Marvel – The primogenitor of the symbiotes

Chapter 48 – Stark Tower

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The week flew by for Sara and Prime, and soon Saturday had arrived - the day they wouldn't have class, as the Dance was exactly the next day. Additionally, it was the day the investors would have a meeting at Stark Industries. While having breakfast, Prime and Sara discussed their agendas for the day.

"Are you sure they'll let me in when they realize I'm just a kid? I think when you explained that I was young, they imagined someone in their twenties, not a teenager" Sara said in an interrogative tone.

(You'll be fine. I sent a photo of you to one of the company owners. If memory serves me right, his name was Obadiah Stane. He assured me that you would be treated exactly as I would be. After all, I'm sending you as my substitute. That just proves how competent they must think you are from their point of view) Prime responded.

Upon hearing Prime's response, Sara let out a brief sigh. Anyway, there wasn't much more she could do since the meeting was scheduled. At most, she could do some preliminary research on who would be present at the meeting, and that was something Sara indeed did. That's exactly why her opinion of the owner of Stark Industries wasn't the best.

According to Sara's perception, almost all the money Tony Stark earned was spent on parties and other luxuries Sara didn't even bother to recall. Anyway, she was sure he was an extremely rude person who only thought of himself.

Lost in her thoughts, two knocks on the door caught Sara and Prime's attention. While Sara wondered who it could be, Prime's voice in her mind promptly answered that question.

(It's Kitty and Jean. You guys promised yesterday you'd go dress shopping for the dance tomorrow, remember?) Prime responded with a stern voice.

For some reason, Sara could imagine Prime shaking her head sideways as she wondered where she went wrong. Of course, it's not that Sara didn't remember making such a promise; it just so happened that such a conversation slipped to the back of her mind as issues like the investors' meeting took over her thoughts.

"Come in, the doors open" Sara exclaimed, resuming her breakfast.

As the door opened, Jean and Kitty appeared in the doorway. Upon seeing Sara, Kitty flashed a cheerful smile and quickly joined her for breakfast, which consisted of a small buffet.

"No surprise there, as it's not the first time I've seen this, but you really enjoy a good meal" Kitty exclaimed as she chuckled.

"It's not my fault, Prime needs to eat too, so I usually eat for two. Anyway, do you guys need something?"

Upon hearing Sara's words, Jean approached and cast a brief glance at Kitty, who had already begun eating as if she were in her own room, before turning her gaze back to Sara.

"Well, we came to talk about what we agreed upon yesterday. We wanted to know when you'll be free to go dress shopping" Jean explained as she sat next to Kitty, who was eating with a smile on her face.

Upon hearing this, Kitty, who had been enjoying the food until then, turned to Jean with a confused look. Swallowing quickly what she had just eaten, Kitty asked Jean with a perplexed expression on her face.

"So, is that why we came? I thought we were here to see who would be the lucky one to take our ice queen to the dance"

Hearing these words, Jean looked at Kitty with a puzzled look. Ignoring Jean's expression, Kitty quickly turned to Sara with visible excitement and asked the question.

"So, who's the lucky one? Is he cute? Is he taller than you? What class is he in? Does he have any other cute friends?"

Even with all of Kitty's questions, only one thought pervaded Sara's mind at that moment. Unconsciously, she raised an eyebrow, and the words naturally escaped her mouth.

"Ice queen? What's that supposed to mean?" Sara inquired, with a confused expression, as she glanced at Jean.

Under Sara's gaze, Jean briefly turned to look at her for a few seconds. Realizing she would have to explain, she let out a small sigh. Well, it's not like Jean hadn't heard this rumor before; she just didn't pay much attention to it.

The rumor concerned a new student with white hair and blue eyes, something unusual in that region. Someone with that appearance would certainly attract attention, especially when the person in question was also notably beautiful.

However, the student in question always sported the same expressionless expression on her face, which drove away the other students. It seemed like she was ready to pick a fight with anyone who tried to start a conversation. For Jean, it became clear that the person of the rumor was Sara.

"Well, that's the nickname the boys gave you, since your expression is usually quite... expressionless, right?"

Of course, even hearing that, Sara couldn't care less about others' opinions, as long as it didn't interfere with the voice echoing in her mind. At this exact moment, that voice seemed to be having more fun than ever, laughing intensely.

(Hahahahahahahah, seriously, I knew they'd give you a nickname, but what's even more amazing is how quickly you gained that nickname, and even more surprising is that the nickname is exactly what I imagined)

Sometimes, Sara could only think about how annoying Prime could be. But, leaving that subject aside, and even with Prime's incessant laughter, Sara decided to get back to the main topic.

"Putting aside the question of who I'm going to the dance with, I'll only be free in the evening. I have an important commitment in a few hours"

After that, the subject didn't linger any longer. Jean just asked what would be a good time for them to meet, and as soon as Sara indicated the time, Kitty and Jean left. Sara also didn't take long, leaving just minutes after Jean and Kitty.

Although some questions arose about Sara's departure that day, like from Xavier, Logan, and Ororo, Sara simply mentioned that it was related to her work. Since no one asked any more questions after that, Sara left it at that and headed towards the meeting place.

Instead of opting for a taxi, Sara and Prime decided to make their own way to the meeting place. As they leaped between buildings, they both admired the view. The sense of freedom it provided was simply incredible.

In no time, they already spotted the building where the meeting would take place ahead. As they landed in an alley, Sara stepped out of the place with light and calm steps.

(This seems to be the place) exclaimed Prime.

"Correction, this is definitely the place. There's literally a huge sign with “Stark” written on the building" replied Sara.

Even Prime had to struggle for a few seconds to try to comprehend what exactly was going on in the minds of the rich. Both in his previous life and in this one, Prime was an orphan and poor. Although he now owns some shares in companies, which makes him relatively richer, this hasn't changed his way of thinking.

(Anyway, we'd better hurry. I think if we get there early, everyone's surprise will be lesser) said Prime.

"Surprises like having a teenager in a business meeting?" inquired Sara, raising an eyebrow.

(Yes, it's exactly a surprise like that)

Listening to Prime's words, Sara let out a small sigh and nodded before continuing her way towards the towering building. As she reached there, the automatic doors greeted her and she entered, heading to the reception. There, she found the receptionist, who seemed busy as she stared intently at the computer screen. With a light tap on the desk to get her attention, Sara started the conversation.

"Excuse me" Sara began calmly. "My name is Sara Connor. I'm here for the investors meeting"

As soon as the woman fixed her eyes on Sara, to her surprise, she treated her with quite courtesy, something Sara honestly wasn't expecting. This scene led Sara to only one conclusion.

(Prime) called Sara mentally.

(Yes?) Prime asked.

(How much exactly did you invest? Or rather, how much exactly did we have to invest?)

Personally, Sara never felt interested in this kind of matter. Prime always bought what she wanted, so she saw no reason to interfere in his work, or at least not until this moment.

(Not much, to be honest. I think it was just over ten million dollars. My thought process has gotten much better since I became this, so I can have a rough idea of how much profit I'll make if I invest in such a company. But why the question?)

Listening to Prime's words, Sara simply felt that it would have been better for her not to know that until a while ago, she was a millionaire.

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