Lord God Investigator

Chapter 42 - Cat\\\'s Claw

A moment ago, I thought I would be ugly with scratches all over my body. From then on, I spent the rest of my life hiding with my son in an unknown corner of the rivers and lakes, but in the next moment I restored my peerless beauty and learned in another moment. Extreme martial arts.

There is no more ups and downs in life than this, Xiaodie’s tears flowed out unsuspectingly, and could not stop it.

Her state of mind has also undergone tremendous changes. The confusion and obsession in her heart, and the hatred for being deeply hurt by men have all turned into nothingness, and will never touch her heartstrings again.

Only by knowing how to let go can one grasp the present.

After experiencing the despair of being disfigured, her understanding of “beauty” became more profound. She once thought that she didn’t care, how beautiful she was, how much men love her beauty, that kind of non-caring gave her a unique indifferent temperament, but was more attractive to men.

But after losing her beauty, she knew that she cared, even more than her own life, but for the sake of her son, she could not care.

She also understood that beauty is not everything to women, and the love of men is also not everything to women.

She now understands that a woman, whether beautiful or ugly, should have self-confidence and can stand tall and stand in the most glorious image between heaven and earth.

As long as this woman is a mother, there is nothing in this world who is more confident and powerful than a mother.

What is disfigurement for the mother? What is disability? What is pain? What is the injury? What is this extremely sinister world?

What a mere man, no matter how strong a man is, he is not qualified to live in the world without a mother!

Her father, the old man who made the people of the rivers and lakes admired, feared, loved and hated, he should kneel on the ground obediently when he saw her grandma, and walked over to see him, paying attention, saying flattery, and afraid Annoyed grandma.

Xiaodie’s temperament has changed again, the indifferent feeling of not caring about everything disappears, and a passionate emotion of caring about everything is replaced.

She suddenly felt that she loved the world, but the world was not beautiful enough to make her baby live happily and well.

She hopes that everything in this world will be beautiful, and she even wants to create a beautiful world for her son by herself.

Real man Leak Kong smiled and nodded and said: “My dear disciple, what are you still stunned, why don’t you come to see Master?”

Fluttershy bowed to him, worshipped again, and worshiped three times, saying: “Master is here, and the disciple doesn’t understand. I’ve lost the master’s enlightenment. Thank you Master!”

Li Kong Zhenren’s face was stern, Xin Xinran lifted her up, pointed to a big tree on the side that needed two people to hug together and said: “My deed, go and try the master’s teaching of your cat’s claw skills.”

Fluttershy walked to the big tree and used the “cat fist” according to the information that appeared out of thin air in her mind. Her hands alternately twitched, turning into a claw-shaped afterimage.

The claws are extremely dense!

Xiaodie was also very surprised. She didn’t expect her claws to be so fast that she could scratch hundreds of claws in an instant. The master really said it.

The fine claw shadow approached the big tree, and he heard “Noisy!” There was a harsh tearing sound. The big tree was eroded by the claw shadow, and it turned into shavings in an instant, with countless extremely thin woods. The flowers flew away.

What a great claw skill!

Xiaodie was born in a family of martial arts, and her father Sun Yubo and her brother Sun Jian are well-known masters in the world. Her knowledge of martial arts far exceeds that of ordinary women.

She had seen her brother punch. She thought that no one in the world would punch more, direct, and faster than his brother, but now she knows that his brother’s punch is not fast, nor is it strong, which is similar to her cat’s claw. By comparison, Sun Jian’s fist is simply the old lady beating the old man on the back.

Is there any martial art in this world that cuts big trees into shavings?

The Qishangquan of the Dong-Dong school can break the veins of the big tree and make it wither. The Shaolin layman’s smashing steleman can break the tree, but which school dare to say that their martial arts cut the big tree into wood shavings?

This martial arts really deserves to be taught by immortals!

Real person Li Kong just smiled and shouted: “Be careful!”

While reminding him, he threw a boulder at Xiaodie, which was the size of a millstone, and slammed it at Xiaodie with the sound of wind.

The cat’s claws danced again, and the dense claw shadows hit the boulder. The boulder was like a crispy biscuit, which was eaten in one bite, and turned into powdered stone under the movement of countless cat’s claws.

Makoto Lekong transformed into a jet of water, which was scratched by claw shadows into splashes. He transformed into iron blocks. Although the iron blocks did not turn into iron filings, they were also scratched with countless sparks in the cat’s claws. There are scratches all over the iron blocks.

Fluttershy discovered that not only could she dance her hands into countless claw shadows, but she also mastered clever light skills. Her body was as agile as a cat, and she moved extremely fast, turning endlessly in the air, so fast that others could only see an afterimage.

When she thought about it, she remembered that Master didn’t lie to her at all. This “cat’s claw technique” was indeed the same as the “world and earth netting.” In the process of cultivation, you can also learn advanced light skills. The cat’s tail was not worn for nothing. Fluttershy suffers a lot from the cat’s tail.

After trying the cat’s claw technique, Xiaodie jumped in front of Kong Zhenren, once again kneeled down and bowed with her fists. She was extremely grateful to Master, but she opened her mouth but didn’t know how to speak.

The real person Liao Kong laughed and said: “You can’t get a glimpse of the full picture of the’cat claw skill’ just by trying to use the dead object. When the master leads you to find a living person to try the trick, lest you use the cat claw skill against the enemy in the future because of unknown tricks. Fa is powerful and missed.”

Fluttershy shook his head and said: “Master, this’cat claw technique’ is too powerful. The trees and rocks under the claws are turned into shavings and stone dust. If it is used on a living person, the scene is too cruel and terrible. Fluttershy does not want to deal with it. Living people try.”

The real person Liao Kong shook his head and said, “God has the virtue of being a good man, and he is a teacher of a Taoist immortal. How can your martial arts be cruel and terrible? This’cat claw skill’ is a kind of’benevolent fist’, which is invincible to the dead. , But it only hurts but not kills living things.”

Fluttershy was so surprised that he couldn’t speak. There are martial arts in the world that are invincible to the dead, but only hurt but not kill the living?

Cat’s claw is extremely powerful, and the effect of hitting a stone is completely different from hitting a person. It is indeed a boxing technique taught by an immortal!

She couldn’t help asking: “Master, why does the Cat Claw Technique only injure but not kill the living creatures? What is the principle?”

Luo Feng asked how do I know?

Ranma scratches the sky and the air when using a cat fist. When scratching people, the person who gets scratched will only have a few more paw prints on his face. The eyes become mosquito coils and the eyes faint. This is the world rule of Ranma 1/2. The result of the impact is exactly the research topic that the main **** investigator will find out, and the specific reason is to wait for him to study slowly when he goes to Ranma World to conduct an investigation.

He could only show an unpredictable smile, and said: “Don’t say it, it’s wrong to say it. Xiaodie, you are in the picture…”

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