Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 62: Aria was purposefully provoking

Aria rubbed her head glaring at Alan who started walking towards the main door.

Rian also didn't want Aria to think a lot hence he wrapped his hand around her neck after pulling her up, "I need this little head to teach me mathematics." He took her towards upstairs.

Aria held his hand turned towards Alan, "You! Big-head! If we reach at disadvantage by this high drama, I will make you agree you are hare-brained. Hmph."

Rian was proud of her and followed Aria upstairs.

Aria and Alan always exchanged such comments and remarks when they were together but it was the first time in front of everyone which made them look at Alan who was smiling at Aria then exiting.

Advocate Tetley was dumbfounded.

Amelia and Rowan looked at each other in shock hearing Aria and seeing Alan's expression.

They couldn't believe Aria threatened and Alan smiled for it instead of lecturing or educating her.

Once Amelia had threatened him saying she would fast and die if he leaves home and stays away alone when he was in senior high school. To which Alan had crossed his arms and looked at her as if she was a fool before saying nonchalantly, 'Humans can live up to twenty-one days without food. Mom! I don't think you can fast for even one day. If you successfully fast for five days, do call me?'

Amelia had thought if she fasts for five days by hook or crook, he would come back hence she had asked him, 'Will you come back at that time?'

Alan had nonchalantly responded which almost gave strokes to Amelia. 'Police will detain you for having suicidal thoughts and send you for treatment.'

Rowan never really threatened him instead he had indirectly supported him knowing Alan wanted to live a non-luxurious life alone avoiding all the facilities and worked parttime for his expenses but on the outer surface, he acted like he supports his wife by secretly appreciating his son and asking him not to push himself too hard.

Whoever threatened him including his brother, friend or business rivals always ended painfully excluding Aria who many times threatened him for silly things.

The complete morgan family was chilling about the first court session as they weren't sure what the other prosecutor was up to and what were their supports and ideas.

Their aim was to be spontaneous.

Alan left his people around Lucas Cooper and Advocate Davis so that they don't divert everybody's attention and plan something else which could hurt Aria. His other team still worked to find what Lucas did for six years.


Soon it was the first court session and they were ready to leave, Rian tortured them and the whole Morgan family left with Aria to check out the drama.

Five entered looking confident, smart and professional.

The reporters were blocked by the cops due to their high social status but they were low profile unlike what reporters expected.

Aria ignored the elite criminal lawyer of country A and Lucas Cooper when the latter greeted her sweetly. The rest of the family also didn't care about them.

The duo thought Aria was an arrogant haughty brainless girl like any other heiress who enjoys life.

They sat down and Aria heard Amelia and Rowan continuously boosting her confidence which she was responding by small nods until two young masters snickered.

"Dad! Mom! That's enough." Rian rolled his eyes.

"Aria looks more confident than you guys." Alan couldn't take their chatter.

Aria saw Amelia and Rowan's face fall a little hence she spoke, "Your sons are jealous of me. Don't worry! I'm there for you guys."

When two sons rolled their eyes, Rowan and Amelia were happy to hear it.

Lucas Cooper noticed them clenching his fist tight. He just wanted Aria's custody then he would...

It took about five minutes for all the court staff to settle in. The main judge spoke, "I'm starting with the guardianship matters of case number xxxxxx. Identify yourself for the record."

Advocate Davis stood up and started, "Good morning, Your honor. Carter Davis on behalf of the petitioner Lucas Cooper."

Advocate Tetley stood up and spoke, "Good morning, Your honor. Harper Tetley on behalf of Alan Morgan."

Aria glanced at her right where Alan was sitting straight looking front. 'If I wasn't present won't they be living a peaceful life?' Aria sighed and looked towards the main judge and two attorneys.

After the main judge asked Advocate Davis to start and he continued to note the main points. "Your honor! Currently, the guardianship of Aria Cooper is under Alan Morgan. When the former President Cooper expired my client was in country Y and wasn't vary about the events in country A. He immediately returned to take his responsibility but the Morgan family and President Morgan isn't allowing my client to meet his granddaughter. The law prefers to place a minor child under the guardianship of an immediate relative, such as a grandparent. So my client requests to transfer the guardianship of Aria Cooper."

Aria poked Alan and whispered, "How to sit so long seriously? Rian and I are finding it difficult. Look at Rian."

Rian's face was bright red pursing his lips. Alan looked at the two teenagers and shook his head resignedly, "Shhh" Aria pouted and sat quietly.

Advocate Tetley objected and started his opposition, "In this case, We have not been able to find any family or immediate relatives during the process of legal guardianship of the ward, Aria Cooper. Lucas Cooper was not in contact with anybody from the past six years and nobody knew whether he was alive or dead. How can law trust a person who suddenly came and ask for the guardianship of Aria Cooper..."

Both prosecutors continued their fierce confrontation but Aria yawned twice hearing them.

Slowly case turned about Skyline Industry and power of attorney making the case look ugly. Aria wanted to go and punch each and every one of the men talking.

Advocate Davis asked permission to call Aria Cooper to the deck. Aria silently walked up without really worrying.

Alan had told her simple two words, "Be you."

Carter Davis asked her to introduce herself. Aria didn't like nonsense questions if it wasn't with the people she likes to be around. "Aria Cooper. President of Skyline Industries. Studying in Second year senior high... Your honor, I have a request."

Alan and Rian broke into a smile knowing what she was up to. The rest were waiting expectantly to know.

"Go ahead!" The judge gave a green signal.

Aria spoke in her emotionless voice, "As I said, I am in second year senior high. The year is really important for a student. I hope I don't get nonsense questions from the prosecution and finish the session soon so that I can go to school."

Many started laughing before maintaining the silence. Carter Davis's face was dark as coal. He wanted to retort to maintain the court decorum, "Ms.Cooper, that's..."

"Shouldn't that be President Cooper! Do I have to teach the prosecution about how to address me?"

Rian burst into laughter giving no face to the courtroom. Rian knew Aria was purposefully provoking Carter Davis.

As a fact, he started to work up by her arrogance yet he couldn't rebuff. It took nearly a minute to get back the silence.

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