concern, Sato patted her cheek and said with a grin.

"Everything is fine, with my influence we can act as we want in the academy."

"Raikage told me to attend the academy whenever I feel like it, he gave me exclusive permission to skip classes because I am being trained by sister already."

Sato stretched himself and explained.

"The only reason we are attending the academy is to build connections and create a public image."

"This is a social gathering for us."

Everyone in Sato's group realised why they joined the academy.

They were wondering why they were here when they clearly didn't need it, now everything made sense.

Sato was doing everything for his political image.

"Sato sama, I don't understand one thing."

"Why is everyone acting like you are already the Raikage's heir, when the test for the position is still remaining?"

"You are going to fight Darui right now, if you lose you will not become the next Raikage."

Haku asked Sato with confusion, he didn't understand why everyone was acting as if Sato was already the chosen one.

Karui smiled after hearing this question, she proudly told Haku what was going on.

"Haku, you joined us last year so you don't know Sato sama's past actions."

"He single-handedly destroyed Konoha's plan and made an alliance with the Hyuga."

"He is the greatest genius our hidden cloud has seen till date, and he is connected with the Raikage family through Yugito Nii sama."

Karui flipped her red hair and laughed.

"So no matter what happens Sato sama will become the Raikage, even if he loses to Darui, everyone will pretend that didn't happen."

"Of course, it will be best if he wins, losing to Darui will be bad for his image."

Sato nodded after Karui finished speaking, she was smart and had already understood the facts.

In these two years Sato had made a lot of political connections with the village high level.

As for why so many high level people decided to support him? It was due to his Ichiraku Ramen business taking off.

Sato was rolling in money and many wanted a piece of the profit, Sato gave them money in exchange for their political support.

This was his safety net, now even if he made mistakes in the future, everything will be forgiven.

"You know Haku, My Ichiraku business isn't a small stall anymore, It's a nation wide food chain."

"So many people of the hidden cloud are connected to my business, that I control 30% of the village economy by default."

"Do you understand what that means? I am the guy who can cause an economic shift if I want, I already have authority comparable to the Raikage."

Sato smirked and told Haku how big his reach in the village was.

Haku was shocked after hearing this, he thought Sato was just a genius, a future powerhouse, but he didn't know that Sato was already a symbol of authority.

When Sato's opponents were still training themselves desperately, Sato went ahead and made himself a village high level.

"I see, so this fight is fake, you are already the next Raikage."

"To be exact, for the economy to remain stable they have to make you the next Raikage."

"You hold the lifeblood of this village in your hands at such a young age, how scary."

Haku said emotionally, he was smart enough to realise what Sato had done.

His master was a very scary man, it wasn't his power which scared Haku but it was his mind.

Haku knew how to fight and he was good at it too, but he was sure he could never win against Sato.

It was because Sato dosen't need to fight someone to beat them, Sato controlled the economy, he controlled money, he can just ban a ninja from receiving mission rewards.

Sato can essentially stop that ninja from getting paid, one word from him and that ninja will never earn a single penny again.

"How scary.."

Haku sighed once again, but this time he received an answer from someone unexpected.


"You are right, Sato is scary, I really don't want to fight him anymore."

Darui flickered before their group and yawned.

He was here to fight Sato but his eyes were full of hesitation.

He wasn't an idiot, he knew this match was fixed, he had to lose, if he ended up winning there was a big chance he will be in trouble.

Now his only concern was if he should hurt Sato a bit before losing.

That's right, Darui still believed that he could beat Sato, he never once thought that he would lose.

What he didn't know was that he had a surprise waiting for him in this fight, Sato wasn't the same boy he was two years ago.

This wasn't a fight Darui could win from the very beginning, he was about to recieve the hardest beatdown of his life in a few seconds.

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