Mushoku tensei: The renegade heir

Chapter 21: another Kidnapping part 1

[Before starting the chapter please give me power stones...]

-Sent by: Paul Notos Greyrat-

-Recipient: Valentina Notos Greyrat-

-Delivery location: Kingdom of Asura, Capital Ars-

"Mother, Philemon, it's me Paul, I'm alive, I hope you are too, I'm currently in the city of Tinaven two days from the capital Millis, I don't know where you were teleported to, but I'm here, at first I was teleported in the middle of the great forest and the Dedoldia gave me lodging for almost four months for which I am indebted to them, I write this at the end of the 11th month of the year K400, my plan to return is to do adventurer jobs to earn money and thus be able to travel from city to city, I hope you are really okay, you don't know how much I miss you and I hope that after all this shit we could all live as a family, if we can't be nobles again then with what I save money I will use it to buy a house, until then see you, with love yours "son"

"haaaa... well, now my seal and that's it" I muttered as I took a small ring out of my pocket, it was the official seal of the Notos house, only this way the letter would reach my mother's hands.

I've already spent a whole week in Tinaven and I can proudly say that I'm an E rank adventurer hehehehe...

this achievement cost me blood, sweat and tears or rather hours of work helping local merchants.

and as I had already planned I will move to the next city which is the closest to Millis "Vinebrin" a city a little bigger than this one but nothing special either.

there I hope to ascend to D rank and in the end I will finally move to Millis.

but before that I decided to write a letter to my mother to give her news of my health status.

also, I want to investigate if there are more Asurans who were teleported through these areas.

I don't consider myself a savior or anything like that but I would like to help my people after all.

and with all that in mind, I put my letter in an envelope and left my inn, now that I was rank E I wanted to get out of this place as quickly as possible.

so I quickly packed my things and left the inn never to return.

upon arriving at the guild the aura of laughter and bustle fell silent at my presence, apparently since that incident with those three guys no one has wanted to mess with me and the name of Paul Notos Greyrat has become slightly infamous in this small guild.

but as always unfazed by the looks, I began to walk towards the receptionist, the woman had the same smile every time she came, it was obvious that it was a practiced smile but it still felt good.

"good morning young man, how can I help you?" she asked.

"I would like to use the express letter service" I said seriously.

This service, unlike normal letters, was based precisely on transporting the letters as quickly as possible, but the cost was also somewhat high.

The receptionist tilted her head slightly but then nodded.

"Well, where do you want the destination to be?" she asked.

"The kingdom of Asura, capital of Ars" I declared.

The woman's eyes widened for a few seconds but then she controlled herself.

"Very well... but the cost will be three Millis gold coins" she said.

Uuggh... almost all my money, but it doesn't matter, I have to contact my family no matter what.

"Okay... the recipient and the delivery place are specified in the letter" I said giving her the envelope and the three coins.

The woman nodded and so I left the guild but... I felt a pair of eyes following me, I didn't know who it was, but I had felt it for several days...

I started walking faster through the streets of the city and heard some light footsteps increase their speed behind me.

So I stood on a corner and waited for it to pass.

As I turned the corner... a girl, no, a Migurd turned the corner and was shocked when she didn't see me.

"Hey! Why are you following me?!" I muttered in an angry tone from the corner.

"Eeeep?!" The Migurd gave a cry of surprise until she fell on her ass in the street, her face was one of complete shock, apparently she wasn't good at stalking...

But without taking that into account I crossed my arms while looking into her eyes.

"So?... Since I was in the guild I felt that you were spying on me, do you have a problem with me?" I asked.

The girl in front of me was that Roxy I met the first day I became an adventurer.

"W-well...I-I...was...I was very arrogant with you that day and I just wanted to apologize" she muttered lowering the crown of her hat to avoid my gaze.

"Heh, yes you were, but I hope you learned your lesson right?" I said with a mocking smile.

I could see Roxy's eyebrows twitch at this comment but she nodded.

