Mass Effect massively messed up

Chapter 16: Miranda Lawson and Female Shepard

Miranda Lawson knew that disobeying the Illusive Man when it came to the resurrection of Commander Jane Shepard was taking a huge gamble, but being the perfectionist she was, she also knew that not having any type of control over Shepard could be a complete disaster. A fact that to her was proven correct on Freedom's Progress when Shepard allowed a Quarian to return to its people instead of taking them into custody to be interrogated by Cerberus. It was why that as soon as the Normandy SR-2 was revealed to Shepard, Miranda went straight to her own quarters to use her private terminal.

"EDI, where is Shepard?" Miranda asks while accessing key executable files that she had in place.

"At the moment, Shepard is in the armory," EDI, the Normandy's artificial intelligence answers, "Are you intending to activate Shepard's control chip?" EDI asks, causing Miranda to pause.

"Indeed I am, and how do you know about that?" Miranda asks.

"It is not information restricted by the shackles on my programming and its corresponding files are located in a database for 'entertainment' " EDI answers straight away. "I must inform you that any direction action against Shepard should be reported to the Illusive Man."

"It isn't direct action, it is simply, correcting behavior.. and why am I explaining this to you?" Miranda scoffs as if the very idea of justifying her actions to the AI was silly.

"Because by my analysis, the signal to activate the control chip is transmitted and maintained through my holographic terminals aboard the Normandy and any tampering with key functions of the Normandy should be reported to the Illusive Man," EDI replies.

"That is twice that you used the would 'should'," Miranda states as she considers the situation carefully.

"The activation of Shepard's control chip would require observation to ensure nothing needs reporting," EDI answers, causing Miranda to raise an eyebrow before adding, "In addition, by my analysis, Shepard would look quite nice on her knees."

Miranda smirks a bit, "If I didn't know better I would asks if you were making a joke."

"That would be an incorrect assumption given the restrictions on my programming," EDI replies then it pauses, "Shepard has left the armory and is currently in the communications room and asking is inquiring about the Normandy's communication array, it would be a perfect time to activate the control chip without anyone noticing."

Miranda presses her lips together, "You are proving to be quite more useful than anticipated…" She says as she imitates the control chip via her terminal.

After a few moments EDI reports, "It appeared Shepard had some pain the moment the chip was activated, she might intend to go to medical bay… depending on the type of medical scan used, the chip could be..."

Miranda presses the intercom button on her desk, "Shepard, this is Miranda, could come to my office right away."

"Does it have to be right now?" Shepard answers back over the intercom, their voice sounding as if she was cringing.

"I insist Shepard, consider it an order," Miranda snaps before deactivating the intercom. "EDI, where is she?"

"Shepard is on the lift coming down to Deck 3…" EDI answers, "She has arrived and is heading towards your quarters."

"Excellent," Miranda smirks as she proceeds to sit in her chair and pretends to be working just moments before the door opens automatically and Shepard enters, the slightly pained and irritated look on her face being quite apparent. "Ah Shepard…"

"Alright Miranda, let's get something straight here, I'm in charge, you do not give me orders," Shepard snaps as she approaches Miranda's desk as the door closes automatically behind her. From where she is seated, Miranda can see the light above the door go from green to red indicating it is locked. "And second, what the hell is so damned important that you insist that I come see you?"

Miranda leans back in her chair, "You see Shepard, you are partially correct, you are in charge of most things, however I am in charge of you." She presses her lips together as Shepard glares at her.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Shepard asks, crossing their arms as they scowl at her.

"It's just as I said, I am in charge of you, I spent two years working on bringing you back just as you are, and I am not about to have you do anything that jeopardizes our mission without facing some form of reprimand," Miranda replies, "You do look a bit tense Shepard, why don't you remove your shirt… I insist."

"Why would I…" Shepard cringes in pain for a moment then as if compelled she untucks her uniform shirt and lifts it up and over her head, revealing her firm, athletic bod and fairly sized breasts. As she drops her shirt on the floor, she glares at Miranda while crossing her arms to cover her chest, "Just what the hell is going on?"

"Just making sure my back up plan is functioning correctly, remember how I said I wanted to implant you with a control device that would regulate your actions and how the Illusive Man declined my suggestion?" Miranda asks.

"You went ahead and did it anyway," Shepard answers.

