Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 037: The Monsters of Porshi


<PoV - Furstin Paramilitary, Sika Squad, Captain - No Legal Name>


Walking through the halls of the restaurant kitted out in full gear, a slug rifle slung across his shoulder and behind his back, despite him carrying what appeared to be a wallet containing documents. Something that was only used to carry the most important information which couldn’t be risked in a data breach. The few curious staff who carried their phones in hopes to snap a picture of the famous trio gingerly scurried away in case they end up being other people in those infamous clips.

It was actually stupefying how many people attempted to approach the prince or princesses of Porshi without expecting to be tackled to the ground. Of course, merely getting tackled was the best case scenario in a regular person's mind. The standoff days ago had already shown that.

Fortunately the captain paid zero attention to those riff raff as he confidently strutted forth to a set of double doors that two more deer skull-faced unit members opened. Of all the squads within the paramilitary there were actually 42 which were given the special designation of a deer. A strange concept to those who were not in the know how.

Each squad had more than ten years under their sadistic mistress yet from that bore a loyalty since this allowed them to see she was not merely pushing the hard work onto them… Nor did she need to rely on them for their physical might. Every one of them were also in the know of what was to come; this included both the changes to reality as well as the projects that their boss had taken a direct interest in.

<Some may think we fear the Silver Knights taking us out the job but that couldn’t be further from the truth of the matter…>

Indeed the artificial bio androids would replace them in some facets.

They would still be needed in order to guide as well as instruct (it was not as if their leader ran the war room by herself) plus there were determined to be a few problems with relying on the knights. Matters he did not particularly care to think about at the moment. Because he was greeted to the sight of the three most terrifying children in the world as they appeared to act their age… On the surface.


“My ass isn’t flat!” Screamed the youngest of the trio which caused the eldest - as well as only male - to hold his forehead to massage out his growing headache. Meanwhile the older sister could hardly let the chance go to continue poking the blonde bear of a girl. “Really~ you sure could have fooled me!”

Although they were legally “sisters” their skin tones could not be more opposite; revealing the true nature of their relationship as it concerned outsiders.

A fact that didn’t stop them from looking strangely similar.

“I have the documents you wanted.” He calmly approached just as princess Alexis looked as if she was about to break the nearest something or someone. Something he decided to promptly prevent due to the glance he received from the regal prince. The girl in question promptly smiled. “Very well.”

Sure enough, Armor-Cordis took the folder from his outstretched hand to pursue, at the same time he retrieved a cigar case from out of his boss's pocket. With practised motions he caused it to pop open as he removed one to promptly place between her already awaiting lips. Cutting the end off with the inbuilt device of the case then finally closing it with a satisfying *click*. Next (from his index finger) came a purple flame that promptly lit the end.

It was actually supposed to be used for on-the-field welding yet she was also the one who designed his suit so who was he to complain?

She took a heavy drag from the cigar - apparently flavoured like banana with a smokey twist - he still wasn’t completely sure it was safe for human consumption. There had already been a long line of morally questionable gases developed by his boss. The surprise of her actually smoking another would actually be completely within his expectations at the moment.

Eventually she finished pursuing what was in front of her, timing it with her blowing out a huff of smoke that just so happened to end up in front of the security camera. Taking that chance to pass out the documents however she herself did not bother reading it. Instead she took a sip from the glass filled with dark yellowish-brown fluid; many would expect that to be alcohol but that would show a complete misread of the sweet addicted girl. It was actually her own lime infused pineapple & orange juice.

Each of the children sitting at the table were a monster in their own right; his ‘boss’ was just the most obvious when you knew all the details. One did not need to mention what she could become. Her actions in the snowy east could have become the talking points of many courts if not for her meticulous cleanups.

Then there was the little sister who had the brutish strength to back up her brutish personality - there had even been attempts to take her blood in order to do testing. Attempts that usually resulted in a full blown argument between the two sisters. “You gotta be serious, you're picking up another girl, this one also can pick you up like the brat you are!” Mocked Alexis without realising her height was not exactly impressive.

