Mass Effect massively messed up

Chapter 15: Mass effect Prisoner Exchange

Shepard had become an Alliance Commander at the age of 29. She'd saved the Citadel before hitting 30, and she'd stopped the Collectors by the time she was 31. She was used to feeling like a big damn hero for someone so young, which was why she found it strange to be dealing with a-

She checked the dossier again.

-a twelve year-old.

A twelve year-old gang leader.

Obviously, Vorcha only ever lived to be about twenty, so 'twelve' was past the middle of their lives, but he was still nineteen years younger than her and on roughly even ground. The Commander checked her notes again.

'Flea'. Apparently a relatively normal Vorcha name, though she felt like it fit him especially well given the ugly mug attached to the profile. Flea was a gang leader on Omega who had managed to capture Kaidan while he was there on Alliance business undercover. How a fucking twelve year-old had managed to capture a hardened field agent, Shepard had no idea, but she was intent on grilling him about it when she managed to get him back.

She felt her heart twist a little in her chest as she worried, for the millionth time, if he was okay. Not that there was any point in worrying. All she had to do was carry out the dropoff and - most likely - shoot a shit ton of Vorcha in the heads. She didn't expect this to end well, since these sorts of things always seemed to end in a gunfight, but hope was a strong motivator. As long as Kaidan got out okay, she was fine with putting down a few lowlife gangsters.

They'd been separated for two years and when they finally got back together, he barely wanted to speak to her. It was only after she'd cut ties with Cerberus (or Cerberus cut ties with her) that they found each other again.


Shepard snapped out of it as the hovercar she was taking touched down on an Omega landing dock. The doors automatically opened and she passed along her fare to the driver before hopping out. Taking a regular taxi to official Alliance business with dangerous gangsters felt a bit strange, but she wasn't expecting them to put up much of a fight. They were a relatively small-time gang called the Splinters, not a full-fledged mercenary corps like the Blue Suns or the Blood Pack.

Shepard made her way to the designated meeting point, a much smaller and scummier nightclub than the Afterlife. It was little more than a dive-bar, the bouncer - a Krogan - waving her in without even checking ID. She had to imagine she was pretty damn easy to recognize, given her battle armor and small arsenal of firearms. The fact they were letting her into the building with enough guns to level the place was surprising, though she got the feeling they wouldn't be so lenient when it came to the face-to-face meet-up.

Shepard was stopped as soon as she entered the main room of the bar, barely getting a chance to look around before a Vorcha stalked up to her.

"Shepard!" he hissed, "Flea will see you now! Follow! Follow now!"

Shepard cocked an eyebrow at the creature as it hissed spittle onto her chest from its lipless mouth. How in the hell had Kaidan gotten captured by Vorcha of all things? It was more than a little embarrassing, though she also knew that everyone made mistakes.

Such as siding with Cerberus.

She followed the hunched Vorcha to an inconspicuous side room, which they both entered. Inside were two more Vorcha, flanking a mechanically locked door. The Commander's eyes narrowed as she took a moment to size each of them up in case she needed to drop them.

Her guide gestured to a nearby table.

"Leave weapons here, human!" he rasped.

"No." Shepard dictated, coolly. She more just wanted to test the waters; she was well aware of the fact that they'd only do business with her if she was unarmed.

"Leave weapons here!" one of the Vorcha guards nearly screeched.

Shepard narrowed her eyes at him, commanding him to be silent with a look hot enough to evaporate a lake. He growled and fell back in line, her eyes turning to her guide as he glared at her.

"Leave weapons! Or no deal! Kill human!" the Vorcha threatened.

"Fine." Shepard spat, "But I'm keeping my sidearm."

"Rgh! No weapons!"

"I'm keeping it." she snarled, "Or do you want to try and take it from me?"

As a show of good faith, she dropped her assault rifle on the table. The Vorcha's eyes flicked to the pistol at her hip and he growled, but made no movement toward her. Shepard knew the three in this room were likely craven and only found strength in outnumbering her; it was probably Flea who had the actual balls.

Not that she even knew if Vorcha had testicles.

Shepard dropped her shotgun on the table, followed by her SMG.

