Chapter 25: Shepard Fucked up
Jane Shepard was not a morning person. Even on her best nights, waking up the morning after was a struggle that sometimes required Ashley or Garrus to bang on her door. So when she slowly began to wake up and felt the unfamiliar sensation of a different bed, it didn't really occur to her that anything was wrong.
"Someone had a good night…" Jane heard Liara murmur and felt her huge, soft tits press against her back. Her tits felt even larger than usual! But that didn't bother Jane, either.
"Mm…good morning." Shepherd replied and she sighed when she felt Liara's arm wrap around her. She felt Liara squeeze her breast. "Mm…that feels nice." Jane said.
"Why don't you flip over? I got something better for you." Liara said.
Jane lazily rolled over, though she didn't open her eyes. Now she felt Liara's breasts squashed against her own. They were face to face. She could tell because her nose gently bumped Liara's as she turned over.
"Much better…now I can kiss you." Liara murmured.
"Mm…" Jane sighed happily as she felt Liara's plump lips press against hers. Then she felt Liara's tongue enter her mouth. Jane was more than happy to oblige, and soon, the two of them were swirling their tongues together. Jane felt Liara wrap her arms around her.
As the two of them made out with each other, Jane dreamily remembered the romantic times they had together. Meeting for the first time. Their first kiss. The first time they had sex. Stopping the Reapers. Stopping the Shadow Broker. Returning home triumphantly. Moving in together…
…Hmm. The memories seemed to end there. Jane's brain was fuzzy. Did she drink a lot last night? Wait a minute...why was she drinking last night? She didn't go out with Liara last night…they broke up months ago.
"Mm…I can still taste the cocaine on you." Liara said. But now it didn't sound like Liara. Her voice was different…but still familiar. Jane ran her hands over Liara's head and felt the crevices in her scalp. This had to be Liara. Or…some Asari, at least.
It began to dawn on Jane that she was not in bed with Liara. But then who was she with…?
"Mm…delicious." Jane felt the mystery woman's lips part from hers. "Wait…" Jane groggily opened her eyes. Everything was hazy. She was drinking last night and…something else. What the fuck did she consume?
"Morning, beautiful." For a moment, the woman did look like Liara - then her vision cleared. It wasn't Liara.
It was Matriach Benezia.
"What…the…" Jane blinked her eyes and lifted her head. She was laying in bed, naked, with Matriach Benezia. Former servant to Saren. She had blue skin like Liara, but the resemblance ended there. Her skin was more pale. She had darker spots under her eyes, like she did not get as much sleep. She was missing her helmet. Her lips were black, her eyebrows more angled, and her face was more cruel than Liara's, but now, she was smiling.
"Well? Are you going to say good morning?" Benezia said and she stroked Jane's face.
"What the FUCK!?" Jane screamed and she jumped out of bed, but she felt a sudden pang of pain in her head and she nearly tripped on the bedside table. "What…what happened!? Where am I?" Jane rubbed her temples and looked around. She was in an enormous, gorgeous bedroom. Huge windows allowed sunlight to fill the room. Outside she saw the tall towers of Illium.
"Goodness, did someone have a bad dream?" Benezia sat up a bit and rested her head on her palm. Her enormous, saggy tits rested on the sheets. Jane was almost caught off guard by them, but she quickly refocused.
"Don't move!" Jane barked and she looked around for her gun. Or any type of clothes. "What the fuck…" Jane looked down. She was naked, and she saw a dress on the floor that might've been hers? "Ugh…fuck. My head…" Jane winced. Slowly, the events of last night came back to her. She contacted Benezia online. She went to meet Benezia at a club. They had drinks. And then…
"Are you okay?" Benezia raised an eyebrow.
"Shut up! Just…just give me a minute." Jane said. "What the fuck happened?"
"Wow, you really don't remember, do you?" Benezia smiled again. She was amused. "You…"
"Where are we? Why am I naked? Why are you naked?" Jane demanded.
"Okay! I'm trying to tell you." Benezia raised her voice and Jane heard the old Benezia, the one she fought on Noveria. Benezia sat up fully, her breasts wobbling. "Last night, you and I met at a club for drinks. We talked. And drank." Benezia smiled. "…And then we came back here. To my place."
"...What did we do?" Jane suddenly felt her heart begin to race.
"What do you think, genius?" Benezia seductively licked her teeth. "We fucked. You and I had PASSIONATE lesbian sex. And I must say…" Benezia sighed, looking directly at Jane's crotch. "It was really fucking good."
Jane felt like she was going to be sick. "Oh my God…no. That's not…" Jane grabbed the sheet and ripped it off the bed, trying to wrap it around herself. "Ooh! Hey!" Benezia laughed and she lifted her ass to let the sheet go. Now Jane could see Benezia's voluptuous body in its entirety. Hairless, like all Asari. It was a beautiful blue hue, and since Benezia was an older woman in Asari years, she had just a bit more fat in her hips and ass. "I can tell Liara taught you well." Benezia said.
"No, no, no…you drugged me. You did something…" Jane shook her head.
"Drugged you? I didn't do a damn thing." Benezia laughed. "Seriously. We bought drinks. We talked a while. Then we kissed." She pointed at the dress on the floor. "You came to the club wearing a nice dress. I dressed up too. This wasn't a mission, Shepard. Do you not remember anything? Think."
Jane was still in shock but she tried to concentrate. "I…ugh." She winced again. She definitely had a slight hang over. But despite this, everything was coming back to her. Now she remembered. Benezia had survived the encounter on Noveria, and was imprisoned for working for Saren. However, Illium requested she be released and given asylum instead. The usual politics ensued, and Benezia was released and sent back home. Obligatory community service plus good behavior meant Benezia was essentially a free woman and she was able to quickly get back on her feet. A few days ago, she messaged Jane. She must've found out that Jane was currently working on Illium and got her number somehow. It was a harmless message. She just wanted to catch up, now that they weren't enemies anymore. The two of them agreed to get drinks.
"This can't be happening…" Jane gripped the sheet around her tightly.
"Oh, it is." Benezia said. "We didn't just have sex, either." She slowly climbed out of bed. Jane couldn't help but glance at her tits and ass as she sauntered past her. She disappeared out of the room, but only for a few seconds before she returned holding a sheet of paper. "Look at this." Benezia casually stood in front of her naked, holding out the paper. Jane hesitated. Then she grabbed it, using her other hand to hold the sheet up. Jane quickly read it.
"This…This is a marriage certificate." Jane said slowly.
"Mm. Read the bottom." Benezia pointed.
Jane kept reading. She saw Benezia's signature. Then she saw her own. Perfectly legible.
"Oh…my…God." Jane's jaw dropped.
"That's right." Benezia sighed.
"We're MARRIED?" Jane gasped.
"Happily." Benezia said.
"NO!" Jane crumpled the paper. "This is a trick!"
"It's not a trick." Benezia said calmly. "We left the club last night. Before coming here, we stopped by the courthouse to get married."
"You liar!" Jane threw the paper on the floor.
