Mushoku Tensei (WN)

Book 23: Chapter 8: The Capital

Part 1

A silent house.

On the sunken hearth in the centre of the house, a pot was shaking.

Sitting in front of that was a man with green hair.

It was Ruijerd.

I was sitting across from him, with the hearth in front of me.



There was no conversation.

Only silence remained between Ruijerd and I.

There was nothing to say.

No, it would be better to say that there wasn’t any chance to speak.

All of my focus was directed entirely on what’s in front of me right now.

Failure is not allowed.

My gaze pointed directly in front, I waited for the moment to come.


And so, that time came.

Carefully stretching out my hand… I put out the pot’s fire.

But, it’s not over yet.

I must not rush.

And like that, for almost 10 minutes, I stopped moving.

After 10 minutes had passed, I finally raised my voice.

“Ruijerd-san, are you ready?”

“Yes, I do not mind.”

As I received those words, I reached out to what was beside me.

It was completely white, with a gritty surface, and an appearance close to that of an egg.

Not like, it was a chicken egg.


Breaking the egg, and taking out a bowl, I scrambled the egg with chopsticks.

I was completing that series of events as if it was natural.

As if I had known it from the moment I was born.

The soul of a child of three is the same at a hundred.

Once you learn how to ride a bike, no matter how many years pass, you never forget. It’s the same as that.

No, I may not have even learned how to do this.

From the moment I was born, I may have had this information.

In other words, it was instinct.

The egg was now being beaten.

I repeated the action once more.

There were two eggs scrambled in the bowl.

I left that as it is and reached out towards the lid.


Taking off the lid and looking at the inside, I nodded.

The steaming white rice was making a simmering noise.

The uninterrupted steaminess of the cooked rice was spreading throughout the room.

The inside of my mouth began to water, and I unintentionally gulped.

I was overwhelmed by the urge to rake the rice into my mouth, but I endured it and stirred the rice mixture.

I took the bowls.

And dished out the freshly cooked rice.

A bowlful of it.

Not too much but not too little.

Therefore with the chopsticks, I opened a hole in the centre of the rice.

Into that hole, I poured in the eggs I had scrambled earlier.

And stained the white rice with a gleaming gold.

But that is not all.

From here on out.

This moment that I’ve been waiting for, from the instant I came to this world until now, has been my greatest wish.

I took the small bottle next to me.

While slowly squeezing itself out from that small spout, it poured onto the golden rice.

What came from that spout was a black liquid.

A pitch black liquid that looked like poison at first glance.

It was soy sauce.

I poured it only once.

Two was also fine, but for now, only once.

With just that, the top of the golden rice was now stained black.

Just like the tint of a pudding, it caused my stomach to growl.

Stay calm, I’ll be able to eat it soon.

It was for this purpose that I went through 4 trials.

Also, from here on out, it will be possible to eat this whenever I want.

However, the first time is a very important moment that must be cherished.

“……Here you go.”


I pass it to Ruijerd.

After taking the bowl, he waited for me.

I immediately repeated the process and made another.

“And so, thanks for the food, let’s eat.”

Hands together, we bowed.

Bowl to the left, chopsticks to the right.

I stretched my mouth wide for the first bite.

“—Mmm! —HmMmm!!”

This is it.

This taste.

It’s perfect.

It is not the best, but this is it.

This is the taste I have been searching for for so long.


One bite, two bites, three bites.

Silently, eating, chewing and swallowing; occasionally coughing as I choked up on some rice.

I did nothing but continue to eat.

“……That was such a feast!”

Before I realized it, my bowl was empty.

My happiness time was over in an instant.

I was satisfied after eating, but I also felt as if something was missing.

But before I made seconds, I looked at the man in front of me.

Ruijerd was eating in silence.

He’s not usually a man who speaks during meals, but today he seemed more quiet than usual.

No, today it is only Ruijerd and I.

Because I was not talking, there was no conversation.

Although his eating pace is not all that fast.

It looks like he still hadn’t eaten even half of his portion.