"Yeah..." she muttered.

"Well, if you just wanted to talk about it with me then I'm leaving" I muttered.

"Eh?!, w-wait!, I didn't just follow you for that!" she said and grabbed my arm, but when she realized what she did she quickly let go.

Roxy blushed like a tomato at the situation but I just raised an eyebrow at this.

"Well? Then why else did you follow me?" I muttered.

"W-well...that day you conjured a stone bullet did it without incantations!" she muttered excitedly.

"Hmm yeah I did, I was able to learn how to do it a little less than a year ago actually" I replied.

Roxy blinked in surprise several times and then nodded.

"I-I see...hey! C-could you teach me?" she muttered embarrassed but I just sighed.

"I'm sorry, but I'm leaving the city for Vinebrin today so that won't be possible" I said apologetically.

"Oh...b-but you're heading to Asura right?" she asked hopefully.

"Yeah...but what does that have to do with it?" I asked confused.

"Well...I'm heading to the Sharia Magic University in Ranoa and Asura is in the middle of the way, I could accompany you on the way, well! Of course if you want!! We could form a group if you want too!" she said.

"Hmmm" I put a hand on my chin and scratched myself lightly.

It seems to be a good option, but going with company could delay my progress...

"What rank of adventurer are you?" I muttered.

"Huh?...Ha! I'm rank A" she said and I frowned.

"You know that you can't form a group with such a high difference in ranks right?" I muttered and Roxy's face wrinkled as well.

"Ah yes...but I could still accompany you right? We're both going down the same path, besides even if it doesn't seem like it I have much more experience being an adventurer than you" she said with a proud smile.

"Oh yes? And how old are you?" I asked.

She crossed her arms as she looked at me "hmmp!, I'm 24 years old!" she declared.

uuugh...honestly that's hard to believe, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt because of her race.

shit...she's right, as much as she wants to pretend I have almost no experience as an adventurer and I don't think there's anyone out there who would want to help a child...besides some company wouldn't hurt right?...

"okay...I'll teach you along the way, but I don't promise many things, besides we'll be stopping constantly between cities so I can increase my rank" I told her seriously.

she looked me in the eyes and nodded as well.

", are you leaving today?" she asked.

"yes, as I said I'm heading to Vinebrin City" I said taking the little luggage I had.

"very well, then wait for me at the exit of the city, I'll go to vacate my inn!" She said and ran off.

"Haa...I guess I already have a traveling companion huh?" I muttered to myself and headed to the city stable to pick up my horse.

Roxy also had her horse so we left the city without any problems, we galloped non-stop for the rest of the day but it got dark and we didn't make it to the city so we decided to camp on the side of the road.

From what I saw Roxy was already prepared for a situation like this so she took out a sleeping bag and after tying her horse to a nearby tree she fell fast asleep.

I decided to do the same but I didn't have anything to sleep on I just lay down on the ground near her and surprisingly I quickly fell asleep.


"Hmmm?..." I opened my eyes just as I closed them and I was in a completely white space.

uggh.. shit

"Huh?, and that coldness?, not even a hug?!" a playful and at the same time irritating voice shrieked in front of me, it was a blurry figure without a face and that looked like a mosaic.

"Hitogami..." I muttered.

"Huh?, it seems that you are not happy to see me? cruel!" he complained dramatically.

"Would you believe me if I told you that I didn't want to see you again?..." I muttered.

"Mooo!, you are so bad!, despite the advice I gave you and you still treat me that way!!" he squirmed like a worm.

"...okay, that advice was very useful to me...what do you want?" I muttered.

"Heh!, but before that it seems that you have a new partner eh?" he muttered and I frowned.

"Did you send her?..." I muttered with hostility.

"Of course not! I am the Human God and therefore I can only show myself to your kind!" he said raising his hands in surrender.

