Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 5 - Wand and grocery store first guest

After a few words of greeting, Hermione chose her wand and ran from the counter: “Dad, see I have a wand.” After seeing Ryan, he asked with a little surprise, “Ryan? You also want to go to Huo Gwarts? “


At this time, Mr. Granger and Mr. Lambert greeted each other, and held Hermione to say: “There are still a lot of things on the list that I haven’t bought. I think we’ll be quicker.” After that, he and his son and Ryan left Wand shop.

After saying goodbye to Granger’s father and daughter, Ryan came to the counter. He found an old man who looked very energetic standing behind the counter. This should be Mr. Olivander. He had light-colored eyes. The store is like two moons.

“Hello, I’m Ryan Liang. I need a magic wand to go to Hogwarts this year.” Ryan greeted a little nervously.

“Oh, a newcomer, let me see what kind of wand you are suitable for.” Ollivander took the tape measure out of his pocket. “Which arm do you use for the wand?”

“Ah, it should be the right hand.” Lane replied.

The tape measure is now wrapped around like a rattan, and Ryan starts to automatically measure the data of each part of the body. Ollivander took this opportunity to take some boxes from the back cabinet. “Wands are not mass-produced, and each one is unique, so I need to pass tests to find the right user for my wand.”

The tape measure quickly finished measuring the body data, and rolled into a ball under Ryan’s feet. “So Mr. Ryan, try this wand, made of ebony and unicorn hair. Eight inches and a half long. It’s very flexible.”

Lane waved a sudden, a box suddenly flew out of the cabinet, almost hit his head.

It seems that the probability of hitting the bullseye for the first time is not high.

“Then try this again, holly wood, snake nerve, 11 inches long”


When testing the seventh wand, as soon as he held the wand handle, Ryan felt a warm current suddenly spread all over his body, and some Mars shot from the head of the wand.

“Ah, great, you fit this wand very well.” Mr. Ollivander said with a smile.

He put this wand in a long box, wrapped it in brown paper, and said in his mouth: “Pinewood, phoenix feathers, twelve inches long, is a wand that is very picky to the owner, you are lucky.”

After paying Olivander eight gallons, Ryan and his father left the wand shop.

After some purchases, there are only more than 70 gallons left on his body. Considering that Hogwarts has to eat and live, so much money is enough in the school.

Finally, they went out of the broken cauldron bar and called a taxi, and took home big and small things.

After tea time, Ms. Sally kept asking the father and son about today ’s experience. They spent a lot of time to calm down the boss ’curiosity at home. While eating scones, Mr. Lambert asked Lane: “Do you think the wizards can write novels by themselves?”

Ryan thought of the reporter ’s quill pen in the fifth grade and said: “I think the wizards can make their pens move, and they may even have automatic correction pens, but dad will write it yourself if you want. It is estimated that there will be no novel pens. “After listening, Mr. Lambert shook his head a little disappointed.


After the holiday, Ryan was immersed in the research of a large number of textbooks at hand, and occasionally went to the nearby park or fast food restaurant Hermione Loli to discuss the problems encountered while reading. Seriously, Ryan thought about staying away from the protagonists, but later thought that as an eleven-year-old child, he began to alienate the only acquaintance who could go together after knowing that he would go to a strange place. How could he think about this kind of thing, so suspicious In the future, it is better to let it go.

Since this period of time was the only time when it was possible to cast spells in the non-magic world, Ryan used all the spells on the books for more than twenty days. Unfortunately, only some very simple spells can be used. It seems The magic spell can’t be used without knowing the spell, and it’s the same reason that you can’t practice peerless martial art only by looking at the cheats.

On the last night before heading to Hogwarts, Ryan packed his luggage and prepared to go to bed early. Suddenly a sound came from the system in my mind.

There are guests coming, please do the reception work——

Ryan immediately got up and stopped. After thinking about it, I put a part of the magic plant seeds purchased in Diagon Alley together with the breeding manual in the bag, and then I went to the grocery store.

Entering the grocery store, Ryan found that there was no change here and when he left last time, just beside the flower pot on the shelf, there was an extra glass bottle with a lot of golden particles in the size of soybeans.

Took the bottle. A message passed.

——Crystal sunlight, a special product of small planting base, producing one plant every two hours. Can be used to catalyze plant growth and provide sunlight.

——Using method, it needs to be buried in the roots of plants and meet the needs of water and fertilizer. When you need sunlight, please soak the crystals in the water, which can provide equatorial noon sunshine for an hour within a radius of five meters. Of course, if crushed, you can get a burst of five times the brightness of sunlight in three seconds.

