Chapter 24: Female Shepard and Liara T'Soni
Shepard had made a rather chilling discovery after a raid on an old Cerberus lab that hadn't been touched in years. One of the Cerberus scientists had a very secret pet project. The Scientist had a lot of Shepard's DNA and they successfully cloned a version of Commander Shepard but before the crew could capture her she escaped, burning all the lab files. All they had from the project was the original clone who was like a young Shepard in many ways, except for the fact he was a smaller gender swapped version of the Commander.
Sam was a much younger version of Shepard, looked barely in his pre-teens. Yet the boy had all the markings of Shepard: short spiky red hair, pointed cute face and deep green eyes. His body was still underdeveloped, boyish with little muscle development when Shepard found him in that old Earth lab. There were a few suggestions tossed around on what to do with the boy; young Sam could be dangerous, being a Cerberus experiment put him under a lot of suspicion and a government facility would be best equipped to take care of the boy.
However, Shepard felt a strange responsibility for her clone. She knew more than most what he was going through at the moment and thought a bit more basic freedom was needed. She opted to take the boy's fate into her own hands. Hopefully in the coming weeks Sam (or little Shep as he was lovingly nicknamed by the crew) would acclimate to his new life and Shepard would be able to leave him behind on Earth for a couple weeks without issue.
The Normandy crew seemed mostly happy to spend a little downtime on Earth. Missions had gotten harder and everyone seemed to want some free time to relax and lucky for them it'd be a good while before the Normandy's repairs were done. The last fight left the ship in less than stellar condition and there was no new mission on the schedule for the foreseeable future, so their repair priority was also low. So the crew, Shepard included, took the time to enjoy some human culture, while Shepard was enjoying the wonders of adoption and trying to ignore the strangeness of adopting herself or himself in this case.
Sam was a little difficult to get to open up. He'd only answered simple questions and stayed mostly quiet the next two days as Shepard moved him into her new place. A decent sized house on the West Coast of North America just a few hours outside the city of New Vancouver. Shepard figured the clean air outside the city centers would be good for the boy and he seemed to perk up a little once they got to the house and was settling in fine, until;
"Hey, Shepard?"
Shepard turned to look at Sam who was poking his head in through the door, he looked very nervous. Kinda like he just broke something but didn't want to say it. There was a moment Shepard just wanted to tell Sam that she'll deal with his problem in the morning; it had been a long day, lots of paperwork was down and still needed to be done but something about the desperation in Sam's face made him impossible to ignore.
"What is it Sam," asked Shepard, turning to face the door. She'd just started to get ready for bed, she only had baggy sweatpants and a gray tank top on and really hoped she didn't need to get dressed.
"Ummmm, I was happy to come here—"
"That's good to hear," interjected Shepard, breathing a short sigh of relief, "I was beginning to think you hated beginning around me."
Sam shifted out of the hallways into the room and Shepard's eyes went wide. The bulge in Sam's pants was straining against his pants, threatening to break through the fabric. His voice was low and a little sheepish as he asked, "Well no… It's not you, but—ahnn!"
The sound of tearing fabric filled the room as Sam's sweats spit, allowing his massive meat to flop out. Nearly fifteen inches of slender throbbing boy meat, his fat pink cock head was poking out from a little foreskin. His nuts were sagging, nearly reaching the tops of his knees and each one was the size of a softball.
"Holy fuck!" Shepard's jaw dropped and she went quiet, she couldn't organize her thoughts. There were too many things she had to ask but it looked like Sam was about to answer a couple.
"Sorry about the pants you give me but I can't help it," continued Sam, "it's been days since I've been drained and well… you can see the issue."
According to the reports her clone hadn't been genetically altered in any way but the pale pillar between his legs looked anything but natural. Sam was hung like a horse, throbbing with a powerful rhythm that made Shepard feel a bit squeamish. However, it also made her furious.
