loose spirit x persona 5 phantom exorcist

Chapter 2: trip to the Metaverse

It was now after school and everyone was ready to leave max decided to not start to gather information now he just got to shujin and he will start building suspicion.

So he decided to start next week since he wants to get used to the environment of shujin.

When he was walking out of the school school he noticed a blonde and the guy named akira talking about trying again.

He saw them walk away.

he thought that this was pretty odd so he decided to wait and see what's the deal.

He took out his phone to pretend that he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings.

After a while he heard there voice and they were talking about a castle.

But then the blonde suddenly mentioned that Akira's phone mentioned something about returning to the real world.

The whole conversation got max's attention did akira have some sort of ability to sense territories?

Territories are a pocket dimension that spirits made when they get attached to a place so he thought that they encounter a territory.

But he knows for a fact that phones get completely cut off and are not a key to enter.

He heard the phone say

"Shujin academy,kamoshida,pervert,castle, beginning navigation"

The moment the phone finished those words words he felt a distortion in the air and he looked behind him and the school turned into a castle.

Max: (what the hell!?)

He walked over and took a closer look at the castle and it looked pretty real.

However the odd thing was that this place isn't a a territory it feels like something else.

Ryuji: what the!? Who is he?

Max turned around and saw the blonde and akira who was wearing a black outfit with red gloves and a white mask.

To him he thought that the outfit looked way too fancy for his taste.

Akira: he's the foreigner transfer student.

Ryuji: you know him?

Akira: he's in my class.

Max: so care to explain this?

He nodded his head at the castle behind him.

Ryuji: we don't anything we just ran into this castle yesterday we want to know what's going on too!

Akira: but how did you get here?

Max: I was eavesdropping on you two.

Ryuji: why would you do that?

Max: because you two acted suspicious as hell.

Morgana: hey stop making so much noise!

They three turned around and saw a cartoonish looking cat that came towards them but max noticed that ryuji and akira seemed to know him.

Ryuji: it's you!

Morgana: they shadows got rowdy I came here to figure what. And to think you'd came back after escaping.

Ryuji: hey we came here to get answers! Tell us why did our school turned into a castle!?

Morgana: it's because of the ruler of this castle. I believe you called him kamoshida?

Akira: so what? is this like some sort of alternate reality?

Morgana: something like that. To make it simple we are-

His lecture was interrupted by a loud scream from inside the castle.

Max: what was that?

Morgana: it must be the slaves captive here there are starting there so called "practice".

Ryuji: that son of a bitch.

Akira: Ryuji calm-

Ryuji: no! This complete bullshit.

He ran towards the doors to let out his frustration but max grabbed him by the collar to stop him.

Max: I don't know who kamoshida is but if are trying to get us killed by being impulsive I suggest you calm the hell down.

Ryuji calmed down and walked over to morgana.

Ryuji: hey Mona!

Morgana: it's morgana!

Ryuji: whatever. Can you take use to where the prisoners are being held?

Morgana gave it some thought and he looked at akira with an analytical eye.

Morgana: okay I'll take you but if he comes with us.

Akira: me? That's fine I wasn't going to leave him alone anyway it's way too dangerous in here.

Morgana: alright it's settled.

Ryuji: thanks akira.

But akira turned his attention towards max who was just listening to them.

Akira: what about him?

Morgana looked at max and he didn't since a persona on him but he felt that he had some sort of power.

Morgana: I don't think it's safe for someone without a persona to go in.

Ryuji: yeah without those persona things we can't fight for shit.

Max: well too bad I'm coming anyway besides it's not the first time I've delt with monsters.

Akira: what's that supposed to mean?

Max: nothing let's go already.

The four got inside the castle max now was sure that this place wasn't a territory there is no trace of spiritual energy and he didn't sense lost souls anywhere.

Territory has a hive mind lost souls are attracted to it and they become subjects of the ruler.

But the whole place felt like a mental construct and sometimes it fades into a half of the school.

They ran into prison cells and Ryuji looked confused.

Ryuji: huh? what? But we saw a guy here and-

Morgana: like I said there doing there practice.

Max: so there was someone here?

Akira: yeah last time we came here it was by accident and we saw someone in this cage but looks like he was moved.

Clanking sounds came in and 3 knights with blue masks got in front of them.

Shadow knights: intruders!!

Ryuji: oh crap.

The knights twitch and made cracking sound before turning into red and black puddles and they separated into 6 creatures

2 look demon with dildos 3 were woman in red dresses and one was a plant girl with a flower on the top of the head.

Max was used to bizarre things but seeing these knights turn into these creatures he wondered why don't just stay in there true from?

Morgana: get ready akira!

Akira and Morgana were ready to fight but max walked in front.

Morgana: hey what are you doing you're doing to get yourself killed!

Max: relax morgana. Plus i need to stretch out a bit. Moline.