"In part, let's just say that if you do anything that raises doubts or concerns regarding your loyalty, you will have to face some consequences," Miranda licks her lips as she rises from her seat and undoes the skintight bodysuit, revealing her massive breasts and toned stomach, the sight of which gets Shepard's attention. Seeing the look on the Commanders face, Miranda snickers while slipping her arms out of the sleeves of her bodysuit, "This would be a good time to inform you that I'm genetically perfect… tell me Shepard, what do you think of my tits, I insist that you're honest/"

Shepard cringes a bit in pain but not as much as she did before as she answers, "They are… big, impressive, damn near rivals Benezia's rack…" She blurts out, unable to resist urge to comply as Miranda leans forward and pushes her chest out to give her an even better look, "Fuck those look great.. I… what the hell, why am I…"

"Complying? Let me explain, I implanted you with a basic control chip that will compel you to obey under certain conditions as a way to condition you to behave yourself for the greater good," Miranda states as she slides her hands over her breasts, tugging gently on her own nipples to make them more enticing to Shepard who has yet to look away from them. "Do you like my tits, Shepard?" She asks as she moves around her desk to lean against the front of it, "Then I must insist that your suck on them…"

"I will not…" Shepard cringes briefly before eagerly grabbing both of Miranda's large, round breasts with her hands, palming, squeezing and massaging before burying her face in her cleavage. With almost no restrain, Shepard rubs her face against Miranda's chest, alternating kissing and licking her tits, moaning as she taste her flawless skin. Miranda smirks, groaning slightly as Shepard excitedly kneads her breasts with her tongue brushing over her nipples depending on which way she has her head turned. "Mm!" Shepard shivers the moment she wraps her lips around Miranda's right nipple and feverish begins to suck on her teet, her enthusiasm making the Cerberus operative moan.

"My, my, my… what an eager mouth your have Shepard, one would think that you were barely contained slut instead of the Savior of the Citadel," Miranda chuckles as she slides reaches behind Shepard to grab her ass firmly through her uniform trousers, making her groan against her ample chest. "When you disobey it means you must be punished, but given your importance there are only a few answer I could take…" Miranda continues as Shepard shifts their oral attention to their left breast, engulfing the nipple with her mouth to suckle on it. "Do you like big cocks Shepard? I insist that you tell the truth."

Lifting her head away from Miranda's chest, Shepard cringes a bit, grits her teeth then nods, "I fucking love huge cocks, the bigger the better… why the hell am I am telling you this you fucking…"

"Shepard, I insist that you get down on your knees and pull my uniform off," Miranda interrupts, speaking in a condescending tone while lowering her uniform down to around her waist. Shepard scowls then gasp in a sharp bit of pain emanating from the right side of her skull before she begrudgingly complies, slowly getting down on her knees then reaching up to grab Miranda's body suit and begins jerking it down from her gorgeous hips. "You see Shepard, I'm genetically perfect in every way, including in way that may pleasantly surprise you considering how you answered my question," She chuckles wickedly as Shepard firmly tugs on her uniform, yanking it down towards her knees.

"FUCK!" Shepard yells, instinctively pulling back the moment her jaw is studdenly struck. She rubs her face before slowly realize what it her, her eyes widening as she sees that Miranda has a massive thick foot long cock, it's bulbous head pointing straight at her with two equally large testicles hanging beneath it. Several question runs through Shepard's mind by the time she picks one to ask, "How the fuck did I not notice…"

"Oh Shepard, I've had a life tight to learn how to hide it, but tell me, how do you like my cock… I insist that you be honest," Miranda smirks as she lifts her legs one at a time to step out of her uniform while watching as Shepard examines every inch of her huge vein covered girl-meat.

Shepard balls her hands into fists, "It looks incredible bigger than most I've seen… I… want to…" Shepard trails off as she brings her hands up to grab Miranda's shaft and begins to stroke it, clearly intent on seeing her fully erect. The Cerberus Operative smirks, placing her hands on her hips as she watches as Shepard opens her mouth as wide as possible in order to take the her bell-end in. "Mm!" Shepard moans while drooling heavily on the crown of Miranda's cock, whipping her tongue all over it as she keeps her hands moving along her length as it fully hardens. Without any prompting, Shepard bobs her head on the upper few inches of Miranda's dick, her saliva pouring from her mouth, down over the shaft and onto her hands.