"You can't just come into my room with your cock out, kid!" she shouted, stepping out of bed. Shepard was dressed in very plain bedwear: a t-shirt and some shorts that were about a size too small. Wearing her older clothes had the added benefit of showing off her tight athletic body. Her perky D cups pressing up against the white t-shirt, showing off the tips off her nipples. Which didn't seem to concern Shepard at the moment, but it did make Sam blush as he noticed her nip outlines.
"I haven't cum in three days though!" he replied, avoiding eye contact, his cheeks flush.
"So what?" shouted Shepard, confused as all hell, trying to avoid looking directly at the pale pillar.
"It hurts really bad though," whined Sam, he sounded really desperate and Shepard couldn't deny his teary, his sheepish plea combined with obvious embarrassment sounded a little cute.
"That's not a good reason to come in here and—"
"It literally ripped through my pants!" he interjected.
"Then go just jerk off," spat Shepard, "walking into my room and asking to cum is the last thing you should think to do. You don't need my help to cum!"
"It is!" responded Sam, now trying to cover his member, "I tried rubbing one out myself, but it didn't work!"
"What do you mean it didn't work!?" shouted Shepard, "it's pretty hard to fuck up."
"I rubbed for over an hour, nothing came out," he continued, his voice getting very sad as he muttered, "and besides I never had to do it myself…."
"I—fuuuuck, okay," exhaled Shepard, she took a deep breath and calmed herself down. He didn't know any better; he was literally cooped up in a lab his entire life.
"We can get you a new toy tomorrow night, okay?"
"Mmmmnnnn, buh-but it really hurts now
"Can you just last one more—" Shepard could see Sam trembling, trying to hide his raging erection, the veins around his cockhead were quite swollen and did genuinely look a little painful.
"Alright, I will help you out tonight."
"Really!!" Sam's expression lit up.
"Yes really," Shepard started walking to the bathroom, "now get on the bed, I'll help you in a second."
Shepard grabbed a towel off the rack as Sam excitedly hopped on the bed. He was kneeling on the sheets as Shepard re-entered the room. His massive boy cock reached his pecs, the underside pulsing as his penis throbbed. A literal white donkey dick, Shepard was really understanding why he had a lot of trouble jerking his monster meat.
Sam's penis throbbed with excitement as she climbed up onto the bed and laid the towel underneath his dick. She had no idea how she'd properly milk such a monster dick, her experience was limited to toys but she assumed it wouldn't take much.
"Just so you know I don't do this often, so tell me if it hurts," said Shepard as she grasped Sam's cock. The tips of her fingers could barely touch as she started pumping his meat. Every pulse was heavy, pushing back against Shepard's hands as she squeezed his shaft.
"Ahhhn," groaned Sam, his cock tip leaking a fat glob of what Shepard thought was a load of thick white cum.
Shepard looked over his shoulder and stopped pumping to ask, "are you—"
"Don't stop!" groaned Sam, his cheeks bright red and his breath heavy.
"How was that not his load?" Shepard wondered as she continued stroking his meat. She didn't feel a need to argue, Sam seemed desperate and his shaft was still solid as steel as she pumped.
"Alright, just give me a warning when you're about to blast."
"Uhhh-huuhn, mmmnn~ I'm getting close," he continued, his little body shivering as Shepard leaned against his back. Her breasts pressed against his shoulders and her pumps got faster. She nearly pulled the skin on his cock head back as she milked Sam's meat, causing little jets of thick pre-cum. He was getting closer and closer with each stroke, his shaft swelling and Shepard found herself entranced.
The rhythmic pulses of Sam's penis had her zoning out as she stroked his cock. Her hand motions quickening as Sam grit his teeth. He couldn't hold out anymore and started blasting his load as he shouted, "Don't stop!"
"What the fuck!" Shepard kept stroking as Sam's nasty ball slop blasted from his engorged tip. A literal fire hose of cum blasted from his meat for half a minute, soaking the towel she put down and spilling over onto her sheets. Shepard tried to angle his cock towards the towel and away from her sheets but he was rock hard and barely softened as his orgasm ended.