“Goes around America, using medical knowledge to help people, endless series of assault charges that were judged innocent, strongly against the medical insurance industry, nobody can recall her hair nor eye colour…” Last there was the eldest - who was destined to take over the empire when their parents finally decided to step down - who looked at the details more studiously than their sister.

He was already showing great potential in leading such a vast empire; seemingly not possessing the arrogance that his two siblings possessed and instead having a meticulous cold.

A freezing outlook that he utilised to best divide his vast resources efficiently.

“I thought you didn’t really like the American ones and preferred Brazilian?” Alexis snorted as she soon began to drink her from her piping hot coffee with her eyes narrowed mockingly. Their older siblings seemed to take this a bit more seriously as Arthur fell back in his seat with a contemplative look overtaking his face as he looked down on the document. Unlike the other two he actually had a glass of scotch on the rocks which he took a long sip from.

Those cold calculative like eyes of his made even veterans under AC shiver - although he would need to be that vicious in order to keep someone like his middle sibling in order. His gaze did soften a little when he turned to his smoking sister who returned a radiant smile. “So nobody could recall the colour of her hair nor eyes despite becoming something akin to a local vigilante?”

“So she keeps her features out of the public eye; she’s probably just ugly or something!” The youngest audibly snorted while throwing her drink about.

“The wording of Armor’s team is quite precise…” Fortunately it was Arthur who spoke up so that the two sisters wouldn’t begin to attack one another like two rabid dogs. “People interviewed have likely seen their bare appearance nevertheless they could not describe a single thing to do with ‘colour’.”

Sure enough, they figured it out, the captain could only nod his head due to his face being hidden behind the deer skull-painted helmet. Neither of the “business” oriented siblings cared about the lack of reaction. The brother soon supported his weight on his two elbows while his hands clasped in front of him. “So what should we do about this suspicious assistant of yours?”

Armor-Cordis didn’t immediately reply; lying back in her chair as she tapped the desk with one hand while smoking that cigar with her other hand. After a moment of thinking she spoke up again. “I think it is best if we just don’t do anything. No need to rock the boat with something we don’t understand and it would be far more ideal to just focus on the coming… Release.”

Even if the squad leaders and elite teams knew about Love Heart Online, they would not be joining until the game came out publicly in order to reduce the chances of someone catching on. It would be unlikely someone would figure out the real reason yet there is no way people wouldn’t jump on a trend set by the wealthiest family.

“Hm… I see. Well let's move on that so we can focus on some other stuff - there was a new project in the tech industry so I want to ask you to pass over some funds. Of course your labs will be the first people who get to see the results.”

“No problem with that; we have more than five times our operating fund so I may as well give it to you in order to avoid losing some through taxes.” Flicking some ash into a tray.

His eyes lingered on the ash. “Maybe also learn to chew gum in public?”

“Smoking makes you ugly and you’re ugly enough as it is!” Obviously a line from the ever brash Alexis even if it was as unsuccessful in riling up Armor-Cordis as always. The older sister merely lifted a brow with a smug smirk slowly forming upon her lips - resulting in Alexis’ attempt backfiring instantly. “You’re just a big breasted dumbass!”

“Mhm~.” Nodding her head with that same smile.

“I will kill you!”


That same back and forth continued on for a while, between breaks of Armor-Cordis taking deep breaths of drawn out sips, clearly showing how deeply the little princess was in her sister's palm. Even the cold older brother couldn’t help but find himself completely helpless at these two. Both were vital pieces in the rise of Porshi - rising from joint second to first most powerful family if one does not account for the imperial family who they were under - however they brought the worst out in one another.

For the paramilitary this was just a normal Sunday.

“You also received a request for dinner, on friday, from another professor… I’ll let you guess which..”

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