"Nope. We're legally married." Benezia was unfazed. She gestured to the crumpled license on the floor. "You can tear that up, if you want. I just wanted a paper copy to show you. Obviously, it's all digital." She chuckled. But then she pouted and put her hands on her hips. "I thought you would be happier. You certainly seemed so last night. Or maybe you were just drunk. Oh well. Either way, you're my wife." She raised her hand. A wedding ring was on her finger.
Jane blinked. Then she raised her own hand. Sure enough, she was wearing a wedding ring. "This was your idea." Benezia said. "A tradition on Earth, right? I like it. It's pretty." Benezia examined the diamond.
"I…I don't believe this. Fuck. FUCK." Jane turned away. She felt so stupid. This was like a joke. Like something out of a bad comedy movie - idiot gets drunk, gets married in Vegas or something like that, and then has to get out of the marriage. Jane was the savior of the universe - how could she fuck up like this?
"What's wrong? Here…come back to bed…" Jane felt Benezia's hands slide around her and tug on the sheet. "Don't fucking touch me!" Jane snapped and spun back around, smacking Benezia's hands away. "What is the matter?" Benezia asked and Jane honestly couldn't tell if she was serious or not. "What's the MATTER?" Jane repeated incredulously. "I do not want to be married to YOU. I don't want to be married, period!"
"Well, clearly, you do." Benezia sighed.
"I was drunk!"
"Obviously. But there must've been a part of you that wanted to get married."
Jane did not have a response to that. "Well…I can get out of this." She said. "I can get a divorce."
"You can't." Benezia replied.
"And why is that?"
"Because on Illium, divorce isn't possible during the first year of marriage."
Jane just stared at Benezia for a moment. "Excuse me, what?"
"Divorce isn't legal during the first year of marriage." Benezia explained, and she stood up straighter and placed her hands behind her back, which made her tits stick out more prominently. "That's the law here. We do it to prevent reckless engagements. Or marriages that are done only for nefarious purposes." She seemed amused that Jane didn't know this. "People think twice when they know they can't get a quickie marriage and quickie divorce a day later. Well, clearly you didn't think twice."
Jane was dumbfounded. She knew Benezia wasn't lying, yet that didn't stop her from saying otherwise.
"You're a liar."
"Oh, please." Benezia rolled her eyes. "You can look it up on your phone right now if you want. Or just ask Liara. She's an expert on the law here." Benezia grinned.
Jane gulped. She and Liara weren't dating, but still, she's going to flip out when she finds out about this. And what will Garrus say? Or Miranda? Jane groaned at the thought of the humiliation. She fucked and married Liara's MOM. Even if she got out of this, she's never going to live this down.
Jane took a deep breath. This was an embarrassing situation, but she knew she had to be a soldier. "Okay. Okay…" Jane exhaled. "We're married. But I don't need to be here." Jane said. "That marriage license doesn't say a damn thing about me being here in your apartment. I don't need to live with you."
"Yes, that's true." Benezia said. "But you WILL live here with me."
"I'm sorry? No, I won't."
"Yes, you will." Benezia's face turned cruel. "Because if you don't, I'll ruin your life."
"Ruin it?" Jane scoffed, but she a bit unnerved that Benezia did not seem bothered by this face. "How?"
"If you don't live with me, I'll tell everyone about what we did last night."
"Tell everyone what? That we had sex?"
"No, not that…" Benezia smiled. "You don't remember the other thing we did?"
Jane paused. "No…wait, what else did we do?" Jane tried to think. She could vaguely remember going to be club, drinking, and she now could even recall going to the marriage office. She still didn't remember the sex.
Benezia began to cackle. "Oh! This is too much." Benezia put a finger on her lips and she shook her head. "Okay. Look at the TV." Benezia turned and walked toward the enormous screen on her wall. Jane warily followed her and they both stood in front of the TV. Benezia turned it on and she navigated through a couple of screens until she came what seemed to be security footage of her bedroom. Jane looked over her shoulder. Sure enough, there was a small camera on the ceiling in the corner. Jane turned back to the TV and for a moment there was nothing, just the empty bed. Then she heard the sound of the door opening and chatter, and she saw herself and Benezia walk in. Jane took a deep breath. Now this was real. She and Benezia looked like two drunk friends. They spoke a bit, smiling and laughing, clearly drunk but having fun, and Jane saw Benezia put a bottle of wine and a bag of powder on the counter. Then the two of them met next to the bed, wrapped their arms around each other, and began making out. Passionately.
"So fucking hot." Benezia said and Jane could tell she was being genuine. She gulped and felt her cheeks blush. She wanted to look away but couldn't. She was strangely mesmerized by the sight of herself French kissing another woman. Of course she had done it with Liara, but it's not like they filmed themselves.
"Glad you think so." Jane responded bitterly but she kept her eyes glued to the screen as the two of began stripping out of their dresses. Benezia seemed to be wearing something a bit revealing, but Jane's dress was just an ordinary cocktail dress. The two were in just their bra and panties, but those quickly ended up on the floor two. Jane and Benezia continued making out, moving onto the bed. The sounds of their lips smacking could be heard.
"Let's fast forward a bit." Benezia smiled and she pressed a button on the remote. She skipped some time and it showed her and Jane, their tits squashed together, still making out. Then she skipped again and it showed Benezia eating out Jane's pussy. Another skip, and Jane was eating out Benezia. Then a 69.
"Jesus…how long did we have sex?" Jane asked. On the TV both women were now moaning loudly.
"Hours. It was so good." Benezia looked at Jane and grinned. She was completely fine with all of this! Jane was shocked. She had no idea Benezia was such a slutty lesbian.
"Okay, so we fucked. So what?" Jane said. She paused, then she finally dropped the bed sheet she was holding around herself, so she was as equally naked as Benezia. "Being a lesbian isn't illegal here." Jane folded her arms, pressing her large tits together.
"Of course not. But this is." Benezia pointed to the screen again. She fast forwarded more and now it was just Jane sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at her phone.
"What now?" Jane asked.
"Just watch…"
Jane didn't like the tone in Benezia's voice. She watched. After a moment, Benezia returned on the screen…followed by two young human boys, one blonde, one brunette. Jane gasped.
"No…" Jane watched in horror as Benezia introduced the two young boys to her, before grabbing the bag of powder and getting ready to snort it. The two boys stripped naked and all four of them gathered around the dust to take turns. They were all talking, smiling. "Oh my God…" Jane covered her mouth as she saw herself turn to the blonde boy and begin making out with him.
"This is the part you should be worried about." Benezia chuckled. Unlike Jane, she seemed turned on watching this. On screen, Benezia paired up with the brown haired boy, and the four of them moved onto the bed where they made out with each other. Then Jane and Benezia made out with each other while the boys watched. Then they paired up again and Jane began sucking off the blonde while Benezia sucked off the other boy. "Give me that!" Jane grabbed the remote from Benezia, who simply laughed as Jane fast forwarded. Again, a series of perverted images followed.
