Naruto : Hidden Cloud



Sato laughed at Darui while cracking his knuckles.

"We are basically at the training ground already, let's start the fight."

Darui raised his eyebrows and looked back, the training ground was still a street away from them.

"What are you talking about? The training ground is back there-"


Darui stopped mid sentence because Sato flickered infront of him faster than he could see.

Giving Darui a large grin, Sato prepared his fist.

"No, you are already at the training ground."


Somehow Darui managed to raise his hands and block Sato's punch.


But there was so much force behind this attack that his body was blasted towards the training ground.

He rolled down onto the dirt ground but somehow managed to stop the momentum using his legs.

"Huff huff huff, that was harsh, go a little easy on your friend Sato."

Darui got up with shaking legs, his hands were swollen and he could feel he had broken his wrist bones.

He still had a smile on his face but internally Darui was panicking.

'How does he have so much strength and speed! I couldn't even see his movements.'

'It looks like the rumours were true, Sato has been training with Raikage sama for two years, he has managed to learn Raikage sama's fighting style.'

'He's completely different from how he was two years ago.'

Darui was sweating and trying hard to move his hands, but Sato's attack had totally caught him off guard, he was sure his hands were broken.

'But I haven't lost yet, he will think I can't use ninjutsu without my hands, after all I can't make any handsigns.'

'But he dosen't know about my storm release light fang, this is my deadliest jutsu and it doesn't need handsigns.'

Storm release light fang was a storm release justu which Madara used in the war arc, it was one of his strongest justus and could cut through a truth seeking orb.

But most importantly, it could be used via the mouth, no hand signs were needed for it.

Darui knew how to use this justu too, he had natural storm release and had studied under Third Raikage when he was a child, he knew a lot about his kekkei genkai.

"What happened? Did I one punch you? Want to call me Saitama to feel better?"

Sato walked forward with his hands in his pockets, his hair was flowing upwards because of the wind and he had a large smile on his face.

Back then Darui had humiliated him with his speed and the firepower of storm release, he had essential one shotted Sato that time.

Now Sato did the same thing to him, Darui couldn't even react to Sato's speed and lost in one attack.

'Revenge has been served.'

Sato's smiling face widened, he had won, but his black eyes were still staring at Darui.

He had a feeling that Darui didn't accept his defeat yet, Sato had faught with Killer B before so he knew when someone was trying to do something sneaky.

Killer B was a master of cheating, he was really good at doing sneaky stuff.

The man was so good that in the orginal story he managed to trick a Mangekyo owner like Sasuke into thinking he was dead.

And he did this with a basic transformation and substitution justu.

'Killer B has cheated me so many times in our fights that I can instinctively sense when someone is about to do something sneaky.'

Sato smiled wryly in his mind, he was thinking of all the times when he was betrayed by Killer B.

"Darui, if you have something up your sleeve, use it now."

"I know you are waiting for the right time to do something, do it now, or you won't get the chance to do anything."

Sato smugly looked down at the fallen Darui, he and Darui had become friends in these two years but this was a fight of honour, Sato couldn't afford to go easy on him.

Darui looked surprised when Sato revealed his hidden plans, he was sure he was hiding his thoughts well.

"How did you know..? Forget it, don't tell me, your mind is so sharp I can't keep up with you anyway."

Darui shook his head and then looked at Sato with a smile.

"But Sato, I am not the only one who can't keep up."

Sato's eyes abruptly shrunk, his face changed into a betrayed one but it was too late, Daru has opened his mouth and fired a laser at point blank range.

This was a laser travelling at the speed of light, Sato didn't have enough speed to dodge this attack.


"Darui.. how could you.."

Sato looked down with wide eyes, the laser had cut through his waist and burned the wound close.


His helpless body fell down in two pieces onto the ground, raising dust and dirt in the air.

"Sato sama!!!"

Karui yelled with fear and ran towards Sato, the remaining three members of Sato's squad rushed towards Darui with anger.

"You monster! What did you do!"

Haku angrily used ice release on the ground, large spiky walls of ice grew towards Darui.

"Hey hey wait up!"

Darui somehow jumped up and spat out another storm release light fang from his mouth.


Which destroyed the ice wall in one shot, but Sato's team didn't stop, Neji and Hinata jumped towards Darui with their Byakugan active.



Both attacked Darui with extreme speed and anger, but Darui was dodging every attack without even using his hands.

The ease at which Darui was dealing with their group made them understand how strong he really was, just because he lost to Sato didn't mean Darui wasn't strong.

It simply meant Sato was that much stronger than Darui, but Darui shamelessly sneak attacked their master and killed him.

"Hey! I said wait up, Sato, help me out here, your group is going crazy on me!"

Darui dodged another one of Hinata's anger filled gentle fist and exclaimed loudly, he was talking to a tree on the side.


And right when he spoke, Sato walked out from behind that tree.

"Now you want my help? Bastard you cut me half! What was your plan if this was my real body and not a clone!?

Sato angrily scolded Darui who shook his head in surrender.

"I wouldn't have cleaved you so strongly if you weren't a clone! I learnt a sensing justu in these two years, I could sense that your chakra was off."

"I knew it was your clone when that happened, trust me, I am sorry alright, just stop them from attacking me!"

Darui somehow again ran from the angry Hinata and Neji's attacks.

Their anger was much less now after realising that Sato wasn't hurt, but they still wanted to beat up Darui because he used such a deadly attack in this fight.

And Sato wasn't going to stop them either.

"No, get beaten up you bastard, aren't you a genius, deal with them then ahahaha!"

Sato laughed heartily and went back the other way, Darui panicked after seeing him leave.

He was having a hard time dodging Hinata, she really wanted to beat him up for some reason, he didn't understand why she was so angry at him.


And then it happened, Darui made a mistake in dodging and Hinata touched his leg with a gentle fist attack.


Which made Darui's leg paralysed, he fell face first on the ground.

"... Can we talk about it?"

Darui smiled awkwardly, but Hinata, Neji, Haku and Karui had surrounded him.

"What do you think?"

Neji scowled at him and then the beatdown began, after that fateful day Darui avoided facing Sato for an entire year.

He had learnt his lesson, never fight against Sato of the hidden cloud.

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