"Light of the Sun"

Chapter 2: Welcome to the Wrong Universe

Enjoy the chapter and a sorry for the delay I have some personal work to do


In Space


Okay, accepting my new identity is going better than I expected. I was really preparing myself for a full-blown panic attack.

I mean, I did have a panic attack—considering I destroyed an entire desert in the process.

Anyway, it's time to get back to Earth. I'm pretty sure this is the Marvel universe because, well, I'm the Sentry, but I can't be completely sure. At least, I hope so, because my knowledge of Marvel is much better than my knowledge of the DC universe.

But there's an easy way to figure it out—just go to a city and check a computer. That should clear things up fast.

Wait... what if I'm actually in the DC universe?

I hope not.

I really don't want to deal with that mess.

I may know a lot of things, but is still not as much in DC. Sure, I have some general knowledge, but my only experience with the DC universe comes from a few movies and some episodes of Young Justice.

Alright, time to get going. I accelerate toward Earth, flying straight toward the closest city I see and landing in an alleyway.

…But I'm kind of naked right now.

I definitely can't walk around like this.

What to do? What to do? Haaa...

Okay, I know the Sentry can manipulate molecules, but I have zero idea how to actually do that.

Man, it would've been so much better if I had some kind of built-in knowledge on how to use my powers. But nope. Nothing.

So… stealing it is.

Using my super speed, I move faster than any human could possibly track. I zip into a clothing shop, grab a simple hoodie, some underwear, and a pair of pants, then return to the alleyway and put them on.

Alright, this will do.

After that, I slowly walk out of the alley and into the city streets.

The place is bustling with people, each going about their own lives. I glance up at the buildings, then, without saying anything, start walking in another direction—my golden hair catching the attention of quite a few people.

I need money.

I can't exactly sleep on the streets.

I mean, I can, but why should I?


POV: The Justice League

Most of the Justice League members had gathered at the desert where a massive energy signature had erupted.

Present were:

Wonder Woman



Martian Manhunter

Green Arrow

Black Canary



Batman: "Superman, do you feel anything when you're in contact with this energy?"

Superman: "No, not really. I can tell it's some kind of solar energy, but I just… I can't absorb it. My body just doesn't accept it. It doesn't weaken me, but it doesn't make me stronger either."

Batman: "Wonder Woman, do you recognize this? Is it divine energy or magic?"

Wonder Woman: "I don't know about magic, but I can assure you, this is not divine energy."

Martian Manhunter: "This energy is similar to solar energy, but it's vastly different—far more potent. It also contains traces of something else, something we've never encountered before."

Green Arrow: "Why don't we call Constantine, Zatara, or even Doctor Fate?"

Batman: "John Constantine doesn't work for free, Zatara is unavailable, and Doctor Fate only intervenes when the matter is of extreme importance."

Hawkman: "Then why not bring in Zatanna? She's a skilled magician—she can help us."

Hawkwoman: "Yes, that's a good idea. She's the only one available right now. Or we could call Raven."

Batman: "Alright, I'll contact Zatanna."

He taps his communicator.

Batman: "Robin, I need Zatanna. I'll send you the location. Just send her—I don't want any of you tagging along."

Robin: "Got it." Robin's voice comes through before the line cuts off.

Wonder Woman: "What do you think happened here? Any ideas?"

Batman: "No. But I will figure it out soon enough. Superman, scan the immediate radius."

Superman: "You got it." He takes off at incredible speed.

Green Arrow: "Where's Flash?"

Flash: "I'm right here!"

He suddenly appears in front of the team, lightning dancing around his body, mouth full of food.

Batman: "You're late."

Flash: "Yeah, sorry about that. Had to save some people, stop a bank robbery on the way here… that took some time. Then I got kinda hungry, so I grabbed something to eat, and that took a little longer, but—hey! I'm here now. You can count on me!" He grins, still chewing his food.

Batman: "Go see if you can find anything useful that will help us figure out what's going on."

Flash: "Okay!"

He disappears and reappears a second later.

Flash: "Yeah… I got nothing. Searched hundreds of kilometers—nothing helpful."

Superman returns from the sky.

Superman: "I found something."

The League turns to him,

Superman: "I couldn't find much, but the energy… it leads straight into space. I followed the trajectory, but eventually, I lost track of it. However, based on the direction, it was headed toward Rhode Island."

Batman: "That's a good enough lead. We don't need Zatanna anymore. We're going to Rhode Island to figure out where this energy came from… or who it came from."

Wonder Woman: "I just hope the younger team doesn't get into trouble."



I walk through the streets of this small town.

I need to get to a laboratory so I can access a computer.

Problem is, I don't have any money.

Guess I'll have to steal some.

Activating my super speed, I pickpocket a few rich-looking people. No one even sees me move. After getting enough cash, I return to my original position.

Man, I really love my abilities.

Super speed, super strength, and so much more.

After a bit of walking, I finally find a laboratory and head inside.

It's pretty small, but that's expected—this is a small town, after all.

I walk up to the front desk.

"Hello, I'd like to rent a computer for an hour."

"That'll be $4 for the day."


I hand over the money and take a seat at the nearest available computer.

First, I search for Stark Industries.


I search other famous Marvel names.

Again, nothing.

At that point, I already know—I'm not in the Marvel universe.

So, I start searching for well-known DC names. The first one is Wayne Enterprises.

And yeah… I'm in the fucking DC universe.


Nothing really changes, I guess. And hey, there are a lot of hot women here, so I'm not complaining too much. But Marvel would've been so much easier—I actually know that universe well.

…But I can make this work.

After that, I started searching for other things, like heroes.

Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Batman, and many others showed up, including most of the sidekicks. However, I didn't find anything on people like Zatanna, Raven, or Superboy. That was expected—Zatanna and Raven are magical beings who likely wouldn't want their names in public records. As for Superboy, he's a clone, so if he exists, the Justice League would probably keep his existence hidden.

I leaned back in my chair and stared at the ceiling of the laboratory.

Haaaa... Okay. Now that I'm here, I have to make this work.

First, I need to figure out what to do. I sure as hell don't want to be a villain—I don't need the Justice League on my ass. But I also don't want to be a full-blown League member. Those guys have way too many restrictions.

The best way to start is by joining a group, like Young Justice. Technically I am still joining the justice League but at least it can calm batman paranoia if I do so

I'm pretty sure they've already been formed by now.

After my little internal monologue, I stood up and walked to the door.

"Thank you."

"No problem," the person at the counter replied.

I opened the door and stepped outside, heading toward the hotel I had found on Google Maps.


Some seconds later, a figure in a cloak stepped out of the laboratory. She was a beautiful woman with dark, ashy skin and a mark on her forehead. Her face was devoid of emotion, but her eyes told a different story.

She had felt it—the moment that radiant light entered the laboratory. A light so bright and overwhelming that it shocked her into place.

She couldn't move.

Not just because of its power or sheer brilliance, but because, for the first time, the constant whispers of her father in her mind had gone silent.

For that one moment, she had felt… free.

She had to find him.

Because whatever—or whoever—that light was, it had pushed away the darkness that had always lingered inside her.

Without hesitation, she started moving—following the trail of the light that had banished her father's influence.


I hope you guys enjoy the chapter

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