My Empire

Chapter 93 - Light

This is hell! When Diderick saw the ammunition hitting head-on when he dived, there was only one thought in his mind subconsciously. Although he barely avoided the cannonball that almost hit his head, his other subordinates were not so lucky.

The intensively diving dragon was stopped by the intensively firing anti-aircraft guns, and the flesh and blood body was still unable to withstand the storm of steel after all. A giant dragon was hit in the head by a 30-millimeter anti-aircraft gun. Before it even screamed, it fell.

The head of that giant dragon was pierced by a cannonball, and blood was blooming in the air. The dragon knight on the dragon’s back panicked hoping that the dragon under his hip could cheer up and continue flying, but all his attempts became futile.

A piece of tracer shot over, like raindrops, on a giant dragon evading the panic of anti-aircraft guns. The armor of this huge monster was shattered by a bullet, and its abdomen was instantly beaten to flesh and blood.

Every time it **** its wings, it is accompanied by severe pain, so its movements become sluggish, and it is easier to be hit by more bullets. Finally, it couldn’t support it, and it struggled to roll to the ground. Before it struggled to stand up, it was overwhelmed by more bullets.

In the sky, the remaining dragon knights avoided the shining tracer. They wanted to find a chance to breathe fire, but found that the defense they faced was almost impenetrable.

“Where did these **** mortals get such terrible weapons?” A dragon knight dodges his dragon from left to right, climbs to a relatively safe height, frowning and complaining.

In his sight, a giant dragon fell from the sky and fell beside a huge five-pointed star-shaped anti-aircraft turret. It struggled to spit out flames against the heavy wall of the turret, but it did not cause any substantial damage.

After the flames ended, the nearby machine gun positions began pouring ammunition toward the dragon. The tracer drew a dazzling light on the ground, all of which rushed into the body of this giant dragon.

Finally, the overwhelmed dragon fell in place. The dragon knight on its back was dead when it fell, and the saddle hung on the dragon’s back was dangling, which really seemed to be extremely bitter.

The dragon knight was defeated in this battle. Although this battle had just begun, as long as he was not blind, he could tell that the defense of Seris City was no longer what the dragon knight could tear.

“Huh!” A giant dragon finally found a chance. It spewed flames at a huge anti-aircraft turret, and drowned the anti-aircraft guns on the two corners of the tower in a sea of ​​flames.

However, when it hovered and spewed flames, the anti-aircraft guns in the other direction found an opportunity to fire at a fixed target, and fired dense shells at it one after another. In a flare bullet, the dragon’s belly was pierced, and blood was sprayed everywhere.

Because of the pierced belly, the flame in the mouth of this giant dragon rolled back into his abdominal cavity with the airflow. A huge flame spewed from its body, turning it into a burning kite.

The fire-covered dragon flapped its wings and struggled to fly higher into the air, but was finally wrapped in flames and fell, falling to the ground and turning into a fragrant corpse.

Chris stood on the heights of the castle and watched what happened in front of him. He saw with his own eyes the dragon being shrouded by the fire net from the anti-aircraft cannon, the dragon spraying blood and falling, and the dragon spraying flames passing by. Low altitude.

The battle was fierce from the beginning. Not only did the dragons in the sky fall and die one by one, but the anti-aircraft gun positions on the ground were also losing at an alarming rate. After all, the opponent has 70 or 80 dragons, and the fighting power in the Forbidden Domain is enough to destroy a country.

In the face of intensive anti-aircraft gun firepower, these giant dragons relied on their rough and fleshy bodies to forcibly gain time to breathe. The brave and eloquent dragon knights used the method of sacrificing themselves to win more opportunities for their companions to attack.

After these dragon knights fought hard, the remaining dragon knights had the opportunity to break through the defensive position. They rushed between the first and second tracks, but hit the armor that had been waiting for a long time. train.

“Boom! Boom!” The anti-aircraft guns on these armored trains began to roar, sweeping down the dragon knights who had been struggling in the rain of bullets to the ground. Soon more dragon knights fell down, lying on the ground, leaving huge corpses like hills.

“Long live the Holy Demon Empire!” a red-eyed dragon knight shouted loudly, driving his dragon to an air defense turret. The huge body of the giant dragon, accompanied by the increased speed of the dive, slammed into the reinforced concrete bastion.