First, Jane and Benezia sucked off their boys, side by side. Occasionally, the two women stopped and turned to each other and kissed. Skip. Now Jane and Benezia were on their back, and the boys were between their legs, fucking them. Skip again - Jane was riding the blonde boy in bed, while Benezia had moved to the armchair and was riding her boy there. The bedroom was now filled with the sounds of loud moaning and fucking.
"Who the fuck are they!?" Jane yelled. "Will you stop shouting?" Benezia frowned. "They're prostitutes. To be fair, it was my idea. After we finished, I suggested it. You wanted to try it. So I called a friend and had them sent over." Benezia stepped behind Jane and slid her hands in front of her. "I had no idea you were a pedophile."
Jane was in so much shock she didn't even flinch when Benezia began touching her. This couldn't be her. The woman she watched on screen could not be the same Shepard who saved the universe. Yet there she was, on a huge TV, passionately having sex with a young boy who didn't look a day over 10. Jane skipped again, and now the women had switched - Jane was getting fucked doggystyle by the brown haired kid, while Benezia was getting it from the blonde. They were all back on the bed, the women facing each other, both of their huge pairs of tits swinging back and forth. As usual, she and Benezia were making out, and Jane could see their tongues swirling hotly outside their mouths.
Jane looked at the time at the bottom of the screen. This went on for hours. She skipped forward rapidly, and it was all scene after scene of Jane and Benezia having sex with the boys. At one point, Jane was getting DP'd by the two boys, while Benezia sat in the armchair, her legs spread, masturbating.
"If you dare to refuse to be my wife…" Benezia put her chin on Jane's shoulder. "I'll tell everyone you're a fucking pedophile."
Jane tried to think of a retort. But she could not. She knew it - she was deeply screwed.
"I…" Jane stammered but Benezia silenced her. "Shh…" Benezia reached up and squeezed Jane's tits. "Feel free to leave now. We had a long night. But I want you back here by this evening." Then she let go of Jane's tits and backed off. "You may also tell Liara. She should probably know about us." Benezia grinned and Jane felt intimidated, even more so than when they fought on Noveria. "Your dress is right there." Benezia pointed at the floor.
Jane was still stunned by the images on screen. But she turned around and slowly dressed and gathered her things. Benezia remained naked, watching her, and Jane could feel her eyes on her tits and ass.
"Don't be so dour. I think you'll enjoy being my wife." Benezia said as the two of them went to the door. She brushed some hair out of Jane's face and for a moment Jane thought Benezia would kiss her, but she didn't. "I'll message you later today, okay love?"
Jane stared at the floor. Then she nodded. Benezia smiled and pressed a button and the front door slid open, and Jane shamefully left Benezia's apartment, her mind still reeling from the repulsive images of herself having sex with underage boys.
…Fuck. What on Earth was she going to do?
"You FUCKED my mother!!" Liara threw her hands up in the hair and circled around her desk. Sitting opposite her was Jane, who had her legs up and looked more like a little girl being scolded by her principal instead of the woman who saved the universe.
"I know, I know…" Jane said but Liara cut her off.
"AND you had sex with underage boys!? I can't believe you!"
"I know…"
"Jane, do you have any idea what you've done!?"
"I KNOW!" Jane yelled. "Liara, I don't need you to tell me how badly I fucked up!"
The two of them were in Liara's office. Liara had stopped circling her desk and she was now leaning against it facing Jane with her arms folded.
"How could you do this?" Liara asked, visibly angry.
"I…I don't know." Jane said helplessly. "We were just having drinks."
"Did she drug you?"
"No…I mean, I don't think so."
"So this was completely your choice."
"I…I guess?" Jane clutched her forehead. "Look, I know I fucked up really bad. Isn't there something you can do about it?"
"No." Liara said firmly and she grabbed the marriage certificate from the top of her desk that Jane gave to her. "I've read this top to bottom. It's legitimate. And I know the laws here." Liara sighed and shook her head. "Mother…isn't lying. You're legally married to her. And divorce isn't possible, at least for a while."
Jane put her legs down and sank into her chair. "You mean…I'm her wife."
"Yes. For a year, at least."
Jane winced at the thought of being Benezia's wife. "So what do I do?"
"What do you mean?" Liara shoved the certificate into Jane's lap. "You're her wife. That's what you do."
"Fuck…" Jane hissed. "Isn't there…I don't know, some criminal underworld thing you can do?"
"Criminal underworld thing?" Liara repeated. "You must be kidding. No, there isn't. I'm not a crime lord."
Jane just stared up at the ceiling lights. "…Just fucking kill me." She said.
"To be honest, that's how I'm feeling." Liara turned away and Jane felt her heart ache. Even though they broke up, it still hurt to see Liara this angry.
"You're not helping." Jane said flatly.
"What exactly do you want me to say?" Liara had sat down at her desk. "Even if you didn't have sex with children, you had sex with my mother. Who, not long ago, we fought. She nearly killed me." Liara shook her head. "That's…That's not right, Jane."
Jane felt her stomach drop. Liara was disappointed, which was even worse than being angry. Suddenly Jane's phone beeped and she reluctantly looked at it. It was a message from Benezia.
"Is that her?" Liara asked.
"Yeah." Jane said.
"What does she want?"
"She says to come over tonight. And that I should pack my things." Jane put her phone away.
Liara sighed and turned to her computer. "Tell mother I said hi." She said bitterly, but Jane was already up and walking away, feeling dejected and humiliated even further.
Jane went back to her apartment to grab some things - clothes, toiletries, beauty products. It was surreal to pack her luggage. This was really happening. She was moving into Benezia's apartment. It still felt surreal even when she took a cab and went to Benezia's building and took the elevator up, and even when she was standing outside Benezia's door it still didn't feel real. But then she touched the bell and the door almost immediately opened.
"Shepard." Benezia smiled. She was wearing a short bath robe that was tied in the front. "Come in. I was just preparing dinner." Benezia still wasn't bothered at all by this perverted situation and she gracefully beckoned Jane to come in, which she miserably obliged. "You can put drop your luggage in the bedroom."
Jane barely gave a nod as she walked to the bedroom, passing by the kitchen. Since this morning it had been cleaned up and the bed was properly made. Jane sighed and put down her things. She looked around. She was going to be seeing this room much more often from now on.
When Jane returned, Benezia was gone but Jane could hear a crackling sound like something was being cooked in a pan. She went into the kitchen and saw Benezia was at the stove cooking something. "Make yourself at home." She waved her hand. "I opened a bottle of wine. Help yourself." She pointed to a bottle on the counter top.
"No, thank you."
"Are you sure? It's very good."
"Yes. I'm fine. Thanks." Jane replied. Benezia glanced at her briefly but turned her attention back to the stove. Jane's eyes briefly went downward and she looked at Benezia's slim legs. The bathrobe she was wearing was quite short, it just barely went lower than her ass. Jane looked around the kitchen. It was quite nice. Very large and spacious, and it opened into the living space where there was an enormous couch that was shaped like a L and it faced an enormous screen.
"If you don't want wine, why don't you have a seat?" Benezia asked and Jane saw the dining table was already set with cutlery and plates.
