My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.50: Candies, Sweets and My Honeypot

“Today class we will be going over the effects of over embellishing in your instincts and what happens if you ignore your instincts entirely!” Said Mr. Minnow in his gruff voice. “To begin, does anyone know what instincts are?!” He asked the class.

To which Emily immediately raised her hand, waving it side to side to better get Mr. Minnow’s attention but he turned to face a small girl that looked around 4’5 ish. She was shakily holding her hand up, I couldn’t see her face because she sat ahead of me and wore a black hood with white straps but her hand looked kinda flaky? As if she burned herself but it was a slight redish hue, did she converge?

“Valerie! Tell me what you think!” Mr. Minnow called on her.

She flinched at his loud voice but quickly hugged her arm. “I-I-I heard that um, instincts are what help you figure out your converged body better and… it helps with being true to yourself.” She said in a cute almost super girlish voice. “At least that’s what my moeder says…” She added almost sounding proud.

“Yes! Instincts help with handling your body better and it does help with understand your personal wants too! For example if you really want to do something but because you’re shy or doubt your abilities, instincts give you a small push to try! But that doesn’t mean you can act like a creep or do crimes!” He said sternly as he glared at all of us.

“Which brings us to our topic! Are you aware that succubi inadvertently dried their well to feed off only Four hundred and fifty years ago? In their drive to follow their instincts and pushing their need to build sexual mana off of everyone, they normalized several sexualized things! The more exposed skin, the skimpier clothes even several kinks and fetishes! Most if not all of it became boring, resulting in what the succubi called this the Excitaio Siccitatis!” He said with a small smile, almost chuckling.

“The Jade Crow are another example! A type of Frog monster that were known for their beautiful blue or green coloration! They got it from the food they ate, a fish called Percola meaning colored fish! Well they like looking beautiful but began hoarding the fish so only they could look colorful but this lead to the fish becoming inbred and eventually extinct!” He said while shaking his head.

“The scylla and Kraken worked hard produce pearls and several pressurized metals to adhere to pores in their skin. These usually are enchanted and is so ingrained into their instincts that they give them as wedding gifts, as wedding rings, coming of age gifts to creating one for achieving goals! But some individuals became blinded by their need to have them that some resorted to theft or even murder! Of course the creators of the stolen gifts could identify their own handiwork!” He said with a frown, his voice sounding like a growl. 

“These are just three examples of monster races blindly following their instincts. Until reaching a point of doing harmful or destructive acts that effectively ruin much for the races as a whole!” He said with his eyes focusing on everyone in class.

“Now hearing this, you might want to fight or ignore your instincts entirely! But just as Valerie said, instincts help us understand our new bodies and become honest with yourself! Or rather, more aware of what you truly want!” He explained with a smile before writing on the board. Once he was done making the board scream, he stepped aside to let us see a diagram. The top was the word Instincts then two lines, one led to monster needs, the other to your needs.

“Now can anyone tell me what happens what your needs are?! This can be anything from physical, emotional, wants or dislikes!” He said, waiting for the class to suggest things.

The odd thing was Emily didn’t raise her hand, instead she was watching everyone else as if hoping for insight. Maybe she wants to know what everyone else thinks?

One student raises their hand. “A good meal?” He asks but all Mr. Minnow does is write it on the board.

Another says. “Good friends and…..happiness.”

“My family!”

“Respect and no tomatoes on my burger!”

“My cat Berry McStudd Muffin!”

Everyone gave their own answers, Belle said emotional support and cake, Steph said being understood and baggy pants. Emily in the meantime wrote and watched everyone as they answered as if she discovered a new species living in a long lost ruin. She even pulled out her wand and began her chanting code, only to be interrupted by Mr. Minnow as he grabbed her wand and put it in his shirt pocket.

“B-but-I was only going to make my paper last longer!” Emily argued with a sour face and tears welling up in her eyes.