She stepped away, making it clear that the pistol was staying with her. It had a low rate of fire but was strong enough to punch a hole through ten Vorcha and still leave a blast mark on the wall behind them. Not to mention, it was lightweight and accurate at a range. If she was getting in a fight, she'd be happy to have it at her side.

She'd obviously be happier to have her machine gun, but she knew they wouldn't let that fly, no matter how scared of her they were.

The main Vorcha stepped back and held up his omni-tool to his wrist.

"Shepard here! She want keep gun!"

"NO GUNS!" came - she assumed - Flea's voice from the other end.

"She-!" Shepard grabbed the Vorcha's wrist before he could pull away and yanked it towards her. The Vorcha guards raised their rifles to her, but didn't shoot, instead just staring at her with foam practically dripping from their mouths.

"I'm not going in there empty handed." Shepard said into the omni-tool, "If you want your intel, Flea, then I'm keeping my sidearm on me. Just don't plan on giving me a reason to use it. Deal?"

She held the Vorcha's arm even as he tried limply to wrestle away.

She waited for a response.

"FINE!" the word was spat through a haze of static, Shepard releasing the arm and letting the Vorcha reel away, "Send her in! No other weapons!"

The Vorcha quickly opened the door to the inner office, letting Shepard in. She stepped past them, staring them down as her hand hovered near her pistol grip. At least they weren't stupid enough to try and totally disarm her. Letting her keep a gun was a sign of good faith, if a completely unwilling one.

Shepard entered into a surprisingly nice, little lounge area. It told her immediately that the Vorcha hadn't always held this bar, and that they'd likely taken it from a far more civilized gang. What had once been a tidy, little private room had been torn up and turned into a rat's nest. Papers, books, bottles, paintings, and all sorts of other paraphernalia were strewn across the floor. There was even an overturned chair or two lying around, as if the room had been thoroughly sacked looking for something.

And maybe it had.

Maybe it was the intel Shepard now possessed.

Shepard glanced around the room, scanning it for Kaidan, but didn't see him. He was probably being held somewhere separately until the intel was given over, which was a pretty basic security measure. The Splinters weren't being total idiots about their little abduction plot, apparently.

Shepard found Flea standing amidst some couches and chairs, his arms crossed. She noted the machine gun strapped to his back and the pistol on the table near him, but didn't see anyone else in the room. He was really meeting her alone. Maybe he had faith that his guards outside the door would be all the backup he needed if things went south, though she seriously doubted he was right in that assumption.

"Shepard!" he rasped, "Sit!"

"I think I'll-"

"SIT!" he shouted, gesturing towards a leather chair.

Shepard realized he wasn't being friendly; he probably just wanted to make it harder for her to draw her gun on him if she tried it. The Commander stared at him levelly as she approached the armchair and slowly lowered into it, the Vorcha still standing before her.

"Is Kaidan alright?" she asked.

"Other human fine!" Flea hissed, "He-!"

"Show me."

"Human fine! Will let him go when-!"

"Show. me." Shepard ordered him, her eyes narrowing.

She saw the Vorcha lose the battle of wills, lifting his omni-tool to his mouth.

"Make human speak!" he ordered into the other end before holding his arm out a bit.

Shepard paused.

"Kaidan?" she tried.

"Shepard?!" Kaidan's familiar voice called through the orange device on the creature's wrist, "What the hell?! Guess I should've known you'd-"

Flea lowered his arm, the omni-tool vanishing.

"There! Human fine!"

Shepard breathed out through her nose, "Release him and I'll hand over the data."

After all, there was no way she was trusting them to let him go after they got what they wanted. They were probably stupid enough to kill him or try to extort her for more. Flea glared down at her.

"Do not want data!" he rasped.

Shepard's brow furrowed.

… what?

"What do you mean?" she asked, feeling the hairs on the back of her neck prickle up. Suddenly, things were changing and she got the feeling it was about to get… dangerous.

"Not want data!" he screeched, spittle flicking against her face, "Human Shepard! Want human Shepard!"

Shepard's hand crept down to cover her pistol, ready to blow the freak's head off if he tried anything. She was sure her reflexes were faster and that she could put a hole through his skull before he drew either of his guns.

"What the fuck are you saying?" she snarled.