No, I was simply too fast.

“Um, Nii-san.”


As I thought that, Norn was sitting right beside us before I realized it.

“Norn…When did you……”

“When? You ask……I just got here……I tried calling you once when you were eating.”

So she arrived while I was eating.

“What are you eating?”

“Something good. Do you want some too?”

“………Then, I guess I will.”

Norn nodded as she glanced at Ruijerd.

I immediately served rice in a bowl,

Beat the egg, scrambled it, and added soy sauce.

The entire process took 10 seconds, but the taste isn’t the tiniest bit different.

It is the technique of a craftsman.

“Eat as much as you want.”

“What’s this……?”

“It’s my comfort food.”

“……Thanks for the food.”

Norn took the bowl I handed her and began eating slowly.


I waited.

I waited while they ate.

I sat and waited.

You’re still not done? Hurry up.

I want to hear your opinions. Although there’s no need to, but I still want to know.


And while my thoughts raced, Ruijerd had finished eating.

“So this is what you were talking about on the journey?”

“Yes. What do you think?”


His impression was a single word.

But I was satisfied.

My companion and I were finally able to eat what I had been searching for long ago on that nostalgic journey.

I was satisfied.

It’s only a pity that Eris wasn’t here.

“……Thank you for the meal.”

Thus Norn also finished eating.

And she had only just started, that was quite fast.

“What do you think Norn? This is what I was talking about at home.”

“……It was quite delicious. It doesn’t taste like anything I’ve had before……is it because of this seasoning?”

“Yeah. It’s soy sauce, a versatile seasoning. It’s delicious with anything you put it on.”


Norn seemed to be in great admiration.

I’ll make it at home and let you eat it.

Today is an anniversary.

The anniversary of the first egg mix rice has been tasted in this world.

“It’s just that eating a raw egg will upset your stomach, so you need to use detoxification magic.”

“If detoxification is needed, then don’t make someone recovering from a disease eat it!”

I made her angry on the anniversary.

Part 2

Two days later.

The Supard race was steadily making its way towards complete recovery.

Although there were some who were still bedridden, those with moderate symptoms were beginning to go back to their normal lives.

I also took it upon myself to build a darkroom to grow the Sokasu herb in the corner of the village.

We still don’t know whether the cause of the plague was the high mana density soil or Dark King Vita.

But if we ever encounter the same symptoms, if we have this, then the result will differ greatly.

Although if the cause was Dark King Vita, then the same disease shouldn’t appear again.

If it was the soil, then the Supard race would need to change their residence.

They would have to move somewhere less deep in the forest, or at the very least purchase vegetables from the neighboring village.

Either would work.

In any case, it was still necessary to have the country’s approval.

I would like to have them move to the Asura Kingdom, but there was a lot of unease and opposition from the Supard race.

It seems they dislike leaving behind a place they have lived in for so long.

On top of that, the Milis Church’s influence in the Asura Kingdom is quite large.

Cliff was rather relaxed when it came to the Supard race, but the Milis Church’s deep rooted fear was most likely still commonplace.

And thus, to negotiate with the Biheiril Kingdom, I decided to head towards the capital.

There were two goals.

Have the Supard race accepted.

And on top of that, have the subjugation force disbanded.

The Supard race, overall, is quite frank, and due to their continued persecution, they are quite exclusive, but they are good people.

The Biheiril Kingdom might show disapproval at first, but there are plenty of ways to get them to change their mind.

The quickest of those is to get them to visit this village.

If they actually come and see the somewhat clumsy people and the smiling children, they will know that this is a safe place……Is what I would want them to think, but I wonder.

The Biheiril Kingdom might see the children and think, “There are even children being born here, hurry and dispose of them!”

Just like cockroaches.

But if that happens, I would recommend that the Supard race emigrate.

If they live in the Asura Kingdom, I’ll owe Ariel another favor……but if it came to that, I’ll just pay it with my body.

Although I think it will be fine.

The Supard children are somewhat cute to look at.

