Marvel's Black Steel

Chapter 236: Chapter 234: Morning & Neighbor

Hearing the door to the room open, I opened a single eye and brushed aside Jean's hair as I glanced at Sara, who sneakily entered with a mischievous smile while grabbing my phone.

"Shh, I'm taking a picture to commemorate last night." Muttered Sara with a faint smile as she unlocked Tut's phone and took a picture of him and Jean.

After the hours of sex Jean and I participated in, she had fallen asleep atop me with my cock still halfway inside her, which was like both heaven and hell for me; if I weren't worried about accidentally getting her pregnant, I definitely would've nutted inside her while she was sleeping.

While Sara took a picture of us, I gestured to our connected crotch and spread Jean's butt, letting her get a clear view of our crotches as she took a few additional photos.

"I see you happened to take a lot of photos last night. That new folder of Jean has nearly 90 pictures already." Said Sara quietly as she squatted beside her bed and handed Tut his phone while he scrolled through the photos with a faint smirk.

"You jealous?" Asked Tut curiously as he shifted his focus to Sara before setting his phone down while she faintly pouted.

"A little. Listening to you two go at it last night was difficult." Replied Sara lightly as she side-glanced Tut before looking at Jean's sleepy face, only for him to suddenly kiss her.

"You're a lucky bastard; you know that, right?" "Hehe, yeah." Said Sara and Tut, respectively, as the former faintly smiled while eyeing the latter, who softly nodded.

Floating into the air, I slowly flipped our position and softly placed Jean on the bed as I carefully removed myself from her, which caused her to shiver from the cold air blowing into the room because of the open window, prompting me to cover her with a blanket, which was covered in dried semen and pussy juice.

'Wait, window!? H-Has that been open this entire night?' Thought Tut with an unsightly expression as he snapped his head toward the window before quickly shutting it and closing the blinds.

"Eh, t-that wasn't open the entire night, was it?" Asked Sara softly with wide eyes as she glanced at Tut, who reluctantly nodded, causing her to lower her head and rub her eyes while deeply sighing.

While rubbing her face, Sara quietly exited the room, prompting me to do the same as I followed her before silently closing the door, letting Jean sleep peacefully since she'd only been sleeping for about two hours.

"So, did you enjoy last night?" Asked Sara lightly as she shook her head and looked at Tut, who nodded without hesitation, causing her to raise an eyebrow.

"Are you sure? You don't look satisfied." Added Sara with a faint smirk as she walked downstairs while glancing at Tut's swaying erection coated in fluids, causing her to hungrily lick her lips.

"I'm never satisfied, Sara; however, we should wait for Jean to awaken before doing anything. I may be dating both of you now, but it still feels a little wrong to have sex with another woman after having taken Jean's first time. Seems a bit insensitive." Remarked Tut with a faint smirk as he gently stroked his shaft, only to shake his with a firm gaze while looking at Sara, who nodded with a pout.

"Haa, yeah, you're right. Ugh, now I've got to wait even longer before I can have that magnificent cock of yours!" Stated Sara lightly as she glanced at Tut with a frown before looking at his cock with reluctance.

"So, how long will your parents be on vacation for?" "Not too long; they're just visiting a neighboring state, so only four days, but still plenty of time for us to have fun, though." Said Tut and Sara, respectively, as the former curiously raised an eyebrow while the latter shrugged her shoulders with a thoughtful expression before pecking the head of his cock.

Rolling my eyes at her teasing, I gently slapped her butt while heading into the kitchen to wash my hands as I intended to make breakfast for my two beautiful girlfriends, though before I could get started, someone knocked on the door.

"I got it." Said Sara lightly as she yawned while approaching the front door, prompting Tut to nod as he looked through the fridge.

'Hmm, what to cook? Probably just a simple breakfast.' Thought Tut lightly as he observed the fridge's contents, only to furrow his brows while overhearing Sara arguing.

Listening to Sara argue with one of our neighbors, I swiftly headed upstairs to grab a towel and wrapped it around my waist before approaching the door.

"Is everything alright, Mam?" Asked Tut respectfully as he towered behind Sara while further opening the door, revealing an older white lady who briefly froze at his sudden appearance.

