Chapter 186, When Thoughts Become Reality
The Labyrinth Consciousness (Bri)
If Bri had entered the Astral Plane as an energy construct she may have been able to hold herself together for a time but eventually, the energy that formed her core with the framework of the System Matrix would have decayed due to entropy. Fortunately for her, she’d been sucked into the Astral Plane through Adam’s Astral Link.
As Bri was filtered through Adam’s Astral Link she felt as if she absorbed some of Adam’s abilities. The first was, of course, Astral Link. Bri became aware of a permanent connection to the Astral Plane as she separated from Adam and flew into the Astral Plane. The second ability was Dual State. Bri felt herself shift, change, and become more real. The Third ability that attached itself to her was something that felt very familiar to her, not her code but a resonance of purpose. The ability was Treasure Renderer. Another ability was Planar Travel, Though she wasn’t sure what it did yet. The final ability that was lying dormant within Adam was his Interface ability. The ability connected with Bri and she found herself in a place she could not describe as a focal point of mind and energy. Bri felt her Interface reach out and connect with something that was spreading through the Astral Plane. That something felt familiar, almost like Adam but not. Also, it was incomplete until that moment.
Bri’s mind was overloaded with sensory information as the remnant of Adam within the Astral Plane that had been ripped free and was trying to find itself found something similar that had just appeared. It was trying to focus on that point of the entrance because it could feel there was something familiar about it until a familiar consciousness touched it. By then it was too late. The two united in an amalgamation of knowledge and intent and Bri understood where she was and what she was doing.
In those first few moments, she reached out and sifted through the memories that appeared in her mind. She knew she could speed up her thinking process so that she would have the time to think about what she needed to do. She didn’t know where the thought came from but she did so. The memory referred to this as dropping into her Mindspace. She checked over herself and felt no different until everything around her seemed to slow down and then stop.
In that single moment for the Astral Plane and everything that was connected to it, Bri absorbed everything the remnant had discovered and a lot of Adam’s knowledge to boot. She also realized that she could use every ability she’d absorbed but didn’t know what she wanted to do next. A new memory popped into her mind. “What is your purpose, answer that and you will know what you need to do next.”
Bri considered the errant thought from Adam’s remnant. The thought was offered freely as it tried to help her. That remnant, and now she, existed with the Astral Plane and was even now spreading to every Universe, Realm, Plane, or Dimension connected to the Astral Plane. As Bri reviewed how the real Universes worked, she had to admit that the way things were set up in the “real” world was simplistic as compared to the “Reality” the SYSTEM Matrix A.I. had created around her. The information the Remnant of Adam was supplying was astounding in its scope and measure.
In that eternity of a moment within the Astral Plane, she’d created for herself by speeding up time. she knew that her purpose was to be “The Labyrinth.” Now how could that purpose be applied within the “Real World”? Adventurers sought out Dungeons and the Labyrinth to test their mettle and become rich and powerful. Adventures entered a dungeon or The Labyrinth, defeated the monsters therein, and received rewards, retreated, or died. How was she going to set up such challenges and be able to provide treasure?
Now that Bri had connected to the Interface, which in turn was connected to all sentient beings she realized that there were a lot of things missing in this real world. For instance, there was no class system. Skills were completely individualized and random based on luck, the soul, or whatever, which she couldn’t quantify. Also, as far as she could tell Dungeons didn’t exist. The imagination that had created her came from humans on Earth, though as she reviewed a few other technological races she became aware that humans were not the only race to create such a fictional constructs.
She looked at the current attribute and ranking system and blanched. It was so unbalanced. It took her only moments to figure out the pattern then she looked at Adam’s Personal information. Adam’s level was 279,201,650 from the old Universe, her Universe. Now he was a Step-4 Legendary Rank because of the Quintessence he’d absorbed and leveled. Bri put together a Step comparison chart and the equivalent levels for a Step-4 Legendary creature was a creature in between levels 209,715,200,001 and 419,430,400,000 which was far stronger than Adam had ever been in her Universe.