To see such children innocently playing with a leather ball, I would like to think that Biheiril Kingdom is filled with nothing but people that would smile at the sight.

“And so, I’ll be heading for the capital.”


“Cliff will be seeing the disease’s progress, and Elinalize will be accompanying him as well. Norn will continue to nurse Ruijerd. What about you, Orsted-sama?”

“I’ll stay here. Cliff Grimoire is currently investigating the plague. We may be able to cure it next time.”

As Orsted said that, he returned the ball that came flying at him with a *bong* sound.

It was in a flash. I couldn’t even see the movement of his hand.

But the ball gently flew in an arch and landed right in the child’s hand.

“With the negotiations, it will not be necessary for me to go.”

“Of course. No matter how much the helmet seals your curse…”

With another *bong* the ball was hit back.

“It’s not as if the curse has completely disappeared.”


The ball was returned again.

“But if it comes to it, I’ll be relying on your appearance. Even with the curse, it’s possible that if they see you, they will be in awe.”

“That is fine.”

Another *bong*.

“Should I make them stop?”

No matter which direction he sent the ball flying, the Supard children continued to send the ball in Orsted’s direction.

The look in their eyes, rather than hostility, was curiosity.

‘Because there’s some weird guy here, let’s try throwing the ball at him’ kind of thing.

If it weren’t for the helmet, they might not be throwing the ball, but rocks.

But because the ball keeps landing comfortably in their hand, it’s somewhat fun.

“There is no problem. This level doesn’t even count as an attack.”

“Ah, is that so?”

I wonder if Orsted was having fun.

I couldn’t see his expression under the helmet, but he wasn’t in a bad mood.

“Is it fun?”

“…It isn’t bad.”

It’s fine if it’s not bad.

“Then I’ll be taking my leave.”


As Orsted said that, I left the area.

Sándor and Doga were waiting for me by the teleportation magic circle.

While I will go to the capital, Sándor will go to the second city to meet with the informant.

The destinations were different, but we decided that splitting up would be good for efficiency’s sake.

I was taking Doga as an escort.

I feel like he won’t be of much help, but it’s better than not having him.


On the way I nearly ran into Ruijerd.

While leaning on Norn’s shoulder, he was walking dizzily.

“Ruijerd-san, is it ok to walk?”

“Just a little.”

Although Ruijerd said that, when I saw Norn’s stern face, I knew that wasn’t the case.

“I will be leaving for a bit to negotiate with the Biheiril Kingdom. I may bring along the country’s soldiers with me, so if that happens, please try to welcome them to the best of your ability.”

“I understand. I’ll tell the Chieftain.”

As Ruijerd said that, I saw Orsted.

Pressed against a wall, continuously having the ball thrown at him by the children.

It looked like bullying at first glance, but for some reason it was a pleasant sight.

Each time Orsted accurately returned the ball, the children laughed.

“He’s different from how he looks, eh?”


While saying that with a grin, I left.

Part 3

I headed to the Biheiril Kingdom via the magic formation.

Of course I checked the communication lithograph when I stopped at the office.

Zanoba’s group had found no particular problem.

Aisha + Mercenaries also had no problem.

Sylphy’s group still had not made contact. Considering the distance of the teleportation magic formation, it’s quite far, so it can’t be helped.

From Roxy’s group, there was little movement.

It seems that when they looked into Ogre Island, the Ogre God had already left.

We do not know the location of the Ogre God.

But the people of Ogre Island were preparing for a battle, was the kind of information that seems to be flowing around.

Also, Eris was heading here.

She wanted to meet Ruijerd.

Even so. I wished she would hold on a little longer.

I also dispatched the information that the Supard race was recovering.

I felt like I’ve made a big racket about an incident that was resolved in just a few days, but I guess it can’t be helped.

After finishing all that, I once again equipped the disguise ring and hopped into the teleportation magic circle that connected to Biheiril Kingdom’s capital.

Part 4

Zanoba had set up the teleportation circle in an abandoned village inside the forest about half a day away from the capital.