The lady at the door was Ms. Calipy. She and Dad got along pretty well and would help her move things, but ever since he passed, I've taken his spot, so she and I were pretty close, well, at least before I had Jean lock away everyone's memories of me, know, I was but a stranger to her.

"A-And you are young man?" Ashed Calipy with a softer voice as she subconsciously brushed aside her hair while eyeing Tut, who wryly smiled.

"Pharaoh, Mam. I'm Sara's Boyfriend. I overheard you arguing with her about screaming and moaning last night, and I'd just like to apologize; you see, I've been gone for a few months, and it's my first time seeing her in a long time, so things got a bit wild last night." Said Tut softly with a slight smile as he tenderly held Sara's shoulder while looking at Calipy with an apologetic expression, causing her to fold her arms.

"I-I see. Well, as I was telling Sara, children roam these streets, so be careful next time." Said Calipy softly with a light blush as she ogled Tut's muscular body before eyeing the erection behind his towel.

"Yes, of course, Mam. We're just a pair of young lovers in the heat of the moment, and it won't happen again." Replied Tut with a nod, his words causing Calipy to faintly nod while staring at his erection.

"Is there anything else, Ms. Calipy?" Asked Sara with a raised eyebrow as she stepped to the side, blocking Calipy's line of sight, causing her to click her tongue before shaking her head.

"No. That is all. Have a good rest of the day." Said Calipy as she glanced at Sara before turning around and walking away, her hips faintly swaying with every step.

'I ain't going to lie, Ms. Calipy looks amazing for being 66… Would.' Thought Tut lightly as he glanced at Calipy before closing the door and removing his towel.

"Man, what's up with her? She got super nice the moment you appeared. Maybe you scared her? I would be if I were her." Muttered Sara in annoyance as she rubbed her chin in confusion while looking at Tut, who shook his head.

"Nah, that's not it; Ms. Calipy has a fetish for black men. Anyways, I'm making breakfast so don't eat anything." Said Tut calmly as he entered the kitchen, grabbing several ingredients while Sara followed with a surprised expression.

"Eh, really? I wouldn't expect that from any old white lady." Muttered Sara lightly in surprise as she leaned against the wall while watching Tut swiftly move through the kitchen, only for her to furrow her brows.

"Would you sleep with Ms. Calipy?" Added Sara as she eyed Tut, who blankly glanced at her.

"No. I made that mistake once, and it won't ever happen again, Sara." Replied Tut with a soft sigh as he shook his head while shifting his focus to the stove, only for Sara to faintly nod.

"Hmm, what if we weren't dating? Would you sleep with her then?" Asked Sara with a raised eyebrow as she eyed Tut, whose expression twitched.

"No, I wouldn't. I don't look at every woman I come across and then decide whether I'd fuck them or not." Stated Tut lightly as he rolled his eyes and glanced at Sara while mixing pancake mix.

"I don't believe you." Muttered Sara lightly as she skeptically eyed Tut, who simply shrugged his shoulders, not bothering to entertain her.

"Oh yeah, you probably already know this, but just because you're dating Jean and I doesn't mean you can try to get another girl into your, ugh, harem. I don't like that word." Stated Sara sternly as she glared at Tut, who nodded while placing bacon onto a pan.

"Hehe, good, now let me clean your cock. A blowjob should be fine, right?" Added Sara with a lovely smile as she skipped toward Tut before squatting and opening her mouth, enticing him.

Sighing to myself, I placed my erection atop Sara's face, and like a dog, she huffed on my cock while I cooked food.

"Just once, alright." "Mhm, yeah, just once. Fuck I need this cock to stretch me open and pound me to oblivion." Remarked Tut and Sara, respectively, as the former glanced at the latter, who slobbered on his cock in hunger.

Although I said once, I had forgotten how much of a vacuum Sara's mouth was; in a matter of two minutes, I dumped my thick load straight into her throat, and she refused to let go.

"~Beficous~.(~Delicous~.)" Said Sara with a lustful expression as he gazed upwards at Tut while having swallowed all eleven inches of his cock.



Tut doesn't discriminate between ages. If you a bad bitch you a bad bitch, that's all he got to say. 🤷🏾‍♀️

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