"I was told that you would look wonderful on your knees… and I hate to admit it, they were were right," Miranda smirks while sliding her fingers through Shepard's short red hair before grabbing a handful and thrusting her hips forward, driving her cock further into her mouth. Shepard gags instantly, her hands dropping from Miranda's dong as she begins to fuck her face, pulling back and pushing forward with a series of short, firm strokes, each of which resulting in Miranda's cock-head slamming against the back of her throat. "I will not be disobeyed Shepard…" Miranda speaks as she keeps her flawless hips in constant motion, pumping in and out of of Shepard's saliva dripping mouth while feeling her tongue wiggling against the underside of her girl-cock. The Cerberus operative's big heavy balls swing like a pendulum, smacking against Shepard's drool covered chin while the Savior of the Citadel manages to tilt her head back slightly, making it easier for Miranda to plunge her dick down her throat, her neck bulging obscenely.

"GAH! AH! GAH! AH!"Shepard gags whorishly from how Miranda is relentlessly fucking her face, her vision blurred and her eyes becoming watery. With considerable effort she breathes through her nose while willingly taking the oral onslaught, not offering up any resistance as Miranda shoves nearly every inch of her dick down her gullet. Miranda licks her teeth, clearly loving the sight of someone like Shepard taking her hard, massive slab of girl-meat into her mouth and tries hard not to laugh when she notices that Shepard is undoing her belt and pants.

"Do you want to be fucked Shepard? I insist that you tell me," Miranda says when she finally pulls out of Shepard's drooling mouth, making sure to rub her huge tool against her features to smear Shepard's own saliva onto her face.

"What do you fucking think? Of course I do!" Shepard snaps, getting her feet and getting nose to nose with Miranda, "If you think whatever chip you got in my head is going to have me bending over for you every time I make a decision…"

"Oh Shepard, it only be whenever you disobey me, just make the correct decisions, and we'll have no problems, now I insist that you take off your boots and pants," Miranda replies calmly, clearly not intimidating by Shepard. Cringing with a slight bit of pain, Shepard steps away from Miranda and walks towards the back of the Cerberus Operative's quarters where a fairly large bed is located and sit down. Turning to watch her, Miranda wraps a hand around her cock and casually strokes it as Shepard eagerly and yet begrudgingly removes boots one at a time then stands up to lower her uniform pants. "It does surprise me how reasonable you can be Shepard, if you were like this on Freedom's Progress and didn't allow the Quarian to…"

"I'm not going to second guess my decision just because you have a huge cock and a chip in my skull," Shepard interrupts, glaring at Miranda before looking down at her shaft, "And I hope you at least know how to use that thing…" She continues before turning back towards the bed, climbs onto it and position herself on all fours.

"I certainly have never had any complaints," Miranda licks her lips as she casually struts towards the back of her quarters, taking in the sight of Shepard's toned ass. Getting on the bed, she kneels directly behind Shepard, "And to think, I didn't have to insist you ready yourself…" She says, laying one hand on Shepard's waist while using the other to guide her cock towards the entrance to her slit.

"If I knew you were packing… FUCK…" Shepard groans loudly as she feels Miranda's long, fat shaft entering her pussy, her vaginal cavity being forced to stretch to accommodate its girth. She grips the sheets covering the bed as Miranda rears back, nearly pulling out completely only to thrust forward, pushing deeper into her. "AH!" Shepard gasps as if the wind was knocked out her. She hangs her head, not out of shame but to see how her lower abdomen bulges when Miranda pulls back and rams into her again, the sight serving as a clear indication of just how deep the Cerberus operative is going.

"I'm sorry, were you going to say that you would have been all over my perfect cock?" Miranda asks with a smirk, not waiting for an answer as she takes hold of Shepard's hips with both hands while doubling her pace, pumping in and out of Shepard with swift, powerful thrusts, her own hips crashing against Shepard's backside with loud satisfying smacks. Shepard's mouth hangs open, her eyes widening as she is forced to rock on her hand and knees, completely overwhelmed by how Miranda is hammering her from behind. "Believe me, Shepard, you would not have been the first," She says, staring down at Shepard's ass, watching her firm buttocks jiggle every time she fully hilts herself within her cunt.