“Master, I have been waiting.”

At the moment I arrived, Zanoba lowered his head.

Julie and Ginger were also with him.

“Were you waiting for me?”

“Yes. From the moment I heard you were coming.”

What a loyal guy.

“But this works out great. Here, there are no eavesdroppers to worry about, and I can give my report.”

“I see. Then let’s hear it.”

“Although I say that, it’s nothing major.”

And with that preface, Zanoba told me of all his movements until now.

First, after finding an inn, he set up the teleportation magic circle in this forest.

After that was information collection in the capital.

It was then he came across the information that『The country is gathering a subjugation force』.

That was when he gave his first report on the communication lithograph. The part I read.

After that, he gained information that the North God would be participating in the subjugation force.

While still looking for information on Gisu, they were also looking for the North God.

That was the current state of situation.

“So basically, we don’t know anything yet?”

“I am very sorry. When I had heard that North God Kalman the Third stood out, I thought we could find him quickly, but it was considerably……”

“No, there is no need to apologize.”

We have only just entered the Biheiril Kingdom, so we haven’t been here for that long.

Enter the city, set up the magic circle, begin actions.

It was achieved in almost seven days.

To obtain these results, that’s rather fast.

“Let’s work hard from here on out.”


The North God, huh?

If he really is participating in the subjugation force, I must convince them under any circumstances.

But not being able to find someone that stands out makes me think someone was moving in the shadows.

Maybe the North God has already become Gisu’s companion.

Maybe Gisu, after hearing that Vita has been defeated and their plan had failed, saw how disadvantaged he was and decided to withdraw with the North God.

There was also the possibility that Vita was a diversion; he was defeated quite easily.

It’s also possible that the information on Vita hadn’t reached Gisu yet, but that might be a bit too optimistic.

If that's the case, I was at least able to make Ruijerd a comrade.

Just that makes this visit to the Biheiril Kingdom worth something.

“Then Master, shall we go? I will guide you to the capital.”

“Yeah, please.”

In any case, what I must do hasn’t changed yet.

While thinking that, I headed to the Biheiril Capital.

Part 5

The capital of the Biheiril Kingdom was somehow similar to Shirone Kingdom.

Being on the central continent, it had the atmosphere of a small to medium size state.

This country, rich in wood, mostly used timber for building materials.

There were also many trees in the city.

Maybe because of that, it exudes a unique atmosphere.

It may also be because I arrived at night.

In this country, when night comes, many bonfires are lit in the streets.

Horse drawn carriages were forbidden at night.

Other than that, nothing much was different.

Near the entrance were inns and pedlars.

As one went towards the town centre, the townspeople and the nobles houses became more extravagant, and at the centre of it was a castle.

The castle was built at the intersection of two rivers.

Just like the Sunomata Overnight Castle.

Its location was similar to that of Shirone’s Fort Karon.

On top of that, behind the castle was a shanty town.

Even though I say shanty town, it’s not like the people there look especially poor.

It’s arranged like a town you can find anywhere.

“Well then, I have got to meet the king now.”

“But, I wonder if we can get an audience, Queen Ariel’s influence may not reach this far.”


In the room on the inn, I thought together with Zanoba.

The place Zanoba was staying in was not an inn for adventurers, but a luxury inn for the nobles of the city.

He was indeed a man of a different pay grade.

Or should I say, do the standing out with a bit of moderation.

Although he doesn’t stand out as much as I say.

“How about I slip into the subjugation force? The king is likely to greet us when we set out. There, I can get close, even if forcefully, and then we can surely get an audience.”

“That would be too slow. After the country has completed preparations, to the point of saying ‘Start!’, they might begin despite our protests.”

There was an order to things.

Gather the people, the food, and then the weapons.

Once they have reached the stage of heading out, it’s quite possible that the words “Please wait” won't stop them.

In these kind of events, the country has their honour to think about, so it would be hard for them to stop.

“It might be slower at this stage, but before they complete the preparations, we must explain that there is no need to attack the Supard race.”