"Human Shepard. Trade body," he pointed away from them, presumably indicating Kaidan, "for body!"

He gestured towards her.

Shepard's eyes widened.


"You…?" her brow furrowed as she looked the alien creature up and down, "You want… my body?"

He had to mean that he wanted to exchange prisoners; go from Kaidan to her. After all, she was definitely a bigger name in the Alliance. She was worth way more than Kaidan, not that she'd ever say something so arrogant out loud. It was just a simple fact; Hero of the Citadel versus a great Alliance operative.

It just wasn't the same.

"Want Shepard!" the Vorcha's voice - still throaty and filled with spit - twisted with something darker than greed, "Want Shepard body!"

"Why do you not want the intel anymore?" she asked, scathingly.

"Because want Shepard!" the Vorcha hissed, "Make Shepard pay! Make Shepard scream! Make Shepard-!"

The human was on her feet in an instant, her gun pointed directly between the bastard's wide, bloodshot eyes. He stared at her, quivering with terror as she stared him down, inviting him to keep screeching like a child.

"You wanna make me scream?" she pressed the barrel to his fleshy forehead, "Go ahead. Try."

"Rgh!" Flea snarled, "Shepard kill Flea, Vorcha kill humans! Kill humans! Make him suffer! Make him scream!"

She pushed the gun against his head harder, "You can regenerate, can't you? But you still feel pain? Sounds like I could make your life pretty fucking miserable before I end it."

"Kill Flea, Vorcha kill human!" Flea hissed, spit flying from his needle-like teeth, "Kill Flea and human dies!"

Shepard's eyes narrowed.

Her gunshot would be heard instantly and the second they heard it they'd probably blow Kaidan's head off. Ultimately, she didn't have an inch of solid ground beneath her. She could wipe out their entire pathetic gang, but what would it get her if she lost Kaidan? They had only reunited recently; she couldn't lose him again!

Shepard swallowed.

"Fine. Prisoner exchange. Let Kaidan go and I'll stay."

"Good!" Flea sat back in the chair, "Shepard stays! Shepard stays!"

Shepard let her gun slowly fall, irritation bubbling up inside of her. She loved Kaidan, but this whole mess was ultimately his fault.

"So, what do you want with-?"

Shepard was cut off as the Vorcha dropped his pants, her eyes widening in alarm. Before she could look away she got her first glimpse of Vorcha cock, which was one glimpse more than she ever needed. Its image burned into her mind as she turned away from Flea, her mind reeling at the sudden development.

His dick was like a spiny, ridged worm. About the same size as the average human's, but completely different in shape. Pointy and spiky and rough and-

She flicked the thought from her mind.

"Bitch human belong to Flea now!" Flea cackled without laughing, "Bitch human is Flea's! Flea make human scream! Make human scream Flea's name!"

Shepard shot him a hardened glare; one of pure malice. She was tempted to lift her gun again, but she knew there was no point. Any resistance would just get Kaidan killed. Still, how the fuck was she supposed to be okay with getting fucked by a goddamn Vorcha?! She would've rather fucked a Volus! A Yahg!

A Varren!

She let her smoldering contempt stew in her burning eyes for a few seconds as she stared Flea down, but her obvious hatred didn't seem to do anything but spur him on. Suddenly, he was the one in control and he fucking knew it.

"Flea shut bitch human up!" he stood up to his full height, which was a few inches taller than Shepard, "Break her! Make human Shepard beg!"

His words sent spit into her face, which the Commander flinched at.

How the fuck could she do this?! She had to cheat on Kaidan in order to save his life?! It was beyond cruel, though that was the kind of place Omega was. And they'd made the mistake of getting fucked over by some small-time gang of lunatics. Shepard glared at the Vorcha as he frothed at the mouth, likely imagining all the things he'd do to her.

"Fine." she growled, "I fuck you, you let Kaidan go. Got it?"

"Flea knows! Flea knows! Now come here, Shepard! Come!"

With that, he grabbed her and pulled her forward.

Flea was about the same size as Kaidan.

But God-fucking-damn was he different from Kaidan!