The huge impact smashed the outer wall of the castle, leaving a huge gap in it. And this dragon also lost its life at the same time, hung on the gap of this bastion, and never moved again.

There was not enough time to fight for twenty minutes. Of the 70 or 80 dragons controlled by the dragon knight, there were only 40 or 50 left to continue fighting. What is even more frightening is that even if these dragons did not fall, many of them were wounded by machine guns.

Their scales shattered, and blood oozes out of their bodies, flowing in the gaps between the dragon scales. And the wicked and dirty city in front of them still stood in front of them, without even a slight damage.

This is really desperate, and it makes people desperate from the bottom of their hearts. It seems that no matter how hard they work, this city cannot be destroyed! Diderick watched painfully as his men disappeared from the sky one after another, anxious but didn’t know what to do.

The order he received was to destroy the city of Serris, cut off Ailan Hill’s line of communication, completely destroy the army that rebelled against the Holy Demon Empire, and kill the humble mortals who led the chaos.

But now, the order is still echoing in his ears, but he has lost the courage to fight one after another when facing the enemy.

“If these doctrines called science and technology develop in this way, then the history of this world may really be rewritten.” Standing by the window as well, watching what happened in front of him, Frenzberg murmured.

It was also the first time he saw the entire city’s air defense system in operation. This shocking scene reminded him of those great and impressive large-scale magic. If it weren’t for the pungent air around him to remind him that he was in Ceres now, he would even suspect that he was in the Holy Demon Empire.

This great magician from the Holy Demon Empire looked up at the tracer bullets that filled the sky, and drew a splendid trace in the sky; he watched the once-familiar dragons screaming and falling from the sky, the blood spilling as if it was raining Normal; he also saw dragon’s breath flame pouring down from the sky, destroying a towering turret in the distance.

“If the war has always been so cruel, would we have launched a war on the mortal empire like a child’s play in the long years of the past?” He asked the same obsessed apprentice William standing beside him.

William shook his head, and then remembered that Frenzberg couldn’t see himself shaking his head, so he added and replied: “I think if we had known that war would have become so cruel in the past hundreds or even a thousand years. Here, we will definitely be more friendly to these mortals.”

“Yes! It turns out that these mortals are also human beings. Although they could not learn powerful magic, they finally used their own wisdom to create an equally brilliant and great civilization.” Frenzberg exclaimed. Then he withdrew his gaze from the battlefield.

“Fortunately, we are here. Now we come to understand these mortals, master greater knowledge, and become stronger. As long as we come, it will not be too late.” William looked at Frentzberg’s back and spoke with comfort.

“Let’s go! Let’s meet the old friends of the Holy Demon Empire… If they bring the magic replenisher, it will be even better.” The Grand Mage Frenzberg said as he walked out of the room, he Step by step down the stairs, the white robe on his body gave him a bit of a sense of superiority.

“Yeah! We should try it too. If it is later, I guess there will be more than a few of these old friends left.” William pretended to smile easily, but found that his laughter was full of embarrassment.

After all, those dragon knights are soldiers of the Holy Demon Empire. They were compatriots from the same country not long ago, but now they are divided into two camps. Even with different positions, seeing the dragon knights who had worked together died in front of their own eyes, it was still not a good feeling in their hearts.

The two went down the stairs one after the other and got into a carriage prepared for them. Soon the horse-drawn carriage drove up and galloped along the flat concrete road towards the war zone on the fringe of the city.

“We have already lost more than half. We still use the tactics I said to disperse the field team that attacked them. It is more efficient.” Hildo said loudly in the sky to the Great Knight Commander Diderick.

His voice appeared so weak in the strong airflow, he didn’t recognize it carefully or even couldn’t hear what he was saying. Even if there is magic enhancement, communicating with each other in the sky is still a very troublesome thing.

The distracted Diderick did not listen to Ildo’s advice clearly, his attention was still on the battlefield, because he saw that on the enemy’s position, suddenly a bunch of symbols representing the allies of the Holy Demon Empire lit up. Light.

The soft magic light is so distinctive in the burning of gunpowder and the dazzling light of the tracer that people can’t ignore it at all—

Seeing everyone clamoring for Long Ling to add more, Long Ling forgot to add more uncomfortably and excitedly… Today I really can’t add, let’s stop here, I beg everyone for your support, Long Ling is here to thank you.

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