"Okay." Jane said. She pulled out a chair and sat down.
"Did you talk to Liara today?" Benezia left the stove and turned to Jane.
"What did she say?"
"Nothing?" Benezia inquired. "Did she shed any light on your…predicament?"
Jane glared at Benezia, who seemed to be amused by the look. "Yes."
"Okay, so what did she say?"
"She said…" Jane sighed. "She didn't say anything new. I showed her the marriage license."
"And I bet she told you what I told you earlier." Benezia smirked.
"See? That's it." Benezia went back to the stove. "We're married. So why don't you relax? Dinner will be ready soon."
Jane said nothing. She sat in her chair and stared at the empty plate in front of her.
Benezia finished cooking quickly and she brought the dinner - which seemed to be some type of curry - to the table and also brought the wine over. "Do you want some wine?" She asked.
"Suit yourself." Benezia shrugged and poured herself a glass. "Help yourself." Benezia gestured to the dish of curry sitting between them.
"I'm not hungry."
"Oh? It's good." Benezia said, and she began adding some to her plate. "I bet you didn't eat today."
"Yeah, I'm not hungry."
Benezia frowned. "I made this for you."
"Yeah, I can see that." Jane said. "Like I said, I'm not hungry." Jane looked away and folded her arms. Out of the corner of her eye, she couldn't see Benezia's face, but saw her arm was frozen above the curry. But it lasted only a moment and she resumed spooning it onto her plate.
"Fine." Was all she said.
Jane adjusted her position. She felt uncomfortable, and it seemed like it wasn't the chair that was making her feel that way. The two of them sat in silence, the only noise being the occasional clink of Benezia's fork against her plate. Since Jane didn't eat, dinner was over mercifully soon.
"Why don't you take a seat on the couch and turn the TV on?" Benezia asked.
"Just what I had in mind…" Jane muttered as she stood up, scraping the chair legs against the floor. She walked over to the couch and sat down and turned on the TV to something mundane. Anything to occupy her attention away from Benezia. Jane sensed Benezia was standing there in the kitchen watching her with her arms folded. Soon she silently turned and walked away to the bedroom. Once she was gone, Jane relaxed a bit and slumped into the couch. She stared blankly at the screen. She was going to endure hundreds of nights like this? Her stomach growled but there was no desire to eat.
Jane watched TV for a while before she heard the bedroom door open and a figure entered her peripheral.
"Hey beautiful…"
Jane turned her head and to her surprise, Benezia was standing there dressed in just a bra and thong. But the bra seemed too small, so her enormous tits spilled over the top. The thong too was also small, just a slim triangle. She looked incredibly slutty.
"What are you doing?" Jane asked apprehensively.
"What?" Benezia approached with her hands on her hips, sauntering over seductively. "I just wanted to give my wife something nice to look at…" She said and licked her lips. Jane also noticed that her lips were glossy and it seemed like she put on some other makeup too.
"I'm not your…" Jane responded reflexively but quickly stopped.
"That's right…" Benezia now stood in front of Jane. "We're married now, so…I think we need to start acting like it. Mm…" Benezia sighed and she ran her hands over her admittedly gorgeous body. She had a small waist and luscious hips and Jane's eyes lingered on her form for a moment.
"Benezia, no…" Jane scooted back into the couch a bit but Benezia stepped closer.
"What's wrong? Nervous?" Benezia began to sway her body. "The first time we were a bit drunk, so…I think you deserve to see this sober." Benezia was now slowly dancing for Jane, like a stripper. She turned around and sat her beautiful ass on Jane's lap. But Jane's hands stayed at her side and she watched Benezia's ass grind against her.
Benezia sensed that Jane wasn't reciprocating the affection and she turned around but she continued moving her body seductively. "I bet you want to see these…" She reached behind her back. Her bra snapped and she tossed it aside, letting her huge tits flop down. Christ, they were big. Even Jane was amazed, despite her discomfort. Benezia bent forward so her tits hung down and she shook them in Jane's face. "Do you like my big, blue tits?" She grasped her tits and squeezed them hard, which really made them bulge and look fat. Jane sighed and for a few seconds Benezia seemed to stare at her, and it looked like she might've been losing her patience. But she kept dancing and turned around and bent over.
"I know you missed this…" Benezia moaned and she pulled down her thong, showing her pussy. Jane could see it glistening - Benezia was already wet! Even after getting drunk and fucking her before, Jane still couldn't believe how slutty Benezia was. She never would've guessed this based on her behavior on Noveria. Benezia daintily stepped out of her thong and spun around and she really turned up the sluttiness in her dance. She climbed onto Jane, really like a stripper now, giving her a lap dance.
"Mm…" Benezia made another throaty moan as she pushed her tits into Jane's face, as if she wanted Jane to suck on them. But Jane did nothing and after a few moments Benezia took Jane's hand and placed it on her ass. "Squeeze my ass…it's yours…" Benezia moaned. Rather robotically, Jane began to squeeze Benezia's thick ass. It was actually quite nice. Same with her tits. They were incredibly soft and they felt nice being squashed against her face. There was no doubt that Benezia had an absolutely killer body. The only problem was, it was Benezia.
Jane continued kneading Benezia's ass, but there was no love behind it and Benezia was losing her patience. "Okay, you know what…" Her tone changed abruptly back to icy and she climbed off of Jane. "If you want to just sit there, fine." She sounded incredibly irritated. Jane sighed with relief now that Benezia's slutty dance was over. "I'm trying to be a slut for you, but clearly, you're not in the mood." Benezia bent over to grab her bra and thong, which made her tits wobble. "I'm going to bed. Turn everything off when you're done."
Jane watched Benezia storm off naked and disappear into the bedroom. Jane was a bit surprised - Benezia seemed genuinely pissed. Jane remained on the couch and continued to watch TV but the images just flashed by her eyes. She was too anxious thinking about her new life being Benezia's wife. Jane soon lost track of time and before she realized it, it was quite late. She was tired. This was barely 24 hours after she got fucked up with Benezia and stayed up late having sex with her and those children, so she was still wiped. Jane got up and turned off the TV. She stopped in the kitchen to turn off the lights.
Now the apartment was dark and when Jane quietly entered the bedroom she could only barely make out Benezia's form. She seemed to be under the blanket - probably still naked - and she was laying on her side, facing away from Jane. It was hard to tell if she was asleep or not. Jane didn't feel comfortable yet sleeping naked so she silently pulled down her pants and climbed under the covers wearing her shirt and panties. She too rolled onto her side and faced the other direction. She listened carefully for Benezia's breathing. Still couldn't tell if she was sleeping. Jane felt tense. Would she wake up with Benezia's naked body pressed against her again? She knew it would be a long time before she she could let her guard down in this apartment.
