Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 47: Third and Fourth Day: Haki Mastery.

Third Day- Fourth Day/ Third Year-Fourth Year : Haki's Mastery.

Sounds of fights were heard all over the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

Classement Trials. Those Trials would test each were designed by each Mentor, to test the capacity an Assassin should have.

It's a test that occurred at the end of every month. The Mentors also assembled observing each one of the participants discerning each one strength and weaknesses. Marek, Garp, Zeno and Yoruichi had detailed records of the strengths and weaknesses of the 30 000 young fighters that could endure the training. Each kid was treated the same, was loved the same, admonished the same to create a True brotherhood.

With the Characters of Garp and Yoruichi it wasn't that difficult to obtain that atmosphere. That's one of the reasons Marek chose 'Garp' over 'Z'. Although there was a feeling of competitiveness there was love and respect.

Love for the Brotherhood, Love for the homeland, and love for the Emperor and the Imperial Family.

The Emperor who already spend 4 Years with them, at their beck and call. Helping them when they needed, confronting them when they cried, understanding them when they dropped.

They all felt so honored, so privileged that they wouldn't hesitate to lay their lives anytime for him.

Fear of death had long been removed from their hearts by Zeno Zoldyck, after all. Instead, they all admired the 'titled' few who could obtain a 'new name' from his Majesty. Each one with it's profound meaning:

Eivor: The Assassin who fiercely protect her loved ones. Great Leader loved by her peers.

Kassandra: A double faced Assassin, that has no qualms if it is to reach her goal. Only warm to those who are important to her.

Ezio: The Soul of the Order. He represents everything the Brotherhood stand for. The one that should decide the fate of the order, if the Mentor isn't there.

Altair: The Greatest Assassin of the Generation, the ethereal representation of what an Assassin should be.

There is still some 'names' that could be added: Bayek, Miles…

Mentor's reunion room.

Marek was in the middle, a wide smile on his face:

"So all of them have acquired at least the basis of Haki. They are making this Mentor proud, indeed!!"

Yoruichi looked at his 'proud daddy' face with an affectionate gaze. Garp was also proud:

"Those kids work hard. There is ones who are absolutely talentless but still advance by sheer Hard work and Solidarity. They look more and more like the Whitebeard crew by the day. If the Marine Soldiers were half as determined and united as those kids, the world would be a very different place."

Zeno nodded:

"This way of forming Assassins is new to my Family too. But it seems to be working perfectly. Killua is also enjoying himself very much. The rivalry with Altair is making him progress faster."

Marek continued to smile and nod stupidly like a dad who enjoyed hearing people praise his Children:

"Indeed, this is the Seed of My Atlas Empire"

Yoruichi chuckled:

"You know it's because you are taking 10 years of your life tending to their every need, that they are this determined. Nobody is crazy enough to do something like that."

Marek frowned:

"Why does everybody keep saying that? Those kid's efforts is only theirs! It's their own drive and determination that brought them to this stage. And they've lost their loved ones because of my Imperial Family's fault. It's only normal to take care of them instead of their parents."

Yoruichi sighed with affection still in her eyes:

'What a foolish ruler, he makes me wonder if the Soul Society was ruled by a person who loved his people this much, would Aizen have it that easy?'

Garp laughed loudly:

"I like you more and more! Kid!"

Marek continued:

"How many can use the Supreme Haki?"

Garp took a deep breath:


Marek acted surprised a little but still snickered at Yoruichi:

"Huh! And this is also because of me? Miss Sharp Tongue! The Supreme Haki is the power that one in several millions is supposed to use. One in 80 can use it in this Emperor's Brotherhood!!"

Yoruichi wanted to bang her head against the wall:

' You already knew that. Everyone heard you spoiling those kids last week. Why do you still ask that question? Actually, you already know everything from the beginning because you spend every day with them

Are you only here to brag?'

Garp had sweat of his forehead:

"This is crazy. I have never saw so much kids with this kind of Will. Having this kind of Haki already qualifies them into being Future admirals in the Navy."

Yoruichi sneered in her head:

'Talk to me about it. With their 'daddy' spending every waking moment of their life, telling them the Atlas Empire is superior to all the others. Even if they aren't born with it, they will still have it!!'

Marek was having the time of his life as he continued to fish for compliments:

"And what about the Named ones? What's their progress?"

Yoruichi's eyes twitched:

"You are the one keeping score of their progress! Why you are the one to ask us ?!!"

Marek snickered sarcastically:

"Oh! Yes…After all they are too accomplished to be trained by you, now, aren't they?"

Garp laughed out loud, and Zeno only sighed, a slight smile on his face. Yoruichi had some veins that threatened to pop out:

'I take back what I said! This not love, this unhealthy obsession!'

Marek had an warm gaze as he spoke:

"First of all, Eivor is an extremely good hand to hand combat warrior, her Armament Haki had already fused with her Haoshukou, her Kenbouskou is still a little clumsy, tho. She is fiercer and more decisive than everybody else. She cherishes her companions, although she doesn't speak it out.

Kassandra is scheming and always one step ahead of her opponent, she has a kind heart but knows how to shut it out completely. Her Kenboushkou can already make her see 1 second in the future. Her Haoshkou and Bosokushu are up to the standard of a Yonko Commander.

Ezio has a strong heart, always making the best decision of any given situation. He already Mastered all the Kinds of Haki up to Admiral level. And began learning about Nen.

Altair and Killua, are the most talented Assasins there is or there ever could be.

Although, their character are quite opposed to each other making them fight all the time. But they still hold respect for one another and make each other grow. At this level I could send them both to Kill Kaido or Big Mom.

A Fair fight would still be too soon, but 'an assassination' is another matter altogether.

Their Nen training is in the reefing stage, Killua with his transformation and Altair with 'that ability'.

Zeno responded:

"Those two, they already stepping on our toes, Silva and me."

Marek laughed out:

"Do not worry, you two still have not begun to show your uses. Wait until we get out of here, Zeno. I have a beautiful gift for all the Zoldyck Family members!"

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