Chapter 235: Chapter 233: Jean's Special Night
Since this was Jean's first time, I didn't try to rush things and took my time pleasuring her; she found it a bit uncomfortable at first with me constantly kissing and licking her crotch, but that only lasted for a few minutes as the pleasure overpowered such feelings. Hell, she was grabbing my head and holding me firmly in her crotch as I gave her cunnilingus, filling Sara's room with moans.
"~Ahhh~ s-so good, Tut! Y-Your tongue! I-It's ~Ahhh~ a-amazing!" Said Jean lustfully between her moans and breath as she gently rocked her hips against Tut's face while biting her lip.
Her constant moans of pleasure only fueled me as I further spread her legs while I continued to lap at her dripping pussy, occasionally teasing her clit; though I noticed she wasn't as sensitive there as Sara, still that didn't mean I couldn't make her orgasm.
"T-Tut! I-I'm ~Ahhh~ g-going to cum! I-I'm ~AHHHH~ c-cumming!" Yelled Jean loudly as she glanced at Tut before snapping her head back and raising her hips into his face while squirting onto him, coating him in a layer of her juices.
Drinking her juices, I stuck my tongue into her pussy, causing her to have another orgasm mid-orgasm as she released a burst of juices right onto my tongue. By the time she finished cumming, I had drunk a mouthful of her juices, and she was now gasping for air, which was a sight I found far too sexy not to take a picture of.
'Now I've got to make another folder with just Jean and I.' Thought Tut with a faint smile as he took a few pictures of Jean before placing his phone on the bed.
"T-That was, f-fantasitc. I-I've never cummed so hard before, n-not to mention so quick." Muttered Jean softly with heavy breathing as she stared at the ceiling with a hazy look before glancing at Tut, whose chin dripped with her juices.
"Heh, I'm glad you like it; watching you squirm underneath my touches really spurs me on." Said Tut with a faint smirk as he gently trailed his hand across Jean's face before leaning downwards, playfully teasing her nipple, causing her to smile faintly.
Moving my hand down to Jean's crotch, I prepared to engage in another round of pleasuring, but just as I did, she grabbed my wrist while removing herself from underneath me, causing me to raise an eyebrow.
"I-I want to make you cum, T-Tut." Said Jean softly with a faint blush as she dropped to her knees beside the bed, causing Tut to gulp before faintly nodding.
'I don't know what it is, but Jean looks exceptionally sexy right now.' Mused Tut lightly as he sat on the edge of the bed in front of Jean, who leaned forward while spreading his muscular thighs.
As Jean finally got a close-up look at my veiny cock, she couldn't help but gulp as its size was nearly as big as her head, though she wasn't scared and gently grasped my cock with both of her hands.
"Woah, I need both hands." Muttered Jean softly as she marveled at Tut's impressive girth while the head of his cock dripped with pre-cum.
"W-Were you really using this… Monster on Sara? H-How could she possible handle something like this? It's so hot." Added Jean lightly as she nervously gulped while gently stroking Tut's cock before touching the shaft with her cheek, surprised by its intense heat.
"Ah, well, when Sara and I first did it, I was nearly half the size, so she slowly got accustomed to my cock over the years as it grew. Try focusing around the head; that's where I'm most sensitive." Replied Tut lightly as he glanced at Jean before directing her hands toward the tip of his cock, causing her to nod.
While Jean may be a virgin, being Sara's sister and all, she clearly had a naughty side as she lifted my cock before hesitantly licking the undershaft, the same thing Sara had done to make me cum, causing me softly grunt in pleasure.
"Oh, yeah, just like that. T-Try to use more of your mouth; just don't force yourself, Jean." Said Tut lightly as he glanced at Jean who, nodded with a faint smile before licking around his shaft, causing him to grunt.
Just like me, my grunts of pleasure spurred Jean as her hesitance vanished, and now all that remained was a horny woman seeking to get me off.
"Are you close, Tut?" Asked Jean with a faint smile as she looked up at Tut while enthusiastically licking his shaft, causing him to constantly grunt.
With a nod, Jean suddenly moved her hands back down to the base of my cock, stroking it with a firm grasp before taking the head of my cock into her mouth, causing me to sharply inhale as I felt myself reach my limit.
"J-Jean, I-I'm cuming!" Said Tut loudly, his words causing Jean to quickly remove her mouth while she pumped his cock with determination.