"Pheeew, holy…" Sam let out a loud satisfied sigh, "I've been holding that in for three days."
"Three days!" Shepard was astonished by the sheer volume of cum from three days. He had beaten most horses in sheer load volume and thickness. Sam's hot boy cum sat on her bed like a thick mucus, jiggling with every vibration Shepard made as she shifted on the bed.
"How the fuck is this kid natural?" thought Shepard.
"Yup, normally the scientists would milk me whenever I asked but…" continued Sam, getting a little sheepish as he noticed the surprise on Shepard's face, "but you know how that ended."
"Yeah," exhaled Shepard, there was nothing weird done to her genetics down at the lab beyond the subtraction and addition of appropriate chromosomes. This boy's dick was one hundred percent authentic and his balls didn't even look empty. He was like a literal cum factory, churning out a near infinite stream of ball grease.
"But you shouldn't… haaahn, you shouldn't just ask people to milk your dick."
"Why not?" Sam pouted, "the scientist would do it all the time."
"I—" Shepard paused and thought, "now realize why the head scientist offered herself rather than face a trial."
"She would give me handjobs and use her mouth a bunch," he continued, "but most of the time she'd let me use the automilker."
"Sorry for your loss, I guess," Shepard shrugged, unsure how Sam might have felt about the loss of his former "caretaker".
"Don't be, she is a crazy huge bitch and wasn't half as good as you," responded Sam.
"Haha, snort~" Shepard had to bite her tongue to stop laughing, Sam was such a brat but at least he was an amusing one.
"Anyways, thanks for helping me cum," Sam awkwardly looked around as if he was processing a question. He cracked a little smirked as he asked, "so should I call you Shepard or mom—"
"Don't call me mom," spat Shepard.
"But we're related," interjected Sam, "and besides you lecture me like a mom!"
Shepard took a big inhale and replied, "informing you that it is insane to ask whatever random woman you meet for handjobs isn't a lecture, it is informing you about facts."
"That's a real mom thing to say."
"You can just think of me as a sister," responded Shepard, dodging the question, "that way it doesn't give people the wrong idea."
"Sounds good to me," continued Sam, "never had family… though, should I clean up?"
Shepard noticed Sam's cock, still half hard and pulsing as he waited for Shepard's answer. His little cheeks were a light pink, his little smile too cute. "This boy is dangerous," thought Shepard, shaking her head as she replied, "It's alright Sam, you can get some sleep.
"Thanks sis," Sam quickly hurried out of the room, his massive meat bouncing as he scampered off. Shepard found herself following his movements until he left the room.
"What have I gotten myself into," sighed Shepard as she went to clean up his cum. It was like someone dumped a gallon of yogurt on her bed and she was more than a little disgusted at first. The smell alone made her sneer in disgust, she wanted to flush all her brother's sperm down the toilet before tossing her sheets in the washer but…
"Uhhhnngh, why is it so… so… snooorrt!" Shepard's nose twitched and her lips quickly pressed into the pulse of ball sludge on the towel. She had no idea what could've processed her to slurp up Sam's seed but she loved the taste.
The sound of her frenzied slurping filled the room. Shepard was sucking harder than she thought possible. She never felt this way about a man before but this boy, her adopted brother's nasty cock grease, was making her head spin. Shepard didn't even notice her hand crawl into her panties, her fingers pinching her click as she slurped cum like a cheap ghetto whore.
"Mmmnnnn-hoooo!!" Shepard's body trembled as she finished sucking down the pile, her eyes rolling up into her head as she came. Unable to hold back the waves of pleasure that came from being a cum slurping slut. There was no feeling that quite compared but Shepard wouldn't get any time to process her new feelings as her brain shut off, leaving her unconscious for the night.
The next morning…
Nothing would be the same for Shepard. She woke up with dried cum on her face and her panties still moist from the furious masturbation. There was a mental attempt to cope with her actions, which she reiterated inside her head over and over as she tossed the last of the tainted sheets into the wash. She tried to justify the frenzied cum sucking with a strange combination of blaming the shot of whisky she had knocked back before bed or the lack of sex.