“You might’ve mastered innocence but you’re still a long way before you can trick me! Besides, I know you’re trying to layer an enhancement spell under your other spell! Which you promised not to do!” Mr. Minnow said eyeing her sternly.

“N-n-noooo…. I wasn’t d-doing that…” She tried to lie before like a robot added a smile. Like that she stopped crying which made me feel a little worried how she learned to do that, did her mother teach her this?

“You’ll have this back after class!” He said, walking back to the front. “Now consider how you feel about all of these needs you mentioned! What do you think would happen if you couldn’t have these! Not because someone did something but because you were afraid of yourself!” He said with a worried look, his eyes briefly eyeing Emily.

The small hooded girl slowly raised her hand again. “Your heart will break.” She said in a sad voice. Mr. Minnow looked at her with wet eyes for what felt like a long moment.

“Yes. Fear of your instincts will lead to pain, depression and ultimately destructive behavior.” He said in an almost mournful voice. “For those that have yet to converge! I want you all to understand that instincts might seem like impulses or even an annoying persona on your shoulder that you might want to ignore or hate! But before dismissing it, try and hear it out! Ask yourself what your instincts are actually telling you! If it’s destructive then it’s possible you’re afraid or angry! Staring at others hungrily?! Then you’ve been neglecting your physical needs!” He said, shaking his head.

“Once anyone converges, actually even before you converge, you’re free to ask me, your counselor or any other teacher here! But don’t be afraid to talk with your family about this either, regardless if they are monsters or human.” He said and for a second his eyes looked lost in a deep thought before blinking it away.

“For tomorrow’s class we will go over healthy and non-harmful ways of noticing signs and how to approach others in distress! Then the whole class will form one group to talk to each other and even practice these the different techniques!” He announced to the whole class.





Making our way to the cafeteria, I couldn’t help but notice a few plump, smooth and ripe for the squeezing thighs! There was an Oni girl close to my height and I could see her ripped jeans barely holding her muscled legs within. She must’ve noticed because she flexed her leg muscles to show off, looking up I saw a small smirk on her face. Trying to look away, my eyes fell on Steph, her skin always shiny and oddly her yellow tail looked really suiting. She said that sometimes lamia lords develop odd tattoo like patterns on their tails, she said they usually look like flowers. I wonder how she would look in some flower pattern like a lily or some exotic flower, would her scales feel different? Emily was next to her and although she was skinny I could see myself picking her up and taking a long refreshing………

Turning away, I noticed Belle’s sweet big green eyes, I felt I could be lost in them, maybe having his eyes on me as he slowly kissed downward, kiss by kiss, inch by fucking long inch. My wings started to tremble at these thoughts and my shoulders felt hotter. Maybe Mark could help massage them, maybe he could massage some of my other aches? I thought, while my eyes slowly drifted to some very needy orbs, even my thighs feel a little sore~. Kathy could also bring a cute human girl that needs extra attention with her own needs, we could help the poor girl itch all the hard to reach places.

Hmm? What’s this? My subordinate wants to take me somewhere? To meet my needs I believe. Ahhh! It’s great to have those under you how know when to sate my hunger. What’s this? A sweet before the act begins?! How thought full of them! I am a little peckish after all!


“Hey Steph. What’s up??” I asked somewhat confused why we weren’t doing somethi….wait! I didn’t! My eyes snap to both Steph and Emily. They both seem fine, no damages to their clothes or bruises.

“Hey Oliver….” Steph called me, giving me a hard look. “You’re not taking care of your sexual needs are you?” She stated bluntly. Shit! God damn it! It’s that obvious!

I look down trying to avoid their gazes. I don’t want to admit anything like this. The thought of them knowing made my back pinch and my scales itch and sting. This feels so wrong

“Hey it’s ok! I may not be your partner but I won’t tell anyone.” Steph said encouragingly.

“Yeah! I’ll add this to my pact with you and your secret will be safe!” Emily added almost excitedly.

Maybe I’m just overthinking this? It’s not like I know of any way how to go back to being a man let alone being humans again…. But will I lose myself in this? Will I become someone fully divorced of my male side, no longer the me I know now?

