My Empire

Chapter 92 - Evil city

Under the orange king’s flag, a woman wearing bright silver armor was looking at the map in her hand. Her face was as cold as frost, and her facial features that should have been so beautiful were all with a sharp killing intent.

“His Royal Highness!” An officer walked to the woman with a long sword, and slightly lowered his head to report: “The second village…there is no life. It was done by the dragon knight of the Holy Demon Empire. Someone saw the dragon flying nearby. Over.”

“These dragon knights are all the way to the east…This is what it looks like to go to Ailan Hill.” The woman said, her voice was very nice, as bright as Huang Ying singing. But there was anger in the voice, and the owner knew that the voice was in a bad mood right now.

“These two villages… the record says… each has about 200 villagers. In other words, these dragon knights have eaten about 400 people.” The officer’s face was also very gray, and he said.

He paused and continued to report some of the village’s losses: “Reconstruction is basically impossible. Maybe there are people who are not in the village who survived by chance, but…this is too miserable.”

“We must avenge this revenge!” The woman who was called by the soldiers coldly swears: “As long as I’m still alive, I must avenge this revenge! Definitely!”

“We have seen the power of the Holy Demon Empire. At least 70 dragon knights act together. This power is not something we can contend against, Your Highness! Please proceed with caution. The Higgs Kingdom cannot withstand the revenge of the Holy Demon Empire. “The officer carefully reminded his master.

The woman suddenly turned sideways, and the silver armors on her body slammed into each other, making a bang. She looked at her men, her voice suddenly raised: “Then what can I do? Looking at my subjects, those who love me are eaten by a group of wild beasts, but pretend not to see it?”

“Since I am wearing this armor, then I will fight for my people!” She glared at the officer, her bright red lips pressed together, her beauty was salivating. Even though she was wearing armor and even had a breath of heroism, she still seemed so incompatible with the battlefield.

She pressed the old sword on her waist, held her chin proudly, and asked firmly: “Who do you think I am? I am the daughter of King Higgs, and I am Ka Princess Pe Luna!”

“Yes! Your Royal Highness!” The officer nodded lightly, gave up his intention to continue persuading, and said. Some women are self-willed because they are naturally self-willed, but some women are self-willed because they have self-willed capital.

Cape Luna is a woman with capital and willfulness. She was younger than Chris, but she was already one of the best swordsmanship experts in the Higgs Kingdom. If there is a long sword, two or three men may not be able to get close to her, besides, she is also a very powerful cavalry commander.

The Higgs Kingdom has long circulated the magical legend that the princess’s heroine will not let her beard, and His Majesty the King is also happy to let his daughter roam outside. He has no children, and the Higgs Kingdom is about to usher in the era of Her Majesty the Queen after a hundred years. Therefore, the princess in front of him has another identity as the Crown Prince of the Higgs Kingdom.

“Go east! There must be a destroyed village! Call the surrounding cavalry along the way!” she said, covering her head with the silver helmet she was holding, blocking the unspoiled daisy but still beautiful The face of indisputability.

Behind her, a soldier led a war horse and handed the rein to her armoured hand. She turned on the horse vigorously, and the slender thighs sandwiched on both sides of the horse’s belly fascinated the strong guard knights behind her.

“Woo…Woo…” In this sunny afternoon, the hand-cranked air defense sirens in Cerris began to sound frantically, and there was a sharp sound in the sky, and all the citizens looked up nervously at the sky.

On the horizon, the dragon knight of the Holy Demon Empire appeared abruptly, and the beacon towers and observation stations along the way were in vain. The speed of these dragon knights is too fast, and they are indeed the ultimate arms for sneak attacks.

Chris was wearing a bright yellow uniform, and surrounded by guards, pushed open the gate of the castle headquarters. Walter, who is temporarily in charge of city defense command, is mobilizing all defense forces in the city.

“All the anti-aircraft artillery units are in place! Let the anti-aircraft guns and armored trains start patrols! Pay attention to the direction of the sun, there may be the direction of the enemy’s key attack!” He carefully arranged the work of each unit in front of a map, looking very nervous.

“Don’t be nervous! Walter! Our anti-aircraft artillery density is three or even five times that of other cities. If we lose in this way, it proves that we are not qualified to change the world!” Chris smiled and comforted his men. Then stood by the window and watched the dragons approaching.