Afterall it had been weeks since Shepard had a chance to dominate Liara. Her strap-on left unused, Liara left unused and Shepard's needs left unmet. Though, she quickly recognized such thoughts were just a massive cope. The fact of the matter was Shepard naturally degraded herself, her shame and orientation mattering very little when put on the scales with a gallon of Sam's spunk. Shepard knew she would need to be careful around Sam in the future.
"Hey, sis!"
"Ahhn!" Shepard shuddered, nearly spilling a cup of detergent as she noticed Sam.
"You alright?" asked Sam.
"Yes, fine," exhaled Shepard, her worries seemed to calm as she saw the cheerful look on her little brother's face, "you just spooked me."
"Thanks for helping me out last night," continued Sam, "I am really sorry for messing up your sheets though."
"It's nothing some detergent won't fix," continued Shepard as she started the wash, trying to avoid staring at Sam's morning wood. The tip of his half hard meat was poking out one of his leg holes and she was sure the boy didn't notice.
"That's good," Sam looked around the room, nervous as he asked, "so… do you think I can get that toy now?"
I won't have time to get you a new toy until later tonight, " Shepard continued, about to leave the room, "I've got to meet a few people back in the city regarding your residency—"
"Pleeeeease!" Sam's meat throbbed against his shorts, straining the black polyester blend, threatening to rip another article of clothing, "It's been like this all morning and it has never been this bad!"
"Take off your shorts! We do not have infinite clothes," shouted Shepard, her face grew flush as she watched Sam's pale monster meat flop out as his shorts dropped around his ankles.
"Are you sure you can't just quickly—"
"Look Sam, I—" Shepard looked down at her adopted brother, ready to tell him to wait but she could not bring herself to tell him off. A combination of last night's embarrassing cum slurping, combined with an almost maternal pity as she saw Sam trembling in place. His heavy nuts slapping against his thighs with each movement he made.
"Alright but we need to make this quick."
"Thanks sis, you're the best!"
"Yeah, yeah, I know," responded Shepard as she knelt at Sam's feet and grasped the base of his cock. His fat cock was even harder now than last night and at Shepard's touch he pulsed and leaked out a bead of pre-cum. The initial glob was so thick, carrying with it the promise of more tasty cum. Shepard couldn't wait and without thinking leaned forward and;
"Mwaaaaah~" she kissed Sam's tip without warning, her rosy lips pressing against his cock head as she greedily sucked up his pre-cum. The thought that Sam might be surprised didn't even cross her hazy brain and Shepard indulged in a little sibling sucking as she satisfied her urge for seed.
"Sis, what are you doing?" he asked, his expression lighting up as he continued, "are you gonna try using your mouth!?"
"Mmmm, y-yu-yes," mewled Shepard, her voice sheepish as she lied, "I can't waste too much time doing this so I'm going to try and make this fast."
"Your lips feel really good, can you go deeper?"
"Mmhhmmmnn~ juh-just don't expect this often, mmmmmnn…" Shepard let out a little groan as she took Sam's fat pink tip into her mouth. She had never sucked a cock, even the lubing of strap-ons was usually left to her girlfriend, Liara. However the second her brother's swollen tip touched her tongue a switch flipped in Shepard's head.
"Ghuuunnnkk!" Shepard started taking Sam's cock deeper into her throat. Her tongue tickled his glands as his head leaked out another hot glob of pre-cum. Shepard could feel it ooze down her throat as she sucked, lips creeping down Sam's shaft.
"Nnnnggh, this feels great!" Sam grabbed Shepard's head with both hands and leaned against her body, shoving his cock deeper as he demanded, "more, keep sucking!"
"Guuuhhnnggghh!" Shepard's nostrils flared as she snorted back Sam's morning musk, her lungs filled with his corrupting stink. All thoughts left her head, only Sam's cock seemed to exist. Shepard devoted her muscles to squeezing the semen out of his fat cock, she was so fucking horny.