Taking a deep breath, I looked at Steph and Emily. “It’s fine you don’t have to worry about….that. Also, thanks for helping me get my control. I owe you guys-a lot.” I said trying to put up a brave front.

Steph stared at me, her eyes narrowing. “Alright but you need to treat yourself right ok?” She asked but it sounded like an order. My mind started to grumble while trying to ignore her.

“Then if we’re cashing in, I want to get to know you better!” Emily cheered with sparkly eyes glued on my tail. “Oh! Here! These will help if you find your arousal rising!” She said handing me a bag of those candies

“Alright. I promise. And thanks.” I said while looking Steph in the eyes before looking back at Emily. She’s putting in as much effort as Steph is, in her own way I guess. But I’ll have to face up to this….even if the idea of touching myself in that way makes me feel weird. I was hoping there’d be some other way to keep my instincts in check. Which reminds me, I start flying class today. Looking back at my wings, they looked interesting a part of me feels like they’re strong but I haven’t been doing any exercises focused on them, could they really carry me?

“Is there something wrong with your wings?” Steph asked, noticing the face I was making at my wings. But the same moment, Emily whispered into her ear for a few seconds, Steph making a confused face then shook her head. “I don’t this has to do with his scales becoming pale Emily.” She said before looking back at me.

“I-well, start my flying classes today.” I said sounding unsure. “I was told that I probably use muscles to fly so, I don’t know how good it’ll go.” I say, deciding to open up a bit more.

“Well my grandma always told me to conquer your wights, you need to take it one tail swing at a time. So just focus on what you can do and then slowly build up new skills.” Steph said with a smile.

“My mom and sisters say you have to learn a lot of regulations regarding airspace around populated areas. You also have to learn about how to handle difficult situations too, like if you’re ability to fly is decreased. You have to find the nearest landing zone by the way, oh and those are painted blue and have red lights at night.” Emily happily informed me. It seemed like she wanted to say more as she was shaking in place but she held back for some reason.

Hearing their advice and info made me feel warmer inside, kinda like when my mom hugs me. “Maybe I’ll be alright.” I mumble to myself.




After lunch I walked to the counselor’s office, apparently mom called ahead to set up an appointment with my counselor. She was probably worried that there might be some mental trauma sticking in my head but I think I’m ok. Maybe a little dinged up from the blast but my hide is pretty durable, even my mind was getting proud at this impressive feat.

Once I got to the front desk the tall wolf eared woman, I explained I was here for an appointment. While she quickly checked her large computer, I looked at her dark shiny counter, it looked so deep and so soothing. I don’t know why but every time I see this black counter up close, I can’t help but feel it calling me, it needs something and I need to do something. Maybe it’s some magical ore or mineral. But all I really know is that this makes me feel hungry and I just ate! I don’t need more food, I’ll end up attracting the hungry eyes of different reptile monsters!

Anyway, walking into the waiting room, I decided to find a new chair to use. The last one for lamia was alright but I wanted to test out the other chairs, maybe there was a chair that suited me like a nice shirt! Walking around, I saw several small chairs that children and tots would use, one even looked like jelly! Looking around, I raised a finger and softly pushed on the chair, the chair began wiggling like a pudding. Putting more pressure into my poke, my finger slid right in! It was like a smooth almost rubbery texture but once my finger went in, the inside wasn’t any different to water. Pulling out my finger with soft slushing sound I looked at it, it was wet, looking back at the chair there wasn’t a hole either, it was like it closed on its own? Since I didn’t feel my mana moving out of me so it had to a magic item!

I’ve never sat on something magical before! Slowly a smile raced across my face, I had to try this out! Looking around I found another chair made out the same material only it was three times larger than me and it had a spot for tails too!? The chair looked like a huge cushion, even the head rest was made of this cushioned water material but the spot you put your tail in was all cushion too. I guess how the cushions work, I’ll just go right into it. so I quickly turned around, pushed my tail into the cushion, quickly feeling a cool wetness envelope my tail. It was like a floating in a pool on a hot day!

