Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 63: If you're in a hole, stop digging

Carter Davis tried to be calm and pointed to Lucas Cooper, "Do you recognize that person?"

Aria glanced at Lucas Cooper who had a forced smile on his face. "I have met him once in school."

Carter Davis understood she wasn't easy. He was blank about what to ask until the judge asked him and he saw Aria smile at him mockingly.

Harper Tetley was glad he wasn't against Aria else he would have gone mad.

"Are Morgan family and Alan Morgan... President Morgan asking you not to identify your grandfather?" Carter Davis wasn't ready to get corrected by her.

Aria replied relaxedly, "About the Morgan family and my guardian, they are morally upright. About my grandfather? I am not sure whether he is alive or dead. It's been nearly six years since I have seen him."

Carter Davis realized the case is turning against the identity of Lucas Cooper which shouldn't be dug deeper hence he asked differently. "Are you saying this man, Lucas Cooper isn't your grandfather?"

Aria didn't reply straightforwardly, "My father! Oliver Cooper's biological father's name is Lucas Cooper. This man? He had introduced himself as Lucas Cooper to my school principal. But that doesn't mean I have to agree with whoever pops up out of nowhere and say that name. Do I have to agree on him as my grandfather due to the name? If you tell me your introduction as Lucas Cooper, don't expect me to call you grandfather. I'm young, I'm not an idiot."

Carter Davis's first time was facing such a speaker who infuriated him without giving him any loopholes. Whoever was bored initially enjoyed it whenever Aria gave the response.

Lucas Cooper's face was ugly as a scarecrow. He or Carter Davis didn't expect the case to have this turn. He didn't expect Aria to play smart at critical times.

Carter Davis asked the next question, "Don't you remember how your grandfather looked six years back, or are you playing dumb?"

Aria raised her brows, "Let me educate you. It is proven from studies that it takes a maximum of eighteen months for a person to completely forget another person without their pictures or memories. As much as I remember, my grandfather never stayed with me and my father. Six years back I was very young at that time. So are you expecting me to remember each and every person from that age? Do you remember your first case plaintiff or defendant of six years back? Isn't it quite absurd?"

The main judge wasn't sure whom to warn. Since whatever Aria said was very convincing, he couldn't say anything. "Prosecution! Be precise with your questions. Stop wasting court time."

Carter Davis responded gritting his teeth at Aria, "Yes your honor!"

In between that Aria turned to the Morgan family members who were smiling. Alan smiled when she looked at him. Rian gave two thumbs up and gestured, 'Little Devil'

Aria still had a smile when she turned to Carter Davis whose face was dark as a dungeon. Carter Davis turned back to judge, "Your honor! I request for a DNA test of Lucas Cooper and President Cooper to confirm the doubts about the relationship."

The judge looked at Harper Tetley, "Do we have any objection from the defendant side?"

Aria shook her head so as Alan to the advocate. "No your honor."

"Permission granted." Judge just finished, Aria spoke, "Your honor, I have a request too."

Two men tightened their fists tight waiting for her to speak. The rest was curious but not Alan.

"With the DNA report, I want the complete past six-year information of this man Lucas Cooper with the original proof."

Alan's lips titled up. Because he and Aria were sure, he would produce wrong proof as everything about him was secret which meant it couldn't possibly be good things about him.

The main reason she declined to identify Lucas Cooper was to put on request without objection.

Amelia, Rowan or Rian, and even Harper Tetley were kept in dark about a few things. Aria and Alan's plan was to send Lucas Cooper to prison if everything goes by their plan else keeping him as far away as possible from Aria.

Lucas Cooper's face was darker than his dark history. Carter Davis didn't want to break his record of winning streaks just by a mere girl.

The main judge asked to produce the required information to the court in the next session. Aria was dismissed and the school Principal was called to dock.

Aria clenched her fist. She knew why the principal was called but she wanted to see if Carter Davis going to make a statement as 'Alan had asked to hit Lucas Cooper or she was mentally challenged.'

Carter Davis's question was straightforward, "Please tell us about how President Cooper reacted seeing Lucas Cooper and how she reacted after President Morgan reached school."

The principal completely explained whatever happened except how two men held Aria in the air which he didn't see.

At last, Carter Davis concluded whatever Principal said, "So your honor, President Cooper is psychologically challenged. She started crying and then she slapped after meeting President Morgan. She is being manipulated by the Morgan family and she is speaking what they have taught..."

"I object your honor, the prosecution is making up. Which girl won't be scared when a stranger approaches saying her as a grandfather?" Harper Tetley protested but it was overruled.

"Thank you, your honor! Considering President cooper's mental state, I request the guardianship to be given to Lucas cooper."

Alan held Aria's small fist and smiled lightly, "As you expected."

Even though she acted cool about it, he was sure she was hurt thinking about having such a grandfather who didn't care about her even a tiny bit and was ready to ruin her image.

Aria smiled back. Alan and Aria had talked a long time whatever they could do and while guestimating, she had told him they would say that.

The judge objected, "You can't prove by few actions and say the ward is mentally challenged. The ward will have to go through the test and it will decide the mental state. DNA report, Six years past information of Lucas Cooper should be submitted to the court. The ward will continue living with the current guardian till the next session on the coming Wednesday. The court is adjourned."

All stood up when the judge got up and exited then they left. Aria was again ignoring the duo men but they blocked her path.

"President Cooper!" Carter Davis smirked. "Or Psycho Cooper"

Lucas Cooper didn't care about it hence he started moving aside. Aria flicked her fingers and the duo turned to her subconsciously.

"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I will make you eat your own shit."

Carter Davis didn't take her seriously and snickered. Aria's smiled, "We are opening your failure counts. Wait for it."

Then her eyes landed on Lucas Cooper, "You are a perfect example for 'There is no fool like an old fool'. Did you think just because you are a fool and muddled, I and my dad are fools too? Let me advise you, If you're in a hole, stop digging deeper."

Aria and the other four didn't wait for their response and left. The duo was trembling in anger looking at departing figures.

"Release her picture to media. She should really go psychotic by all the pressure. And you! prepare the information for past years, If I lose, I will make sure you die a horrible death. F**k off."

"You..." Lucas Cooper was angered to the state he wanted to peel Carter Davis's skin.

"Heh!" He gave a disgusting look at Lucas Cooper and left with his three assistants.

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