Her fingers darted under her panties rubbing her clit as Sam rutted his cock in her throat, nearly every inch was shoved into her windpipe. The rapid moments of his hips caused his fat boy balls to beat Shepard's chin and throat, making Shepard shiver as she was used like a cheap sex sleeve.
"Hnnnuu, I'm gonna—" Sam bit his lip, his eyes closed as he stained and pumped a heavy load into Shepard's stomach.
The massive load filled Shepard to bursting with seed, her stomach bloated and Sam's seed backed up her throat. Hot strands of his seed burst out of Shepard's nose and leaked from her lips, spilling out down Shepard's sloppy duck face and onto the tile floor. Shepard squirting herself stupid. Her muff turned into mush as she tried to gobble down all of Sam's tasty seed but she quickly devolved into a blank mess as Sam finished blasting ropes into her cumbloated stomach.
"Holy hell~" Sam's voice was so sweet as he popped his coco out of Shepard's glazed lips, "I've never cum so much. You're like ten times— no, a hundred times better than last time, you're the best Shepard!"
"Uuhhhnnnhhh," groaned Shepard seed dripping from her lips, she could feel her swollen clit rubbing against her pants. Her
"You okay, sis?" asked Sam, showing real concern for his sister.
"Yuh-yeah, uurrrp!" Shepard belched out a large glob of cum. His seed dripped from her lips like drool, her brain all hazy as she sputtered, "Just a little su-suh-surprised by the volume…"
"Well you look a little fuuuc–frazzled," Sam blushed a little as he saw Shepard's slutty post-suck face, the way her lips curled and eyes twitched made his cock pulse with excitement. He wanted to go for another round but didn't want to abuse Shepard's throat too much.
"I'll make you breakfast as you get ready for your meeting. I think we still have bacon and I can probably cook that," Sam gave Shepard a sheepish nod as he quickly pulled up his pants, running out of the laundry room, giving Shepard ample time for Shepard to cope with her new budding sexuality.
A week later…
There was no doubt in Shepard's mind that she'd made the right call getting Sam a set of fake silicon cheeks to use in her stead. His mood had improved dramatically the past few days and he was even behaving like a normal boy. He'd ceased asking her to drain his nuts and was focusing on other tasks. At the moment he was outside, swimming in the nearby lake and Shepard didn't want to disturb him, Sam needed to relax. However, she didn't like that he left his new fuck toy cumfilled and inflated in the center of his room.
The scent of his overpowering pungent cum was impossible to ignore. There was so much seed oozing out of the holes of the massive jiggly fake booty. Its fake holes were packed full to bursting of Sam's nasty cum and it made Shepard shiver each time she took a breath. She had half a mind to force Sam to come back and clean up his mess but maybe, just maybe Shepard could clean up the mess herself?
"After all it is my house, I have to make sure everything is clean…" She thought as she knelt beside the filthy toy. It's pink cheeks glazed in thick boy ball snot. There was a moment that Shepard knew there was no going back. The second her lips touched those well used holes, she'd be no better than an animal and completely addicted to Sam's seed.
"Mmnnnn, fuck who am I kidding!" spat Shepard as she pressed her lips against the stretched silicon anus of the toy. Her tongue spun around the inside like a tornado, slurping up all of Sam's cum with glee.
"Mmmmnnhhh, buuiiii, snoooort, snoooort!"
The sound of Shepard tongue scraping out those silicon folds filled the room, her lips stained with cream as she moved from the ass to the pussy. There was a moment where Shepard felt a confusing emotion in the half-melted mire which her brain had become. A momentary rage throbbed in her mind but she wasn't mad at herself for the absolutely pathetic display or Sam for leaving his cum drenched toy in the middle of his room with the door open.
No, Shepard was furious with the toy. It wasn't fair that so much tasty seed had been wasted on this lifeless piece of silicon. Her jealousy flared as she sucked down the last of the cum that was left on the toy, only leaving a fresh glaze of spit on both holes. Shepard wiped the drool off her chin as new resolve bloomed, she wouldn't allow Sam to waste any of his seed on this soulless toy. She would fix her mistake and make sure to drain Sam herself.
