Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 37 Legislation

"Are you ready?"

Kronos asked in front of a palace complex on the top of the sacred mountain.

Although he was not in charge of the 'legislation', as the king of gods, he would also have a share of the world's rewards.

"Of course, what about your decree?"

The twelve hundred years had left no trace on Themis. On the contrary, years of running around had made her eyes more steady and sharp. She looked at Kronos and asked him for the last thing needed for legislation.

"Use this, the scepter of the king of gods."

"My brother who dominates the outer sea is extremely powerful. In addition to the mountain gods of Urya and the star gods in the sky, his descendants alone are more than the gods of Chaos."

Kronos' voice was flat, and there was no extra emotion when he talked about Oceanus.

His former elder brother used the essence of the sea and the origin of the priesthood to forge a scepter of the sea for himself to command the sea. So Kronos followed suit and forged a scepter of his own.

But once the Sea King's Scepter came out, thousands of ocean gods obeyed. And no one cares about Kronos's decree of the king of the gods until now.

The command cannot be issued from the God Mountain, this is Kronos now. Even the earth has long been occupied by many river gods, lake gods, and mountain gods. In their eyes, the ranking of the king of the gods is basically a fact that does not need to be stated.

"It's not a good thing to follow others, Kronos. The gods will remember the first one, but few people know the second one."

Taking the scepter inlaid with three-color gems, Themis reminded her brother.

This is the sentence she heard from Lyanna, and the goddess of justice feels that it makes sense.

For thousands of years, she has visited the spirit world many times, and then reproduced what she learned on Mount Odilus. She did not take it without asking, because Lyon was happy to see it happen. Themis's behavior not only did not harm his interests, but also accelerated his absorption of Chaos' related source power.

"Maybe. But the strongest one is also the first, isn't it?"

Kronos' voice was much more confident than hundreds of years ago, or rather, the growing power of the God King gave him this confidence, and he was already planning to do something.

The God King inlaid three gems on the scepter, hoping that one day he could use it to command the sky, the earth and the ocean. On that day, perhaps he would have the confidence to fight against the curse left by the Father, or even the unspeakable fate.

However, unlike Kronos, in the face of the God King's response, Themis nodded, but she was not optimistic about her brother in her heart.

Unless he can have the power comparable to the original god and become the king of gods in the true sense, otherwise the "strongest one" is just empty talk.

But Kronos couldn't do this at all relying on his priesthood alone. [Sky] has the potential for great divine power, because the Father is the incarnation of the sky. But Kronos, even if Themis didn't know that he was missing the origin, he originally only occupied more than 30% of the origin of time and space in the present world.

To become a true god king, you must have powerful power. But to have powerful power, Kronos can only rely on the power of the god king, which is basically a dead end.

In the future, Zeus successfully broke the deadlock with faith, but the second generation of god kings at this time did not have that condition.

"I'm going to start."

Speaking softly, Themis no longer delayed. Everything is ready, she is already a little impatient.

Hearing this, Kronos on the side quickly dodged. When the legislation begins, the rules of the entire present world will be gathered here. Except for the legislator himself, even the original god dare not face this endless chain of order at this time.

After all, the so-called "present world" is actually the consciousness of Chaos in the eyes of the gods. Including the law vision at the birth of the gods, it only occurs in the present world and does not affect other places. The truly complete Chaos includes everything in the world, but the gods only touch its side that is more orderly. This part includes most of the sky, all the land, most of the ocean and the core of the underworld.

Outside the present world is the land of eternal night, the lightless realm, the bottomless abyss, the edge of the starry sky and the sea, and some dangerous places in the underworld.

There, the chaotic part of Chaos is dominant, and the power of the gods will even be weakened there. Only those who touch the great power can not be affected by it.

Seeing Kronos retreat, Themis pursed her lips. She took a step forward and stood at the highest point of the mountain.

The next moment, the goddess of justice grasped the scepter of the king of gods, and the vast power on her body began to surge. It was not only the power of her medium power, but also the part of the king of gods temporarily given to her by the scepter.

Under the dual effects of divine power and divine authority, in the dark, a part of Chaos' instinct, the laws of the world began to open the door to the goddess under the guidance of the priesthood of [Law].

Instantly, Themis seemed to see the chaotic source of power accumulated between the chains of order. It was a relic from the beginning of creation. They were not rare outside the present world. But in places dominated by order, their existence itself made the flow of laws seem much more difficult.

So Themis raised her right hand. Silently, the brass-colored ancient book that looked like jade but not jade, like stone but not stone, opened its cover. New words began to appear on the book that originally engraved the calendar and the order of the spiritual world.

As part of the agreement, she used spiritual text to write, so the part of the original spiritual text that was connected to the [Law] was strengthened.

The divine power in the body is becoming more and more intense. With the emergence of the handwriting on the [Code of Creation], chains of laws appear from the void, rushing towards the artifact. In this process, not only does the chain of laws itself seem to be "purified", but also a trace of invisible power emerges, which is quietly injected into the code, slowly increasing its power.

This invisible power is of extremely high nature. With every additional trace, the breath of the artifact becomes stronger and more complete. Themis knows that this is the attributeless source power that Chaos transformed from chaos. In addition to the code as a medium, this source power is also continuously poured into her body, turning into a part of the [Law] priesthood.

Although Themis's divine power has not increased, her upper limit has been opened. The road to powerful divine power has been paved by her.

So under the gaze of Kronos and the secret observation of the Lord of the Spirit World, the Goddess of Law held up the [Code] and declared to the laws of the world:

"I am the Lord of Law granted by Chaos, the Titan God of old, the holder of the scepter of the God King, and the writer of the [Code of Creation]."

"In the name of order, I am here to make a covenant for the present world."




At the same time, when Themis held up the [Code], invisible waves spread out. The entire Chaos world, all the gods with medium or higher powers looked in the direction of Mount Odysseus.

There, the laws of Chaos's present world are being rewritten.

I swear that I must finish revising the chapters to be published tomorrow. Typing is not particularly tiring for me, but I don't want to move at all after I finish typing and revising. I always drag it until the evening, autism.jpg

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