Chapter 3: exorcist business
After getting out of the metaverse Ryuji max and ren ended up in an alleyway but Ryuji and akira looked tired.
Ryuji: man I'm dead tired.
Akira : you can say that again I feel like I ran for hours.
Max: that's because you two are out of shape.
The two shujin students turned and saw that max didn't even looked tired.
Ryuji: dude how are you not tired?
Max: I've been training since I was a kid so yeah that's why.
Akira: what? Those your family owns a dojo?
Max: nope. But anyway I'm out of here if you plan to go that place again let me know.
Ryuji: wait you're just leaving like that you don't even look bothered about the castle.
Max: i didn't meet this kamoshida guy in person all i saw was that yellow eyed version of him so that alone doesn't exactly tell me a full story. Anyway see you two later.
But before he could walk away a femine scream was heard and when max focused his senses there was a lost soul it was near the area it's probably attacking someone.
Without a word he ran passed by akira and ryuji who were confused at what was happening but they decided to follow max.
But thanks to them being tired they couldn't keep up with him however they both noticed that max has some crazy parkour skills and he was unnaturally fast.
Akira looked at his phone and saw that if they were still in the metaverse and they weren't now he was questioning how max is this skilled even outside the metaverse.
A few distance away a girl in a shujin uniform was being chase by a lost soul that looks like a troll with big claws, big mouth and red eyes with hunger.
The girl hit a dead end and the lost souls was going to enjoy eating its meal.
Thinking that this was her end the girl closed her eyes expecting the monster to eat her.
But from up top max jumped off the building and got out his sword and dove straight towards the lost soul.
In an instant the lost soul was stabbed in the head while denting the ground thanks to his fall momentum.
From near by akira and ryuji heard the crash sound and went over to see what happened.
and when they did they saw max on top of something that looked like a shadow but how are shadows in the real world that was something that akira was asking himself.
While the two we're staring in shocked the girl looked up to her savior she remembered that it was the foreigner transfer student.
Max got out his sword from the lost soul's head and walked over to the girl.
Max: hey you okay? No lost limps or anything?
Shujin girl: n-no I'm fine.
She looked at max's sword that was covered in black blood she didn't know how he could kill that creature but she didn't care about that she was glad she was still alive.
Max: well that's good to know.
But all the sudden the lost soul started to move and reach out to grab him.
Ryuji akira and the girl noticed this.
But before they could war him all the sudden there was a blur of white and the lost soul's body was completely gone.
The girl tried to look at were the blur went but max blocked her view with his hand.
Max: I think you've seen enough.
He looked over to the side and saw that right wall was splattered with black blood the girl couldn't see it but akira and ryuji saw it.
Max: did you needed to be so brutal sis?
Moline: hey I was a little hungry and besides no body lays a hand on my brother.
After that whole thing max took the girl home.
Now if you were wondering isn't the spiritual world supposed to be secret?
Well in the current times not many believes in supernatural so naturally if the girl tries to explain that she was attacked by a lost soul everyone would think that she is crazy so yeah It will be fine.
Besides max was pretty sure that the girl won't try to prove anything since she did almost died.
When he found the girl's home he left her there for her parents to do the rest.
But while he was walking towards his private house akira and ryuji got in his way.
Max: what do you two want?
Ryuji: we want answers! What was that thing you killed and how come you are skilled even outside the metaverse!?
Max: that doesn't concern you.
Akira: it kinda does.
Max: what are you talking about?
Akira: that thing with kamoshida in the metaverse,my persona and those creatures something is going on and I want to find out what.
Max was about to refuse but he remembered something Morgana said if I kill his shadow I kill him in the real world.
Those that mean that the metaverse and the mental shutdowns are one in the same?
Max gave it some thought and he remembered that akira had some weird app that allows him to transport the metaverse if he was to deny him then he will lose one massive clue to figure out what was going on.
Max: fine I'll explain. But you will have to work with me on something.
Akira: that is?
Max: let's go to my private house we will stick out in the crowd.
He guided Ryuji and akira towards his house and when they got there the house looked like someone rich lives.
This place was away from the more popular spot shibuya so in here they will get some privacy.
They got inside and Ryuji and akira were just gawking at the inside of max's house he went to the fridge and got out three cans of soda and gave on to the each of the guys.
Akira: so are you going to explain what's happening?
Max: well it will be a long story so let's sit down.
After sitting down max began to get explain what was going on however he has to make one thing clear.
Max: first before I begin. Nothing spoken leaves this.
He said this looking directly at ryuji.
Ryuji: what!?