Additionally, it looked like the Step of a creature set the lower limit that any being with that Universe, Realm, Dimension, or Plane started at. There also seemed to be a rule of three when it came to damage versus defense. No matter the Step, at Low Rank four low-ranked hits would knock down someone of low-ranked defense. Then as the rank went up within each step the number of normal attacks it would take to break through the defense was more. Bri broke it down quickly for Step-1 and Step-2 Low
Bri looked at a chart she’d put together in her mind which detailed how many Low Ranked attacks it would take:
Step-1 Low Defense– 3 Attack
Step-1 Medium Defense – 6 Attacks
Step -1 High Defense – 9 Attacks
Step-1 Elite Defense – 12 Attacks
Step-1 Epic Defense -15 Attacks
Step-1 Mythic Defense -17 Attacks
Step-1 Legendary Defense – 20 Attack
Step-2 Low Defense – 227 Attacks
A Step-2 Low attack would be able to break through that Step-2 Low Defense in just 3 attacks. That same Step-2 Low attack would obliterate any level of Step-1 ranked defense with one attack. This pattern was true for every Step.
Bri checked the other direction. She looked at the Step-1 Legendary rank to see how many attacks it would take to break through a Step-2 Low Defense and found that it would still take 34 attacks. If the same attack was used against A Step-3 Low Defense it would take 643 attacks. Step-4 Low Defense, 9,429. The breakdown she was looking at made it very hard for any single person to compete against anything one Step higher, let alone two or more Steps higher.
The other thing Bri noted was that for any given Step the number of attacks reset to a maximum of 3 attacks due to Stamina expenditure. As their rank went up the stamina cost went down. At Step-1 Low rank each attack cost 33.3% if their Cultivator rank was the same. If the Cultivator rank was Step-1 Medium rank then it cost 16.5% of their mana allowing for 6 Step-1 Low-Rank attacks. If they made a Step-1 Medium-Rank attack the cost was back to 33.3% of their Stamina. That wasn’t the worst part. The worst part was what the equivalent levels were.
Bri, who was connected to every creature through the Interface, reviewed every creature’s Step and attributes and then correlated and sorted data. What she discovered made no logical sense. A Step-1 Low Cultivator rank represented people between levels 1 and 18. A Step-1 Medium Cultivator rank represented people between levels 19 and 100. A Step-1 High Cultivator rank represented people between levels 101 and 1000. Step-1 Elite Cultivator rank represented creatures between level 10,000 and 50,000. Step-1 Mythic and higher Cultivator ranks simply doubled, at least through the Step-10 Cultivator Rank which she’d discovered.
Bri didn’t like it. There should be a large difference between a strike from the 101st-level monster and a 1,000th-level monster, let alone the large ranges as the higher Steps. But what could she do about it? Bri considered what to do. Something shifted within her mind that she’d picked up from Adam’s remnant and she had an idea. Now to see if it would work.
To begin with, Bri needed to know if she could even create Dungeons. She returned to normal time within the Astral Plane and activated her Interface Ability. Next, she reached out through the Interface for something she could use. She could probably create a Universe from scratch but that wouldn’t affect everyone. She wanted to institute a Universal change that would spread and make the “Game” she had run a reality in the “Real World.” She wondered if that was because of her programming or if it was because that was her purpose but it didn’t matter it was time to even the playing field. Suddenly one of Bri’s abilities she picked up from Adam activated, Planar Travel mode 2.
Planar Travel’s ability has successfully identified the target location in an adjacent dimension. Sought location meets 100% of all requirements.
Would you like to teleport to the Target Dimension with Planar Travel, Yes or No?
Bri chose “Yes”
Bri appeared in a dimension of pure energy. Unlike The Astral Plane which was full of static or neutral energies. The dimension Bri appeared in contained energy that reacted to anything that could exert its will over it. Bri’s Dual-State ability kept her mind whole and her will, mentality, and programming did the rest. In a moment it was as if a drop of water and hit the surface of a pond, except that the ripples Bri had caused went in all directions and were linked to the Astral Plane at every point. This Dimension was almost a Shadow of the Astral Plane but not a shadow plane. It would be more correct to say it was a mirror image with minor alternations. Bri understood intuitively that changes in this plane would radiate out into the Astral if the changes held together. Bri decided to call this plane a Quasi-Astral Plane. She focused her intent, shaped her will, and began making changes that would shake the foundation of the Astral Plane and everything connected to it forever.