When Jane woke up the next morning, she expected to be fondled and kissed by Benezia again, but when she turned over, the other side of the bed was empty. Jane yawned and sat up. Bright morning light lit the bedroom. Jane looked around and sighed. Not a bad dream - she was still here. She was still Benezia's wife. Jane could heard something sizzling in the kitchen. She climbed out of bed and saw a black bra on the floor. It was Benezia's. Curious, Jane bent down to pick it up and look at the label. The size said 34K. "Jesus…" Jane muttered to herself. Not surprising, considering how large Benezia's tits were. Jane's tits were 42DDD, and she thought that was big! She put the bra back down and left the bedroom.
In the kitchen, she saw Benezia facing the stove away from her. Benezia was wearing a black robe. Benezia briefly glanced over her shoulder at Jane. "Good morning." She said coldly. She was cooking something.
"Good morning." Jane replied. She stood there awkwardly.
"You can have a seat, if you want. I'm making breakfast." Benezia said. "Or don't."
Jane could tell Benezia was annoyed and she slowly walked over to the dining table and took a seat. This was incredibly odd. They really were just like a couple, Jane thought to herself, somewhat amused. This is just like those times when Liara was mad at her and she woke up the next morning still irritated.
Benezia finished cooking and turned around with the pan and Jane saw that her robe was completely open in the front, showing her tits and pussy. But she didn't seem to be doing it to seduce Jane. Benezia casually walked to the table and placed the pan down. It seemed like a mix of vegetables and some type of meat. "I'll get plates." Benezia said. She grabbed them from the counter and returned and set the table. After that, she took her seat and began to eat.
Jane watched her for a moment then folded her arms on the table and looked away. She expected a snide remark from Benezia, but instead there was mostly silence.
"You didn't eat yesterday and you're not eating today. Are you starving yourself?" Benezia said.
"Really? This isn't a hunger strike?"
Jane sighed. She took spoon and added food to her plate.
"There we go. I was wondering when you would begin to eat my cooking." Benezia said. "When I make something, I'd like you to eat it."
"Okay, enough." Jane said. Benezia didn't reply and instead the two of them sat there in silence eating, the only noise being the clatter of their forks and spoons. Jane had to admit, it did feel good to finally eat.
"I'm going to work. Are you going to be here when I come back?" Benezia stood up with her plate, her tits shaking.
"Probably." Jane said. She didn't look at Benezia.
"Fine. I'm going to get ready." Benezia passed by and Jane felt herself relax again. She couldn't get comfortable here. She still felt like an awkward guest at a party. Jane heard Benezia's footsteps and then silence, then the sound of the shower in the bathroom that was adjacent to the bedroom. After a while the water went off then some more time passed before Benezia emerged. "I'm going now. Help yourself to anything in the refrigerator." Benezia said and Jane turned to look. Benezia was wearing a wine colored dress that ended at her knee. It was a gorgeous outfit that fit her body tightly, so it really showed off her curves. Unsurprisingly, a gap in the front showed off her cleavage.
"Bye." Jane said and didn't get a response from Benezia. The door closed with a ping sound and now Jane was alone. She exhaled and dropped her shoulders. She ate a little more food and had a second helping.
Jane didn't work every day and she had nothing planned, but she didn't feel like leaving. After she finished breakfast, she wandered around the apartment. She examined the works of art that decorated the walls. Benezia seemed to be quite the collector. The apartment as a whole was absolutely gorgeous. Benezia definitely had a good sense of style. At one point Jane walked outside onto the balcony and looked at the tiny dots of people below. Afterwards she went back inside and sat on the couch. Eventually she turned on the TV.
Afterwards it seemed like time flew by. Jane mindlessly watched TV for a bit before she got bored and paced around the apartment again. Then she went to the wine cabinet and pulled out a bottle and helped herself to a glass. Then she returned to the TV and watched more mindless entertainment. The light outside changed from day to dusk and the sky from blue to orange and before she knew it, evening was approaching. She was still sitting on the couch with the bottle and glass on the small table next to it when Benezia returned.
"I'm back." She announced and she looked around and found Jane. "Did you do anything today?"
"No." Jane replied.
"No?" Benezia. "You just stayed inside all day?"
Benezia sighed. She stood there for a moment with her hands on her hips but Jane didn't meet her gaze. She then went into the bedroom. Jane wasn't looking forward to another long, awkward evening. But then Benezia returned. "Okay, get up." She waved her hand.
"Why?" Jane asked.
"We're going out."
"What? What do you mean?"
"You and I are going out." Benezia stood in front of Jane. "You're not going to sit on the couch all day like a fungus. We're going out tonight."
Jane blinked and sat up straight. "…Where?" She asked skeptically.
"A club. Don't worry, we're not going to get trashed like last time." Benezia smiled, or perhaps it was more like a smirk. "We're not going to have sex with children."
Jane huffed when Benezia said that. "Sorry, sorry. Sore subject." Benezia raised her hands. "Really. We're going to go to a sexy club, eat and drink, then come home. Okay?" She gestured to the bedroom. "Now come on. I have dresses you can take a look at." She didn't wait for Jane to stand up and turned and went to the bedroom. Jane remained on the couch for a minute. She was still convinced this was a trick, but no use staying here. Might as well see what happens. She got up.
When Jane entered the bedroom Benezia was completely nude and bent over stepping out of her thong. "Oh, sorry…" Jane said reflexively but Benezia gestured with her hand. "You've seen me naked before." Benezia said and stood up straight. "Sorry. Right." Jane somewhat awkwardly stepped forward. Benezia had her hands on her hips again and she stared at Jane. "What?" Jane asked. "Well? Are you going to get naked?" Benezia asked. "Oh. Well…" Jane looked away.
Benezia didn't seem annoyed this time, in fact she seemed amused. "Darling, you'll need to get used to being naked together." She said as if she was talking to a child. "We're married."
"I'm aware of that." Jane said.
"Yet you don't seem to be enjoying married life."
"That's because I was blitzed out of my mind when I married you."
"No shit. But we're married now, and there's nothing you can do about it, at least for now." Benezia stepped closer to Jane. "I'm not expecting you to fall in love with me, but I would like you to at least spend time with me. Meaningful time. That means going out together and being naked at home." She smiled but it was that cold calculating smile. "You're not going to try on dresses while I wait outside. We're not children." She pointed to the walk in closet. "Now let's go."
Jane was taken aback by Benezia's lecture but she knew it was all correct. She can't spend one year never being naked in front of Benezia. Jane frowned but she took her shirt and pulled it off. Jane was still wearing her bra so she reached behind and opened the clasp. She paused. Then she took it off.
"Much better." Benezia smiled. Jane's 42DDD tits were exposed to her once-nemesis and Jane suddenly felt self-conscious, but she still had her panties on. Jane sighed and slowly removed those too.
"Very nice. I chose well." Benezia winked at Jane. Jane felt herself blush. "You're so easily flustered. I love it." Benezia chuckled. "Let's take a look shall we?"
The two of them, now both naked, walked into the closet. It was huge and rows of dresses lined the walls. "So this club is a bit…slutty. But still classy." Benezia explained as she began looking through the dresses.
"Slutty AND classy? I don't see how that's possible." Jane said.
"Meaning it's a refined establishment with expensive drinks and expensive food. But the women dress like whores."
