Mushoku Tensei (WN)

Book 23: Chapter 9: 4 Days & 3 Nights: Inspection Tour of the Supard Race

Part 1

Having the two soldiers from Biheiril join the party, we headed out towards the Supard village.

We moved in a carriage so that the Biheiril Kingdom won’t discover the Teleportation Magic formation.

We moved to second city Irel within a span of a day.

While lodging there, I thought of collecting Sándor as well, but the progress report ended with the informant not getting a hold of anything.

Despite the disappointment of failing to discover Gisu’s whereabouts, I hastened.

Furthermore, it took another day to get to the village of the Earth Dragon Valley.

The village was the same way I remembered it with many people, and granny was yelling energetically at the mercenaries as well.

It hasn’t been even 10 days since then, so it’s obviously obvious.

I would like to tell granny that “It’s alright. The forest people are now safe”, but it’s still too early for that.

Even if the subjugation force is disbanded, it will take some time.

While thinking that, we stayed at the village for a night and then moved towards the forest at dawn.

“Almost there, we should arrive at the Supard village by dusk if we enter the forest at dawn, so please have a little bit more patience.”

“Yeah. Let’s make haste though.”

“……My legs are starting to feel heavy.”

The two soldiers.

They had a lot of small complaints.


He was growing a very elegant handlebar moustache and looked a lot like the receptionist soldier.

Perhaps they’re brothers.

His voice and the manner of speech were the only things that set them apart.

Unlike the moustached soldier, Gullickson gave of an impression of a rude and a fairly blunt person.

He’s also an impatient character that hates being kept waiting.

In the inn, as I was thinking about paying both mine and their shares, he paid my share as well before I could say anything, and one other time during our journey, the moment he realized that we were preparing to set up a campfire, he immediately started collecting firewood.

On top of that, when a monster attacked us, he took the initiative and went ahead to defeat it.

Of course, I took care of all the monsters. It’ll be troublesome for me if they got hurt.


He’s oval-faced. A long thin face can be said to vilify him.

He is calmer in comparison to Gullickson.

Always wearing a calm smile, he didn’t bother to even unsheathe his sword when a monster attacked.

Having said that, he’s not that much of a chatterbox.

He only says a few words when necessary. Otherwise, he stays shut like a shellfish.

He’s a very curious character though. When I used chantless magic, he was surprised and started asking this and that.

He’s wearing a soldier’s uniform, but he might be a magician.


Sandor had sent me some suggestive gazes before.

The gazes were as if they were evaluating me.

I feel like I’m being monitored, but it can’t be helped.

A male who suddenly appeared with the proposal of suspending the subjugation force.

They might have received orders to not let their guards down in case I tried to do something weird.

It’s natural to be vigilant, and it’s understandable that they’re keeping an eye on me.

But there seems to be something more to it than that.

The duo gave of some really creepy vibes from time to time.

The strange thing is that Doga doesn't look like that much.

Doga seems naïve in regards to his appearance; I can’t think of him having the wits to fool others.

So it might be that I am simply overthinking things too much after all

“The Supards are good-natured people. They are a bit blunt, but if you deal with them keeping that in mind, you can talk with them in good faith. Incidentally, they’re kind towards kids as well.”

I tried endeavoring a positive image campaign of Supard race towards my two companions from Biheiril kingdom.

“……We aren’t children.”

“Of course, I know that. But it’s alright, they’ll properly welcome you.”

Still, it looks like they have some doubts regarding the Supard race after all.

At this rate, even if the Supards welcomed them warmly, they’ll still be suspicious of the food handed to them or something.

Until recently, the village was being invaded by the plague. If that became known, then it’s likely that they won’t even move their hands to touch the food.

But fortunately, there’s the food brought in by the doctors as well.

If it’s the Asuran folks, then it may be possible for their palate.

At any rate, I intend to make them see the whole village and make them go back with a good feeling.

Part 2

We arrived at the Earth Dragon Valley.

There were two bridges in front of us.

