MMORPG: Genesis

Chapter 188 Vulxis Plan

John ran along the path that led out of the clearing for a few moments before he came to a fork in the road.

He looked left and right before deciding to take the left path as he sent a message in the party chat.

(Vincarna: I’m going left.)

(Red Rose: Copy that.)

As he continued to run ahead he couldn’t help but notice that the forest was full of life, much more so than the three he had already entered.

(It must be because it's a resource raid.) John thought as he continued to run.

After a few more minutes John finally left the forest and out in front of him he saw the huge rock face up close.

The rock face towered about him and with his enhanced vision granted to him in this form he was able to make out many different paths leading up it as well as many lions prowling around or resting.

He also noticed several groups of players, most of which seemed to be heading in their direction.

(Vincarna: I just left the forest and we have a problem.)

(Red Rose: What's wrong?)

(Vincarna: There are several groups of players heading in our direction, I guess it's already out that we are here.)

(Ice Blue Queen: That was fast.)

(Shizu: So what's the plan?)

((Red Rose: First we need to get out of the forest, the lions don't enter the forest and stick to guarding the rock face.)

(Red Rose: You four pick up the pace to get out of the forest asap, I wasn't expecting to be found out so quickly?)

(Eliphas: It was foolish to discuss the plan in the middle of the city.)

(Nine Tails: You think someone overheard us?)

(Eliphas: A Thief with stealth could easily get close to us and listen in if they were but a few levels higher, remember the bitchy princes had already left when Sarah explained the plan.)

(Ice Blue Queen: She has a point, if they were working for either Daniel or Jordan, chances are they are closer to level 100 like Adria and so we had no hope of detecting them.)

(Red Rose: We can discuss this later, for now we need a plan.)

(Black Dragoon: Correct me if I’m wrong but we never specifically said anything about how we were going to do this right?)

(Vincarna: No, Sarah just mentioned us having a way past the lions, not anything about the blessing.)

(Black Dragoon: Then I have an idea)

(Red Rose: Go on.)

(Black Dragoon: Adria you need to sacrifice yourself.)

(Red Rose: …..)

(Eliphas: Yes bitchy princes, go sacrifice yourself, it's for the good of the team.)

(Red Rose: I’m going to kill you ork slut.)

(Eliphas: Lets go bitchy princes, I will fight you anytime.)

(Ice Blue Queen: Girls not the time, Vulxis would you mind elaborating.)

(Black Dragoon: Yeah my bad, I miss phrased my wording.)

(Black Dragoon: Adria, we know you're the primary target of all the groups, so I suggested you lead the groups one or two at a time to a location where the lions have gathered then…..)

(Red Rose: Then the lions will all aggro and attack the groups but not me because of Bengals blessing.)

(Black Dragoon: Correct, John will move to a high position to keep an eye on the groups to both warn us as well as to guide you.)

(Vincarna: Understood)

John took a quick look around before deciding that the best place to keep watch from was the very top of pride rock.

“Speed Burst.”

[DEX: 505>>1010]

[Speed Burst Time Remaining: 5 Seconds]

John burst forward like a rocket, however instead of using one of the multiple paths available he ran straight towards the rock face.

His enhanced vision had allowed him to make out small ledges that led up the rock face and he figured he would be able to use his enhanced jumping ability to get to the top quicker than by taking the paths.

[Speed Burst Time Remaining: 0 Seconds]

[DEX: 1010>>505]

John’s speed boost ended just as he reached the cliff face so he stopped in front of it before looking up.

(Red Rose: I’ve just left the forest and I’m near the first group, I will begin now.)

(Ice Blue Queen: Good luck.)

(Red Rose: I got this.)

As John was studying the rock face he suddenly heard shouts and yells from behind him.

Turning around he saw Adria fleeing for a group of players that were chasing after her.

John smirked before looking back at the cliff.

After studying it for a moment more he had decided on a route he thought was best to the top.

He bent his legs and gathered power in his muscles before he pushed off and shot up into the air towards a ledge that jutted out of the cliff face.


“Stop her.” 

“Catch her quickly so that we can get the reward for eliminating her this time.”

“Where are the rest of her party?”

“Who cares, she's the main target and the rest are all low level.”

“Right, after she dies we can hunt the others down easily or they might just quit.”

Adria ran from the group of pursuers towards a group of lions she had spotted in the distance as they gave chase.

The lions soon picked up on the humans approaching them and all stood up while giving off warning growls.

“Filthy humans are here again trying to claim what is ours.”

“Bastards never learn, at least we will be eating meat tonight.”

“Grrr, why does the human in front have the great white tiger's protection?”

“We dare not go against the great white tiger.”

Adria blinked in surprise as she ran because she realized that she  was now able to understand what the lions were saying.

“The ability to understand animals is cool.” Adria mumbled as she continued to run.

“What the fuck is she doing? Why is she heading straight for the lions?”

“No idea but we need to stop her, if she gets killed by the lions we lose our bonus.”

“Ranged players attack her, slow her down.”


The ranged players chasing Adria started to fire off their instant cast spells hoping to slow her down.

Although some of the attacks hit, they did not do enough damage to slow her down and she was about to reach the lions.

“Shit.” One of the bandits cursed before he used his charge skill.

He shot forward towards Adria, gaining ground quickly.

“FUCKING IDIOT STOP.” The leader of the chasing party yellowed but too late.

He rammed into the back of Adria, sending her staggering forward before she stabilized her footing and turned to smirk at the player.

This confused the player for a moment until.


All the nearby lions roared and pounced on the player who only lasted a few seconds under their combined assault.

After which the lions turned to the other members of the players party before charging at them.

“Fuck.” The leader cursed.

“Why the hell are they attacking us?” 

“We are all in the same party idiot, when one of us enters combat we all do.”

Adria smirked at the party before running off to find another while saying in the party chat.

(Red Rose: One group down.)

(Black Dragoon: Nice work.)

(Eliphas: Hmph.)

(Red Rose: Just admit it ork slut, I’m just better than you.)

(Eliphas: Bitch, it's not you it’s your class, after the release of the dexterity stat it became even more apparent that the thief is built for mobility.)

(Red Rose: Jealous that you chose the wrong class ork slut?)

(Ice Blue Queen: Enough you two, John how are you progressing?)


(Ice Blue Queen: John? babe?)


(Black Dragoon: What's wrong?)

(Vincarna: I’m so night up shit.)

(Nine Tails: What happened? I thought you were heading to find a good vantage point?)

(Vincarna: I am, I’m jumping up the cliff face using the ledges as it seemed the fastest way and the top of the cliff face has the best vantage point.)

(Vincarna: I just never realized how high it was before now.)

(Vincarna: Oh by the way Sarah, you have another party directly ahead of you.)

(Ice Blue Queen:.....)

(Black Dragoon:.....)

(Nine Tails:.....)


(Red Rose:.....ok.)

(Vincarna: Ok I reached the top.)

John looked out over the resource raid and soon located the girls as well as all the different groups of players and lions.

(Vincarna: Ladies you have a party approaching you from 11 o'clock, recommend you turn towards your three o’clock as there are some bushes near you that you can hide behind until they pass.)

(Ice Blue Queen: Copy that.)

(Eliphas: Fuck you can see all that from all the way up there? Your eyesight is broken.)

(Vincarna: It’s certainly convenient, Adria you will make contact with the group in 3 seconds, after that draw them towards your 7 o’clock where a pack of lions are waiting.)

(Red Rose: Yes babe.)

“Why is a jackalope here?”

“Why does that jackalope smell like a human?”

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