We will teach them of the Supard Race’s existence during the preparation phase and have them confirm that it is safe, and the subjugation force can return to hunting invisible wolves.

It would be good to have a percentage of the cost.

Orsted should be able to provide it to some extent.

That’s why, before the subjugation force sets out, I want to meet the king as soon as possible.

With that in mind, we started thinking for a way.

“For now, let’s try approaching directly from the front. We might stand out, but if I introduce myself as the Dragon God’s subordinate under orders from the Asura Kingdom, and if it comes to it, throw Peruguis’s name out there, then… And if even that doesn’t work, we can try again and think of a different approach.”

And so, not coming up with anything better, we decided to seek an audience.

Part 6

The next day.

After finishing breakfast, I decided to look around the castle.

So the castle was similar to Shirone’s after all.

In both size and atmosphere… but the large amount of wooden parts was different.

No, Zanoba said they would be the same in their weakness to fire.

“There is probably a toll gate.”

“I hope Queen Ariel’s name will be enough to grant us an audience.”

“Though this place doesn’t have any relations with the Asura Kingdom……so following the proper procedure will be difficult.”

“We’re following it?”

“We’re following it.”

Meeting with the king of a whole country is surprisingly difficult.

For all my audiences up until now, I have skipped the usual procedure.

Normally, I would use the country’s nobility(Connections), to make an appointment.

Preparing clothes and a carriage, along with a certification of identity, and on top of that, introducing myself by a civil official of the castle.

After confirming that I was someone trustworthy, and adjusting my time according to the king’s schedule, we would finally be granted an audience.

This would normally be the expected flow.

So it is difficult without connections after all.

However, despite setbacks, it is definitely not impossible.

Even if someone comes abruptly, if they’re important, and they wish to meet the king, then an audience is possible.

Even so, if we stand out too much, our means of finding Gisu will become limited.

Although he might have found out about us long ago……

“So Zanoba, there are many rumours of us working together, so from here on out, it will be just me and Doga.”

“Alright. I will pray for your good fortune.”

I parted with Zanoba in a crowded place, and together with Doga, in front of the waterway, we headed towards somewhere abundant with royal guards.

It was still early in the morning, and the soldiers were moving around busily.

To suddenly come and ask for an audience, I would be taken as a suspicious person.

Although I made sure my appearance was like that of nobility……

But in a country with no embassy, I did not know what kind of dress was correct.

Hmm? Is this place not stuffed with soldiers?

There seems to be some kind of reception.

“Excuse me. Can you help me?”

“What do you want?”

The receptionist was a man with a respectable handlebar moustache.

His clothes looked somewhat civilian and he didn’t look like a soldier.

I guess I should complement his clothes first.

No, I should talk business since that’s the reason I came here.

“I would like to request an audience with the king.”


“Um? Ah, today, or as soon as you possibly can.

Although I said that, I don’t think I look all that suspicious.

Well, I have nothing to lose.

If it’s no good, then let’s just properly go through the steps while acknowledging our conspicuousness.


The moustached man glanced at me and began turning through a stack of paper.

“That’ll be one gold coin.”


“An audience will be one gold coin.”

I wonder if he wants a tip.


“This is definitely…Huh?”

The moustached man took the gold coin and began examining it.

And then bit it with *clink*.

It seems there’s some problem.

Did I accidentally give him a fake gold coin…?

“This is an Asuran gold coin isn’t it?”

“Ah, Yes. That is where I hail from.”

While saying so, I showed him the insignia I got from Ariel.


His reaction is bad.

The moustached man looked at me suspiciously.

As I thought, the influence of the Asura Kingdom doesn’t reach here.

I wonder if this is bad.

While I was thinking that, he had pocketed the coin.

He then wrote something on the paper stack and handed it to me.

“Write here your name and reason for your audience.”

“Ah, yes.”

“When the afternoon bell rings, come back here again.”

“Yes. Thank you very much.”

His reaction was bad, but my money was probably good.