Previously, Ryan asked the system to plant new plants in his own yard. Because when the house was empty, zombies would not be interested, so apart from the outermost pea shooter, other places planted sunlight mushrooms and sunflowers in half. Now that small courtyard is full, more than one hundred crystals of sunlight can be produced in one day.

After reading the new items, Ryan sat behind the counter and let the system let in the guests. There was a twist in the air at the door, and a middle-aged white man in a thick fur coat came in. The man had thick snow on his shoulders, as if he had just come from the ice and snow.

After the man entered the door, he might feel a little hot and unbuttoned himself. Ryan found that he was wearing a gorgeous Victorian dress.

He saw Ryan behind the counter, showing an incredible expression, and his footsteps paused, but he finally walked to the counter and said solemnly: “Boy, I and my people are in trouble. When I was desperate, I was guided here by the sound of my life, hoping that destiny did not make me a cruel joke. “

Ryan said: “Can you tell me what went wrong? Only by knowing what happened, can I be sure I can help you”

This middle-aged man began to introduce the dilemma he faced, from his words London, global cooling, steam core and winter house. Ryan knew that this uncle came from the winter house in the ice age of the previous game. They were the people who chose to take the fearless ship after the energy tower exploded. However, the difficulty of this transfer exceeded expectations, leading them to lack all the resources they need.

Hearing this, Ryan began to recommend plants to his uncle: “I have three plants here, two can produce sunlight during the day and night, and the other can normally produce 7-10 adult fists per day. Large pea, the pea soup made from each pea after grinding can serve the needs of an adult a day. “

After listening to the detailed introduction, the middle-aged man grabbed Ryan’s hand excitedly and kept thanking him. After his emotions calmed down, Ryan asked: “I’m asking for an equivalent exchange here. What are you going to exchange with me?”

Middle-aged man shuddered: “We left in a hurry when we left the United Kingdom. We only brought survival supplies and no money.”

Ryan looked at the valuation table given by the system and said: “I ca n’t use your paper money either. I have a wide range of payment methods here, from precious metals, materials and technology. The things I provide can save your life. , You should also come up with something of similar preciousness. “

The man thought for a while and said, “You give me the seedlings and breeding techniques of these three plants. I use our most critical differential machine, energy tower and robot technology to exchange with you.”

“The deal, although your technology tree is completely different from mine, I definitely don’t need it.” As soon as Ryan’s words fell, a space door emerged around the man, and a golden light flowed out. , Turned into a book on the empty shelf, with a golden cover on the cover and the “Winter House Industrial Manual” written on it.

After confirming that the payment was received, Ryan gave all the plants and a book in the bag to the middle-aged man. At the same time, hand over the bottle full of sunlight crystals: “It takes time for plants to grow and grow, you can use this to rescue.”

The middle-aged man’s eyes are a little wet, and he pulls out a delicate gold-shell pocket watch from his arms and puts it in Ryan’s hand. UU reading www.uukanshu. com “Thank you for your help, this is the most valuable thing in me, I hope to express my gratitude to you.”

After finishing, he bowed to Ryan, turned and dragged a large cloth bag with plants and left.

Then the sound came from the system——

You saved a city, changed your destiny, and gained 3 offset points——

Offset point? what is this?

Lane looked at the system display panel, and found that in addition to the connected world, the data column of offset point was added.

It turns out that as long as his actions affect the original destiny of a certain world, different amounts of offset points can be obtained depending on the degree and the world.

Offset points can be used to randomly open the door to a certain world or to open the door to the guest world that has passed through the grocery store. It can also be used to master power. In the grocery store, general knowledge obtained from the transaction can be instilled into Ryan ’s brain for free. But in terms of extraordinary power, the greater the difference from the world in which Ryan lives, the more deviation points are needed to learn quickly.

For example, if Ryan wants to learn internal force, reading and explaining only takes time and luck to learn. After using the offset point, he can master it instantly.

After figuring out the purpose of the offset point, Ryan opened a space door to the world of Plants vs. Zombies and handed over the promised magic plant seeds to the crazy Dave.

A dozen minutes later, Ryan appeared empty-handed in the grocery store, because Dave said he could only decide what to pay for by determining the purpose of these seeds, but fortunately, his seeds provided inspiration for Dave ’s new plant development. , So 1 offset point is obtained.

After finishing all this, Ryan left the grocery store and returned to his bed, waiting for the moment to go to Hogwarts the next day.

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