“Why are there two side-by-side bridges?”

The bridge that was there before and the bridge made by me.

“It would not be good if we were to fall down midway, so I created one with earth magic.”

“Hmmm……so, which one should we cross?”

“This one.”

When I pointed to the one I created, Gullickson jumped on it right away and started walking.

Without any handrails, despite the height, he rapidly walked without any hesitation.

Perhaps he’s not afraid.

I guess.

I followed him. Behind me was Sandor, and Doga was at the end of the line.

“Please be careful so as not to fall.”

If I had passed earlier, I would’ve been able to save them if someone were to fall, but Gullickson is really impatient.

Just like Eris.

Perhaps Gullickson is a Sword God Style user.

“Are there earth dragons below……?”

When I turned to look, Sandor gulped as he was trying to look below.

“Sandor-san, you’re a resident of this country and yet you don’t know?”

“I know of it, but this is the first time I’ve come here.”

That’s obvious.

There are probably not many who have seen every famous place of a country.

Since this wasn’t a tourist-attraction spot.

From the standpoint of a soldier, if one enters the forest after being specifically told not to, it would prove to be somehow problematic.

There are only a few who have climbed the Red Dragon Mountain Range in the east of Asura Kingdom, it’s the same as that.

“Rudeus-dono, I’ve heard that you’ve come to call yourself the subordinate of the Dragon God Orsted, but……have you ever fought an earth dragon?”

“I have not.”

“You’ve shown us splendid magic on our way here, but if it came to that, could you fight one?”

Sandor’s voice was trembling.

Perhaps he was afraid.

Afraid of an earth dragon suddenly climbing out of the valley and attacking us.

The bottom of the valley isn’t visible. What is lurking in it, what would pop out of it, those unpleasant thoughts are probably swelling inside his mind.

“Please be relieved.

I wouldn’t know what to do if I was thrown inside a flock, but if there were only one or two, I think I could deal with them.”

“Is that so……”

“Oi, hurry up already!”

During the time we conversed, Gullickson had already crossed over and was waiting.

We increased our pace to catch up with his impatience.

“After crossing the bridge, the Supard race’s village is only a little bit further.”

And from there starts the real thing.

Part 3

Inspection tour of the Supard village

Guide : Rudeus Greyrat

Support : Doga

No. of participants : 2

“The Supard village only has one entrance.

The entrance is being guarded by two gatekeepers so as not to allow the invasion of monsters.

Thanks to their peculiar sensory organ, a trespasser can never be overlooked.

Of course, they have already sensed our arrival.

However there is no need for concern. Since they’re a very friendly species.”

“……Just what happened to you suddenly?”

“I’m giving an explanation.”

Gullickson was dubious, he won’t realize it by just looking.

That’s why there is a need for an explanation.

For that reason, a guide is necessary.

Hence a presentation.

“We can see the entrance.

Can you see it? Those people are the Supard race.

You realize why they’re facing this way even though they’re inside the forest, right?”

When I pointed towards the village, both their bodies stiffened.

It’s the real, genuine Supard race.

“……Looks like their hair really was green.”

“Indeed. However, there is no need for concern. Since you guys were able to get along well with the ogre tribe who has red skin and a horn growing, right?

The hair color is just slightly different. What’s inside of them is the same as everyone. Of course, there are some differences from person to person. If you talked with them nicely - they’ll be pleasant, if you talked with them rudely - they’ll be unpleasant.

It’s as simple as that. Please look.”

While saying that, I approached one of the gatekeepers.

First, I must make them realize that the Supard race is not a race of demons.

Greeting with a smile and getting a reply with a smile.

It’s the first step in human relations.

While extending my hand, I greeted the gatekeeper.



The gatekeeper shook hands, made a puzzled face, and looked at the other one.


Looks like I got a little bit overexcited.

“Sorry. I’ve brought along the emissaries from the Biheiril Kingdom. I want to guide them around the village, so I’d be grateful if you let us through.”