An hour later…
Sam returned home, half naked with a towel thrown over his shoulder. His swim trunks were still dripping as he took off his sandals and made his way to the shower. The days had been so carefree recently, he no longer felt tense all the time; no more lab or lewd tests, he was master of his own release now! It was all thanks to his new sister and Sam wanted to show his appreciation for everything Shepard had done.
Maybe he should cook dinner tonight? Sam felt like he was getting the hang of cooking meals and Shepard had seemed frustrated lately. Sam assumed that her job was stressing her out, being a Captain did seem hard and maybe all her duties didn't pause while she was on leave. In any case, Same would try to ease his sister's burdens however he could.
"Hey sis, I'm back!" shouted Sam as he grabbed a fresh towel from the closet, "do you want me to make–whoaa!"
Sam turned around and was immediately greeted by Shepard who gave him a sultry, "Hey little bro like my outfit?"
Shepard emerged from her bedroom with a fresh coating of red lipstick, wearing a white and red striped micro bikini. Her tight athletic body was on full display; sculpted arms and thighs, wide muscled hips, bulging six pack and perky boobs with perfect pink nipples barely covered by the little white latex triangles. The bikini looked like they'd snap at any moment and the strings of her thong hugged her muscles hips, sinking into the grooves. In the center of it all was a tight cameltoe which clearly showed off the outline of her pussy.
"Ye-yeah but why are you dressed like that?" asked Sam, he could feel his cock throb and press against his swim shorts, "Are you going to go swimming too?"
"Hehe, cute but no," Shepard squatted down and spread her legs, her thong wedging into her groin.
"That doesn't answer my—ooooh," Sam let out a little groan as Shepard reached forward and pulled out his cock. His huge white boy meat hardened at her sudden touch and poked one of Shepard's tits.
"I saw that you'd barely been milked today," Shepard gave Sam a little smile as she got into her knees, "yet there was still so much cum over the floor~"
"Oh—uummmm," muttered Sam, a little embarrassed, "sorry for not cleaning up—"
"Don't worry about that, if anything it's my fault~"
"It is?" said Sam, a little confused.
"I should've been there to drain your balls myself," Shepard grabbed Sam's penis and inserted it between her boobs. The sudden stimulation caused Sam to shiver, Shepard was slowly pumping his shaft, continuing, "you've barely cum today and your sister wants to make sure you go to bed with empty balls."
Sam blinked a couple times, stunned at Shepard's words. His little round cheeks were bright red as he said, "well yeah, I've only cum twice b-b-but I thought you got the toy because you didn't wanna?"
"I've changed my mind," Shepard started pumping the base of Sam's shaft, squeezing out thick precum onto her tits as she continued, "I realize some skinship with my little brother is a very good thing.
"Mmmhhhmm," moaned Sam.
Shepard licked her lips and planted a sloppy kiss on Sam's dick, leaving a big red kiss mark over his urethra as she asked, "Unless you don't want your big sister to milk your massive cock? I'd understand if you wanted to go back to your toy—"
"Nope!" shouted Sam as a jet of cum leaked from his tip, "you're way better than the toy, nnnggh, toy."
"Fuck yes," moaned Shepard as a errant rope of pre-cum splashed against her cheek, "just relax and let big sis Shepard milk your dry—mmmwaaaah!"
Sam flinched, letting out sweet little moans as Shepard kissed his cock head, smearing her lipstick over his tip before she took the first few inches of his cock into her mouth. Her tongue lashed against his cock head, tickling his glands as she peeled back his foreskin. The taste of her brother's sweat was too sweet, Shepard couldn't get enough of it and started snorting whenever she desperately tried to suck back air.
"God damn, sis," spat Sam as he felt his cock swell, "you kinda look like a pig?"
"Buuuiiii, buuiiiii, squeeee~" Shepard oinked as she pulled her mouth off Sam's cock, "I'm a total suck pig, I just love sucking on my little bro's tasty penis!"