Jane looked at Benezia's face for signs of sarcasm but she was completely serious. This was so fucking weird. They were just…standing there naked next to each other. Jane expected Benezia to grab her and rape her, but she calmly and thoughtfully looked at the selection. "Hm." Jane grunted and examined the dresses too.
"What about this one?" Jane pointed at a slim, black dress.
"No, it's too conservative." Benezia brushed off Jane's suggestion. "You have big tits like me, so we need to show them off."
"Compared to yours? Hardly." Jane said.
Benezia smiled. "I have huge tits, but that doesn't mean yours are small. You're big too." Benezia pulled out a dress, then put it back. "Have trouble shopping for bras?"
Jane was surprised. "Well…yeah. How did you know?"
"Every woman with a big rack struggles with it." Benezia rolled her eyes. "Believe me. I wear a 34K bra. I know. But I found someone. She custom makes bras.
Jane thought of Liara. Like her mother, Liara also had a big pair of tits, though not the same size.
"I used to help Liara with bra shopping." Benezia mentioned. Sometimes Jane wondered if Benezia could read minds too.
After some more shuffling, Benezia pulled out a dress. "This is it. It's perfect for you." She handed it to Jane. "Try it on."
"Try this on…?" Jane took the dress and examined it. She could already tell it would show off a lot of cleavage. "Okay." Jane began putting it on while Benezia stood there watching, like a fashion designer might watch their model.
"Uh…" Jane looked at herself in the mirror.
"Yum. It's perfect." Benezia smiled and brought her hands together.
"Benezia, I don't know if this is appropriate."
"It is for this club."
"But I look like a whore." Jane fiddled with the dress. This blood red outfit clung to her body like a second skin around the waist and belly. It was so short, it barely reached her thigh. Sitting down would definitely expose herself. But the most scandalous part was the front. Almost her entire chest was exposed! The dress barely covered her nipples. This dress wasn't made to be worn with a bra. Her tits nearly spilled out of the generous boob window.
"I know!" Benezia said. "You'll look even better with make up."
"People will see my underwear."
"You're going to wear underwear? Just go bare." Benezia shrugged. "It isn't mandatory."
"Okay, relax." Benezia chuckled. "I have some sexy thongs you can pick too. It'll cover your pussy. Barely." Then she waved her finger. "But first, you need to shower. Take that off and go hop in. I'll get ready in the meantime."
She was right about that. Jane had not showered since coming here and she needed to be clean. "This is ridiculous." Jane sighed and shook her head as she got naked again.
"Oh, stop whining." Benezia took the dress back. "Go wash up. I'd like to leave soon."
Jane went to the bathroom and when she forgot to close the door behind her, she looked back and realized there was no door. Benezia would be able to watch her showed if she stood near the bed but when Jane looked, she couldn't see her. Jane turned on the water and climbed into the shower. The room filled with steam and the glass quickly fogged up so Benezia wouldn't be able to see, even if she wanted to. Jane leaned her head back to stretch her neck and feel the hot water soak her head. She was a bit anxious. Another night out with Benezia. She wondered if it would end again with her being plowed by a little boy.
Once she finished cleaning herself, Jane stepped out and grabbed a fresh towel from the rack. She left the bathroom drying herself and saw Benezia was already dressed. Jane was momentarily taken back. Benezia looked absolutely, positively gorgeous….and also really slutty.
Benezia was finishing her lipstick in the mirror when she saw Jane. "Have a good shower?" She smiled and turned to face her and Jane could see everything. Benezia's dress was a brilliant purple, and it was open almost entirely down the front. Her tits literally were just hanging there, unsupported by the dress. "What do you think?" Benezia shook her chest only a bit, and both her wide areolas popped into view. "You look…good." Jane was still sort of stunned. In addition to her slutty dress, Benezia was wearing dark makeup and her lips looked glossy and wet. "It's okay to say I look like a whore. That was the intention." Benezia said. "Okay, dry yourself off and get dressed. I'll do your makeup."
Jane was surprised to find herself blushing a bit. She was definitely not expecting Benezia to look so sexy. "Okay, give me a minute." Jane said and she finished with the towel and fixed her hair. Her red dress was on the bed and Jane put it on and fiddled with her breasts again, but it was no use. They were going to spill out of her dress, no matter what. "Sit here." Benezia patted a little stool next to the mirror and Jane took a seat. Benezia seemed to use the same makeup she had for herself and she bent over in front of Jane's face and began to carefully put it on. Her tits hung down, outside of the dress.
Again, Jane felt a bit awkward. She didn't really know where to look. She was face to face with Benezia who was putting makeup on her and it felt odd to stare straight ahead, so she simply averted her gaze. This didn't bother Benezia, who worked quickly and added a glossy lipstick and also did Jane's cheeks and eyes. Jane was curious to see what she looked like.
"Okay, done. Look at the mirror." Benezia pointed and Jane turned around to see what she had done. "Oh my God…" Jane blinked and gently touched her face. She looked…well, sexy. Devastating. Smoky eye shadow, shiny cherry red lips, blush, a bit of blue glitter. She looked like a high class hooker.
"I take that's a good Oh my God?" Benezia was confident that she did a terrific job.
"I…think so." Jane brought a finger to her lips. It seemed like lipstick, but it didn't stain her finger. "What is this?"
"It's a lipstick that doesn't smear." Benezia pointed to her own lips which were a shiny purple. "Only comes off with water. So you can kiss whatever you like." She winked.
"Oh, good." Jane said a bit sarcastically. Then she looked at herself in the mirror again.
"You can thank me, you know." Benezia said.
"Right." Jane frowned. "…No, you're right. I'm sorry." Jane shook her head. "This looks really good. Thanks."
"My pleasure." Benezia didn't gloat, as if she was satisfied with Jane's sheepish thank you. "I already called a cab, so it should be here soon. Let's get ready."
"Right." Jane stood up and she caught her tits bounce in the mirror. "You sure we won't be arrested for prostitution on the way there?" Jane tried to pull down her dress to cover her thong. "I mean, we literally look like prostitutes."
Benezia laughed. "Trust me, once we're at the club, we'll fit right in. No one will look twice at us."
"I'm putting my trust in you on that one." Jane examined her hair in the mirror. "Is there anything else? Or do we look slutty enough?"
"We're all set." Benezia was putting on her high heels. "There's a pair of heels for you there."
Jane nodded and the two ladies put on their heels. Benezia grabbed her purse. "Ready?" She asked.
"Ready." Jane replied and the two stood in the doorway of the apartment. Benezia hit the light and the two took the elevator down.
"You already seem more alert…" Benezia said while the two stood in the elevator. Jane looked at her and she seemed pleased. She was looking upwards and Jane saw her eyes dart toward her.
Jane shrugged. "I guess it was a good idea to get out."
"Wakes you up."
"Tonight will be much less stressful. I promise."
"I hope so." Jane looked forward and out of the corner of her eye she saw Benezia smiling.