“……I don’t mind. I’ve heard about this from Ruijerd.”

“Thank you very much. If possible, I also wanted to have a talk with the chieftains.”

“Got it, I’ll convey the matter.”

One of the youngsters started running towards the inside of the village.

“Now then, please follow me.”

After seeing him off, I entered the village.

Gullickson and Sandor slowly entered the village with stiffened faces.

So they were nervous after all.

I slowly began to walk towards the inside of the village so as to not make them worry.

“Just a few days ago, a plague was spreading here, but it is not something that infects humans.”

Honestly, we still don’t know whether or not it’s infectious to humans.

It’ll be cured if one drinks the Sokasu tea, but we still don’t know whether it was originally Vita or a disease that caused the plague.

It’s possible that I’ve already infected the Biheiril Kingdom and that the country will fall into a pandemic-like state within one month or so……

I’ll choose the Supards over humans I don’t know.

“Food is prepared there. They’ll be having the evening meal there at this time.

The fields are over there, slaughters of the animals are carried out on the opposite side.

You can see it right now, but that’s the corpse of the invisible monster.

We were not attacked on our way here, but a short while after its death, the invisible monster starts looking like that.

After all it is the invisible wolf. If not for the Supards, hunting with satisfaction wouldn’t have been possible.”

The chieftains probably have preparations to do, so I’m slowly walking them around the village while giving an explanation.

No Supard approaches us.

Of course, we don’t approach them either……but could that make the soldiers mental image worse if they looked from a distance?

No, wherever you move your eyes, the scenery of a calm forest can be seen.

It’s alright, no problem at all.

“………So there’s also someone from Milis religion.”

“And someone from the Long-eared race as well.”

When I casually looked over, Cliff was talking about something with Elinalize.

He was probably investigating the cause of the plague as he was walking around looking at places while pointing at a bundle of papers.

“Ah, he’s the genius man who saved the Supard race from the illness.”

“Does that mean that the Supard race has been approved by the Milis church?”

“It would be wrong to say that the majority of the Milis followers have, but one faction has approved of the demon race.

At the very least, Milis church will not be sending in any more troops to the Biheiril Kingdom to approach the Supards.”


“Won’t you introduce him to us?”

“Well, fine.”

As they greeted Cliff while extending their hands, Cliff shook their hands after making a sign of cross.

If he’s calmly spending time in this village, that means he might’ve made sure of Supard race’s safety.


Looking at Gullickson and Sandor, their faces were still grim.

Do they already want to go home……?

“……Ah, please look at this. The children of the Supard race are coming from over there.”

While holding the ball and giggling along the way, the children pass by us.

“Their tails are lovely, aren’t they?

Those tails are held by every Supard, and become their white spears later in life.

However, children look adorable in any world.

Don’t you think so?”

I tried saying that while chasing the children’s figures with my eye, but the two soldiers didn’t look at the children’s backs.

Do they hate children?

No, that’s wrong.

They were looking in the direction where the children were running to.

There stood a weird person wearing a white coat and a black helmet mounted on his head.

Within the settling sun, his figure which was standing still as a spirit looked as if he were a demon.


As Gullickson gasped, he quickly moved his hand to the sword on his back. Looking at that, I hurriedly stood in front of him.

“Ahh well……he’s not one of the Supards. Please don’t mind him.”

“………If he’s not one of the Supards, then who is he?”

“He’s my boss, Dragon God Orsted.

He certainly looks a little weird right now but it’s alright, that person will leave this country after the end of this chain of events. He’s harmless.”

“……That so?”

Orsted looked at them for several seconds, but then turned his face away quickly.

At the same time, the soldiers’ tension dissolved.

Looks like in this state of affairs, Orsted’s curse was putting this in a difficult position after all.

No, it could be that by looking at Orsted, they had realized that Supards weren’t just normal villagers.

“The Supard race has a lot of warriors, but as you can see, half of them are women or children who don’t hold any power.

Please throw away that preconceived notion and look at it with your own eyes.