"Well suck some more!" Sam grabbed the back of Shepard's head and forced more of his cock into her mouth but he didn't need to use much strength. She was thrilled to clean his meat, Despite being in the lake for so long, her brother's pungent stench persisted, penetrating deep into Shepard's nostrils as she snorted back sloppy breaths.
Sam kept his grip tight as he pumped his sister's throat and mouth at the same time. He didn't even know you could do this, his sexual experience mostly revolved around being milked like a breeding stallion and teased by Cerberus scientists; for their pleasure exclusively, with little care being given to Sam. So he was positively thrilled to have his sister worshiping his cock. All her movements devoted to milking out another thick load of his cum.
"I'm gonna cum sister, do you want me to pull—"
Shepard let go of Sam's meat and grabbed his thighs pulling him closer as she stuffed more meat down her throat. He let out a sputtered grunt and pulled on Shepard's hair as he spat, "mmnnggh, g-guess not!"
"Ghuuunnkk!" Shepard's throat was suddenly filled with a nasty load of hot ball snot. Her stomach pumped full of thick and salty shota seed, she could feel it overflowing, spilling from her lips but this time she managed to keep most of his cum down. Only letting a few globs leak from her lips as she sucked down the majority of Sam's load.
"Haaahn, good piggy," moaned Sam as he pushed up Shepard's nose with his thumb, making it look like a pig.
"Mnnnnnhhh, snoooort~ Duh-der wuh-was so much," moaned Shepard, she rolled a leftover line of semi sold splooge around her tongue, savoring the seed. A few moans escaped her mouth as she chewed on the leftover ropes and swallowed them.
"Ahhhhnnn, thanks for the meal little bro," she continued, licking her lips, "do you have any more?"
Shepard smiled, stood up and walked back into the bedroom, untying the strings on her bikini bottom as she crawled onto the bed. Sam watched, eyes wide as Shepard reached back and spread her ass for him, showing off her slit, "want to be your sister's first dick?"
Sam knew what sex was but the aforementioned problems always prevented him from having a real lover (and not a false mare). He literally jumped forward, his cock pulsating as he said, "Hell yeah!"
"Good boy," replied Shepard, biting her lips as she felt Sam's cock tip press against her pussy. There was a moment Shepard felt a twinge of hesitation. She was literally a gold star lesbian, never been with a man in her life and spent her days fucking the daylights of any dumb bitch she found; at least before Liara became her girlfriend. Was she really going to throw all that away for her bro's cock?
"Just tell me if I do something wrong, I've never—"
"Don't worry about me," she cried, throwing away over a decade of dominance, "shove that fat boy dick inside me and turn me into a cock whore!"
"Fuck sis, you're a real perv!"
"Mmmnn, we really are related," grunted Sam, finally satisfying his primal need to breed. His first thrust heavier, meant to prod deep into his sister's pussy.
Shepard's expression melted as her sexuality was turned on its head. Sam caused a cock-lover awakening with that thrust; no toys or slutty dyke whore would be able to make her cum like Sam. His quick little thrusts were making Shepard see stars. Within a minute of pounding, she was biting the sheets, unable to stop herself from cumming as Sam's massive cock knocked against her womb's entrance.
"Fuck you're crazy tight!" shouted Sam as he kept thrusting, humming Shepard like a feral animal. His heavy sack slapped against Shepard's midsection with every womb beating thrust.
"Mmmnnn, bu-better than your toy?"
"Waaaay better sis," Sam panted, his speed increasing, "I wanna use you every day instead!"
"Ahhhnn, guuuud! Duh-don't stop rearranging your sister's guts then," she cried squirting on Sam's giga–dick as he churned up her folds, "just use me whenever you want now, morning, noon or night!"
"Mmnngghh, really!?"
"Uhhhnnn-hhuuuhn, my brother's balls deserved to be drained when he wants. Pump me full of your thick cum whenever you want," she cried, pushing her hips back, "You duh-deserve a better toy!"
