Lay the Dragon v2 (18+ NSFW)

Chapter 47 (NSFW)

Alryc and Lyn stepped into the tent they shared. Alryc stepped over to the dual sleeping bag, removing his armor with a groan.

"What's wrong, Love?" Lyn asked.

Alryc dropped his armor to the ground, "Nothing. Just exhausted. I always forget just how tiresome it can be to wear that for days on end."

Lyn grinned, "You could go without armor. Like me. Just rely on your ability to dodge."

"Thanks, but no thanks. My training as a knight didn't really cover dodging. It was more focused on how to take a hit without wearing out. Besides, we can't all look sexy while out jumping, twisting, and turning to dodge hits." He pulled off his shirt as he spoke, wiping it over his sweaty parts.

"Maybe we should go bathe," Lyn said with a wrinkle on her nose, "No offense but you humans reek when you sweat."

"My apologies, princess. Didn't mean to hurt your delicate sensibilities," He replied with a grin.

She walked over and slid her hands over his bare chest, reveling in the smooth, toned definition, "I didn't say I disliked it. It does something for me. But it is rather powerful."

Alryc rested his hand on her shoulder before bringing it up to her hair and releasing it from its bun, "I love it when your hair is down."

She smirked, "Well, too bad I can't leave it down all the time."

Alryc gripped her hair and gave a playful tug on it, "Like this?"

She hissed, "If you keep doing that, you'd best be ready to take responsibility. Between your scent and the hair pulling, I'm liable to lose control..."

He took a breath and smiled, "Actually... I was thinking tonight might be a good opportunity... If you're ready, so am I."

She furrowed her brow in confusion before what he meant dawned on her, "Al... Are you serious...?"

He nodded, "Yeah, love. It's time I face my fears. I love you, and I want to share that experience with you before tomorrow."

She leaped onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck, "YES!"

He laughed, "Let's go find Aria to keep an eye out. I like your idea of taking a bath first."

She dropped her legs, grabbed his hand, and pulled him towards the door of their tent, "What're we waiting for?! Let's go!"

"Calm down, love, or you're gonna give us away," He said as he was pulled along.

"I'll try to tone it down, but hurry, babe, before I get too horny..."

They found Aria near her tent, running a stone over her blade. She looked up as they approached, "Hey lovebirds. What can I do you for?"

"We need you to keep an eye out," Lyn blurted out.


Alryc chuckled, "Forgive her. She's excited. We're going to go take a bath in the stream. We need someone to keep an eye out. Figured you might be willing to."

"Why me? You could ask someone with actual authority. Arland or Nury comes to mind."

Alryc shrugged, "If you don't want to, then we can find someone else. I'm sure Kamen wouldn't mind, love."

Lyn shuddered, "The dude's likely busy. He's been flirting hard with that stable boy."

Aria looked between them, "Alright, I suppose I can hone my edges as well there as I can here..."

She stood and sheathed her blade, "Lead the way. Lyn, I heard goblins were originally elves. Care to expound on that a bit?"

Lyn intertwined her fingers through Alryc's as they walked, "Sure. We were originally elves, but the demons introduced a virus to try and speed up our reproduction. It had an unfortunate side effect of turning us into what we see now. Sadly, our entire population was infected before we realized it. It also had the effect of shortening our lifespan."

"How long was it? How long is it now?" The swordsinger asked.

"Originally it was eight hundred years. But in the span of a generation, it dropped to fifty."

Aria looked her over, "And you're, what, twenty?"

"Twenty-two. But goblinas such as myself are a little longer lived. We can reach an average of eighty before our health starts falling massively."

Alryc looked down at her, "So you'll outlive me?"

"If you don't learn to dodge, by a lot," Lyn replied with a gentle nudge.

Alryc smirked, "Fine, fine. I'll learn. You can teach me if we survive tomorrow."

The trio fell silent for a few moments as they walked, the stillness between them only broken when they arrived at the stream.

