Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 63 – Normal interests

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The quartet consisting of Gwen, Peter, Sara, and Ned spent the day at school as usual. During recess, they left the classroom and began to walk down the hallway. Although Prime and Sara were already expecting it, the focus of the conversations was still centered on their appearance.

(It seems like they're going to keep talking about this for a while) Prime commented in Sara's mind.

(Probably. Well, at some point, they should forget about it, just like last time) Sara mentally replied, shrugging.

As they walked down the hallway, Peter, who had been talking with Gwen and Ned, discreetly approached Sara, a movement that didn't go unnoticed by both.

"Are you okay? I mean, after the dance" Peter inquired, discreetly glancing around.

"Yeah? Well, I didn't really get hurt, although things could have gotten a little out of hand if the fight had continued" Sara remarked.

The group then continued walking towards the cafeteria. Sara noticed that Peter had suddenly fallen silent, and upon looking at his face, she noticed that he seemed to want to ask something.

"Come on, Web Head" Sara said with a smile on her face, giving Peter a slight tap on the shoulder. "I know you have something on your mind. Spit it out"

Peter was initially surprised by Sara's actions and even put his hand over her mouth, trying to prevent others from hearing what she was saying.

"Hey, my identity is a secret, remember? Could you not shout like that in the hallway?" Peter said, looking around.

Removing Sara's hands from her mouth, Peter looked around for a few more seconds. Upon realizing that no one seemed to be paying attention to them, he let out a relieved sigh. Then, he turned his gaze back to Sara.

"I know it might seem strange to ask this out of the blue, but... what's your relationship with Xavier?"

Upon hearing Peter's question, both Sara and Prime were surprised. Not because Peter somehow knew Xavier – after all, it wasn't difficult to know him, considering Xavier was technically someone famous for his wealth. What was surprising was the fact that Peter was acting as if he knew Xavier personally.

"Actually, that's a question that came out of nowhere... Why are you interested in that?" Sara asked, curiosity evident in her gaze.

Peter, noticing Sara's look, scratched the back of his neck and then looked ahead again. His gaze, from Sara's point of view, seemed to be lost in some moment from the past.

"I've met them a few times when... well, you know, because of hero stuff, anyway. Can't say I have the best relationship with them"

Neither Sara nor Prime could exactly confirm what had happened when Peter met them. However, for Prime, considering what Xavier had done to him and Sara, he was honestly prepared for almost anything.

With the subject between them closed, they finally reached the cafeteria. After grabbing their meals, the quartet found an empty spot to sit, where they began to eat and converse.

"By the way, I haven't seen you and Betty together since the dance" Peter remarked, drawing the group's attention.

"We broke up after the dance"

Upon hearing Ned's words, everyone, including Sara, was surprised. Prime found the situation bizarre, as Ned had apparently gotten a girlfriend out of nowhere and now, suddenly, had ended the relationship.

"What? Why? I thought you guys loved each other! And all that stuff about having common interests?" Peter asked, shocked.

"You know, Peter" Ned said, putting his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Turns out we didn't have as much in common as we thought. But we didn't fight or anything, we both became good friends"

Sara and Gwen didn't know how to react to this news. In fact, from their point of view, Ned didn't seem particularly sad or anything. So, they simply decided to brush off the subject and act as they normally would to avoid making the atmosphere awkward.

"Oh, right!" exclaimed Gwen, turning to Sara. "Sara, you wouldn't know, as you missed a few classes, we have a group project to do. Although you weren't present on the day, I put your name in our group. Is that okay?"

Upon hearing Gwen's words, Sara nodded before displaying a small grateful smile on her face.

"No problem, but have you guys decided where we're going to do this group project?" Sara asked, drawing the attention of Gwen, Peter, and Ned, who seemed undecided on which house to choose.

Sara didn't quite understand why there was so much indecision, but she thought that everyone must have some family issues. As she picked at her food, Prime spoke into Sara's mind.

(Since they're so indecisive, why don't we invite them to do the work at our place?)

Upon hearing Prime's words, Sara raised an eyebrow.

(Are you sure? I thought that place would be our hideout or something)

Hearing Sara's words, Prime chuckled, genuinely unsure where she got that idea from. For starters, if it were truly a hideout, why would he give the address to Jean, Scott, Kitty, and Kurt? That would literally go against the logic of a hideout.

Prime's laughter didn't go unnoticed by Sara, who raised an eyebrow in response. Mentally, she asked him why he was laughing.

(What's so funny?)

Upon hearing Sara's question, Prime quickly composed himself and replied.

(This isn't a hideout; it's our home. You can invite whoever you want to go there, of course, just try not to invite strangers or suspicious people) Prime commented playfully.

(Really? Am I a child now to get a lecture from you?) Sara responded, huffing.

Gwen, who was next to Sara, noticed the change in her friend. Ignoring Peter and Ned, who were arguing about which house to go to, Gwen asked.

"Sara? Any problem?" she asked, catching Sara's attention.

"Oh, it's nothing serious, it's just that since you guys are undecided, what do you think about doing this at my place?" Sara asked, moving her gaze between her friends.

Upon hearing these words, Gwen, Ned, and Peter glanced at each other for a few seconds. None of them had a reason to refuse; besides, they were all curious to see what Sara's house was like and who this new relative of hers was.

"We won't cause any trouble for you?" Gwen asked.

"None at all, you guys are my friends. You're more than welcome to my house" Sara replied with a smile.

After that, Sara gave her address to Gwen, Ned, and Peter. Although the three noticed that the address location was normally filled with luxury hotels, they didn't pay much attention to it. In the end, after finishing their meal, the four returned to the classroom, where they watched the rest of the class and ended the day.

The visit would be set for the next day, as everyone needed to inform their families. On the way back home, Sara entered an alley where Prime finally managed to reconstruct his body. Exiting the alley, Sara and Prime walked side by side.

"It's good to be able to stretch my limbs again" Prime commented with a smile.

After walking for a few seconds, Sara and Prime stopped at a bus stop and boarded. Inside the bus, Sara simply sighed upon noticing that all the women were looking at Prime.

"You know you really stand out, don't you?" Sara commented next to Prime.

"What can I do if I'm handsome? Anyway, my appearance is based on yours. How did you never notice that almost all the boys at school also look at you?" Prime asked, resting his hand on the window and his chin on his hand, while keeping his gaze on Sara.

"I noticed, I just don't care much about it. I'm not interested in that kind of thing anyway" Sara replied, casting a sidelong glance at Prime.

"Are you sure? I thought that was something normal girls would be interested in" Prime asked, sporting a smile.

"Humpf, sorry for not being a normal girl" Sara replied as she huffed.

"Hahaha, I don't care if you're normal or not. I barely know what it means to fall in love, so I can't say I've had many experiences to help you in that case. I'm probably just like you"

After Prime's words, neither of them spoke and just waited until the bus reached its destination. However, despite the silence, neither of them found the atmosphere strange or suffocating. They simply felt comfortable in each other's presence.

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