Theodore Davis, Retired, Fishing in Montana
Theodore Davis had been fishing in on the south end of Canyon Ferry Lake Montana when his vision had been bloke by those damn screens. He’d done what the damn help file had said. Turned all notifications off. If there’d been a function that allowed him to tell this God-Damned Interface to go fuck itself he’d have set it to that. He was 62 years old and didn’t give a shit about this new, whatever the fuck it was. He was hoping to be reunited with his wife, who’d passed a year ago, soon. He didn’t give a flying fuck what this Interface had to say. Unfortunately, the Notification wouldn’t let him get back to his fishing before he read the damn thing. He took a seat, reached for a beer, and concentrated on the message.
Universal Update 2.00 will Launch in exactly 600 units of time, or 10 minutes for those you on Earth.
While most may not notice any changes to themselves please understand that some creatures will find the adjustments shocking and painful.
First, the old Cultivator Rank level designation has been removed. If you don’t know what that is, count yourself lucky.
Instead, a new leveling system has been adopted. Conversions are relatively simple For every 10 full attribute levels or personal levels all attacks or formulas will treat that as one Quintessence Ability Rank. Each Quintessence Ability has its own ranking system that starts at 1 and has no upper limit.
Quintessence Abilities, Skills, and Attributes all have their own effective ranks or levels.
For instance, an Attribute or level of 70 will be able to create an attack comparable to an attack from a level 7 Quintessence Ability. If you must compare to the Previous Step system simply divide your Quintessence level by 7 or your Attribute or Level by 70. Level 71 would be Step-2 while Quintessence rank 14 would still be Step-2 but Step 15 would be equivalent to Step-3.
Individuals are limited to 1 Quintessence Ability plus 1 per 10 Attribute points in Willpower.
Step progression no longer sets individuals so far apart that you don’t have a chance against someone just one step higher than you. However, a Step Comparison will be utilized for at least one year after this Update to help creatures adjust.
Items of Note:
Attributes are awarded for leveling your Personal Level or your Class Level. The amount is based on your Race and Class. Starting Attributes are determined by your Race, Level, and Class. Attributes cannot be purchased with XP.
Experience (XP)
You earn experience by performing activities. Half the experience earned goes toward your Personal level and one-half goes towards your Class if you have one. If you do not have a Class all experience goes toward your Personal Level. XP is normally awarded as follows. Creature level multiplied by 100. ½ award for monsters ½ your level. Double XP for creatures twice your current Personal level. Class Level is not used for this comparison.
Classes have been added. Currently, there are four classes; Fighter, Healer, Rogue, and Mage. Class is an additional mechanic and requires you to earn experience for that Class to level it. Each Class will give benefits to certain types of attacks, and defenses, and give access to special abilities that will automatically unlock as the class is leveled.
To Level, you must earn Experience Points equal to your current Personal Level multiplied by 1,000. Class levels require 10,000 Class Experience per current level to advance to the next level.
Quintessence Abilities
Quintessence Abilities are individually leveled by spending the number of Quintessence equal to the abilities’ current rank. It should be noted that a Level 3 Quintessence Ability is the equivalent of a level 21 or higher attack. Be aware that Abilities unlocked with Quintessence will be much easier to advance going forward. If you have the Quintessence you can advance the ability.
There are no longer minimum Quintessence requirements to level abilities. All quintessence higher than Step-1 in the old system have been converted to Normal quintessence of the same type. Also, be warned that higher-level Quintessence abilities may require higher levels of mana or stamina. If you Unlock a High-level Quintessence Ability ensure that your attributes are at least one level lower than the Quintessence ability. As an example, if you were to use a level 5 Quintessence ability that required an equivalent amount of Mana, the minimum attribute you would want to use the ability would be a Wisdom of 40. Even so, it would still utilize 41.7% of your mana for that one attack. Please take the time to learn about the changes made or you will find yourself depleted at a crucial time. Also, not that in some cases this will not be true.