When they reached the lobby and walked to the front door Jane felt the eyes of others on her and she momentarily felt powerful. The two of them looked like glamorous models, slender legs marching side by side, two pairs of tits bouncing obscenely. Jane stifled a smirk when they passed by another human woman who gawked. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad.
The cab was waiting for them and it took off into the air when they entered. Jane watched Benezia's apartment building disappear behind them and then she watched the other cars zipping by them in the sky.
"Did you ever do anything like this with Liara?" Benezia asked.
Jane turned her head quicker than expected. "What?"
"Liara. Did you ever do this with her?"
"What, go out? Of course."
"Yes. Silly question. I mean, go out like this…?" Benezia didn't gesture, she just let her eyes go down to Jane's groin, then her chest.
"Oh." Jane shook her head. "No, we didn't dress like sluts."
"You seemed put off when I asked about Liara."
"What? No."
"You sure did." Benezia said. "You snapped your head toward me."
Jane looked out the window. "Wasn't expecting it."
"I apologize. I don't mean to pry."
"It's okay." Jane sighed.
Benezia chuckled to herself and it didn't seem to be bothered by Jane's reluctance to explain. Jane watched the sky get darker. It was quicker than she expected and soon it was black outside and the city glittered with different colored lights. The taxi stopped and began a slow descent.
"We're here." Benezia held her purse and put her hand on the door.
"Well, here we go…" Jane said mostly to herself and Benezia smirked and once the taxi landed she opened the door.
Jane was greeted with the sight of a very opulent looking club with a line of people waiting outside for entry. But Benezia ignored them and she marched right to the door. "Shouldn't we stand in line?" Jane hurried her step to catch up with her. She noticed the appearance of several women standing in line, and although she didn't stop and look, it seemed they were dressed quite…loosely.
"I know the owner. We can just go in." Benezia scoffed as if it was a dumb question. When they reached the door Benezia exchanged some words with an intimidating Krogan, but the conversation didn't last long and he waved them through. Immediately Jane was assaulted with the sounds of pulsing music that got louder as the two of them walked down a hall that was filled with other patrons milling about, perhaps to have a respite from the commotion that was coming from deeper within.
"Shit…" Jane's eyes followed an Asari who was wearing an equally trashy dress. Her tits were practically falling out. "Enjoy the eye candy." Benezia said. Jane noticed another woman, a human, facing away from them. Her dress only went down to her waist, so her ass was completely exposed. Someone called the woman's name and she turned around, and Jane saw she was equally bare in the front. All she wore down there was a neat landing strip of hair above her pussy.
"Wow." Was all Jane could say.
"Told you it was slutty here." Benezia took Jane's arm and Jane was surprised by the gesture. She looked at Benezia and she seemed excited. "What exactly did you get me into?" Jane asked. "Relax, love." Benezia patted her shoulder and two aliens nodded and opened a large door that led to the main area. An enormous cavernous chamber with a dance floor filled with bodies and dozens of tables and booths surrounding it. "It's loud!" Jane leaned in to yell in Benezia's ear. "I know! We have a table over there." Benezia pointed and she led them to a young Asari who seemed to be expecting Benezia. She seemed like a staff member and they followed her toward the back, past the dance floor, past a bunch of other tables and into a quieter corner. "Here we are…" Benezia took a seat behind a circular table that glowed red and already had a bunch of bottles and glasses set up for them. "Best seat in the house."
Jane scooted in next to Benezia and looked around. This seemed like where all the special clientele sat. The noise level was definitely more manageable here and every table had a pair or group of well dressed people talking conspiratorially among themselves. Jane noticed that every woman here was dressed like a slut.
"You weren't kidding." Jane looked at the bottle of alcohol in front of them.
"About what?"
"The women." Jane pointed at a very voluptuous human woman who happened to be walking by. She wore a tiny black thong, and rows of glittering chains hung from her neck. And that's it. Her tits - which were rather large - wobbled freely as she walked confidently through the crowd. No one looked twice at her.
"Yeah, told you." Benezia took the bottle from Jane was began to pour two glasses.
"What is that?"
"Don't worry, it won't get you fucked up." Benezia said. "Unless you chug the whole bottle." She didn't bother elaborating further but Jane didn't see the point in asking questions. She poured one for Jane and one for herself. "Here. Cheers." She lifted her glass.
Jane looked into the glass. "Cheers." She said and the two nodded at each other and drank. Whatever this was, it didn't taste bad. But it had a bit of kick and Jane shuddered.
"Is it ok?" Benezia asked.
"Yeah, it's fine." Jane said. "I always do that when I drink something strong. "You know, do a little spasm."
Benezia didn't say anything but smiled. She crossed her legs and drank and observed the crowd.
The two of them sat there for a while and finished most of the bottle, carefully pacing themselves. Jane felt herself become warm and she suddenly felt more comfortable in this revealing dress she was wearing. "You look better." Benezia had her elbow on the table and was looking at Jane with a curious expression.
"What does that mean?" Jane asked.
"You look more relaxed. Like last time when we started drinking."
"I barely remember." Jane chuckled and took a sip. "What did we even talk about before we got fucked up?"
"Nothing important. Seriously." Benezia said. "We talked about life, relationships, Noveria…it was a normal conversation."
"Relationships? Uh oh."
Benezia laughed softly. "You didn't say anything bad. You just talked about Liara."
"I know. That's probably what made me drink."
"No, don't say that." Benezia put her hand on Jane's. She sighed and looked around the room. "Look at them." She nodded her head and Jane looked and saw two women at the nearby table. A human and an Asari were in the middle of a pretty sloppy make out session. "Woah." Jane watched them. The Asari was leaning back against the cushion and the human woman was on top of her, her hand in the Asari's dress, definitely groping her breasts. Both of their tongues were swirling together outside their mouths, as if they were deliberately putting on a show. But no one cared to watch them and the two women seemed to be genuinely smitten with each other.
"Looks like us." Benezia said. "Have you always been bisexual?" She turned to Jane as if the two women gave her the idea.
"Yeah." Jane said. The alcohol was definitely loosening her up.
"When did you start having sex with women?"
"In college."
"No surprise there." Benezia said.
"Is it the same with Asari…?" Jane raised an eyebrow.
"Of course." Benezia scooted closer to Jane. "In school, we all have sex with each other. Lesbian orgies. Things like that."
"I guess we aren't that much different." Jane said. "Though I'm not sure we have orgies. It's mostly just…one on one, I guess."
"You're missing out."
"Maybe you can arrange that." Jane said slyly. She felt more confident. "You can hire some hookers."
Benezia seemed pleasantly surprised. "Finally, there's the Jane I know."
"What's that?" Jane asked, perplexed.
"You've been a tight coil ever since we got married." Benezia asked. "You're finally letting your hair down."
"I guess."
"You guess? You just suggested having an orgy with lesbian hookers."
Jane laughed. "Right, that was a crazy thing to say."
"That's pretty hot." Benezia put her glass down. She leaned in closer to Jane. "You, me…three, maybe four other women. Having passionate lesbian sex."
Jane's eyes met Benezia's. But Benezia just stared at Jane with that same curious look as before, her eyes were narrowed but she had a smile on her face.