Do they look demons to you?”

I asked a question immediately after they looked away from Orsted.

It’s almost as if I’m calling Orsted more demonic than the Supard race.

I’ll apologize later.

“…………No, they don’t.”

Sandor muttered a few words.

“Dragon God? Leaving him aside, the village itself looks ordinary, just like the other villages.”

“That’s right. It resembles my home town a bit.”

Gullickson agreed on Sandor’s words.

I don’t know whether Orsted was effective, but they don’t seem to hate it.

And when I casually looked over, the young gatekeeper who had gone before was approaching this way.

“The chieftains will now meet you.”

“I understand. Well then, both of you, please come this way. I will now introduce you to the chieftains.”

Looks like the preparations of the chieftains are over.

I led the two soldiers to the building where the chieftains were waiting while having a good feedback.

Part 4

The chieftain was waiting for us in a somewhat big house.

This may be some kind of temporary measure, since the lecture hall was still being used as an infirmary.

There were three people waiting for us.

There were 2 from the previous meeting, and Ruijerd.

The remaining two are still under medical care.

Norn was beside Ruijerd and put out the tea ceremony that was prepared in advanced after we entered.

This little sister of mine is a very perceptive child.

Well, she couldn’t do something like this before.

Is this the fruit of formal education?

“So, Rudeus-dono, what would you like to talk about?”

“Supard race’s history up till now, their present condition, and their wish regarding the country.”

“I understand.”

The conversation advanced relatively calmly, probably because the welcome was modest.

The thing of the past and things of the present.

And thus, regarding the circumstances after this.

They don’t want to hurt anyone and want to live in peace.

That modest wish of the Supard race was delivered from the Chieftain’s own mouth to the soldiers.

Unaware of it, a calm atmosphere had already begun to flow between the soldiers.

The tranquility of the village, the chieftain’s gentle demeanour.

Ruijerd too looked like he was diligently trying to unfasten his vigilance.

“I understand, we’ll convey the truth to his majesty. Please be relieved, we don’t hate you.”

Sandor finally said that and the meeting was over.

It was decided that the soldiers would stay for tonight and leave tomorrow.

One night stay at the house which was loaned to Doga and Sándor.

For the time being, Doga and I also stayed in the same house.

By the way, Norn stayed at Ruijerd’s house the whole time.

She has really become emotionally attached to him.

I wonder if she looks at him the same way she looked at Paul.

“What are your thoughts regarding the Supard race’s village?”

Before I went to sleep, I tried asking them that.

“It was much better than we had thought.”


The two soldiers were nodding to each other with a delightful face.

“I’ve heard that the Supards are a demon race, but……it’s different when you see it with your own eyes after all.”

“It’s an ordinary village. The food is good too.”

“The invisible wolf? I still can’t believe that there’s an invisible monster though.”

“But the inside of the forest was strangely quiet. It’s quieter than the forest near the capital where regular hunting takes place.”

“Then, I wonder if it’s true that they hunt the invisible monster around here.”

The two were praising the village while saying this and that before sleep.

Looks like the Inspection tour of the Supard race was a great success.

Part 5

The next day, we talked about escorting the two soldiers to the capital city.

I explained that if they stayed for 2 or 3 days more - they’ll be able to see the invisible monster for real, however…

“We must return back quickly and report to his majesty for disbanding the Subjugation force, so…”

Since that’s how it was, it was decided to return as quickly as possible.

It’s as if we had flip-flopped.

I wanted to use the teleportation magic formation by all means to save some time, but I must persevere for now.

There’s this saying that haste makes waste.

Since a weak person can’t do anything in a strange place.

While thinking that, I informed Ruijerd that “I’m going to escort them off.” and left the village.

The Supard race will be OK with this for now.

After that, it’s Gisu.

The North God’s and Ogre God’s whereabouts are also on my mind.

There’s also the possibility that he has already left this country and is somewhere else, but………

If so, I’ll be worried about Sylphy’s situation.