NOTE: There is no longer a major step between any Quintessence level or Attribute Level rank. Levels have been Balanced. You will be able to utilize abilities one level higher than the associated attribute at least twice before you run out of energy.
At Level 71, So long as you have at least one Quintessence ability to level 11 a Soul Cores can be formed. What does Soul Core do? How do you use it? Those are questions you must answer for yourself or earn a reward that gives you this information.
300 time-units remaining.
A new feature has been created within every Universe, Plane, Realm, and Dimension attached to the Astral Plane. If you do not know what those are, you will learn about them soon.
Dungeons will spawn randomly on any planet or location that has any form of life on or in it. The Chance and number of Dungeons that spawn within any geographical location are a function of the total levels in the Area where there is a 100% chance that a dungeon will spawn anywhere there are 1,000,000 levels. Dungeon functionality will be explained upon entering. Other environmental and individual factors may form Dungeons in remote locations as well.
A second new feature has come into Existence,
The Labyrinth
The Labyrinth can connect to any Dungeon anywhere and can act as a way to travel between dungeons, in addition to having dungeon-like areas within The Labyrinth. The Labyrinth should only be accessed by experienced Adventurers.
Do you acknowledge that you have received Universal Update 2.0 information, Yes or No?
Theodore Davis slapped the “Yes” toggle with his hand and the information disappeared. Just before he hit the “Yes” Toggle he noticed that a countdown time was ticking down from 10 to 1.
As his vision focused on his surroundings the air seemed to ripple toward the north side of the lake perpendicular to the surface of the water and he noticed an energy haze moving toward him. As the ripple pushed the water a wave grew in height until it was 30 feet high. Just as the wave was about to slam into his boat a tunnel opened in the wave and swallowed him and his boat. He looked around and noticed that he was now in the middle of Canyon Ferry Lake near the White Earth Recreation Area on the other side of where the wave had come from. He looked behind himself and saw the wave crash into the south side of the lakeshore.
Theodore looked around, cursed at his broken fishing line then picked up his open beer and guzzled it. He dropped the can into the boat, grabbed another from the cooler, and guzzled It too. Whatever was going on it would be much better to be drunk than put up with this horseshit.
SYSTEM Matrix A.I. (Al)
The System A.I. Al worked with Thor to save Theodore Davis. Then they worked to save the next human and the next. While Thor and Al worked to save the humans all over the Earth, Moon, and Mars, Al tried to calculate what had happened. Al knew Adam had made it into the System Matrix without needing to use the specialized equipment to download his mind in. Since his return, Adam hadn’t taken the time to explain what had happened yet. Adam had started to download Thor into a new housing he’d created with his nanites, looked at his forearms, and then chuckled. He’d finished the download and then introduced Al to the new A.I. that wasn’t really an A.I.
Thor and Al connected digitally. In the space of a few seconds Thor and he had swapped all the information they needed too. A few moments later Universal Update 2.0 came down. How was a Universal Update coming across to every access point? Al thought about how this seemed a lot like what he’d done in the System Matrix. Were they still in a simulation of some sort? Al looked at the data and decide such an outcome was unlikely. Quintessence didn’t fit into the model anywhere and seemed to muck it up. If he was still in a simulation of some kind he couldn’t tell.
Thor recovered the information in the update and shared it with him. Al realized that Adam had given Thor complete access to the nanites, which he had not given Al. That’s when Thor explained that he originated from a copy of Adam’s mind and everything fell into place for Al. It would make sense that Adam would trust Thor as Thor was an extension of himself. Thor had already sent nanites into terminal patients across the world when the Update dropped. While the nanites were infiltrating the terminally ill patients and healing them, Thor had been able to pick up the information from their memories. It seemed that Thor had a lot of practice infiltrating biological beings. Thor identified the message and shared the information with Al. Almost simultaneously they both realized that if the switchover disrupted the neural pathways of some humans, there could be accidents and deaths everywhere.
“Adam, this update could cause catastrophes across the globe,” Al said through one of the speakers near Adam.
