MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 189 Lion Negotitaion

John heard conversation from behind him and as he turned he found that a bunch of lions were looking at him curiously.

“Hello, “ John said.

“Why are you here Jakalope?” 

“Why do you smell like a human?”

“Why do we sense the great white tigers blessing on you?”

The lions started firing off questions making it difficult for John to keep up.

“Slow down, slow down.” John said before adding.

“Let me explain.”


Down below Adria had located the group that John had mentioned to her.

As she noticed they were walking away from her while happily laughing and joking an evil smile appeared on her lips as she went into stealth.

She carefully caught up behind the party and quickly determined which of them was the healer.

They were so carefree that they didn’t even bother to get in any battle formation and were walking side by side.

Adria snuck behind the healer and struck the back of his head with the pommel of one of her daggers.


[Knocks the enemy unconscious for up to 30 seconds, any damage will awaken them]

[Instant Cast]

[5% base MP cost]

[Must be behind target and stealthed]

As the pommel struck the healer stopped moving with his group and just stood there as his eyes went out of focus.

His other party members didn’t even notice that he had stopped walking.

Adria waited a few seconds to let his party get a distance away before she made her move.

She brought the dagger in her main hand down on the back of the neck.

[Super Critical Hit]

She then used the dagger in her off-hand and pieced the side of his gut.

As the healer awoke from the CC and was about to call for help Adria spun around him before stabbing him in the throat again.

[Super Critical Hit]

“AHHHH.” The healer shouted in pain.

The group heard the shout and finally noticed that one of them was missing.

As they turned around they noticed that Red Rose, the one they were supposed to be hunting and killing was actually killing their healer.

“Stop her.”

The leader ordered as they all rushed forwards to try and save their healer.

Unfortunately they were too late.

Adria used her off-hand dagger to attack the healer's heart.

[Super Critical Hit]

[Enemy player White Light Defeated] 

Adria smiled victoriously before she stuck her tongue out at the rest of the party.

She then quickly turned and started running in the direction of the lions John had mentioned before.

“After her.” 

The leader ordered before turning to one of the party and saying. 

“You, grab White Lights dropped loot.”

The party chased after Adria.

After a few seconds Adria noticed a group of lions that were relaxing in the shade of some tall rocks.

She slightly altered her course so that her path would lead her past the lions while just entering their agro range.

As the lions detected Adria approaching while being chased  they turned to watch curiously.

“Why are humans chasing another human?

“Maybe it's a mating thing, the one in front is female while the group behind are all males after all.”

“Maybe she stole their food?”

“Maybe she killed a member of their pack.”

As Adria entered the agro range of the lions, Bengals blessing kicked in.

Since Adria was technically in combat with the party after attacking and killing the healer.

Genesis determined that the lions should assist her because of the blessing.

The lions roared in anger before they charged towards the party.

“What the hell.” 

“Why are they suddenly attacking us? We are nowhere near their agro range.”

The party skidded to a halt before they turned and tried to escape.

Unfortunately their dexterity was not as high as the lions who soon caught them up causing a fight to break out.

Adria smiled victoriously before she sent a message in the party chat.

(Red Rose: Where next?)

(Vincarna: 30 meters to your five o'clock.)

(Red Rose: Copy that darling.)

(Ice Blue Queen: Are you enjoying this?)

(Red Rose: Damn straight, you have any idea how much of a headache these bastards have caused me?)

(Ice Blue Queen: I know, Iknow, just be careful.)

(Red Rose: Yessss.)

After which she turned towards her five o’clock and went to find the next party.


“So what you are telling us is that you are actually a druid and the great white tiger gave you and your pack her blessing?” 

As John was answering the lion's questions inbetween guiding the girls below a lion much larger than the rest approached him.

“That’s correct.” John answered the large lion.

“Are you also here to steal our home?” 

The large lion asked, causing the other lions to growl slightly?