It seems I’ll get an audience.

The power of money is great.

For now, I have gotten past the first barrier.

Part 7


I was in front of the waiting room for the audience.


I was nervous.

The audience would not be today.

Is what I thought when I went to the palace, but the moustached receptionist had a different person lead me to the waiting room, and before I realized it, I was in this situation.

My turn was next; I would be called in for an audience shortly.

I thought that I had broken through the first gate, but what was waiting for me was the last boss.

It’s happening too fast, my head was completely blank.

No, calm down.

I should first hear about the audience from someone coming out of the chamber.

The king of this country, in the two hours after noon, will hold an audience with anyone.

Of course, although I say anyone, there are conditions.

First, to hold an audience, you must pay 1 Biheiril gold coin.

And on top of that, each person is only allowed 15 minutes. There are only 8 people seen per day.

If you have the gold, anyone may see the King, to state opinions or questions and even ask for favours.

If you think there is a major problem, you may petition it; that seems to be the procedure of the country.

One gold coin is an amount that an entire village might barely be able to put together.

Listening to many unimportant stories, looking for a real problem.

The Biheiril Kingdom seems like a nice place.

Although being in real trouble and not being able to pay the one gold coin might also happen.

However, for a chance to directly petition the King, anybody would come running.

Especially greedy merchants and local rich people looking to secure their own useless interests.

In any case, when we arrived, it was a full house as expected.

But due to our good luck, there was a cancellation.

Really good luck.

It was probably the Asuran gold coin, worth ten times a single Biheiril gold coin, that raised my good luck.

That aside, for now, we are good.

A fifteen minute audience.

That’s not much time.

It’s not very calming.

I only have two things to take care of.

If I revealed who I was and talked cheerfully and clearly to someone, then the future will also be cheerful.

“Rudeus-dono, please proceed to the audience chamber.”

While I was thinking that, I had been called.

“Well then, let’s go.”


With Doga’s response, I took a deep breath and stood up, and exited the waiting room.

Following the instructions of the servant, we walked through the hallway towards the audience chamber.

The audience chamber, well, it would be around a rank C.

It wasn’t a terribly large room; there were no showy carpets and eight somewhat careless soldiers were standing guard.

There didn’t seem to be any special decorations.

There wasn’t any majesty to it.

Originally, this was a room where commoners entered. When you think of it that way, this much was just right.

Practically speaking, it’s not odd. Three stars.

“Your Majesty, it is an honour to meet you.”

Continuing into the audience chamber, I knelt in a good place and bowed my head.

After a while, the King let out a voice.

“Courteous one. Face me and state your origin and business so that I may hear.”

As he said that, I raised my head.

The King was an old man.

He had a tiredness about him and it was unlikely that he had much time left.

He might possibly be suffering from a disease.

“My name is Rudeus Greyrat.

A subordinate of『Dragon God』Orsted-sama who ranks second among the Seven World Great Powers.”

“Ooh… Of the Dragon God……!”

The King did not try to hide his surprise.

It’s an uncommon, nice feeling.

It seems this King knows something about the Seven World Powers.

I wonder if it is because the Ogre’s live near.

“What does the one who associates himself with one of the Seven World Powers want with me……no, with this country?”

“Yes, I’ve heard about the subjugation of the demons being carried out in the Forest of No Return.

I would like that to be cancelled.”

Whoops, I didn’t mean cancel.

My tongue slipped.

Well, well it’s alright, I can still be fixed.

“Cancel it?”


“The reason?”

“What is living in the forest is not a demon.”

I then told him about the Supard race.

Since long ago, most likely before this country was established, the Supard race had been living in that forest.

How the Supard race are not the demonic race that the world makes them out to be.

And how at that time they made a promise with the village nearby, that they would hunt the invisible demons and make sure that they didn’t escape the forest and damage the surroundings.

However, recently, the entire village was struck with a plague and the invisible demons were allowed to leave the forest.

And, how thanks to the efforts of Dragon God Orsted, the village has now recovered and is once again hunting the invisible demons.