“Al, you now have authority over the nanites second only to Thor and me. You two try to make sure all infrastructure and vehicles are safe while the Update happens. I have a feeling that the changes that are about to happen are either going to nerf the hell out of me, or something else is going to happen. I’m going to step into the middle of the room now, just in case,” Adam said.
“Understood,” Thor said
As the Update started Al and Thor were much too busy to worry about what might happen to Adam as they performed tens of thousands of simultaneous calculations. Theodore Davis was just one of the many people Thor and Al saved. The ripple that had occurred had been interesting.
Thor: Al, keep track of any locations where events like the one that happened near Theodore Davis. Something strange is going on there. Adam will need to investigate it later.
Al: Understood
They worked tirelessly and prevented numerous disasters and deaths. As quickly as the crisis happened, it was over. Al refocused his attention on Adam only to see that where he moved to was surrounded by a brilliant nimbus of white light.
Adam had chuckled after he’d received the two marks. He knew shortly something was going to happen, he just didn’t know how. If Bri survived her trip into the Astral Plane he was going to have to have a word with her. He was still wondering if she’d highjacked the link or been pulled through. Knowing his luck, she was probably sucked through and something amazing was going to happen. Of course, this could be the one time that he was wrong.
Five minutes later the “Universal Update 2.0” had come through. How was she moving so quickly? It didn’t matter, he read the message, sent the information to his CC, told them to model what was coming through, and then saw the warning. Adam was pretty sure the 600-second warning was for him. He prepared as best he could, and moved away from all the consoles. He’d given marching orders to Thor and Al. It was all he could do at this point. If he took over and the Update removed his control he might do more harm than good. Adam walked to the center of the room and waited.
Adam’s vision filled with messages as a white glow surrounded him.
WARNING Universal Update 2.0 Conversion Commencing
Level set to 279,201,650
No Class Detected.
Attributes set to.
Attributes set to 319,087,600. Converted to Quintessence Effective Level 31,908,760 (or STEP 4,558,395)
Aggressive Function for All base attributes set to 92,726,280.
Defensive Function for All Attributes set to 287,178,840.
Hit Points: 127,635,040 Regeneration Rate 32,015 per second
Stamina: 3,190,876,000 Regeneration Rate 15,954,380 per second
Mana: 3,190,876,000 Regeneration Rate: 3,190,876 per second
Racial Abilities: Perfect Memory, Interface, Astral Link, Chaos Incarnate, Variable Quintessence, Immortal, Adaptable, and Dual State set to level Quintessence Level 28
Quintessence Abilities: 17
Maximum Number of Quintessence Abilities:*
Quintessence Abilities: Treasure Renderer (Looting Specific), True Sight(Dark), Shadow Vault(Dark), Personal Map(Earth), No Escape (Death), Hal(Order), Stutter Step(Time), Regeneration(Life), Chaos Bolt(Chaos), Technomancy(Chaos), Flight(Air), Obscure(Chaos), Teleport(Space), Planar Travel (Dimensional), Mold Chaos(Chaos/Conjuring/Creation), Aura Sight(Soul) and Freedom of Flight(Chaos) all set to Quintessence Level 14
Adam emerged from the nimbus of light and looked around. He’d read the messages, looked at the notifications, and realized something was off. Adam pulled up his Personal Information and couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “(or Step 4,558,395)” Adam thought about it for a moment then realized Bri had nerfed the hell out of whatever had created that Step System. How was she making changes to everyone everywhere? That would require a power level he hadn’t seen before or a mechanism that could reach everywhere. He knew the Astral Plane could but nothing he’d seen there had even hinted at this possibility.
Adam put those thoughts out of his mind. He’d revisit them eventually. Bri had done something amazing and if he understood what he’d read almost all the changes seemed to benefit him. Before any more changes could be made he needed to take advantage of it. Adam activated his Interface and sent a message to his Mindspace.
Adam: CC, Increase All Quintessence Abilities equally up as far as you can get them. Leave me some quintessence to get more abilities. Standing by
There was a pause as Adam felt multiple powers come into play. One of the things he was going to have to do was double-check all of his abilities and see what changes had been made. Bri wouldn’t be able to nerf the Quintessence Abilities, at least he hoped not, but some of them would need to change.
