Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 4 - Diagon Alley and unexpected acquaintances

After breakfast the next day, Mr. Lambert took Lane to take the subway to Charing Cross Street, which was only about half an hour away from their home.

On the road, Ryan kept thinking about the world of Harry Potter.

In the novel, the magic world is not the kind of high-magic world where demigods are as many as dogs, lich walks everywhere, and transcendents dominate. But from some perspectives, the transcendent side of the world is not that simple.

For example, in the realm of life, there are magic stones that can live forever. A time converter that can be used by a little girl in the time domain. In the field of space, the space expansion spell and teleportation popularized by adult wizards. There are even lucky potions that may affect cause and effect and fate. These things, especially some curses about the popularization of space and mind, can be said to be hundreds of years ahead of the technology side of this world.

The magic of this world is probably not as simple as imagined. After all, Rowling wrote a fairy tale, just a part of the wizarding world.

As for the combat effectiveness of the wizard, even the little dwarf Peter, who is considered a crappy wizard, can blow up half a street. This only shows that the wizarding world is not capable of combat, but that many things related to combat have been deleted from school education, and this knowledge can only be passed on through the family.

Thinking of Ryan’s relief here, he had a grocery store in the world. He should be able to make up for the shortcomings of ordinary people who lacked some knowledge. After all, he went to school in the same year as the savior. It will certainly not be stable in a few years.

It seems that the previous life plan needs to be changed. Now the main goal is to improve strength. After all, the magic world is still the strength. Otherwise, why is Dumbledore the leader of the wizards instead of Fudge.

Was thinking, and suddenly Mr. Lambert walked in front and stopped.

“Here it is, here is No. 24 Charing Cross Street … No. 28, eh, why there is no No. 26?”

Lean looked up and saw in front of him an old and dilapidated bar, with a wooden sign on it that reads Broken Kettle Bar, in the middle of a record store and a bookstore.

“Dad, hold my hand.” Ryan took his father and pushed open the door of the bar.

“This is amazing.” Mr. Lambert sighed looking at the room in front of him. This is a medieval-style bar. It doesn’t look very tidy. The lights are a bit dim. Some people in robes are drinking or playing dice.

Maybe they were standing at the door for a long time. A man with almost naked hair and the appearance of deflated walnuts appeared quietly in front of them: “I am Tom, the owner of the broken cauldron bar. It seems that you need help. “After looking at it, I looked at Ryan:” Is the first Hogwarts freshman coming? “

“Yes” Ryan said. “We have never been exposed to magic before, how do I get to Diagon Alley? I need to buy something for school.”

The boss Tom gave an ugly smile: “Diagonal Lane, come with me.” After that, he brought Ryan and his son to the backyard. Tom took out his wand and pointed it at the back wall. “Count three pieces on the trash can and count two pieces horizontally … Knock three times!”

As Tom struck, the wall shook and began to move, and finally a wide archway appeared, leading to a winding, invisible, cobblestone-paved street.

“You better go to Gu Ling Pavilion first, just go straight and see the tallest white building where you can change the wizard’s currency.” After that, Tom put away his wand and left.

The father and son walked down the cobblestone street towards the Guling Pavilion. Bargaining sounds and some strange animal chirping came from the shops on both sides of the street. He didn’t lie on the glass to see the delicate gold-plated astronomical model.

Soon, they came to a snow-white building towering high above the surrounding shops. Next to the gleaming bronze gate stood a goblin wearing a scarlet and gold uniform (Mr. Lambert vomited in Chinese: “Is this a goblin? Is it a Goblin that looks like a human being.”). The goblin looked up at them and then said weakly: “Who is Hogwarts fresh, exchange currency to a special window, there is a sign to remind you.”

Entered the golden hall of Gu Ling Pavilion, and indeed there was a counter with a sign of Hogwarts Newborn Currency Exchange hanging on the corner of the hall.

“Hello.” Lane went to the counter to greet the goblin.

“New student, say your name.”

“Ryan. Liang”

“Confirm, there is you on the list.” The goblin took a parchment and looked at it.

“Freshmen can exchange up to 200 gallons per year.” After handing over a pocket, Mr. Lambert took out a stack of £ 50 denominations from the bank last night and handed them to the goblin at the counter. Then he said to Ryan: This is a bit like Hua Xia. Last time your cousin told me that his exchange of pounds was also a quota for everyone, and he had to write a lot of documents. “

After the money was exchanged, the two decided to buy from familiar things first, so they went to various shops and purchased items listed on the list of magic robe, textbook, crucible, balance, potion, crystal bottle and so on. UU reading www.uukanshu. Of course, Ryan refused to suggest that Mr. Lambert sent him a pet because he excused him in a strange place and might need all his energy to deal with the new environment.

The shopping process went well. But thinking about spending a large sum of money on a scammer’s novel next year, Ryan was a little depressed.

Finally they came to the door of a small shop that was small and broken, and the gold signboard on the door had been peeled off. The signboard said, Ollivander: Since 382 BC, a good wand has been made. In the dusty window beside the door, a magic wand was solitary on the faded purple cushion.

Pushed open the store door, Ryan found a man in a suit with his daughter trying a wand, and their backs looked a little familiar.

Before he could think of his back from his mind, Mr. Lambert stepped forward and greeted softly, “Mr. Granger, I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

Ryan remembered that this Mr. Granger was a dentist. The clinic was not far from home. He had also visited his clinic to check his teeth. The most important thing was that his daughter was in the same grade as his school, but not A class, every time is the second place in the school exam grade (Lane: “College students take the first place in elementary school, not proud, be humble.”).

Suddenly, Ryan froze, Granger, dentist, brown curly girl, went to Hogwarts in 1991. It is easy for him to guess who the girl is. I did n’t know before. On the one hand, I thought it was an ordinary world. I did n’t think in that direction. On the one hand, Miss Granger looked a bit different from the actor. The most important thing was that the name of the girl he heard in school should be close Hermani, far from the pronunciation of Chinese Hermione.

Ryan felt that this world was malicious to this outsider, and it seemed that his plan after seven years had to be revised again.

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