A giant white snake materialized and opened it's mouth to reveal a bagged sword.

He grabbed it and put it on his back and pulled out a black katana.

The shadow felt a monstrous amount of power from the sword alone.

Moline: you need help?

Max: nah these guys are small fry.

Moline: if you say so.

She then disappeared in white particles and he pointed his sword at the shadows.

Max: so. Who's first?

One of the silky there and ice attack on him but he disappeared in a burst of speed and he launch at the silky that threw the ice at him.

In an instant the silky was beheaded the shadows tried to fight back but max was a complete blur of speed in a few seconds he killed the shadows like they were nothing.

On the other side morgana and the two shujin students were in shock at what they saw.

But Morgana was more surprised because he didn't sense a persona on max at all but yet he still had so much power.

Max walked over to the 3 with a satisfied look on his face.

Max:well it was nice to let loose.

Ryuji: dude how did you do that!? You were fast as all hell.

Akira: you didn't even summon a persona.

Max put the katana on the bag on his back.

Max: no clue what a persona is but I don't need that to fight against these things.

Morgana: whatever he did isn't important you wanted to see the slaves right let's go.

They made there way to where the slaves were being held but while they were getting there Morgana explained what's going on.

Supposedly they are in a cognitive world where this kamoshida thinks of the school as his own castle and he is the king.

Ryuji explained that kamoshida was an asshole who basically is a big star in the school and apparently he did something to Ryuji to hate him.

Of course max asked if the teacher knew about this and ryuji told him that they do know but they pretend that his behavior is normal.

He felt absolutely disgusted with the teachers and this just confirmed that the school is shady as all hell.

But not only that max decided to see these personas that they keep mentioning and when he saw them he was surprised at the manifested creatures but they felt like one half of there abilities.

He wasn't sure if he could trust these guys he just meet them after all.

When they got to the place where the slaves were it was basically torture.

And he felt disgusted if this is how kamoshida views the students then this guy is a scum bag.

Ryuji: damn it this is bullshit!!

Morgana: keep it down Ryuji!

Ryuji: no forget being beyond messed up!!

He turned to the gate and tried to open it.

Ryuji: how do I open this damn thing.

Akira: ryuji stop!! You are going to get us in trouble!

Slave 1: stop it. It's not use it's hopeless.

Ryuji: huh?

Slave 2: if we stay obedient we won't get executed like you all.

Ryuji: what the hell!? Are you saying that rather stay in this hellhole?

Morgana just realized something.

Morgana: wait are you planning to get these guys out of here?

The three turned to him.

Ryuji: well we can't just leave them here!

Morgana: you fool.

Ryuji: what!?

Morgana: let me put this in a way you can understand these guys aren't real you can say that there basically like imagery dolls.

Max: ah I get it so these guys are basically like his mental play things.

Morgana: exactly.

Ryuji: so we came for nothing!? Damn it!!

However when ryuji looked at the slaves he realized something.

Ryuji: wait I think I recognize these-

Then it clicked.

Ryuji: I remember now these guys are from the volleyball team!! The one kamoshida is coaching for!

Akira: if these guys are like imaginary dolls then does that mean that he abuses them like this?

Ryuji: I think it might be real.

Akira: what is?

Ryuji: I've heard rumors that kamoshida is using physical punishment but there just rumors but. Isn't this something to report to the police?

Max: well it might be but I'm gonna to assume that the school is gonna keep quiet about this.

Ryuji: alright then I'll use these guys as video evidence.

Max: I wouldn't bother if I know anything about pocket dimensions is that devices don't work for shit. And besides if you got video evidence how would you explain this?

Max pointed at the knights and he gave it some thought and max was right they would think that it was doctored.

Ryuji: alright fine I'll memorize there faces.

Morgana: we don't have time the guards are going to come any minute!

Akira grabbed ryuji shoulder.

Akira: he's right ryuji we don't have time lets go.

Ryuji was frustrated that he can't get anything against kamoshida but his friend was right.

Ryuji: damn it fine let's get out.

They managed to avoid detection from the guards and they were on their way for the exit but when they got there a guy with a cape with heart and with hairy legs and boots stood in there way with knights and a golden one was standing close to who max assumed was kamoshida.

S kamoshida: ugh you again!? To think you would make the same mistake twice you're hopeless.

Ryuji: the school ain't your castle you bastard!! I saw what you are doing behind everyone's backs your going down!!

S kamoshida: it's seems that we have a dog that barks but he doesn't have the gall to bite.

Ryuji: what the hell are you talking about!?

S kamoshida grew a cocky smile and Ryuji recognized that smile.

S kamoshida: I'm speaking of the track traitor who crushed the dreams of everyone of his companions.

Ryuji looked away in shame and akira noticed this.

Akira: ryuji?