There’s also the possibility that this ‘somewhere else’ is where the Sword God is.

I wonder how Sylphy is doing.

It’s fine if she safely came into contact with the Sword God though.

I wonder if Eris is fine.

It’s fine as long as she doesn’t create any problems.

I think it’s fine since she’s with Roxy, but I’m a bit worried because even she sometimes makes mistakes.

About Aisha and the rest………I feel they’ll be just fine.

“……Is only one person coming with us?”

As I walked while thinking those things, Gullickson who was walking one step ahead of me turned back and asked.


I tried surveying my surroundings.

Gullickson, Sandor, and me.

“If it’s that knight, he was sleeping without a nick in his snoring when we left.”

Upon Sandor’s words, I realized that Doga wasn’t here.

I didn’t realize that at all.

Well, in comparison to his frame, he doesn’t stand out much.

Wait, you overslept……

“We-well………please be relieved. Even alone I should be able to escort you back properly.”



Listening to my words, both of them exchanged glances with each other.

Well, there shouldn’t be any problem.

Considering that Gisu doesn’t show up with the Ogre God on our way back……it should be fine as long as that doesn’t happen.

Not to mention, if that does happen, it wouldn’t be any different even if Doga was here or not.

Still, it would seem that I was advised not to be alone.

Should I make an Earth Fortress and wait until one of us went and brought back Doga?

We’re also about to meet up with Sándor along the way to second city Irel………


Before I realized, it was there in front of my eyes.

We’d already arrived at the Earth Dragon Valley.

There were two bridges in front of me.

This is perfect.

After we cross the bridge, there would be a lower number of invisible wolves; it’ll be comparatively safer.

Let’s move over there and wait.

“I’ll be going first.”

Gullickson started walking forwards as if it was natural, Sandor and I followed.

Perhaps it had been better if someone was behind so that the two of them would not fall.

While thinking that, I was cautiously walking and keeping an eye out for them.


Gullickson suddenly stopped midway.

“What’s the matter?”

He turned around.

An expressionless face that doesn’t match his fine moustache.

“Oi, will you do it?”

That inquiry was directed behind me, to Sandor.

When I turned around he shrugged.

“No, please go ahead and do it yourself.”

What’s going on?

What’s this conversation?

“Umm, if you want to talk then would you do it after we cross the bridge?”

“Hm? Aah……”

While breathing out as if sighing, Gullickson moved his right hand to the wrist of his left hand.

As I was wondering what he was doing, he put his fingers on top the glove.

And then, slowly started to remove that glove from his hands.

“Unexpectedly, it’s a thing that doesn’t let out any secrets.”

My heart started running fast.

The thing that was on Gullickson’s finger.

It was a ring that I knew of.

“My heart was pounding when Cliff Grimoire, who holds the Identification eye, saw me. If I hadn’t been wearing the glove, he might have seen through me.”

I turned around.

Sandor was also removing his glove.

He had a similar ring as well.

That ring.

I knew that ring.

It was the same ring that I was wearing.

Introduced by the Asura Kingdom, a ring that can change appearances, a magic tool.

“Haaaaa~……all that drama made my back hurt.”

Gullickson said that and removed his ring.

Right before me his face started to change.

His moustache disappeared, and transformed into the face of a middle-aged man of about 40 years.

A face, similar to a ferocious wolf, which matched his tone.

He changed into a completely different person.

“………A message from Gisu. 『Magic tools ain’t limited to only one』.”

I turn around at that voice.

Sandor’s face was changing as well.

It’s not that long-thin face anymore.

A slightly young boy with black hair.

Having someone else’s face.

“All things considered, it’s a pity. And to think I expected so much from you who defeated Auber……”

Words didn’t come out.

My throat had dried up.

Gullickson and Sandor, I could feel a tremendous amount of bloodthirst coming from both sides.

“『If it’s a narrow foothold, then even Senpai won’t be able to use his trump card』or so Gisu had said.