So in that short time, all while trying to convey that the Supards were a good race, I gave my explanation.

“The evil race and the invisible demon… That is a rather unbelievable thing.”

“That is understandable, I had expected this response and have something prepared.

Once you see this, an explanation will not be needed.

Is there anybody here of this country that would like to confirm this for themselves?”

I will show them the current state of the Supard race.

Like the women cooking with pots, or the men making a living by hunting the invisible demons,

or the Dragon God playing ball with the children.


The King put his hand on his chin while thinking.

However I slowly shook my head.

“Assuming what you say is true, at this point I can no longer cancel it. Many men of valour have already gathered in the country.”

“Then, it wouldn’t be a problem as long as you give the directive that the『People of the Forest』who live at the back of the Earth Dragon Valley are not demons, so do not attack them.

That it’s fine as long as they hunt the invisible demons which most definitely exist……

Although if money is a problem, we would be willing to help out.”

“Well then……”

I took another breath.

“The Supard race, since ancient times, has lived in this country in secret. However, even now, they do not request preferential treatment. They only seek to live in the corner of this country, out of the way in the forest.

…If that is still not agreeable and His Majesty wants the Supard race out of his kingdom, I will arrange a destination of migration for them.”

“…You seem to hold the Supard race quite dear.”

“When I was young, my life was saved by one of them.”

As I said that, the King put his hand on his chin.

I glanced across and could see that the servant was worried about the time.

15 minutes had nearly passed.

“That is time. Please withdraw.”

“I humbly ask you to consider! They mean the country no harm!”

Taking one last breath, one step before leaving, I bowed my head.

“……Gullickson, Sandor!”

On the King’s command, two soldiers came forward.

One with a handlebar moustache and another with a thin long face.

This was the part where I’m picked and thrown out.

Although I thought the talk went well, it was still too abrupt…

This time it’s a failure.

I’ll try again la-

“On account of this person, go and confirm the truth!”


At the King’s cry, I was wide-eyed.

“Is that alright!?”

“These soldiers will be dispatched. And if it turns out that you are lying, as planned, the subjugation force will set out.”

It’s a little abrupt, but it seems the soldiers will be coming with me.

Do not deny it and confirm the truth with your own eyes.

He’s a good King.

It must be because he listens to the problems of the people daily.

The Biheiril Kingdom’s degree of trust from the Orsted Corporation has increased.

“I give you my heartfelt thanks!”

Finally, I bowed my head.

It somehow went very well.

Author's Q&A

Q. I've become anxious now that Rudeus has said that everything is proceeding smoothly.

A. That's obvious, since he came here to search for Gisu but not even his name has turned up yet.

Q. It's found out that the cause of the plague was radiation or the like → The readers realized that it was especially close to 3/11 on that subject → The world takes it as satire and Magonote-san's social evaluation goes up in laughter, or so I thought would happen.(LOL)

A. If they did something like that, I'm afraid they won't just stop at teasing me but get angry at me while saying 'Imprudence!'.

Q. Does Zanoba's income comes from dolls and picture books?

A. That's how it is. He is in possession of a large-scale production factory and marketing store in the Capital of Asura Kingdom.

Q. I have great admiration for the poultries all over the world that provide cheap and safe eggs while carrying out thorough hygiene management and great effort.

A. The blessing of the Supermarket to provide fresh eggs constantly.

Q. Is Rudi in disguise the whole time he's in the Kingdom and the audience room?

A. Of course.

Q. Was TKG a joke reply!?

A. It wasn't. It was to give the reader an impression of a heartwarming portrayal of peace's arrival even if it was only for a moment.

Q. >if it came to that I’ll just pay it with my body.


A. Using Rudeus-san's body(Mana) for at least 1 month free of charge is rather very very meaningful.

Q. Make sure that you disinfect and properly wash the egg before serving yourself, LOL.

A. Of course, I do that.

Q. How do you read 鬼族 and 鬼神?

A. Oni zoku and Kishin(In japanese).

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