"That would be…interesting." Jane choked a bit on her drink.
"Ha. You're adorable." Benezia suddenly pulled back and looked out at the dance floor. "Okay, we're done drinking. Let's go dance." She stood up and pulled Jane. "You want to dance?" Jane asked. "Yeah. Come on." Benezia didn't even look at Jane and pulled her up. She seemed invigorated. "Woah, okay! You're going to make me trip." Jane grabbed the table for support. She didn't often wear high heels. "Okay, let's go." Jane said and adjusted her tits again.
Benezia led them to the dance floor and into the crowd. The music was fast and Jane could feel the reverberations in the floor. "Come here." Benezia pulled her close and Jane could see that her dress was really open, she could see right down at her pussy. The two began to grind and Jane saw Benezia's blue skin change tones from the red, green and purple lights that flashed overhead. The two of them locked eyes and Jane felt focused. She reached down and cupped Benezia's ass. Benezia didn't respond and just held Jane's waist and the two pressed their bodies together, their tits squashing together. The crowd filled in around them but despite this it still felt like an incredibly intimate moment.
Eventually the music changed and Benezia said something but Jane couldn't hear. "What?" Jane leaned in close. "Turn around!" Benezia said into Jane's ear but didn't wait for a response and she spun Jane around. Jane felt Benezia's tits press against her back and Benezia's hands reached up and grabbed Jane's tits. Jane was surprised but she looked down as Benezia's blue hands as they played with her breasts. Jane looked around but no one was watching them. Everyone else was dancing and minding their own business. She sighed and the two continued to grind, while Benezia groped her. Jane felt Benezia rest her chin on her shoulder and her lips brushed against her ear. She heard Benezia breathing heavily but otherwise said nothing. Jane couldn't help but push her ass back into Benezia's groin.
Once the music changed to something slower, Jane felt Benezia loosen her grip. "Okay, let's go." She sighed. "Yeah." Was all Jane said and the two of them walked back to their table.
"Look at our friends over there." Benezia said. Jane glanced at the human and Asari couple. They were naked. This time, the human woman was sitting, and the Asari was on top, giving her a lap dance. "That's so fucking hot." Benezia said and took a drink, and she sounded like she was admiring them. "Looks like they're having a good time." Jane sat down and wiped some sweat from her head.
Jane and Benezia rested and enjoyed the atmosphere. Eventually, the human/Asari couple stopped and they stood up and picked up their dresses, but didn't put them back on, and instead casually walked away and through the crowed. "Someone's getting fucked tonight." Benezia chuckles. Jane didn't respond and just watched the couple disappear.
"Have you ever been married before?" Jane asked.
"No. This is my first marriage." Benezia was shaking the ice in her glass.
"Did you want to be married?"
Benezia stopped. "…Yes." She said after a moment.
"To anyone?"
"I suppose so." Benezia said. "It wasn't my plan to get drunk and marry YOU, but I wanted to be married. So that's why I'm perfectly fine with this relationship."
"But why do you want to be married?"
Benezia frowned for the first time since they arrived. "Perhaps it provides a sense of order. I would like to come home, cook dinner for my wife, have sex with her, then go to bed. Then do the same thing the next day." Benezia's smiled suddenly returned. "As much as I enjoy having sex with hookers and young boys."
"Right…" Jane shifted uncomfortably.
Benezia could tell the pedophilia was an awkward subject. "You know, you looked good having sex with those boys."
"Please don't remind me."
"I'm serious. It was hot." Benezia put her hand on Jane's.
"It was wrong."
"No, it wasn't." Benezia said and Jane was surprised by how serious she sounded. "There's nothing wrong with a grown woman having sex with a child."
"...Did I enjoy it?" Jane asked.
"Yes." Benezia stroked her arm. "You were high, of course. But you definitely enjoyed it."
"Well, at least I liked it." Jane snorted and this made Benezia laugh.
"You also enjoyed having sex with me." Benezia played with Jane's hair.
Jane looked at her. "Is that so?"
"You saw the video." Benezia smiled. "But you probably don't remember, so it's understandable." She leaned in closer. "I enjoyed having sex with you, too. You're a beautiful woman." Her eyes drifted down to Jane's cleavage and she gently ran her fingers over them. Then her eyes came back up and they stared into each other's eyes.
Maybe it was the lights but Benezia looked incredibly sultry and dark. Maybe even a bit dangerous. The lights cast shadows on her face and she looked like a demon. "You're gorgeous." Jane felt her heart beat quicken.
"Yeah?" Benezia smiled and got closer. Her hand wandered down and took Jane's. Their fingers played.
Benezia smiled. Then her smile slowly faded away. She closed her eyes and leaned in, and pressed her lips against Jane's. She immediately slipped her tongue into Jane's mouth. "Mm…" Jane murmured softly and her tongue met Benezia's, who seemed relieved because she sighed and wrapped her arms around Jane. They started making out.
Jane's mind was swirling. What the fuck was she doing? She was not drunk and couldn't blame this on alcohol. Her hands went down and grabbed onto Benezia's thick ass, who moaned and slid her hand into Jane's dress. Jane felt her nipples harden almost immediately. This just encouraged Jane to go further and she pulled Benezia's dress up. Since Benezia didn't wear underwear, this exposed her bare ass, and Jane took two handfuls of her cheeks and squeezed. Benezia responded by climbing onto Jane's lap. She broke the kiss for only a moment to get herself settled before leaning forward and plunging her tongue back into Jane's mouth.
The two of them made out like two drunk college girls. Jane had no idea if anyone was watching, but even if they were, she wouldn't care. This was unbelievably hot. Even better now that she was fully aware of it instead of being in a drug induced stupor. "Uhhhh…Benezia…" Jane groaned and she wasn't sure if Benezia heard her over the music. Benezia's tits were hanging out of her dress.
"Want to go home?" Benezia suddenly stopped and looked into Jane's eyes, she was panting heavily. "I can get a cab."
"Yeah." Jane gasped, her chest rising and falling.
"Come on." Benezia got off of her and didn't bother to fix her dress. Her tits were hanging out, and her pussy and ass exposed. Jane quickly stood up and Benezia took her hand and led her through the crowd. Jane nearly stumbled after her. While they pushed through the groups of people Jane suddenly got a flash back to college. She was doing the exact same thing, a friend was leading her out of a club, though not to have sex. But the memory triggered something and Jane began to giggle, and she placed a hand on her face as Benezia pulled her along.
They left the club and Benezia spotted a cab that just finished dropping off a passenger. "Wait! Stop!" Benezia waved her arm and dashed toward the cab, which made her tits bounce. "Get in." Benezia told Jane and she turned to the driver to give directions.
Jane slid into the cab and felt the cushion shift as Benezia got in besides her. "That was fun…" Jane began to speak but Benezia's mouth clamped down on hers. Jane felt herself sink into the seat as Benezia's tongue once more explored her mouth. Jane felt the cab rise into the sky and take off like a shot. Benezia must've told the driver to make it quick.