Shepard mewled as his pointed head stabbed against her core, the shaft of his cock scrubbing at her walls to stimulate a million lovely different pleasure spots at once. She shuddered as he pounded her from behind, able to reach just deep enough to make her spine buzz, but not quite far enough to hurt. His hands - surprisingly strong - gripped her tightly as his hips clapped against her full, firm ass.

She hated to admit it, but Vorcha cock was…


She drooled onto the chair she was bent over as he smacked into her from behind, his thorny, pointy, flared, alien cock scrubbing deliciously inside her pussy and sending it into a frothing, melting frenzy. She bent to his will so easily her face burned with humiliation, but she couldn't help it. She hadn't been expecting his dick to be so fucking good. It was unfair!

She shuddered as it thrust into her, pounding against her wall with its pointy head and drooling precum into her dripping sanctity.

"You love Vorcha dick, bitch human!" Flea snarled.

"Fuck off!" Shepard growled, having at least enough brainpower to reject him verbally if not physically. Still, if Flea was at all perceptive, he probably knew she'd cum already. His clawed hands slipped down to squeeze her ass, Shepard's face lowering as she let her hips clap back to meet his. His hand rested across the small of her back, subtly guiding her ass back to lap up his cock as he beat into her melty chamber.

He was just savage enough to excite her, but not such a mindless animal that he was clumsy; he struck a mouthwatering balance between aggression and skill that sent her legs quaking.

FUCK, why did he have to be so-?!

Shepard's head lifted as a low groan of pleasure was belted out of her, accompanied by a pearl of drool. Her eyes rolled back as she drank in the stuffing her pussy was getting, her mind rolling around in her head as it basked in the hot, wet dick that was skewering it.

Vorcha dick, Vorcha dick, Vorcha-!

She shook the thought away, trying to collect her sanity only to have Flea lower his hips and strike her hard and firm. He prodded a new, lovely spot and managed to coax a pitiful mewling from the proud soldier, whose ass was clapping and reverberating with each powerful smack of her alien lover's hips.

"Kaidan…" Shepard moaned, trying to imagine it was him making him feel this way instead of a fucking Vorcha.

"Human bitch loves Vorcha's prisoner?" Flea snarled, a hint of delight creeping into his scathing words, "Human bitch loves Vorcha dick more!"

"Fuck no!" she growled back, "You fucking tiny-!" she shuddered as he smacked her ass, reddening it, "Fucking tiny, little bitch! You fuck like a-!" her spine arched, her mouth dropped open as another hard spank made her see stars, "You fuck like a-! Like a-! RGhhhHHFUCK!"

She growled in frustration as she moved back to clap her hips against his, hungry for his cock. Why did he have to be so fucking good?! Shepard trembled from his touch as he gripped her hips and started fucking her harder than before. Instantly, she knew he was just trying to make her scream, and every cell in her body turned to steel as she forced herself not to.

"Human bitch loves Vorcha dick! Say it! Say you want Vorcha dick, Shepard commander!" Flea cackled as he belted into her, Shepard clenching her fists to keep from making a noise, "SAY IT! SAY IT SAY IT SAY IT!"

"FUCK YOU!" Shepard screamed through gritted teeth, even as another orgasm was messily ripped from her. She collapsed against the chair, panting and heaving as she came hard on alien cock, her mind going blank except for the feeling of seething, malicious hatred.

"Shepard loves Vorcha dick!" Flea panted, pulling her away. He threw her across the couch and started clapping into her again, Shepard traumatized by how much she loved the sensation of her ass jiggling. He turned it to pudding with his deep strokes, his cock brushing around in her still-sensitive pussy as it throbbed in post-orgasmic bliss. How the fuck was she supposed to not love this?

"Say you love Vorcha dick! Vorcha dick better than human!"

"No…!" Shepard whimpered, her voice suddenly weak.

She tried to gather a shred of her former strength, but found herself lacking. She could only bow her head and try to endure the storm of pleasure rolling over her dripping cunt, all too aware of how wet she was and all too aware of how good Flea was. For a fucking twelve year-old, he was tearing her up like Kaidan could only dream of! It wasn't just his anatomy that was better, it was his technique, his speed, his strength; everything!