Furthermore, to set foot in such a place willingly under the condition where both your front and back are---"

“Who are you……you two?”

Words as if scolding them came out.

I had a hunch that I knew.

I also felt like I didn’t.

“I’m Gull Farion of the Sword God style.”

“I’m North God Kalman the Third, Aleksander Ryback.”

Both of them said in succession.

Sword God Gull Farion.

North God Kalman the third.

The two who said Gisu’s name.


Both of them were enemies.

The moment I realized that, I immediately extended my hand towards my waist.

To push the button of the scroll for summoning the Magic Armor『Mk. I』

My hand didn’t move.

Right in front of my eyes, my entire right arm fell down.

That right arm hit the bridge and was falling down the valley.

When I saw, Gullickso--Gull Farion had unsheathed his sword.

He cut it, but it was already too late to think that.


Intense pain ran through me and I tried to stop the wound with my left hand.


My left hand didn’t move.

Wrong, it wasn’t that my left hand didn’t move.

It wasn’t there.

In the corner of vision, my left hand could be seen falling down towards the valley.

“Oh, so that’s your real face. You’re quite handsome. Yup, it’s better than the face before.”

Due to the loss of my arms, the effects of the ring wore off.

Gull started laughing while looking at my face.

“『Since senpai uses magic from his hands, it’s possible if you cut the hands from the base, he’ll be unable to use it.』”

Sandor adds.

Blood was gushing out from both my hands.

It’s certainly not coming out.

Magic was not coming out.

As if the circuits that fired magic were in the upper part of the arm, magic didn’t come out.

“But wouldn’t we have won even without knowing all of this?”

“Probably not, we don’t know what would’ve happened if he directly opposed us. Even Gisu said to be careful around him.”

“I don’t think so, it would have been different if the North Emperor Doga had been here as a vanguard though, but I don’t think that I would’ve lost.”

It’s wasn’t coming out from the hands.

When I realized that, I immediately started channeling mana into the Magic Armor.


While increasing the output in my leg, I turned back.

I charged in Sandor’s direction.

I didn’t intend to attack.

My aim was to slip past him and reach the Supard vill--


My back felt a shock.

I was hit by a slashing attack.

A slashing attack capable of cutting up the Magic Armor『Mk. II』like butter, it was the Longsword of Light.

My body was cut right in half……or so I thought, but then the shock on my back would have been weird.

As I thought that, I was assailed with a floating sensation.

I was falling.

Within my spinning field of vision, Aleksander and Gull could be seen peeking below from the top of the collapsing bridge.

Ah, is it because I tried to tread on the bridge with a fully powered Mk. II?

That thought crosses my mind.

I was falling.

After losing both my arms and not being able to do anything - I was falling.

My body had a feeling of powerlessness.

Fear was boiling up within me.

I’ll die.

The moment that word echoed in my heart, my whole body felt a strong impact and I lost consciousness.

Part 6

“Uh oh……he fell down.”

While looking at Rudeus falling down into the valley, Gull Farion breathed out a sigh.

Aleksander too was looking down at the valley while knitting his brows in disapproval.

“Gull-san, did you go easy on him at the end? It seemed to me that you didn’t cut him properly.”

“Don’t be foolish……look at this.”

The sword held by Gull was broken from its base.

It’s understandable if someone were to look into it, those kind of swords were distributed among the soldiers of the Biheiril Kingdom; they were casting articles.

It’s not that bad, but a person whose hobby was playing with swords would find it unappetizing.

“His armor was much harder than I thought it to be……”

Not to mention, Gull Farion was someone who held one of the strongest sword techniques.

A good artisan does not blame his tools. In accordance with those words, there was no need to use one of the famous swords to cut a flesh and blood human.

Even though he thought that it would be more than enough, Rudeus’s armor was harder than expected.

The reason was that he had never once felt such a strong feedback, especially when considering that he slashed at his back.

“I should’ve brought my favorite sword.”

As he said that, Gull threw that sword into the valley.

