My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.49: Mothers and Redheads

I spent the rest of the day trying to forget about the book as it was a creep that licked my back. Any thoughts to research anything even remotely similar to the book left me feeling ill, to the point that my wings ached and my scales burned-BURNED! What the HELL!

Oliver you got yourself into something way worse than drugs! And what’s worse is that now I’m tied to it too! I can’t tell anyone about this! I don’t even know where it came from, if anyone knew I might not even face prison, I might be sentenced to death or some magical version!

Is this world really the new chance I was hoping for?! What’s next causal baby eating!? I kill s-s-someone!? I could hurt my mother or my brother! I could lose everything, lose them….. Am I even safe? I looked at my claws and the pointed tips. I could hurt me. But what am I supposed to do? There’s no exit button, I’m trapped like this, in a world filled with dangerous magic, beings that could easily crush normal humans and whatever else god knows.

If I can’t run away then I can only do one thing. Prepare.

Getting up I make my way to the work out room all while finding videos about magic on my phone. Anything on defense, battle or weird uses. I stumbled across succubus mind aura, apparently a magic that lowers the mental resistances once used to force people to obey the succubus. It seems capable of effecting those surrounding the succubus and even making the succubus mentally invisible. But it’s currently illegal learn and use it unless certified and holding a license, could be useful if it worked like hypnosis. Then I could place a suggestion on myself to ignore my instincts or limit them but I don’t know any succubi let alone one that has the know-how.

There was also spirit slinging, moving your arms around as you spread your mana around to sense the area around you, it also seems like you can make the mana explode. It also lets you sense other’s mana and even magical items, letting the user prepare of any surprises. Hmmm, might be useful but how could I spread my mana around. Wait aren’t I already spreading mana? Then is it possible to sense it? Putting out my hand, I eye the mana drinking weight, I close my eyes while trying to slowly push mana forward. Trying to sense the mana, hoping that I can figure out the best way to do it but I don’t get anything. Remembering mana channeling, I try gathering my mana into my hands, imaging it spraying into the air around me. I could just barely feel the mana moving from my hands, it feels a little like wind in your hair but not hair at the same time. As my mana spread, I felt it hit something before hitting multiple things, what are those?

Opening an eye, all I saw was the workout room. Was I feeling the stuff in here? But it’s still not good enough if I can’t tell what any of it is. I could try increasing the output of mana maybe even making it form around things. Trying to widen the stream of mana spraying from my hands, I could feel my mana take shape around the objects almost like drawing a mental image with touch. I was beginning to get an idea how to feel out the room but that’s when it hit something that created a hole in this sense. It touched something and then I couldn’t feel it any more, opening my eyes again I realized the dumbbell drank the mana…

“Not good.” I mumble in annoyance. Isn’t it a magic item? It should work like it said it would in the video. Unless it’s not a magic item, it’s enchanted! If it feeds off my mana to become heavier than I can’t sense enchanted items like this but is that a problem if I can just overload it with mana? If Mark’s glasses are proof of anything, enchanted items can’t handle a certain level of mana but I don’t know for sure if all enchanted items work that way.

A quick search online gave me some answers. So enchanted items are built to release abundant mana, makes sense, no one sane would be willing wear or hold something that might blow up. They also only absorb mana with purpose? That doesn’t make any sense, mana isn’t alive right but it has an effect on the real world and living beings….

No, this stuff isn’t important if I want to prepare for whatever this world wants to throw at me. Then again, whatever that talking mana is, it might help with my instincts. But to do that, I’d have to bring someone like my mother into this but she also didn’t mention anyone specially. Then who do I see as a loved one?

While I’m trying to figure this out, I’m also trying to feel other areas in the house with my mana. Spreading it all the way to the front of the house. If it’s one thing I need to remember, using mana is like a muscle so I have to strengthen it first. But after a few minutes of this, I felt something move, pushing my mana like a water current.

“Oh? Oliver! You’re practicing mana sensing? Let’s see, judging from this…” I could hear my mother’s voice. I feel her presence and even something warm? WAIT! I’m still dressed up like- I could feel her move! She’s coming straight here! Before I could even rush back to my room, my mother’s head popped in the doorway. “Hey Oly! I’m proud you’re trying to learn about mana sensing! But you’ve got to understand that thicker mana becomes a string pointing straight at-“ She began talking excitedly about my efforts but froze when she paid more attention to me. I could instantly tell her eyes were drinking in the image of me in the skirt, a smile slowly spread across her face as she rushed in to hug me.

“Oh my goddess! You’re actually wearing it! You look so cute!” She shouted in joy while rubbing her cheek against mine.

“Mooooom!” I groan in annoyance, trying to hide the strange building warm bubbly feeling. What’s going on?

“Oops! I said I wouldn’t try to push you! I’m sorry honey, it’s just you look so cute and lady like and-“ She stopped, letting me go and clearing her throat. “What I mean is that I’m supportive of whatever you choose to wear.” She said trying to hold back.

Sighing I turned to her trying to be casual. “It’s just fashion.” I say calmly. “I just like trying new things, nothing else! I’m not fishing for complements or some attention.” I state trying to keep her from going over again.

“Alright. I won’t assume anything beyond that.” She says raising her hands to sooth me. “Sooooo, how does it feel?” she asked with a small smile.

“it feels… breezy? I guess a little flowy.” I say but scrunch my shoulders at the last part.

Mom looked hard at me. “You didn’t think it was a cape again did you?” she asked with a curious look, almost like she knew….

“What! Er- no. I’m appalled you’d think that.” I said while quickly looking away.