“Steal you home?” John asked back as he tilted his head in confusion.

“We are the guardians of this sacred land that is also our home.

“We know all you humans are trying to claim ownership of this sacred land and after which you will either banish us or kill us all.”

“How do you know this?” John asked curiously.

“The great goddess informed us what would happen if this sacred land ever fell into the hands of others.” The lion replied.

“I see, well you're only half right.” 

John said before explaining.

“While we are here to claim these lands.”

As John got to this point all the lions hissed angrily before John continued.

“We have no intention of killing any of you.”

“The reason we have Bengal’s blessing so that we can avoid fighting you.”

Although this was not exactly the truth, it was still partly true.

“I see.” The lion said before asking.

“Then why are you making use of the great white tiger's blessing and forcing us to attack the other humans?” 

“We are not the one’s starting the fights, they are.” John replied before saying.

“You may have noticed that all but one of my pack are too weak to fight the other humans.”

“This is true.” The large lion said as it went into thought.

After a moment it asked another question.

“Then what do you plan to do with us after you have claimed the sacred land?”

“Honestly I am not sure since it is not me who will claim the land but my mate.” 

John replied using terms the lions would understand.

“You would pass the right to rule these lands to a female?” 

The large male lion asked bewildered while the female lions all looked towards John with interest.

“I would, I have no interest in ruling anything,” John replied.

“Then what does your mate plan to do about us?” 

John thought for a moment before asking.

“What would you prefer to happen?”

The lion showed a surprised look before saying.

“We would prefer to remain here as this is our home.”

“This can be arranged as long as you promise not to attack the humans who come here after your sacred land has been claimed.”

“This is agreeable as long as the humans do not attack us.” The large lion said.

“Then give me a moment to speak with my mate and ask if she is fine with this arrangement.” John said.

“Go ahead.” 

The large lion said before it lay down to wait.

(Vincarna: Adria, are you free to talk for a second?)

(Red Rose: One moment babe I am just leading this next party.)

(Ice Blue Queen: Something wrong John?)

(Vincarna: Not exactly, I have just been negotiating with the lions and we have come to an agreement.)

(Ice Blue Queen:.....)

(Black Dragoon:.....)

(Nine Tails:.....)


(Red Rose:......)

There was silence in the party chat for a moment before Eliphas asked.

(Eliphas: Is that possible?)

(Nine Tails: I have no idea.)

(Ice Blue Queen: It’s never come up before since before us the only players that were able to speak to animals were those of the druid class.)

(Ice Blue Queen: Since druid’s are the unique class of the central continent and they believe in being one with nature and balance, their resource raid’s work differently and don’t require you to kill lots of animals.)

(Red Rose: What sort of negotiations?)

(Vincarna: The lions claim that they guard this place because it is sacred to them and that the great goddess informed them that if humans claim it they will kill or banish them all from their sacred lands.)

(Black Dragoon: That’s not exactly wrong, when a resource raid is captured one of the resources turns is the animals for their leather and other parts.)

(Red Rose: What are the terms of the negotiation?)

(Vincarna: The lions want to be allowed to continue to live here while not being attacked by humans.)

(Red Rose: Hmmm, what do you think Sarah?)

(Ice Blue Queen: Not to sound callous, but do we need to make this agreement since we have the blessing?)

(Nine Tails: Wow that's callous.)

(Black Dragoon: Yup)

(Eliphas: Totally)

(Red Rose: Ouch)

(Vincarna: That’s harsh.)

(Ice Blue Queen:...)

(Ice Blue Queen: Hey I’m just being pragmatic.)

(Vincarna: That may be true, but I say you agree.)

(Red Rose: What's your reason?)

(Vincarna: I’m going to be selfish here and say because I’m a druid.)

(Vincarna: Whatever you decide on I will agree and support you with, however...)

(Vincarna: As a druid I have a duty to maintain the balance and killing so many animals can’t be good for the balance.)

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