“I guess it can’t be helped. If we had brought our favorite swords, our identities would have been exposed.”

While looking down as well, Aleksander shrugged.

On his back was the sword of the regular army of Biheiril Kingdom.

Of course, it’s not something a North God would carry.

“So, what to do? Should we go down and put an end to him?”

“……Hmm. If it wasn’t for an act of not being able to use magic after losing both his hands, then I guess it should be fine to leave him.”

“Well there are flocks of earth dragon as well.”

“He said that he would be able to deal with one or two of them, but would be impossible against a flock, right?”

While thinking about the words Rudeus said, Aleksander came to that conclusion.

Of course, they also thought that specially going down to ascertain it was troublesome.

It was because their aim wasn’t to defeat Rudeus.

“Well then, now that we were able to remove the first obstacle……should we turn back?”

“The fight with Orsted. I’m looking forward to it. Ah, you dealt with Rudeus, so please let me deal with Orsted, ok?”

The two of them crossed the collapsing bridge and returned back.

While chatting as if nothing had happened at all, they turned back on the road which led to the capital of Biheiril Kingdom.

“Haah? You just want to raise your rank among the world powers, it’s fine if I go first.”

“That’s wrong. I don’t want to raise my rank among the world powers, I want to become the hero. A hero who will surpass his father, North God Kalman who surpassed his father.”


There was none who would run after their figures.

Even among the Supards who held the third eye, there was not a single one looking at this place.

After the turmoil of the disease, they had not gone far from the village for hunting.

Even if there were any for argument’s sake, the two of them wouldn’t have attacked him on the bridge.

“I’m not trying to get a head-start on you. Aren’t we supposed to do it exactly as planned? Because those were the conditions.”


While leaving those words behind, Gull Farion and Aleksander Ryback vanished into the forest.

Stillness fell upon the valley.

Only the collapsed bridge was left.

And then, only silence remained.

Author's Q&A

Author : The opinions of Rudeus’ becoming so careless was a lot so I rewrote a little. He'll now want to take Doga with him and turn back.

Depicting it is really hard, isn't it?

As an author I wanted you to recognize that the two soldiers 'became comrades' during that kind of flow and while saying those lines at that time, I wanted you to realize that it didn't matter much even if Doga was there or not.

I wonder whether the number of simple events weren't enough or the writing style was awkward……

Looks like it doesn't always go as we want it to be.

Q. How should I say this…Why weren't there words like 'Rudi will die?!' or 'Is it going to end?!' in the Q&A section? LOL

A. Because simply falling down into the valley ain't going to stop it………

Q. Is Aleksander the uncle of the Death God? Is he an uncle with a young face?

A. It's possible they're half-siblings.

Q. Why did Gull-san cut Rudi's hands instead of his head during his first attack? Were they being cautious?

If the Sword God and North God wanted to fight Orsted so bad then why didn't they attack him the first time?

I mean, even though they think they couldn't win unless they surprise attacked Rudi, it's funny that both Gull and Alek intend to win against Orsted.

I mean, was there any reason for them to expose themselves and fluently talking before attacking Rudeus?

A. Just like how it's written; it's because those were the conditions, that's why.

As an author, I intended to write it in this form : They removed their rings and named themselves, they heard it fair and square from Gisu 'a method to defeat Rudeus without letting him use his power', they executed it and were successful.

No matter how much cautious you are, the thief will definitely get in, it's fine if it's similar to this, but I guess it's quite difficult.

Q. Were the 2 of them substitutes for the ones who were near the King?

A. That's right.

Q. I won't consult with the boss when I think that it's even slightly strange.

A. But that boss doesn't give out satisfactory instructions.

Q. The amount of spelling mistakes has steadily accumulated, but……Should I tell you about them after this volume has ended or immediately after you realize it?

A. While looking at the Q&A's and taking down memos, I'm rectifying them at my own pace. The first time I read it and find any I immediately rectify it. If after several days had passed and then there's still something left! then I'd be grateful if it's done after it's ended.

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