Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 49 – Obadiah’s proposal

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Putting aside the initial shock, Sara followed the woman into the elevator. As soon as they both entered, the atmosphere fell silent. Though Sara found the situation somewhat uncomfortable, she also had nothing to say, so she remained silent.

(For that matter, were we really millionaires?) Sara mentally queried Prime.

As they waited for the elevator to reach the meeting floor, Sara's mind wandered through various different subjects, but what intrigued her the most was the surprise of discovering, just a few days ago, that she was a millionaire.

(What do you mean by "were"? Technically, we still are, although our money is not with us at the moment. As soon as the company's stocks rise and we get back what we invested, we'll gain much more in return. In short, we can become even richer than we already were) said Prime, his voice sounding strangely persuasive.

(Do you know you're speaking exactly like a real estate broker trying to sell me a house?) Sara retorted, sighing.

Upon exiting the elevator, Sara was amazed by the beauty of the place. Every detail exuded a luxury she rarely experienced. It was all so lavish that she found herself imagining that with just one of the items present there, she could live the rest of her life without worrying about money.

Moreover, the view outside was simply incredible. Sara couldn't determine how many floors up she was, but the sense of height was palpable. Putting these thoughts aside, Sara followed the woman to the end of the corridor, where they encountered an imposing double door. As the woman opened it, the interior of the room was revealed to Sara.

The table was quite large, with several seats carefully arranged and each one labeled with the name of who would sit there. Sara scanned the room with her eyes, absorbing every detail, until she found her designated seat. She sat down, feeling somewhat out of place, but she couldn't deny that the experience was extraordinary.

"Can I get you any drink, miss?"

Initially, Sara looked confused at the woman who suddenly called her "miss" but she quickly composed herself and nodded. As the woman headed to the mini freezer in the room, Sara continued to look around, taking in every detail of the surroundings.

When the woman returned, she carried a tray with a generous glass on it. As she placed the glass on the table, Sara briefly examined it and noticed it contained only Coca-Cola.

"Thank you" Sara said as she picked up the glass and brought it to her lips.

The woman nodded with a calm and serene smile as she opened the door again. In walked a bald man with a well-groomed beard. At first glance, Sara assumed he was just another investor. However, she was surprised when he approached her with a smile on his face.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you. You must be Mr. Ryan Ports' replacement" the man said with a smile.

Upon hearing the name, Sara raised an eyebrow in doubt, while a newly initiated mental conversation took shape.

(Ryan Ports?) Sara mentally questioned, her voice echoing in Prime's mind with a mixture of surprise and inquiry.

(What? I don't remember my old surname, and I think this one sounds pretty cool. Gives off a vibe of a wealthy businessman, right?) said Ryan, his voice irritatingly arrogant.

Choosing to ignore Prime's last words, Sara extended her hand to greet the man, her face lighting up with a gentle smile.

"It's a pleasure, I'm Sara Connor. You could say I'm quite close to Mr. Ryan Ports, perhaps a potential apprentice? Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you..."

Upon hearing Sara, the man seemed to realize he hadn't introduced himself yet. With a smile on his face and a gesture to adjust his tie, he introduced himself.

"Ah, where are my manners? My name is Obadiah Stane. Please, just call me Obadiah, Miss Sara. I hope we have a fruitful collaboration from now on"

After uttering these words, Obadiah took his seat beside the central chair, clearly indicating his prominent position in the company.

(It seems he was the one who received my email... However, the way he treated you and his behavior clearly indicate someone who expects something in return) commented Prime.

Of course, Sara also noticed the dynamics at play, or rather, she was exceptionally perceptive about such situations where someone tried to take advantage of another. However, she found herself in a delicate position. Her intention was simply to listen to the conversation and share it with Prime, or at least that's what everyone presumed would happen.

With this thought in mind, Sara waited patiently. Though she had arrived a few minutes earlier, she didn't mind waiting. As time passed, more people arrived. Ten minutes after Sara and Prime's arrival, all the members were present except one.

(Really, why is the company owner late for his own meeting? Does that make any sense?) Sara exclaimed mentally, seriously doubting the situation.

(Frankly, I'm not sure if this is common. My previous experiences are limited to knowing how to act in these situations and to close good deals, but that's all) Prime replied with an uncertain voice.

It had been twenty minutes since everyone had arrived and still there was no sign of the owner. Sara and Prime, feeling completely bored with the wait, finally felt a glimmer of hope when the door opened again.

"Hey guys, sorry for the delay, okay, please don't mind me" the man said as he headed to the drinks cabinet and poured himself a glass.

Then he made his way to the central chair at the table and sat down. Obadiah, who was beside him, whispered something to the man, but Sara could hear perfectly. Furthermore, Sara immediately recognized who he was because the man was quite famous.

"Tony, I thought I told you to arrive earlier. You should be setting an example. What do you think they'll think of you being late like this?" exclaimed Obadiah, visibly annoyed.

Hearing this, Sara remained silent but almost let out a loud laugh upon hearing Tony's next words.

"That I'm the owner, maybe?"

Obadiah simply put his hand to his head, giving up the attempt at conversation, while Tony drank his drink nonchalantly. After a few more minutes, as the meeting was about to begin, Tony finally seemed to notice Sara.

"Why is there a kid here? Hey, girl, you're not supposed to be here. Unfortunately, we're not a charity house, okay?" Tony said in an incredibly sarcastic tone.

Obadiah looked horrified at Tony and quickly whispered something in his ear that was not audible to Sara, but Obadiah's worried expression was evident.

"Tony, didn't you read the email I sent you? She's the person sent in place of Mr. Ryan Ports. Treat her with more respect" Obadiah whispered urgently and with a warning tone.

"Oh, that email?... Sorry, I didn't read it. Anyway, let's get this started soon, my time is short" Tony said casually, as if the situation wasn't of great importance.

Tony ignored Obadiah's warnings and began the meeting. Sara remained silent, pretending to pay attention, while Prime absorbed all the relevant information. Sara knew she had to keep up appearances, even though her mind was occupied with another task.

After the meeting ended, Tony simply left, saying that the casino was calling him. Contrary to Sara's first impression of him, she found him quite humorous, although also irritating. With a sigh, Sara got up and, under the gaze of the other investors, left the room, heading for the elevator.

"One moment, Miss Sara"

Hearing her name, Sara turned and found Obadiah with a rather peculiar smile on his face, while he fidgeted with his hands.

"Yes?" Sara asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I just wanted to apologize for Tony's manners. He's a good kid, but still very young and doesn't understand how to behave in certain situations" Obadiah said, with an apologetic tone.

Sara sincerely wasn't interested in this, so she just nodded, while Prime just listened to the conversation unfold.

"Also, I'd like you to inform Mr. Ryan Ports about a project I'm working on" Obadiah continued.

Hearing this, Sara raised an eyebrow, as the situation seemed strangely suspicious. From her point of view, Obadiah seemed to want something else with his words.

"So... a new project from Mr. Tony?" Sara asked, trying to understand the situation.

"Oh, no, this is a project just from me. I'd like Mr. Ports to take a look and see if he's interested in participating. Also, I'd like it to stay just between us" Obadiah explained.

This time it was Prime who was confused. What kind of friend and subordinate was this who did things behind his boss's back, especially using the company's name? Prime found this whole conversation utterly absurd.

"Well, I'll pass your words to him" Sara replied, turning and starting to walk towards the elevator.

"I greatly appreciate that" Obadiah replied.

It was clear to both Prime and Sara that this guy was trying to use her to get investments from Prime. In short, Obadiah never really tried to respect Sara; he just respected the person behind her.

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