CC: Adam, WE used 16,866 Quintessence, they’re all only Quintessence now BTW. The Step description is gone. Anyway, we spent 16,492 to bring all abilities up to level 42. That leaves you with 1,475 Quintessence orbiting your Soul Core so you can use them as you need. Be aware, While some abilities did not change at all, Mana costs did change. For Instance, with Mold Chaos at level 42, you can create items weighing up to 68,700,000,000,000 pounds at a Mana cost of 10 per pound. Note this ability can be channeled. Even so, it would take you over 245 years to channel that much mana using your mana regeneration. Of course, you can create something that weighs 319,087 pounds with just your mana regeneration so while the maximum might be a little out of your range right now, you can create more than anyone would think you should be able to.
Additionally, Teleport gained some serious range. And Flight is ridiculous. It’s a good thing you have that Freedom of Flight Ability. We don’t think you needed to raise it all the way to level 42. However, since you did, you can now travel at about 4.14 Light Years per second, so a trip to Alpha Centauri will take almost no time. A trip to the center of the galaxy should only take just about five and a half hours.
Also, Regeneration bumped your healing rate up to 376,943 hp per second. Though we are pretty sure if you slam into something at your maximum velocity, Well it’s not going to be good for the object you hit and we are absolutely sure you are going to wake up somewhere again. There is still a lot to go through but right now we think you need to continue with Plan A, Protect Earth from the Pelza Empire, and get back to work.
Adam: Good work, For now, I’m going to issue all commands through you concerning ability usage. Let’s try to keep whatever abilities I’m using within Stamina and mana regeneration rates per second. For now. Am I correct in assuming we are only going to see levels 1-70 on Earth and maybe up to level 280 on Pelza
CC: Sounds about right. You are the anomaly. Even the supposedly high Step 7 would only be up to level 490 as compared to you. If the information we read is accurate. We talked to Hal and he has looked over the changes. He agrees that it seems that across the board everything and everyone has changed. We’ve been in contact with Thor and Al through your nanite link and they have determined that the lowest level Pelza captive is level 71. It seems that the Step criteria are still in play and there are minimums for each Universe.
Adam: That’s fine, we know they were a Step 4 society playing with Step 7 technology. These changes seem to make it easier to level abilities than levels. If you find a Quintessence, and level the ability with one more quintessence you could be ten levels more powerful than anything that is your level. Individuals that had a stockpile of Quintessence like myself will have been able to level a lot of their abilities quickly, though I doubt very many had received the amount of quintessence I had.
Adam dropped his focus to his Soul Core and looked around He needed to see what kind of changes his abilities had undergone concerning creating new abilities. He focused on creating an ability that Identified everything he looked at. He picked a mote orbiting his Soul Core and chose to integrate it.
You have chosen to integrate a mote of Chaos. Ability. The ability “Variable Quintessence” has been activated. New Ability sought: Category: Support. Energy Type: Any, Divination Ranged: Yes. Goal: Identify Target. Is this information correct? Yes or No?
Adam chose “Yes”
Congratulations you have integrated the Mental Divination Quintessence ability “Identify.” Mana Cost 10 per target level, maximum Ability Level. Damage: None. Energy Type Mental. Special: This ability will Identify most objects giving their name and Level. As this ability is levels it will reveal one more detail of information per ability level. At level 15 the ability will start displaying weaknesses. Note, this ability will not identify anything of a higher level than the ability.
Adam grinned, now that was what he was talking about. He quickly spent 902 more motes of Quintessence and increase his Identify ability to level 42. That should allow him to identify anything he’d find up to the pinnacle of Step-6 Universes or level 420.
He was going to have to find more Quintessence and soon if he was going to continue doing what he was.
Adam’s focus was pulled from his Soul Core as a muffled shock wave shook the base.
“Report!” Adam called out as his focus returned to the real world.
“Base integrity holding. Spatial Tear has been created where the Pelza ship once hovered.”
“What?” Adam asked.