“Arighty?” she said in her sweet, ‘I believe you but I’m actually on to you’ voice. “Well back to what I was saying. Mana sensing helps with tracking but if you make the mana too thick and clustered together than you’ll just be giving your position away.” She said switching topics. But I could tell she was also excited about this too as she was smiling and sorta bouncing in place like a kettle.

 “ok but then how do you tell what’s the difference with the environment and any living targets?” I ask full of curiosity.

“Well, what you were doing was more of a sticky spray so you could effective put a beacon on someone but what you need to do is change the spray into more of a thin particle. Plus as a bonus, it saves on mana usage, much more than magic radar.” She made a disgusted face at that.

“Why?” I ask with a confused face.

“It blasts a huge amount of your mana sorta like taking a cup of water and spilling seventy percent out. Sure it’s faster but that leaves you with barely any mana to use!” She grumbled with a sour face. I guess someone lied to her about it or she was forced into a bad spot?

“So can you show me how you do it?” I ask with hopeful eyes which makes her blush slightly, looking away. “Mom?” I call her worried something’s wrong.

She looks back at me with a big smile. “I’m just happy you want to learn about magic now, you never really liked when I showed off my magic-so!” She pulled out a small green stick no bigger than my pinky finger so about the size of a normal human finger. It was decorated in rounded gems with miniature fruit in them?  She began chanting that weird code language that Emily used but I could only understand half of the words she said, a second later her stick glowed softly. Then a small warmth pushed past me like heated water pushing up on to the beach but I could actually see small flat triangle specks.

I could see mana? But how? “Surprised? Well it’s not exactly mana that you’re seeing. It’s more of a double effect I layered on top of my mana sense spell so you can see the shape better.” She said as she puffed out her chest.

This was super helpful! Maybe I could have her teach me some things? But I’d still have to work on what I pick up from her and make sure I don’t do anything too worrying in front of her. Maybe I can make it through this!



The next day at school, I saw a short red head girl whose eyes seemed to follow me as I walked pasted everyone that crowed the walls. Why did I notice her? Well she jump out of the crowd and had a pair of hooved furry legs. I tried to ignore her, thinking that someone pushed her in front of me but when the whole surrounding people gasped as if I’d roast her, I felt bad. So I walked up to her to make sure no one was bullying the girl, she was shaking wildly which was probably my leaking mana so I kept some distance.

“Are you alright?” I said slightly raising my voice over the crowd of whispering people.

“Umm…” She mumbled nervously. “Y-y-you’re really h-hot….don’t cook me.” She squeaked.

Lowering my brow I slowly walked away. “You got guts kid but don’t go playing games like that.” I said as I walked away. I didn’t know what to expect but well, I guess I got a complement? And I can’t go being an asshole to randos. But I can’t invite them to try and ask me out or hit on me even if sex is more casual here I can’t let it affect me. But that line of thought set off my mind into shouting, try different food to find the perfect prime steak!

Steak? I like a good steak….maybe I could sample some! Maybe a juicy tender girl? But can a girl give me the kind of hug I want and really hold me? Maybe someone stronger? Guys have muscles too, and a mea- the rampant thoughts started a small wave of numbness from my groin and soft tingle up my spine. Wait! I’m not seriously thinking its ok to try this, am I? I’m uh… not even experienced with this body. And you gotta know what you like before you start something!

I was too uh, it was too cold here! Yeah, so I rushed to class to meet up with Steph, Belle and Emily. They might need some help or something, maybe Steph’s so worried that I can help out! It’s also possible they know some uh… things! Anything to distract me from whatever this feeling is!


Once inside class, I spotted Steph coiled up on her couch seat like a pillar of donuts, her face seemed a little down? Worried? Hmmmm? As I approached her, she noticed me, her face lighting up as she uncoiled herself and rushed me, hugging my waist with a single arm.

“Steph! What about your arm!” I shout in fear. It must still be tender right now and yet she’s pressing the casted arm into me!

She looked up at me but all I could see was the very top of her head, these weights blocked out her whole face. I really wanted to look away in embarrassment but that might be admitting might not be good.

“Awwww…” I could hear her grumble in annoyance before she let go of me and pulled back just enough that her nose was visible. “I wanted to be friendly but I was cute-blocked.” She whined with an annoy look.

“Sorry about that, these uh…came out like this.” I said with a nervous chuckle.

 “It’s alright.” She said while backing up to look at me better. “So… I’m glad you’re doing ok, I was worried when I heard they brought you in….” she looked at the floor with a complicated face. I guess she’s still blaming herself….is there anything I could do?

I reached out to hold her shoulder but I stop myself, my hand hovering over her shoulder. I don’t know her well enough to touch her but she already hugged me…. “Well… I’m here and nothing bad to show for it.” I say with a soft smile while tapping her shoulder with my knuckle. I still wasn’t sure how to approach this situation.

She nods a couple times before looking up at me. “Sorry about that. It’s still a little fresh… I-really wanted things to go right, perfect even but it just-“ She made an explosion sound while pulling her hands apart. “That happened.” She says as she drops her shoulders.

“Don’t worry about it too much. There will be other days or events we can go out to.” I said with a smile.

“You know….. you’re right!” She agreed with a nod. “Let’s go to a horror convention!” She cheered

Oh. No.


Hi! Hope you're feeling good today! If not then remember you're on a road that'll lead to your ultimate goal! Anyway, I'm feeling good, it's not too hot right now and I just found a bunch of cool things! And I got a tasty sandwich too, now I just need a cola to wash it down... So this chapter builds off the last one too because well, mom's gotta get that sweet sweet daughte- uh I mean son mother time! Also a the on set of something else!

As always, Thank You for reading! I hope you have a great week and eat well! Because you gotta take care of yourself too. Oh and have fun at any pool/water stuff you got planned!

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