“U-uum.. I wouldn’t do that if I were you, m-m-mighty d-ddragoness Oliver….” Came a sweet voice. Looking to my left I saw a small hooded girl who was holding her arms and was trembling.

“Do…I know you?” I asked, tilting my head. She looked familiar, her hands were a slight redish hue and her black hood and white straps looked like something I’d see in an anime.

She raised her head slightly to look at me with dark orange eyes that seemed like pulsing magma. “I’m V-Valerie… from your class.” She shyly said. As I was thinking she’s cute, I began to lowering myself on to the chair. “Wait! D-D-Don’t sit there! You’ll get wet!” She cried right as my butt starting pressing into the cushion and a damp feeling began spreading across my shorts.

My eyes popped open as if I was about to sit on the toilet and someone opened the stall and her face turned white. We just stood there for a moment, staring at each other as if we stepped on a landmine, just waiting to see who would die first.

“Ehm” I said as I got up like a robot and pulling out a few handkerchiefs from my bag before trying to dry off my rear.

Looking at the handkerchiefs, I couldn’t help but break into laughter at how stupid I was. Of course the seat would wet me! But I just had to sit on a magic item! Valerie’s face started to crack into her own smile before she tried to hide her face. Yet in the end, she couldn’t help but laugh too.


After catching our breaths we sat down on different chairs with a bit more of a relaxed air. “Sorry I didn’t listen to you, I was surprised by your eyes.” I said half chuckling at myself.

“I-It’s ok! I’m pretty q-q-quiet. So it’s hard to remember me.” she shyly said while looking up at me with her large eyes. “B-b-but thanks!” She said with a huge smile. “Most humans just stare at me….so it means a lot.” She mumbled.

“So you’ve converged already?” I asked with a small friendly smile.

She shook her head. “I-I’m not just yet.” She looked at the floor almost sad. “B-but I’ll be a kersenhaai in a f-few days!” She said lifting her head with a smile.

“Kerrrsehaai?” I wasn’t sure what she said, I’ve heard a lot of Spanish here but I don’t know that language this is.

Her eyes widened as her smile grew. “I’m from Tovenaar…well, more like the great lake de siroop.” She said excitedly. “I’m a cherry shark-W-well I will be.” She seemed almost impatient for her convergence, I guess people really see convergence differently around the world or it’s tied to her country.

“Really? What’s it like there?” I asked her after realizing she opened up more.

“I-It’s a beautiful country! Fields of pink, red and yellow candied buds! Oh, the sunsets paint the cities in sweet yellows and purples! There’s so many jellied-fish and berry-nips in the great lakes there that you could feed a whole family of twenty for years!” She said with a giant smile on her face and trying to illustrate her words with her hands. She seems pretty cool, I wonder who else comes from a different country? And she said fish too!

“That sounds tasty! I wonder if I’ll get a chance to try some of that fish you mentioned.” I said with a small hungry smile. Do they fry their fish? What kind of seasonings do they use? It’s a fantasy world so there has to be hundreds of different ones!

While I was lost in my thoughts, the door the counselors’ offices opened up to reveal the blue face of Miss Lavigne who had a happy air around her. “Hello Oliver!” She greeted me with her motherly voice. “I’m ready for our session.” 


Hey yall! How are you doing? I hope you're all doing well! I'm doing ok, just drinking lots and lots of water, if only I had an AC or some mega fan to cool off with. Any who, This chapter gets a little historical with a few monster races and how they let their instincts run wild. if you do things in moderation then you'll have more ice cream tomorrow! Also it seems another classmate is changing! but....uh, what's a cherry shark?

As always, Thank You for reading! I hope your week goes great or maybe even better than you thought! Maybe you find that restaurant you loved and it still tastes great! Or you find that missing jacket that you love! Either way, I hope it's a super week!

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