With a loud grunt, my cock twitched in Jean's hands as I released thick ropes of cum, shooting them onto her as I stained her body with my semen, coating her face and breasts.
"Urgh, fuck me, man. I'm cumming so quickly." Muttered Tut in slight annoyance as he glanced at his cock before shaking his head and sighing, only to glance at Jean, who was smiling.
"Hmm, why are you smiling like that, Jean?" "I really like seeing you cum." Remarked Tut and Jean, respectively, as the former curiously raised his eyebrow while the latter faintly smirked.
"I guess I like seeing someone who always seemed so invincible to me so defenseless." Said Jean with a mischievous smile as she looked at Tut, whose expression twitched.
"Defenseless? I wasn't defense ~Urgh~" Remarked Tut blandly as he glanced at Jean, who interrupted him by licking his cock, causing him to grunt in pleasure.
While Jean laughed at me, I folded my arms and grunted in annoyance, though that only seemed to make her laugh more as she rolled on the ground, smearing my semen all over the ground.
"Tsk, stop moving; let me clean you." Said Tut with a grunt as he firmly grasped Jean before using a towel to wipe the semen off her while she leaned into his embrace.
"Tut… I want you inside me." Muttered Jean softly as she looked at Tut with glazed eyes, causing him to nod while he dropped the towel.
Setting Jean on the bed, I once again mounted her, though this time, my cock was positioned right in front of her pussy as I rubbed it against her.
"It will probably hurt, so just tell me when to stop." Said Tut softly as he looked at Jean, who faintly nodded with a nervous expression while looking at his cock.
Pushing the head of my cock into her pussy, I grabbed her hands and leaned down to seal her lips as I ever-so-slowly pushed my length inside of her; I was expecting Jean to stop me, but other than biting my lip a few times, she didn't say anything until my cock reached her womb.
"O-Oh god. I-Is it all in?" Asked Jean softly, with a slightly pained expression as she glanced at Tut before looking at their connected crotch, only for her eyes to widen.
"More than half, like 7 inches, so still 4 more inches… Don't worry, you'll slowly grow accustomed to my cock the more we have sex." Replied Tut wryly as he glanced at Jean, who stared at him in disbelief before shaking her head.
"J-Just give me a minute, t-this sensation, i-it's weird." Said Jean softly as she looked at Tut, who nodded before stealing her lips for the next two minutes.
Once Jean gave the signal, I retracted my hips before slowly thrusting, taking everything easy until she stopped hurting, though when I heard the first moan from her, I upped the ante a little as I began gently knocking against her womb.
"~Ahh~ o-oh ~Ahhh~ g-god! T-This c-can't ~Ahhh~ c-compare to ~Ahhh~ masturbating!" Stated Jean softly between her cries of pleasure while looking at Tut, who flashed a smile before sucking upon her nipples.
The moment I bit her nipple, I felt the walls of her insides contract around my shaft as she squirted, though I didn't stop and continued to gently thrust, causing her orgasm to last nearly twice as long as the previous one. However, I was also getting close to cumming, and after ten or so more strokes, I quickly removed my cock and plopped it on her stomach as I cummed all over her.
"That was close. I-I completely forget to use a condom." Remarked Tut lightly as he sighed in relief while his cock splurted cum onto Jean, only for the door to suddenly open.
"Eh, S-Sara?" Asked Jean with a faint blush as she looked at Sara, who waved with a smile.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude, but I figured you would need some water for tonight." Said Sara apologetically as she placed a gallon of water on the ground while glancing at Jean before looking at Tut, only to rub her face.
"Pharaoh." "I-I know, condom. Can you hand me some?" Remarked Sara and Tut, respectively, as the former glared at the latter, who winced while averting his gaze before pointing at the nightstand.
Catching the pack of condoms, I opened one and quickly wore it before entering Jean once more, causing her to moan loudly.
"~Mhm~, what a sexy ass." Muttered Sara softly as she kissed Tut's ass before quickly leaving the room, causing him to shake his head.
Shifting my focus to Jean, I firmly held her toned waist and passionately kissed her while thrusting into her; we continued to have sex well into the night, even going a few more rounds after we used all the condoms, which was dangerous, but our lust said otherwise.
Just so y'all know, I modeled Tut's sex skills after mine, so if anyone want's to experience heaven, just call me. 😉