The last time he saw a living dragon, he looked at it from a distance. Although he even stroked the dragon’s corpse, he did not observe a living dragon up close.

Now, he has the opportunity to watch these monsters soaring in the sky up close. The monsters roared, and from such a distance, the palpitating roar could be heard.

The air defense sirens were still reverberating tirelessly. Amid the sound of the sirens, the anti-aircraft guns raised their slender barrels. These cannons are ready to meet the enemy. On the city wall, countless anti-aircraft gun troops wearing red uniforms are running nervously.

“Huh!” A piece of canvas was torn apart by the helmeted soldier, and a brand new Maxim heavy machine gun was exposed. The water pipe had already been connected, and the machine gun was quickly pointed at the sky under the operation of a few soldiers, aiming at the direction of the dragon’s attack.

“Crack!” The secondary shooter with the bullet chain buckled the cover of the machine gun, and then gave the shooter a thumbs up. The shooter pulled the bolt to complete the last step before shooting.

Under these anti-aircraft turrets, two railroad tracks stretched to the distance, and a heavy train came to a halt slowly. Behind the front of the car, three anti-aircraft guns erected their barrels, and under the protection of the front and rear machine guns, they pointed at the dragon in the distance.

All the noise was quiet, and an anti-aircraft gun commander held the helmet on top of his head with his hand. He squinted, letting the sweat slip from his cheeks, and concentrated on his chin with the helmet strap on. He waited intently, waiting for the enemy to enter the range of the artillery.

Diderick was riding on his dragon’s back and frowned involuntarily when he saw the city under his feet. He had never seen a city like this, dirty and disgusting. Everything here seems to conflict with magic, and there is a disgusting smell everywhere.

Those high-impact chimneys are filled with black smoke, and the air here has a disgusting smell of burning. If he closes his eyes, Diderick even feels that the ground under his feet has been burned by the evil dragon of hell.

The thick black smoke obscured the sky and even blocked some of the view in the sky. There are few trees around the city, and the huge coal yard is piled with black coal like mountains.

Everything here seemed extremely dirty, with black ashes everywhere. The color of the entire city is black, and even the king flags hanging on the buildings are all annoying black…

Sitting on the back of a dragon, Diderick did not have the term industrial pollution in his mind, but he instinctively loathed everything in front of him. Even a small detail in this city runs counter to magic.

Order and steel-like coldness are the melody of Serris City. The music here is made of huge metal, and everyone here lives in a beautiful illusion called production.

Just one glance, Diderick felt that the city in front of him was a “heretical cult” that must be destroyed anyway! Nothing here should exist, everything here should be wiped out! Can’t stay at all!

Driven by this idea in his heart, Dietrich made up his mind to solve everything here. He pulled the reins of the dragon and was the first to attack the evil city.

One dragon knight after another dived down and followed their great knight commander. Eldo did not follow behind those dragon knights. He still maintained his height, with a vigilant look, he looked at the tall towers around the city and the two strange “giant necklaces” near the tall towers.

He hadn’t seen these strange things in Maricha, just the familiar walls and the **** continuous shooting weapons on the walls caused him endless trouble. His troops were almost annihilated in Maricha, so he did not join the attacking Serris team for the first time.

It was just a brief moment of hesitation, and countless tongues of fire spewed out from the seemingly dangerous five-pointed towers. Unlike Maricha, there is a kind of ammunition that can see the trajectory, which builds a dense barrier in the sky.

Because of the ammunition that can see the trajectory, Ildo felt the horror of the rain of bullets for the first time. The large net composed of dense yellow rays made every dragon knight walking through it embarrassed.

In the next second, such a fire net suddenly doubled. In the lower air, heavy machine guns were also added to the killing. Those dense beams separated the dragon, forming an insurmountable line of defense.

Overlooking the ground, the black, cold and dirty city seemed to come alive suddenly, and the originally quiet sky became noisy. Everywhere is the sound of bullets breaking the wind, everywhere is the trail left by the tracer piercing the sky. The air defense alarm, mixed with the sound of the dragon’s roar, played the prelude to the battle of Serris.

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