Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 36: Gathering of the Gods

Lian casually enlightened an alternative goddess of beauty, and he didn't take it to heart.

Keto actually had no presence in later generations. Only her monster children appeared in human epics, and then used to highlight the great achievements of demigod "heroes".

As a monster, compared with Typhon, the king of all monsters, she is not even as good as Typhon's descendants.

But now, as a god, Keto may leave some new traces in the history of Chaos.


Since the birth of Metis, Keto has been reborn, and another seven hundred years have passed.

The world never revolves around one person. Although Ryan has lived in seclusion for seven hundred years, it has not affected the prosperity of Chaos' world at all.

A hundred years after returning to the spirit world, a bright moon hung again in the sky of Chaos, which had been dim for nine hundred years. That was the daughter of Hyperion and Theia, the moon goddess Selene.

This goddess, who should have been powerful in her original trajectory, was extremely weak because she had lost all concepts related to the moon. Her limit was only weak divine power, thanks to the moon being the largest luminous celestial body in the night sky.

This incident greatly annoyed Hyperion. He suppressed his son because the sun could not be divided into two parts, but Selene, as his daughter, should have been his best helper in ruling the starry sky, but the result disappointed him greatly.

For this reason, Hyperion hesitated for a long time, but he finally came to the underworld. After all, in his opinion, as long as he did not seek prophecy from Ryan and let himself be caught in the net of fate, the so-called spiritual god would not be scary.

The two gods of the dark night who had retreated probably made the same mistake as two generations of god kings and tied their own hands and feet because of the prophecy.

Therefore, Hyperion searched everywhere in the underworld. He tried to find Ryan and let him return the concept of the moon. The sun god was unwilling to trouble himself for a sister with whom he had an average relationship, but it was different for his daughter who was expected to have powerful divine power.

But in the face of Hyperion's actions, Ryan was too lazy to pay attention, so after searching for several years, the sun god could only release power around the dark moon in anger, but he couldn't touch the light body in front of him.

Hyperion, who returned empty-handed, went to Kronos again. He thought that Ryan relied on the order of the God King to take away Selene's power. As long as Kronos canceled this order, the concept of the moon would return to its original owner.

But Kronos decisively rejected the other party. Not to mention that the previous ownership of the "moon" was his oath to the world, even if it was not, he would not give this brother who had always been at odds with him a good face.

Besides, others don't know, but Kronos knows it very well. Referring to his own origin of time and space, it is known that the concept of [moon] may indeed be controlled by Ryan because of the authority of the God King before it converged in the past; but after it passed, it was probably gone without return.

So in order to cover up the truth of his own origin loss, Kronos is even less likely to agree to this rude request.

Hyperion was furious after being rejected repeatedly, but he was helpless as he felt the increasingly powerful aura of the God King. In the end, he had to return to the sky and vent his anger to the surroundings.

So during that time, the sun in the sky released its power wantonly, and the temperature of the whole world rose accordingly. Fortunately, the earth at this time was basically full of gods, so there was no disaster. However, because of this incident, Chaos, the third generation of gods, also learned that in the underworld, there was an ancient god who controlled the moon and spirituality, but he rarely came out.

After a few years, Astraeus and Eos were born one after another. The former is the son of Eurybia, the god of weather and sea power, and the god of stars. The latter is Hyperion's second daughter, the goddess of dawn.

Unlike the records in the myth, there was no rape this time. In other words, Ryan didn't think this myth was true. It is said that Eos was cursed by the goddess of love and beauty to fall in love with mortals, but judging from her later actions, she did not seem like a goddess who kept herself clean.

So just over a hundred years later, the two new gods came together spontaneously. They gave birth to the four wind gods and many star gods, most of whom were quasi-gods without priesthood.

There was only one exception among the star gods, and she was Estrella, the star of justice and the goddess of purity. Although she was not powerful, as a genuine true god, she was regarded as a leader by a group of star gods.

The wind gods Anemies were much more powerful. They tore off part of the priesthood from their grandfather, the god of weather, and represented the winds in four directions.

They were Boreas, the god of the north wind, Notos, the god of the south wind, Oros, the god of the east wind, and Zephyros, the god of the west wind. With their birth, the airflow in Chaos became more variable.

At the same time, on the land and in the ocean, the three ash goddesses and the three goddesses of revenge were born one after another.

They were transformed from the blood of Uranus, the former was called Meliades, and the latter was called Erinyes.

Perhaps because of the danger of the sea, Keto had drunk the blood of the three goddesses of vengeance before they were born, so they regarded Keto as their eldest sister and stayed in the ocean with her.

The three ash tree goddesses came to Mount Odilus to pay homage to the God King, and were brought by Rhea, who had become the Queen of God.

On the other side, Iapetus on the sacred mountain also had his own son of God. He and his niece Clymene, the daughter of the Lord of the Ocean, gave birth to three gods successively, and they all became famous in later generations.

The original god of strength, and later the sky-supporter Atlas. The creator of bronze humans, the foresighted fire thief Prometheus, and the late-awakening fool Epimetheus.

Unlike his two weak brothers, Atlas showed extraordinary power since the day he was born, and had the potential to become a powerful god.

For this reason, the Lord of the Ocean came to congratulate his nephew/grandson on his birth and wished him never to be invaded by the ocean.

Of course, while his brothers were working hard, Oceanus, who loved childbearing, was not idle.

Over the past seven hundred years, thousands of children were born in the world of Chaos, and rivers and lakes began to spread all over the land.

Most of them were regional gods, but there were still a few true gods. They were Eurynome of the water grass pasture, Perseis, the goddess of boiling water, Pronoa, the goddess of foresight, Doris, the goddess of gentleness, and Philura, the goddess of healing.

Because of the increase in children, the conflict between Pontus and Oceanus became more intense. Their children had fought several times on the sea, but there was no obvious result.

However, anyone with a discerning eye could see that if it were not for the concern for the king of gods on the sacred mountain, perhaps the war between these two sea gods would have broken out long ago.

In addition, during the birth of many gods, something happened that puzzled the gods.

It was probably a thousand years after Kronos ascended the throne, and many mountain gods and river gods on earth noticed that a emerald green light flew out from the ground and headed towards the residence of the Earth Mother by the East Sea.

After that, Chaos Earth shook inexplicably for three years. It was the anger of the Earth Mother, but there was no follow-up result.

Later, the God King Kronos came to visit the Earth Mother to borrow the [Life Bottle], but returned empty-handed. It was not until the Goddess of Justice and the Queen of Gods Rhea came with him to ask for it that they got what they wanted.

But to the disappointment of the three Titan gods, as the source of Chaos' life, the [Life Bottle] can indeed create living beings, but none of them have consciousness.

In desperation, Themis had to give up the idea of ​​creating life and continue her preparations.

So hundreds of years passed, and the preparations that lasted for 1,500 years came to an end. On this day, the god of justice and law finally stood on Mount Odile and began to legislate for the world.

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