Lay the Dragon v2 (18+ NSFW)

Chapter 48

Pine arrived early the next morning, leading a contingent of adventurers. The short, blonde-haired elf made her way through camp, drawing looks from the various soldiers.

She made her way to the man standing surrounded by others in full plate, "Excuse me. I'm looking for Arland Norman, the leader of this army."

Arland turned, "That's me. I'm guessing you're Pine?"

"I am. I brought a battalion of adventurers. We're ready to go whenever."

"Good. You march with my father. The adventurers will listen to you. You listen to him. He knows the plan."

Pine furrowed her brow, "You're not taking command?"

"Hard to command if I won't be here," He said, turning away.

Pine followed after him, "Dude, we're here to fight beside you. Not to watch you run away right before the battle."

Arland looked down at her, "And I want to minimize casualties on both sides. If I kill Agdron before all of one side is dead, we might be able to limit the number of bodies we have to bury."

"And why should they surrender to your mercy?"

"Because the alternative is death. I don't want to kill any more than I have to, and I know they don't either. So, if I can limit the amount of death, I'm going to do it. The end goal is killing Agdron. If I can slip around the demon army while my forces here distract them, I can head straight for the big guy and claim his head for myself."

Pine fell silent for a moment, "Fine. But if you don't come back, I'm personally going to drag your body to the capital and throw your ass in a ditch."

Arland chuckled, "Duly noted. You've got your orders. See to it that you carry them out."

Pine walked off, and Arland returned to his tent. Nury and Trinar were sitting in bed, looking at the map laid out before them.

"Ready to go, babe?"

Arland nodded, "Yeah. You're certain you'll be okay leading us, Trinar?"

The demoness met his gaze, "Definitely, love. With you, I've found love, I've met so many new people, and I've learned that the demons are severely wrong - elves don't want to be enslaved. They're as intelligent as any of us. They're not some beasts of burden that need a guiding hand."

She stood up and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, "And I want to help free them. I want to show them that there is hope. That they can live without fear. That their lives have meaning. And that they're worth fighting for. And you're worth fighting for. You've done so much for me, and I want to return the favor. Even if it's only in a small way."

Arland wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close and pressing his forehead to hers, "I love you. You and Nury. Now, let's get going. I want to be done with this as soon as possible."

Nury stepped forward, threading her arm through Trinar's and Arland's, before leading the pair outside. They took a long, roundabout way, around the camp. Nury spread her wings and beat them, taking to the air and lifting Trinar and Arland.

"Why didn't you carry us sooner?!" Arland called up at her as he watched the land fly by under him.

"You didn't ask! Besides, now there's an actual time crunch to get to our destination quickly!"

As the trio flew over the eastern twin, circling around the field that was soon to be flooded by blood, Trinar held her hand up, placing two fingers on her temple.

"I can see Agdron's army," She called out, "They're marching south. One day out."

Arland followed her gaze, "Where? I don't see anything."

"I'm a scout. I can use my mana to enhance my vision. We don't have to worry about them spotting us though - we're much smaller and unless they look right at us, they won't see."


Trinar sighed, "They have a lot of women. They must be hoping to keep their forces alive after the battle."

Arland nodded, "Keep an eye out. If they spot us, we could be cooked before we meet Agdron."

Trinar turned her attention back to the army, keeping an eye on their movements. Nury continued flying northward.

"So Arland... Any ideas on how you want to confront him?" The dragoness asked.

"Trin? Ideas?"

"We have three options. First, we land outside and fight our way through. He won't be surprised, but he won't have as much backup. Second, we could land, Nury and I handle the riff-raff while you run ahead. You'll face him solo, but again, he won't have the back-up."

Arland grimaced, "Option three?"

"We land in the garden. We'd catch him by surprise, but we'd have to contend with him and his guards."

Arland shakes his head, "It's all bad... I can handle a few downsides, but I won't risk either of you."

Trinar glanced up at him, "I can't speak for Nury, but I wouldn't be here if I wasn't willing to die."

Nury grunted as she refreshed her grip, "I don't to die, but if it comes down to it... Arland, You're going to live, even if I don't. You need to live. To free the elves."

Arland looked between them, "Thank you. Both of you."

"It's what we signed up for, babe. I know I'm with you no matter what," Nury said.

Arland held Trinar's hand, "You're okay with dying?"

Trinar nodded, "I will fight tooth and nail to not, but yeah, I'll be at peace if I do. We've got another issue though."

"What's that?"

"Rania," Trinar called out.

"Rania? That's an elven name."

"Aye. She's an elf that sold out her people to remain by Agdron's side. She's physically weak, but I've heard she's one hell of a sorceress."

Arland looked down, eyes wide, "Was she not born a slave?!"

Trinar shrugged, "I don't know for certain. She told him where a group of escaped slaves had been hiding, in exchange for being his concubine. He hadn't taken one before, so she was the only one he's been with. In her free time, she'd spent a lot of time in the library. I haven't seen it personally, but some of the other soldiers mentioned seeing her cast. They said it was a work of art."



Agdron sat on his throne as Rania knelt between his legs, her head bobbing up and down on his shaft.

He groaned in pleasure, "You're getting good at this, elf."

She pulled his dick from her mouth, "Thank you, master."

She leaned down, licking and sucking at his balls. He closed his eyes, leaning back in his chair and letting her have her fun. She licked her way up his shaft, then took him deep into her throat again. His eyes fluttered open, and he saw his general standing at the door, looking worried.

"General? What is it?"

"My apologies for the interruption, my king, but are you sure it's wise to listen to that dragon?"

"Nephy? She's got a tribe of orcs she's looking out for. I'm sure her word is as good as anyone's. That's why I've sent scouts ahead. If they've been planning anything, we'll know and can avoid it. It'll be a slaughter, but not for us."

"My king?"

Agdron sighed, "Look, Nephy is a member of the light dragon side. There's every reason to believe she's on the side of the humans. The way I see it, let her believe that I believe her lies. We'll come out on top either way. I doubt a single human could rally enough troops to rival me, and even if he could, humans will never match up to demons one-for-one."

The general bowed his head, "Very well, my king. I shall return to my post."

Agdron waved his hand, dismissing the general. He reached down and grabbed Rania's hair, pulling it back so she looked at him, "I expect you to make me finish one last time. I'll be setting off for the battlefield within the hour."

Rania didn't reply, but just increased her efforts, sucking harder and swirling her tongue around his tip.

She moaned as the demon king thrust his hips upward, burying his shaft in her throat, and then holding her head against his pelvis. She could feel his cock twitching followed closely by his warm liquid filling her mouth and sliding down her throat.

As he groaned from his finish, the window behind him burst, sending colored glass flying through the air and scattering around the floor. At the same time, a trio of figures flew through the busted window.


Nury, Arland, and Trinar flew overhead, circling the castle.

"Alright Babe, now's the time. What's your plan?" Nury called down to him.

Arland looked around the castle, looking for any weaknesses. "Trin? Any more ideas?"

The demoness looked around, "I'd guess he's in his throne room. Right there. Beyond that, I've listed the three I can think of."

Arland followed her pointing hand, "Nury, love, you see what I see?"

The dragoness smirked and swooped, diving fast. At the last moment, she pulled up, leveling their flight, opened her mouth, and let out a blast of a fiery beam at the massive multi-colored window. It hit and burst the window inward.

Nury released her grip sending Trinar and Arland tumbling through the window, followed closely by Nury herself.

They came up, weapons at the ready.

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