"So I'll just sit here and let you know if anyone else comes along?"

Alryc nodded, "Sounds good. We'll try to be quick."

Aria looked him over, "You might want to be slow, otherwise I'd say the fun might be over before it begins."

He shook his head, "We're not fuckin'-"

"Yes, we are. I don't want to wait longer than I have to. We have privacy," Lyn cut in.

"But Aria-"

"I don't mind. Pine will be here tomorrow morning before we march. It'll give me something to think about tonight."

"Fine, fine."

Aria watched the pair strip and jump into the stream. She took a seat and laid her sword across her lap, watching the pair splash each other playfully.

After a few minutes, she noticed that the splashing was slowing. She glanced over at the couple and her heart skipped a beat as she saw Lyn's legs wrapped around Alryc's waist. She felt herself growing wet before she turned away.

Alryc slid his hand down between the pair and rubbed Lyn's labia, his skilled fingers finding her clit almost immediately, "Gods, you're so wet..."

"I'm in a creek..." She said in a soft, breathy voice.

"Smartass, you know what I meant."

"I know. And the cause of that wetness is the promise of what's to come."

"You mean me?"

"Now who's the smartass?"

Alryc leaned in, taking one of her ears in his lips and gently nibbling on the top edge. She let out a quiet moan, "Stop teasing... I need you, babe."

He pulled back, sliding his finger down the center of her labia before pushing his middle finger into her pussy. She tightened her legs around him as her eyes rolled back.

He pressed his lips to hers as he curled his finger inside her, searching for her G-spot. She let out a muffled moan against his shoulder, "I love you..." She whispered.

"I love you too, My beautiful, green-skinned goblin."

"My large, brutish human."

"Are you sure I'll even fit? I'd hate to hurt you the day before battle..."

"It's made to squeeze out children. I'm sure your cock, while bigger than a goblin's, won't damage me."

Alryc nodded, "I'll go easy so you can still walk tomorrow. I don't need you unable to dodge."

Lyn groaned, "Hurry up! Please!" She whined.

Alryc chuckled and lined himself up, slowly sinking into her.

She felt the resistance of her entrance give way and she released a long breath she'd been holding, "Fuuuuck... You feel amazing... You fill me up so much, my love."

"You feel... incredible... I didn't think anything could feel this good."

"I know, right?"

Alryc looked her in the eyes, "This is the last first time I ever want to have. I love you, Lyn."

"And I love you, Al. Now hurry up and fuck me. Make our first time memorable."

"It will be. I promise we won't ever forget this until old age robs our memories."

Lyn smirked, "Goblins don't lose our memories. I'll remember this until the moment I'm laid to rest."

"Lucky. My family suffers from the forgetful sickness."

"Just start moving. I'm not sure I'll last long like this. You feel way too good..."

Alryc smiled and started to thrust in and out of her, slowly at first, but gaining speed quickly.

Lyn clung to him, her eyes locked with his as they moved as the wet slopping and soft smacking of skin-on-skin joined their hushed breaths.

"Al, faster, please. This is amazing, but I won't cum at this rate."

Alryc nodded and sped up, each thrust lifting her hips slightly. As his angle changed from her rocking, Lyn gasped and dug her nails into his back, "Right there!"

He looked down and realized he'd found her spot. He grinned and pulled out until just his tip rested within her. He lifted her hips and pressed in with a long, slow stroke. He felt his tip rubbing against her wall. As he got about three inches inside, Lyn jerked, "Oh, fuck, I'm gonna cum if you do that again..."

Alryc didn't bother replying. Instead, he pressed into her spot and she arched her back, her nails digging deep as she bit her lip to suppress her moans.

He sped up, aiming each stroke for the same spot. She flexed and clung on as she began rocking with the force of his thrusts once again.

As he gained confidence, Alryc began to make full-length strokes, rubbing his tip against her spot before bottoming out and withdrawing. He decided to forego speed and focus each stroke on being deep and powerful.

