Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 62 – Meeting friends again

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On the next morning, Sara decided to head back to school, as she hadn't been able to attend since the incident with Magneto. The fact that she hadn't been expelled probably had something to do with Xavier. Unfortunately, it was at this moment that Prime discovered that his human form couldn't stay away from his main body for too long. Prime sincerely didn't know why, considering constructs could stay thousands of kilometers away without him feeling anything.

However, as soon as Sara left and Prime was alone in the apartment, he suddenly started feeling dizzy, and before he knew it, his consciousness had returned to his main body inside Sara. Prime's theory for this was that, since constructs lacked consciousness and only followed pre-programmed orders, his human form was inherently linked to his main body since his consciousness resided within.

The connection with the creator might be minimal or even non-existent, but in summary, Prime creates a new construct in human form and his consciousness assumes that construct. However, when Sara, who was in possession of Prime's main body, is too far from this construct, for some reason, Prime's consciousness returns to his main body.

Anyway, these were Prime's internal thoughts as he was questioned by Sara, who was quite surprised to notice that Prime, somehow, had become active again inside her body.

"Prime? You're back? What happened? I thought you were going to stay home" asked Sara as she noticed that Prime, who rested inside her, had awakened.

Prime, still confused within Sara's body, quickly organized his thoughts. Though not exactly what Prime expected, he was already aware there might be some side effect or condition. However, he simply thought it would be something more serious, like having his lifespan shortened or something.

"That was my initial plan, actually. But it seems I can't stay too far from my main body. A few minutes after you left, I seemed to have passed out, and when I woke up, I was here" Prime replied, his voice clearly showing confusion with the situation.

Hearing Prime's words, Sara was puzzled, but a subtle feeling of happiness also arose. Of course, this was something Prime noticed, but decided not to comment on. Somehow, it seemed that Sara liked Prime much more than he imagined. Of course, the same could be said of him.

"If that's the case, there's nothing we can do" Sara commented with a confident smile on her face. "It seems we'll have to stick together from now on" she replied with enthusiasm in her voice.

From Prime's point of view, although the news seemed somewhat sad, for some reason, Sara seemed even happier to know it, instead of being sad. It seemed to be completely opposite of what one would expect.

With the idea that perhaps Sara was more attached than Prime expected, both enjoyed the bus ride to school, with Sara wearing a smile on her face while Prime felt somewhat confused.

Shortly after, when the bus stopped, Sara got off with a radiant smile on her face. As she headed towards the school, she looked around, but didn't spot any of her friends. She presumed they had already arrived and were probably in the classroom.

Entering the school, Sara walked through the bustling corridors. As usual, groups of friends were scattered around, engaged in lively conversations about various topics. However, something seemed out of the ordinary: thanks to her enhanced hearing by Prime, Sara could clearly pick up that the central theme of the discussions was the recent prom incident.

"Did any of you manage to record anything?" asked a boy who was in the middle of a group of friends.

"Of course, who do you think I am? I was lucky to have brought my dad's camera. Look at the quality of the video, you can see the monster perfectly" replied the boy, displaying something on his camera.

"But seriously, that was scary. Suddenly, the ceiling collapsed, and then that thing appeared. I thought it was going to start attacking us. I'm a little relieved I left right after" commented one of the girls in the group.

"Haha, and you want to be a journalist? I thought you were braver. I'm disappointed" replied another boy, teasing the girl.

Sara observed the groups of students as she reflected on the events of the previous night. Although Magneto ended up being right about Xavier, it didn't imply that Magneto was completely correct in his actions.

Sara simply wished to set aside the issue of being a mutant for now. Both she and Prime already had enough concerns to deal with recently, especially with the plan they planned to initiate as soon as they had the opportunity.

Ignoring the whispers spreading through the hallway, Sara continued her journey toward the classroom. She briefly peeked through the door, noticing that some students were still missing, but she saw Gwen, Ned, and Peter already present in the room.

Pushing the door open, Sara made her way to her seat, warmly greeted by her friends who spotted her, with Gwen being the first to greet her and practically hug her as soon as she saw her.

"Sara! I'm so relieved to see you well. You have no idea how worried I was. Everything happened so fast, you disappeared and I couldn't find you anywhere. And on top of that, you weren't responding to my messages, so..." Gwen said, surprising not only Sara but also some of the other students who were already at their desks.

"Sorry, I had to deal with something quickly and ended up leaving early, so I couldn't check my phone all this time" Sara explained with a sheepish smile, turning to Peter.

After that, the group settled into their seats and conversations resumed. Initially, the attention was on Sara, as Ned and Gwen were particularly curious about where exactly she had gone. The excuse Sara gave was something she and Prime had agreed upon beforehand.

"Well, I recently found out that I have a distant relative, and I had to deal with some adoption-related issues. That's why I had to be absent during this time. Sorry for worrying you" Sara explained.

Upon hearing this, both Gwen, Peter, and Ned were surprised. It was no news to the three of them that Sara was an orphan, so suddenly hearing from her that she had a relative made them extremely happy, but at the same time unsure how to congratulate her on it.

So, after congratulating her in their own peculiar way, to which Sara particularly didn't mind, the quartet quickly changed the subject, returning again to the events of the dance day.

"That was the second appearance, right?" asked Ned with a curious look as he observed Sara, Peter, and Gwen.

"What do you mean?" asked Sara.

"You know, the incident everyone's talking about at school" explained Ned.

Peter, hearing this, felt somewhat uncomfortable. He found it quite strange to call something a monster, especially when the subject in question was right beside them.

"His first appearance was at a college in Virginia, after that, there were no more sightings" Ned explained. "I wonder why he would have appeared here so suddenly"

After Ned's words, Gwen, who had been silent until then, suddenly spoke up, catching the attention of her friends.

"I wonder what that was" Gwen said suddenly, capturing the attention of Sara, Peter, and Ned. "Somehow, it seemed like it was trying to protect us. Besides, when it looked at me, I could swear it was also surprised to see me... almost as if it knew me"

Gwen's words made Peter look at Sara beside him, who also seemed surprised, although, particularly, she seemed not to care if she was found out.

"Well, it might have been your imagination. Everyone was confused at the time, you know" Peter said.

After saying this, Peter looked at Sara, who was also looking at him. However, this time, Sara had a suggestive smile on her face, and for some reason, this sight sent shivers down Peter's spine.

"Speaking of which, Gwen" said Sara, drawing her friend's attention. "So, how was dancing with Peter? I hope he entertained you"

Upon hearing these words, Gwen put her hand on her chin and then looked at Peter with a smile on her face.

"Besides the part where he suddenly disappeared after taking me and Ned away from the scene of the confusion, it was quite fun, actually" Gwen said.

After Gwen's words, both laughed at Peter's embarrassed expression, while Ned tried to offer some emotional support to his friend.

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