Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 48: Third-Fourth Day/Year: I swear I will make him mine.

Primordial Family, Imperial Garden.

The Li Britania family members all had a curious little discussion in the beautiful garden. Lelouch had a sharp gaze:

"This project, it's yield is already better than expected."

Euphemia had a bright smile:

"We only saw those who dropped out. But, all those kids…Compared to how miserable they were when they entered, how lost they felt...."

Nunally also had the same kind smile:

"There is a bright light all over their faces. They looked like kids who have been showered with love all their lives."

Shirley also nodded:

"Yes, they also look diligent, more than you, Lulu!"

Lelouch sighed, Schneizel took over the conversation:

"What he meant is not only the scars on their hearts were mended, they were completely replaced. The concept of parenthood had completely been replaced in their eyes.

Those Kids consider themselves as not the children of an individual but the children of the whole Imperial Family."

Lelouch continued:

"We already had plans for those who would drop out. Although we thought they would be disappointed, we could form then in other fields. But it's actually the contrary…Every kid who came out had his precise career path pointed out, and training regime by his Majesty himself, or 'The Mentor'."

Cornelia opened her eyes widely:

"Impossible…I saw it, there was at least 20 000 kids out…That means-!"

Schneizel smiled lightly:

"Actually, you should have caught on way earlier. Don't you find it weird? Each infant with it's own character, yet all of them have the same unwavering determination, the same loyalty, and the same light in their face.

That means, that Imperial Family had took care of every little child as their own in this 4 Years. I am actually quite scared by the level of commitment that involves."

Lelouch smiled absurdly:

"It's actually an Impossible task to form such an Order, even in the span of 10 years.

The Brotherhood that his majesty envisioned, is a complex order that should span over thousand of years, creating traditions, codes. To create mentorships, ideals.

To build an order of that magnitude and of that level of commitment , at least something of that level is required."

Lelouch had an admirative gaze:

"But his Majesty, to accomplish that has created this 'Family and Brotherhood' atmosphere by being an actual parent to each of them. By spending each waking minute taking care of each one of those kids. Sacrificing 10 years of his patience and time in order to raise those children right."

"No. He probably used the cloning technique of the Shinobi world to accomplish that. It's much more than 10 years. Even if we assume it was a clone by five people and we count only the people who are out. Those little kids are probably 16 000 years of the Emperor's labor."

Lelouch had sweat on his forehead just mentioning that. Cornelia was a little absent minded. Nunally and Euphie were gasping.

"If we assume that the 30 000 people will stay, we will enter vehement numbers like 60 000 years. "

Lelouch sighed as he titled his head:

"I always assumed that to create an Empire one should have great will, but that's kind of commitement and behavior…

Cornelia chuckled a large smile on her face:

"…That's of a crazy person. This man…is simply…crazy."

Euphemia and Nunally had watered eyes.

Schneizel also had a genuine smile:

"Crazier than me, crazier than Charles and Crazier than you, Brother."

Next he had a solemn face:

"But what he is building is something beyond any price. Those kids are devoted loyalists, if they can't be assassins, they will be warriors, if they can't be warriors, they will be scientist, if they can't be scientist, they will be mages, if they can't they will be doctors…Anyone who is a part of this 'Brotherhood', even the non-combatant will continue to serve this country, to serve the Emperor like it was their reason of existence."

Lelouch sighed:

"In 5 years to 10 years, those 12 years old kids will become the backbone, the elite that will carry this entire Empire on it's back. The Atlas Empire road to glory is already on track."

Schneizel remarked:

"A good ruler works hard for the people. However a truly great one find it's people working for him."

Euphemia smiled lightly:

"Don't you think this is somehow exaggerated? I mean he is working hard right now."

Schneizel only smiled silently as he sipped a cup of wine. Lelouch laughed :

"That's when you get it wrong Euphie. And the craziest part to top it off…For Majesty, this isn't even considered as work, he is probably having the time of his life looking after those kids."

Euphemia eyes revealed surprise. Cornelia smiled lightly, her breath accelerated and her heart pounding :

"Time of his life, huh...What some people would consider torture he would see as simple family time. Truly, a foolish man…What a foolish person! And WHAT a GREAT EMPEROR! "

Cornelia started laughing out loud, her cheeks reddened. Was it by the wine, or was it by something else?

Shirley and Nunaly looked at her uncharacteristic behavior. Yet, The three others sibling knew exactly what they were looking at. Lelouch particularly remembered those ruthless eyes, looking like they could conquer God himself and... This voice: Cold yet prideful .

It was those of the woman that haunted his mind when he was Zero, the same woman that pushed him to create the black knights. Worshipped as 'Goddess of Victory', feared as 'The Witch of Britania'. 'She' disappeared due to her sister's loss, abandoning her right to the throne, seeing the true face of the Empire.

Disgusted by the Imperial Family and Britania she decided to shut that part of herself as she found value in other things.

The woman Tarek loved in his past life, to the point of hanging posters in his appartement.

She was Back.

But this time, the tint of red in her face indicated that something was vastly different, she was planning on conquering something 'vastly different':

"This man…I swear I will make him mine."

Euphemia had her cheeks reddened, Nunaly looked away in a shy manner, when Shirley was still fidgeting in place looking from time to time at Lelouch.

Looking at her, both Lelouch and Schneizel felt cold in their backs. Remembering the bold character of the Belphegor Princess, the fickle one of Yoruichi Shihouin and the rumors of going on about Empress Kosem.

They suddenly felt that their mighty Emperor was somewhat pitiful.

They both sighed and recited in their mind:

'Tough Luck, your majesty.'

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