He took his time on each withdrawal, the process being long and slow, before hammering back in, making Lyn gasp and whimper with each motion.

"A-Are you sure this is your first...?!"

Alryc nodded, "Of course. As you well know, I've explored with my fingers."

Lyn shook her head, flexing and straining as she came again. As she came down, she panted, looking into his eyes, "N-Not that... How have you not cum yet? I've heard virgins always cum early..."

Alryc moved in and planted his lips on hers, "I was worried about not lasting long enough to make sure you're satisfied, so I guess my nerves overrode the urge to fill you."

She groaned, "Say that again..."

"What? Fill you?"

She shuddered as she seemed to have another small orgasm extended by his thrusts.

"Oh, you like that? The idea of my filling you up? Should I pump your pussy so full it leaks? Imagine my warm cum running down your legs as we walk back through camp, evidence of our first time being seen by everyone..."

Lyn whimpered, "Oh, gods... I can't believe you're saying that to me. I've never been this turned on... I just want to cum over and over, forever..."

"Should I stop? I can try to last a bit longer if you want..."

She shook her head, "No, it's not like that. I just... Gods, I don't think I've ever felt so much pleasure. Alyric, I know we've been saying it -ngh!- For a while, but... I- AH!- I- Fuck!- I'MMADLYINLOVEWITHYOU!!" She screamed out loud as a massive orgasm ripped through her, causing her whole body to tense, flex, relax, and twitch in waves. As she came down, she shuddered and let out a sigh.

"Wow... That was different..."

She grinned up at him, "I'm quite satisfied... Make yourself cum now, my love. Fill me... I'll try to hold off my next until you're ready. I want to cum with you. Please."

They heard someone clear their throat. Alryc turned his head to see Aria standing there, "They had to have heard that one back at camp. I'd be surprised if the demons hadn't heard it."

Lyn met the half-elf's gaze, "Sorry, but it was absolutely mindblowing... I'm still tingling from it..."

Aria laughed, "Clearly. But you've had your fun. I suggest you two finish and get back to camp."

"What's the rush?" Alryc asked.

"You want to be caught balls deep inside Lyn?"

The lovers looked at each other and answered in unison, "I wouldn't mind that."

Aria looked between them, "That was creepy. Don't do that again. And fine. Just... Hurry up. Alryc, she said she was satisfied. You need something else to help you cum?"

"You offering?" Lyn smirked.

"I'm offering a sight. I'm not touching without Pine giving express permission."

Alryc shook his head, "Nah. Just stop talking and let me focus."

Aria shrugged and turned around, facing the direction of the camp.

Lyn leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Fill my little green pussy. I want to make a baby with you, Alryc, the reformed bandit. Alryc, the knight. Alryc, Goblin King. Give me a prince. Or a princess. Just pump a baby into me..."

Alryc felt the pressure building and knew it wouldn't be long.

Lyn smirked, knowing he was getting close, "C'mon, my love. Just a little more. Let's cum together. Give it all to me, babe."

She loosened her leg grip on his waist and allowed him to sit up. She used her hands to squeeze her tits together, "You like this? These soft, green orbs? Or would you rather this?" She brought her leg back and pressed her foot against his chest.

Alryc took in the sight before him, from her soft and silky black hair to her breasts squeezed together, to her smoother skin and her soft foot pressed against his chest. He groaned and his cock twitched as he pushed as deep as he could go and spilled his seed into her garden.

She smiled sweetly, "Thank you, my love. That felt amazing... I'm so excited to do this again..."

He nodded and pulled out, his tip resting just inside her preventing his cum from leaking, "So am I. I love you, Lyn. I'm in love with you. You are my heart and soul."

She smiled, "Isn't it funny that Arland was charged with protecting me, and you've gone and defiled me."

Alryc moved in and nuzzled her neck, "I am a bandit, after all..."