Shepard didn't know if it was practice or raw fucking talent, but Flea was-

She groaned miserably, mentally acknowledging which of the two lovers she preferred without being willing to admit it. Flea - the gross, scumbag gangsters - was making her thighs tremble like jelly, and Kaidan just couldn't compare.

Not that she'd ever admit that.

The alien turned her slightly onto her side, pounding into her from a high angle that caused his dick to grind against her lower lips as it snaked into her. The added sensation - the added grind - made her tremble, her mind swimming with only thoughts of how fucking good it felt to be treated like a woman every so often.

A hard, resounding smack to her ass jolted her out of the reverie, but only served to weaken her resolve. She gasped, clutching her breast, her face softening as Flea kept beating her pussy into tight, juicy submission. Her eyes found his, their gazes locking as she decided to just… let him.

He wanted to make her cum so fucking bad?


She'd let him. She could use the release anyway. What did she care if some druggy gangster half her age wanted to fuck her brains out? It felt… good.

Shepard groaned, letting herself melt on his dick as it churned her up until another orgasm was tingling across her body and she was bracing in anticipation. She met Flea's manic gaze, staring into his eyes and finding herself strangely aroused by his monstrous appearance.

Fuck, it was degrading, but she… liked it!

"Bitch human quiet!" Flea noted as he pounded her, gripping at her soft skin.

"You're just… not bad!" Shepard grunted, offering her first bit of encouragement.

"Better than other human?" Flea hissed hopefully.

"Maybe!" Shepard smirked, "Make me c-cum a few more times and-! Rgh! I-! Fuck!"

She shuddered as he obliged, finally flipping her onto her back and pinning her. He pressed her thighs to her chest as his narrow, sinuous hips slammed his throbbing cock into her. Shepard's eyes rolled back before refocusing on Flea, a smirk tearing across her lips.

She bit them, hungrily, hoping the Vorcha could read the mood.

"Say name!" Flea ordered, "Say it!"

"Flea!" Shepard spat it out with playful contempt, her obvious attitude earning a hard smack to the thigh. She growled like an animal as her eyes locked with the gang leader's, her smile trembling as she felt her sanity dripping away.

"Say name, human!" Flea snarled.


"Say it!"

"Flea!" She growled.

He beat her harder.

"Flea! Flea!" her head fell back as - with each repetition - her resolve burned away, until she was whimpering it out.

And then moaning it.

"Fuck meee~!" she mewled.

"Human loves Vorcha dick!" he smacked her thigh, "Say it!"

"I love-!" Shepard growled, before melting again, "Fuck you! I fucking love your dick, you piece of shit!"

She ground her palms into her eyes, growling in pure, lust-drunk rage. She'd admitted it! And as good as it felt, it would never not be humiliating.

"Human bitch loves Vorcha…" Flea squeezed her toned thigh and kneaded the soft skin, "More than other human?"

Shepard fell to pieces.

What the fuck was the point of lying anymore?

Why even bother?

She reached up and grabbed Flea's face, pulling it towards hers until they were inches apart. She could smell his chemical-laced breath and taste his sweat as it dripped onto her tremulous lips.

"Can you just shut up and fuck me?" she snarled.

"Say Flea better! Admit it!" he hissed back, his clapping hips still trying desperately to break her.

"You're…" Shepard and Flea gasped as he slipped out of her, both needing a chance to catch their breath, "Fuck…" her hand rested in her stomach as it rose and fell with exhaustion, "Kaidan's not bad…" she dragged her fingers along the Vorcha's arm, "But this is just… sooo much better…" her eyes rolled, "Holy fuck!"

"Flea knew it! Flea-!"

"Shut up." Shepard snarled, "You said something about making me scream, right?" she saw the feral glint light in her lover's eyes, "Get me loud enough," she cocked an eyebrow, "and maybe Kaidan'll hear."

Flea took the bait and was on her in an instant. Obviously Shepard had no plans to scream that loud or to ever let Kaidan find out about this. Really, she was just trying to goad Flea into making her go numb in the fucking legs. And - as he hammered an orgasm out of her and she bit down on her own shirt to silence herself - she felt pretty fucking good about his chances.

Fuck! Shepard gasped as she came so hard her spasming pussy pushed Flea out completely, I need to come to Omega more often.

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