"Okay... tell me your advice" I said losing patience

"Pfft! Boring!... Ahem! Paul! Listen carefully! When you get to Vinebrin ask at the adventurer's guild for a girl with purple hair who claims to be from Asura and when they ask who is looking for her, give your full name!! If you do, you will meet someone very special!" he said and his voice and silhouette began to echo.

"Purple?... Hey! Wait, but who is it? I don't know anyone with purple hair!!" I tried to shout but Hitogami was already gone and immediately I felt a strange force that pulled me back and I woke up totally agitated.

"gah?!..." I got up from the ground alarmed, it was still dark, the first rays of the sun could barely be seen but I decided it was time to get up, I looked to my side and Roxy was curled up in her sleeping bag...she looked like a little cute.

"Roxy...Roxy, it's time to go!" I said shaking her lightly.

Her eyes trembled a little and then she slowly opened them until they met mine.

"Paul?...good morning...(yawn) is it time yet?" she asked looking around but seeing everything dark she frowned and looked at me reproachfully.

"'s still night!" she complained while rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah I'm sorry, but it's going to be dawn soon and I want to get there early in the morning to check something in the city" I said while holding her under the armpits and helping her up.

"E-eh?!!, hey let me go!!" She slipped out of my hands like a worm and blushed like a tomato again.

"Hehe, you're awake!" I said and she just grumbled.


It took us a couple of hours to get to the city but if I can bet I'd say it was barely 9 in the morning.

"Roxy, could you find us a good inn? Not an adventurer's one, I'm tired of sleeping among fleas" I muttered.

"Okay, leave it to me but...where will you be?" She asked.

"I'll go to the adventurer's guild to look for important information and if you don't find me there then wait for me in the city center okay?" I said.

"Okay, I'll see you later then," she mumbled and walked out. We parted ways. We had already left our horses in the stable so there was nothing else to worry about.

The adventurer guild in this city was relatively larger than the one in Tinaven but not too much, the atmosphere was exactly the same as before.

The laughter, the murmurs, the shouts and all that ended when I entered...

Tch... will it be like this every time I come in here? That would be a pain in the ass...

But unlike the other city, I didn't attract too many glances because I was so small and so I was able to quickly walk to the counter.

The woman who attended had brown hair, a fake smile almost identical to the other woman's and equally large breasts.

I guess I'll see this in all the guilds too, huh?

I didn't know who to ask.

Hitogami said to ask about a purple-haired girl who claimed to be from Asura...I guess I'll do what he says...

"Welcome young man, how can I help you?" The woman asked with a smile.

"Hello, I'm looking for a girl who claims to be from the Asura Kingdom...with purple hair" I murmured.

The receptionist turned her head in confusion for a few seconds but an air of realization invaded her face the next moment.

"Ah! Yes, allow me a moment...but...umm, who is looking for you?..." She murmured.

"...Paul Notos Greyrat" I murmured

The woman nodded and went behind the counter to a different room for a few minutes.

Then the woman left the room with another woman with purple hair but this woman had a tired expression...

She was also wearing a black robe that covered her entire body and when our eyes met she was instantly in shock.



She looked at me with wide eyes, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water and then...she walked over to me and knelt down?!...

"My Lord Paul!, I didn't know that you had also been involved in that terrible disaster!!, but me!!, help me please!!" She began to cry heartbreakingly and buried her face in my chest...

Oh shit, what the fuck?...

"H-Hey miss!! Please! Stop crying and get up! You don't have to kneel before me!!" I said in panic since we were attracting too many glances.

The woman reluctantly stood up and looked at me in despair.

"Please Lord Paul! You have to help me! I was teleported along with my entire family! But my wife and daughter were taken as slaves by a fucking local noble!!" She said angrily.

"I see...what is your name and your family's name?" I murmured.

"My name is husband's name is Augustus and my daughter's name is Lilia..." She murmured.

"Okay, I'll help you, tell me everything" I said in a solemn tone and she nodded.

Shit, let's see what Hitogami has planned now...

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