Max: I've only known you for a few minutes and I can tell you are the type that will yell out something so do me a favor and keep it to a minimum.
Ryuji: fine I won't say anything!
Max: good now. To begin with what you saw back there was a lost soul there are beings that are born when a human dies there souls leaves there bodies and take shape.
Ryuji: whoa whoa hold the effing phone! Are you saying that what we saw was a for real ghost!?
Max: yeah but the right term for it is spirit.
Akira was also surprised by this but he started thinking.
Akira: so that lost soul we encountered was that like a vengeful spirit?
Max: maybe who knows there two types of spirits lost souls and pure souls.
Ryuji: let me guess one is good and one is bad?
Max: yup. Basically lost soul are people who are consumed by negative emotions and pure souls are ones that learned to accept their new forms.
Akira: okay anything else about these spirits like do they only exist in Japan?
Max: nope they exist worldwide don't get a big head and think that Japan is special.
Akira: I see but how come the public doesn't know?
Max: that's because to normal people they can't see spirit. You either have to have spiritual awareness or they reveal themselves to you.
Ryuji: so about that lost souls thing what exactly do they do?
Max: there mostly like rabbid animals they eat whatever is on their sight even other lost souls, pure souls and humans.
Ryuji: wow that's just brutal.
Akira: but now for the big question you seem to know a lot about these creatures so what's with that?
Max:I'm an exorcist my job is to make sure neither humans nor spirits have too much power over the other.
Ryuji: so you are like a ghost hunter?
Max: something like that but anyway the real reason I'm here is because my supervisor is investigating the mental shutdowns.
Akira: the mental shutdowns? But the Japanese police are-
Max: I know but the exorcist branch of Japan was investigating this first but things are getting out of control so they called in my supervisor to help them while I went to shujin.
Akira: you have any reason to be there?
Max: I do but I'm not saying anything we just meet so obviously I can't trust you.
Akira: fair enough.
Ryuji: so how do you beat the shit out of those lost guys?
Max: the only way to hurt a spirit is by attacking the soul directly so to hurt them you need this.
He extended his hand and it was covered in black flames of energy.
Akira and ryuji were staring in shock the two were somewhat used to super powers but seeing another type of power that wasn't connected to a pocket dimension was unique.
Max: this is spiritual energy. this energy is basically using your soul as an energy source to do incredible things.
Akira: so what can it do?
Max: well spiritual energy enhances your body and you will be able to see spirits at all times and along with that you will gain an ability of your own.
Ryuji: wow so it's like having those persona things but this sounds more cool!
Max: yeah another thing it benefits it's that you will be able to senses others spiritual signatures and your body will be able to take more damage and you won't get as tired.
Akira: that explains why you don't seem to be tired.
Ryuji: so how do we unlock this thing there's obviously a way right?
Max: well there's two ways either you meditate and understand your own soul or have someone unlock it for you. The first one is actually the rarest case because most exorcist related families just unlock it for them and train them.
Akira: so you can unlock it for us?
Max: who said I was going to do that?
Ryuji: huh!?
Max: we literally just met sure i know a bit about ryuji here but that doesn't I can just trust you with this.
Akira: he has a point Ryuji.
Ryuji: ugh fine i guess I wouldn't trust anyone if I just met them too.
Max: but I think I might need both of you.
Ryuji: huh? Why?
Max: remember the mental shutdowns? Well I have a feeling that shutdowns are related to the metaverse.
Akira and ryuji looked at each other with looks that said "why we never thought about that"
Akira: actually now that you mentioned it when morgana said that if you killed kamoshida's shadow you would kill him in the real world.
Ryuji: holy shit does that mean that-
Max: if I actually killed him that would mean that he would have died from a mental shutdown.
Ryuji: are you for real!? So you were "this" close on causing a mental shutdown!?
Max: yeah guess it's a good thing that morgana stopped me.
Akira: but what does this mean does that mean someone has the same app as me?
Ryuji: uh dude I don't think you are the only one.
Akira was confused by this comment but ryuji showed his phone and max and akira saw the metaverse navigator app.
Akira: how did you-
Ryuji: you tell me.
Max: you two said that this wasn't your first time in that castle right?
Akira: yeah I actually just met ryuji yesterday and him and I kinda hit it off well since we kinda almost died.
Ryuji: and this guy saved me from kamoshida so yeah him and I are friends.
Max: I see but still this metaverse is related to the mental shutdowns so the fact that there's someone else using this to kill people.
Ryuji: whoever it is they must be some sick bastard.
Max: yeah and I can't believe I'm saying this but I need both of you're help.