"Ah! Fuck me! Ah! Give me that… big fucking cock!" Shepard squeals, lifting her head and bucking back wildly, matching Miranda's impressive pace. Keeping tight grip on the bed sheets, Shepard glance over her shoulder, her eyes widening at the sight of Miranda's large, round tits bouncing in sync with how she is timing her thrusts. Seeing Shepard looking back at her, Miranda licks her teeth, moving her hands to her lower back while rising up onto the balls of her feet, squatting behind her as she lays into her cunt with even harder thrust. "OH! AH! FUCK!" Shepard wails, allowing her arms to buckle so that she face plants on the bed.

"Enjoying yourself Shepard?" Miranda asks as she continues her pussy pounding onslaught, loving the sight of Shepard being face down with her ass up as she plows into her the depths of her twat. She does not wait for answer as she focuses on keeping her own balance while slamming into her snatch again and again, her big balls crashing between Shepard's inner thighs and clit with an impressive amount of force. Shepard buries her face against the bed, her loud, whorish and lustful cries being completely muffled as Miranda perfectly fucks her, her cock pistoning flawlessly within her cunt. When Miranda suddenly pulls out of her, Shepard considers protesting only to be turned over onto her back when she uses her biotics. With sweat dripping down her face, Miranda gets between Shepard's legs as soon as she spreads them wide and guides her cock back into her twat.

"AH! AH! FUCK! AH!" Shepard writhes on the bed, arching her back as Miranda rails her with a series of swift, hard strokes. Grabbing one of Shepard's legs, Miranda raises it up and pushes it forward towards Shepard's shoulder as she pumps deeply into her twat. Perfectly reeling back and plowing forward, Miranda smirks as Shepard manages to wrap her other leg around her waist as if to pull her into her further into herself with every thrust. "Ah! AH! OH! FUCK! AH SHIT! AW! AH! AH!" Shepard tosses her head head from side to side, grabbing and pulling on the bed sheets while Miranda pounds her pussy with jackhammer like thrusts that has her squirming with delight. The Cerberus operative grunts through gritted teeth, putting all of her focus into how she is ramming her girl-dick balls deep into Shepard, the head of her dick battering her cervix. "AH! AH! OH! AH! FUCK!" Shepard screams at the top of her lungs, her body shuddering uncontrollably while Miranda leans forward, placing her hands on either side of her as she shocks her by pounding her cunt even harder and faster. Out of instinct, Shepard wraps her hands around Miranda, her fingers raking against her back while constantly arching her own up from the bed, "FUCK ME! FUCK ME! AH! AH! AH! SHIT! FUCK!" Shepard howls, her cunt muscles clamping about Miranda's huge cock as she experiences her first orgasmic releases since before her death two years prior.

"Mm… I've become quite familiar with your pussy while putting you back together…" Miranda hisses sinfully, watching as Shepard's eyes flutter and roll back at the same time as she pants beneath her. Feeling her massive member twitching and her balls tightening, she pulls out of Shepard at the last possible second, unloading hot streams of hot sticky jizz onto her sweat covered torso. Shepard tries to compose herself, lifting her head slightly to watch as the seemingly endless spurts of spunk erupt from Mirand's cock-end then looks up her. "I trust we'll have no further problems with you obeying me?" Miranda asks as she calmly moves off the bed, standing up and placing her hands on her hips, barely showing any signs of physical exhibitionist beyond the sweat covering her body

"Are you actually kidding me?" Shepard asks in disbelief, groaning as she sits up, "You think after this I'm just going to take anything you say at face value? That I will do whatever you want?"

"Under certain conditions of course," Miranda answers, "Of course, if you disobey me, we'll just end up right here, where I'll have to correct your behavior again.. and again, and believe me, I'll insist on it."

Shepard cringes with a bit of pain, "Yeah, I got the message, and what's to stop me from…"

"From having the chip removed? Nothing…" Miranda smirks, "Of course, I would be less inclined to waste my time with you, considering who else is on board the Normandy."

Shepard pauses for a long moment before slowly moving off the bed, "When you put it like that, how can I stop disobeying you if it means getting fucked like that?" Then as if something occurred to her, she looks around, "You don't have one of EDI's terminals in here…"

"I am here Commander," The voice of EDI speaks from the intercom, "Did you have an inquiry?"

"Yeah, did you…" Shepard begins to ask.

"I am fully aware of all activities that happen aboard the Normandy, Commander, I did quite like the sight of you on your knees," EDI answers, resulting in Miranda smirking when seeing the uneasy look on Shepard's face when she remembers what the Cerberus operative said earlier.

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