S kamoshida: oh? What a surprise so he didn't tell you? Figured since sakamoto is all bark and no bite. He betrayed his team and he ended up getting them kicked out.

Ryuji: shut up!! That's not true!!

S kamoshida: you sided with this fool only to die. Go kill them and when your done throw there bodies outside no need to dirty my castle with trash blood.

Gold knight: you heard the king executed them.

Morgana and akira were ready for a fight but max walked in front.

Max: the golden one is tough and I can tell you guys are a bit tired so take five these bozos are mine.

Akira and morgana were unsure but they could tell that max was barely tired and they were exhausted from using their power

so they decided to step out.

S kamoshida saw max and he recognized him as the foreigner transfer student.

S kamoshida: oh so you think you could take my take my men boy?

Max: yeah I can because to me you are just a minor problem compared to what I've been dealing with.

Golden knight: how dare you insult the king you pest. you shall pay with your death!

The golden knight became black and red sludge and transformed into a red knight with a horse along with 2 other horses.

Eligor: you shall pay for your insolence you brat!

Max took a thinking position.

Max: your right I think I was too rude to the almighty king kamoshida.

Everyone was confused at those words but kamoshida thinking that he gained advantage over him just laughed.

S kamoshida: hahahaha looks like unlike sakamoto you do have some brain of who you are dealing with.

Max: oh no don't get the wrong idea. i said i was too rude to you. Actually what I meant to say was.

Max's demeanor changed and he stuck out his middle finger at kamoshida and giving him a death glare.

Max: fuck. You.

Before kamoshida could get pissed of max instantly killing eligor and his horses and he went straight for kamoshida.

He kicked the bastard king in the balls and grabbed him by the face and slammed him into the wall denting it and kamoshida's eyes were blank.

But max wasn't done he grabbed his arm and used his knee to break it and he broke his ankles with a kick.

Kamoshida was on the ground spitting out black blood max stepped on his back and he raised his sword ready to kill him.

Morgana: no stop if you kill his shadow you will kill kamoshida In the real world!!

Max stopped his blade from killing kamoshida he looked at morgana and they other that only had flabbergasted expressions.

He decided to stop his actions but of course just because he despises this dick he kicked him in the balls one more time just to make him suffer.

While kamoshida was weeping on the ground they made there way towards the exit.

S kamoshida looked at the leaving intruders with absolute rage.

Outside Ryuji and akira were a little weary of max since he was about to kill kamoshida.

Ryuji: dude what the hell was that? you almost killed him.

Max: I was planning on it.

Akira: are you serious?

Max: do I look like I'm joking?

The two students just looked at each other unsure what to make of him.

S kamoshida: what do you mean there gone!?

They four went quiet when they heard kamoshida's voice.

Knight: my apologies my glorious king but the intruders just vanished we can't find them anywhere.

S kamoshida: well then!? Look through the whole castle if you have to!! Kill sakamato and that transfer student along with that black fur ball! But the foreigner oh ho ho he will pay dearly for kicking me in the balls leave him alive I will enjoy torturing that black haired bastard.

Knight: you heard the king search the whole place!

Knights: yes sir.

After things calmed down Ryuji was Astonished at how pissed off kamoshida sounded it was almost a rare sight.

Ryuji: I've never heard kamoshida so ticked off before it pretty scary.

Morgana: doesn't matter. But now that we got that settled what are going to do?

Akira: well for we don't have anything that proves kamoshida's abuse so we got nothing and I have a feeling that talking to the students isn't going to help.

Ryuji: huh why the f not are they just gonna take the abuse for a position in the volleyball team!?

Max: if kamoshida was abusing them don't you think they would have confessed already?

Ryuji had nothing to counter that.

Akira let out a sigh of defeat.

Akira: so we basically have nothing. No evidence, no witnesses, nothing.

But all the sudden ryuji snapped at a thought that he didn't consider.

Ryuji: OH crap we are in deep shit!!

Morgana: be quiet!!

Ryuji: no this is serious! If this place is kamoshida's head then doesn't that mean that he knows about all of this?

Morgana: oh that? No kamoshida has no idea on what's going on here.

Ryuji: for real?

Akira: yeah when I saw him he doesn't seem to remember about the execution thing.

Max: what?

Akira: long story.

Ryuji: well at least no we are-

Morgana: hold on I did what you asked now it's your turn to cooperate with me now.

Ryuji: wait what? You didn't mention anything about cooperation. And besides whatever is going on here it's your business not ours.

Morgana: huh are you seriously just brushing me off? And especially you two?

Max: don't look at me we barely met so obviously I don't trust you.

Akira: yeah and this is the first time we heard you mention this.

Morgana: what!? But!

Ryuji: look cat I'm dead tired and I just want to get out of here. Come on.

The three students went to exit the palace while Morgana was just processing what just happened but he quickly snapped.

Morgana: oh hell no!! get back here!!

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