"You may be a reformed bandit, but you're my prince."

Alryc pulled out of her and pulled her into his arms before he made his way out of the stream. He made his way over to their clothes and pulled on his underwear, before draping a cloak over the goblina in his arms.

"Excuse me, what was that scream?"

Alryc turned and the lovers saw Arland and Nury standing there, looking ragged and disheveled.

"Sorry, Arland. Lyn and I..."

Nury was the first to catch on. She gasped and rushed over, "You finally did it?! How was it, Lyn?! As good as you'd hoped?! Oh my goddess, Arland, they finally-..." She turned back to see her boyfriend with his arms crossed.

"I get that, and yes, it's exciting. But we're on the edge of a war zone. I guarantee Agdron has spies around here. It's dangerous to be so distracted. At least WE fucked in camp, in our tent. And we didn't raise the dead with your screams."

Lyn blushed, "We'll take precautions next time, Arland. I promise. I apologize for getting carried away."

Arland sighed, "It's fine, but don't let it happen again. We've got too much to worry about right now to allow a distraction."

Lyn nodded. Alryc cleared his throat, "I should say the same thing. I'm sorry for allowing myself to be distracted. It won't happen again."

Arland smiled, "It's not that you were distracted. It's expected that you try to take your minds off the stresses the day before battle. But it's the fact that you could've directed them right to camp. That aside, I'm happy for you both. Lyn, you couldn't have found a better man. And Alryc, Lyn is the perfect balance for you. I wish you both love and happiness."

Trinar walked up and placed her hand on Arland's shoulder, "We're safe. I don't sense any demons around."

He nodded, "Thanks Trin. Alright everyone, back to camp. We need to get some rest. big day tomorrow."

Alryc and Lyn nodded, "Thanks, Arland."

As everyone made their way back to camp, Aria stooped to collect the remaining clothes and followed behind.

Back at camp, Alryc and Lyn dressed in clean clothes and lay in their bed.

"So... How was it? Was it really as good as you said? Be honest. I can take it. If it sucked, I want to improve," Alryc said.

Lyn, resting on his chest, "It was amazing, love. If that's the standard, I'll become addicted. My only note is to loosen up a bit. You felt rigid, and I don't mean your cock. And next time, warn me. I want to cum with you. At the same time."

Alryc nodded, "So... if I did this, what would you say...?" He reached under the blanket, into his pocket and pulled out a small black leather collar with a ruby studded heart opposite the clasp.

Lyn looked into his eyes, "Are you saying you want me to be your pet...? That's a slave collar..."

Alryc nodded, "I had to make some concessions. Sadly, there's not a lot I could do without access to a smith with free time. I had the camp enchanter change it though. Instead of linking you to your obedience to me, it'll thrum with my heartbeat. You'll also always know where I am by the direction it's beating and distance by the intensity."

She took the collar in her hand, "So you're asking...?"

"Since we might see the day after tomorrow... I don't want to die just dating. I want to be yours, wholly and fully, and you mine. I want to be your fiance. Will you marry me, Lyn?"

Lyn smiled, tears running down her cheeks, "YES! Of course, yes!" She leaned in and kissed him.

They broke apart and he took the collar, unclasped it, and put it around her neck, "As a monk fighter, I figured a necklace would work better than a ring. And instead of a loose, hanging necklace, a collar will stay out of your way."

She smiled, "Thank you, love. This is perfect."

He pulled another, slightly larger one. This one had emeralds studding the front. He handed it to her, "This one is mine. You need to put it on me though."

Lyn clipped the collar onto his neck, "Perfect. They're a matching set, aren't they?"

"Mhm. And now we belong to each other. We can make it official before the gods later. If we survive."

Lyn yawned and snuggled up to his side, "We'll survive. We have to, now. Goodnight, my love. My fiance."

"Goodnight, my beautiful future wife."

They fell asleep, dreaming of the future.

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