Akira: I'm guessing that the reason is because we can enter the metaverse?
Max: exactly that this the first time I'm dealing with a situation like this and I have no idea on how to enter the metaverse.
Ryuji: did you check your phone the came to my phone so what about yours?
Max took out his phone and the metaverse app wasn't there.
Max: nope.
Ryuji: for real?
Max: anyway. that is another thing for later it's getting late so I suggest you get going.
Akira and ryuji saw the time in their phones and max was right it was getting late and sojiro already gave him a mouth full when he came back.
So they decided to leave but when they left max got out his phone and gave Miguel a call.
After explaining what happened today Miguel was skeptical.
Miguel: you encounter two students in shujin that have an app that allows them to enter an alternative dimension like space that is based of someone's desires?
Max: well when you put it like that. I'm questioning if I'm losing my mind.
Miguel: kid it's not that I don't believe you but I just want make sure that you're not making a mistake.
Max: Miguel I know what I've heard and I know what I saw and the cat Morgana said that if I have killed kamoshida's shadow then his real self would die.
Miguel: what are you getting at?
Max: think about it. if I killed the shadow doesn't that mean that I killed a part of his mind that causes his mental state to shutdown completely.
Miguel was quiet on the other side but max knew that when he was quiet that mean that he is thinking about something.
Miguel: are you saying that there's someone using this metaverse to kill people?
Max: that's exactly what I'm getting at. Think about Miguel if an exorcist who has the powers to enter someone's mind and they say that it's completely shut down and now I encounter two students that just learned about this something is going on.
Miguel thought that max was making sense he knew that the kid doesn't call him unless he found out something going on.
Miguel: I'll go over your house and see these students myself. By the way those two can they be trusted about the exorcist business?
Max: one is a bit of a loud mouth but I can tell that he is loyal to people who show him some respect and akira seems to be less vocal but I can trust him to keep a secret.
Miguel: fine if I think that they are trustworthy you can unlock there spiritual energies and maybe sign them up to join the Japanese exorcist branch.
Max: really why?
Miguel: well because the Japanese branch are kinda low on exorcist and some of them are overseas and if these two have potential then why waste it also they don't have a dorm system like us so they're exorcist can stay with family.
Max: I see if but doesn't that mean that they will have to quit going to shujin?
Miguel: unlike us the Japanese branch allows there students to continue going to school if they want thanks to Japan's school system.
Max: woah really well if I was Japanese I wouldn't want to be in school to me that place is only a waste of time.
Miguel: yeah that's why we don't see it as useful but school matters aside I will come tomorrow. Actually before I hung up did you find anything on kobayakawa?
Max: nothing yet i thought that if I started on my first day it would raise suspicion.
Miguel: smart move kid. Anyway see tomorrow and don't do anything stupid.
Max: got it.
Miguel then hung up the phone and max looked at the dusky sky thinking on what's going on in Japan.
Behind him moline materialized floating and resting her arms on his shoulder.
Moline: so big bro do you think that those two have potential? That akira feels like he full of possibilities.
Max: oh so you felt it too?
Moline: how could I not? It's like his soul has expanded to hold multiple abilities and not to mention he kinda gives the same vibes as you.
Max: your just imagining things.
Moline: nope I'm not and you know it.
Max: bite me.
He went outside to get some groceries.
Meanwhile in yongen jaya.
Akira got back to Leblanc and his guardian sojiro was focused on a word puzzle but he quickly noticed him.
Sojiro: were have you been it's pretty late.
Akira just bowed his head.
Akira: I'm so sorry Mr sakura I was hanging out with friends.
Sojiro: you made friends? Well as long as there not a bad influence on you and don't cause trouble your fine.
He folded the word puzzle and put it on his counter and got up from his chair.
Sojiro: I'm going back don't mess up my place got that?
Akira: yes sir.
Sojiro gave a nod and got out from Leblanc and akira got to the small bathroom to do his business and went to the bathhouse to wash off.
After that he went to the attic and he went to his bed thinking about his new view on the world.
Akira: so. Spirits are real huh? Is Igor and those two girls something related to those?
Ever since akira was told that he supposedly made a contract that he was bound to and Igor said that he was supposed to stop an incoming ruin.
Is the culprit of the mental shutdowns the ruin he was supposed to stop?
Whatever the case he knew now that he is playing a role in something and he will figure out what that role is.
Akira: I think about that tomorrow I'm dead tired after that thing in the castle.
With that akira went to sleep and a part of him was expecting to run into the velvet room in his sleep again but it didn't happen.
And so akira the fifth user of the wild card will become even stronger than any other wild card user.