"You're the best, sis! I'll never hold back" Sam cried as he grabbed Shepard's ass.
"Hhhhnnngggh, gooooood~" slobbered Shepard, drooling onto the sheets as Sam molded her cunt to fit his huge white dick. The thrusts were so powerful and fueled by a pure feral need to breed. He pushed his weight down on her body as he rutted deep, his tip crushing Shepard's g-spot, effortlessly making her cum. She was squirting like a fountain, more proof that Sam was one hundred percent compatible with Shepard.
"I'm going to cum, can I do it inside!" he grunted, "cause it is gonna be thick and I might put a baby in your belly!"
"Whoooo caaaarsssh!" wheezed Shepard, her body trembling from the brutal thrusts, "just fucking fill meeeh, fill me like a dumb cumdumpster!"
"God I love my slutty sister!"
"Hnnnaaaaaa!" Shepard's eyes crossed and her cunt clamped down as Sam blasted an extra hot molten load of creamy semen into her defenseless womb. She could feel them swimming around as the nut crud inflated her womb, deforming Shepard's abs as she grew a baby bump. Nothing could stop his billions of swimmers from finding Shepard's eggs and raping them into submission.
Odds are she'd be her little brother's baby factory in a couple months and at the moment it didn't seem so bad. She could be a mother, caring for Sam and his kids for the rest of her life. Her reward would be getting used by Sam's power prick and maybe if she was lucky he'd help her fuck a few aliens whores. It was a lovely thing to dwell on as the pair recovered but Sam returned to form much faster.
"Did you enjoy filling your big sister?" moaned Shepard as Sam pulled out of her cunt. She was packed full to bursting with thick white seed and slumped over, laying down on her side as she tried to recover from her brutal womb bloating.
"Hell yeah!" shouted Sam, his cock throbbed, getting harder as he spoke, "are we going to do it every day?"
"Mmmmhhmmm, I can't let my little bro get backed up can I," moaned Shepard. She rubbed the belly bulge, proud that she made Sam cum so much and yet he was still good to go. His perfect penis pulsed, throbbing with excitement as he looked at Shepard's fucked form, she was clearly exhausted but didn't want to leave Sam unsatisfied.
Shepard reached back and spread her ass cheeks, showing off her gaping cream packed slit and tight unused asshole. He voice was a little weak but it had a sweet hint as she offered, "I still have an unused hole, if you need to keep going—"
"Thanks sis!" interjected Sam as he collapsed by Shepard. He immediately embraced Shepard's lower back and shoved his cock into her asshole, continuing, "I feel like I could fuck all night!"
"Mmnnnngghhn, n-nu-no problem, bro~" Shepard's lips curved into a slutty smile as she felt her belly bulge, abs deforming as Sam's cock returned to scraping out her lower intestine.
"Just hump and—mmmmnnnh, puh-pump me full until you feel like sleeping," she continued, a little micro orgasm shocking her brain as she spoke, "we can always continue in the morning."
"Yuh-hun, I can't wait to do more positions tomorrow!"
"Oh and can we get a pet, I always wanted a dog!"
"Uhhh-huuunngh," drooled Shepard, her brain half melted from the brutal anal thrusts.
There was still so much excitement and energy in Sam's voice as he continued to impale Shepard's depths. He had dumped four loads today and hadn't slowed his movements at all, fucking Shepard like a little maniac. The feeling of his swollen cock tip, rubbing the back of Shepard's womb though her ass made her cream so easily. Shepard just adored her new little brother and his huge dyke corrupting cock. She would make sure to drain his nuts everyday if there wasn't a small problem.
Sleepless nights, mental strain and the fatigue of long battles were all things Shepard could handle with little complaint. However, her brother's big white gut buster utterly destroyed Shepard, reducing her to a limp drooling meat too soon for her tastes. She would need to train tirelessly to handle his penis every day, molding her once tight pussy into a filthy fuckhole made to take his powerful cock. However that would take weeks and in the meantime Shepard could always get a little help.