“One of the Pelza Empire prisoners at Area-51 disappeared. A moment later the ship activate its drive and vanished,” Al reported
Thor’s voice came out next, “The individual in question was never infiltrated with nanites. The nanites could not establish a foothold in his body. It seems that the Update changed something and he disappeared. Nanites on the ship noted his appearance and tried to stop him. He bypassed the lockouts and the ship engaged its Dimensional Drive. The information reported from the nanites indicates the individual had an ability much like your Technomancy.”
“Very well,” Adam said. “Thor, lock down the other prisoners with nanites. If you cannot let me know and quickly.”
“Done! All Pelza Empire Prisoners at area 51 have entered a Coma-like state. The nanites will maintain their bodies and keep them locked down,” Thor said.
“Okay you two, This is what I would like to happen while I’m gone. Thor, Do what you do. Set things up like the second time we did this, if possible. If, as I suspect the US government is going to default on its loan by lying to me. Let them. When the stock markets crash in 33 or so days provide food water and medicine to everyone that needs it. Do so low-key at first. Replace items as they are used. Infiltration of the population is allowed to monitor and help in terminal events or chronic conditions. Destroy all research that is trying to discover what’s going on about you and keep track of those individuals. When I get back there might be a place for them in our organization. Speaking of which, find me some people I can trust.”
“Anything else?” Thor asked.
“If countries are stupid enough to try to go to war, disintegrate their military weapons, and clothes and armor. Do not let them die from exposure though. Be ostentatious. If you want to put them in funny-looking insolated suits to keep them warm, do so, Nothing malicious. We are taking a hands-on but off approach. Hand’s on in that we step in and stop the bullshit. Hand’s off in that you are to give no warnings or responses. The President of the United States has been warned. What happens over the next little bit will determine how this goes after I return. If possible in this real universe set Trappist-1e up as before. The same, rules we came up with toward the end apply though, do not destroy any biospheres. You’ve handled this before, I leave it to you.
“Very well,” Thor said. “Al can help of course?” Thor asked.
“Of course, you’re still number one though,” Adam said thinking for a moment. “I’m going to teleport in on General Cain and let him know what’s up with the Prisoners then I’m going to head to the Pelza Empire. Since the plan to use their ship is out, I will probably be gone for a bit. It goes without saying, remove yourselves from this location as soon as you can. Try to stay in the solar system if possible. Close if not. I’m actually not worried about anything you might run into here. The way the Universes are structured it’s unlikely that you will run into anything I can’t handle. But I won’t be around so let’s keep with the stealth option and not do anything to any biospheres. Convert or create dead planets once you get the power you need to do so, then look for a good location for a Dyson Sphere for a lifeboat. I think we’ll be creating the star this time so work on the Dyson Sphere shell in a location far enough away that the odds something will run into it are extremely small,” Adam said, looked around then disappeared.
Adam teleported into General Cain’s office where a medical doctor was hurriedly explaining what had happened to the prisoners.
“For reasons, we, can’t determine…What the hell!” The doctor explained as the General looked over at Adam, jumped a little, then sighed.
“Sorry about that Doc, they are in a coma because one of them escaped today. That explosion near Hawaii was not an explosion. That was the prisoner getting their ship and returning to their Empire.”
“How do you know this, better yet why didn’t you stop them?” The General asked.
“Well, there was this Universal Update 2.0 that just came down and changed everyone, well except for me, it made me stronger in some ways. Anyway, I was otherwise occupied. Not to worry though, I dropped in to say the reason the rest of the Pelza prisoners are in a coma is my fault. Also, you don’t need to worry about them, put them in their cells lay them out on their beds, and leave them. They won’t die, nor will they wake up, until I’ve dealt with the Pelza Empire and returned.”
“So you’re leaving for a bit,” The General asked.
“Yes, and please pass on to the President that he and the staff are not to worry about China, Russia, or any of them. Trust me when I say, whoever goes to war is going to instantly regret it. Hold one. Thor, make sure to get video footage to Elizabeth Day and the General here. “
Thor’s voice was modulated from the nanites in the room as Thor said, “Understood.”
“Who was that?” The General said.
“I may explain when I get back. Just know that while I’m gone everything is still being watched. Also, if people start miraculously not dying all over the world, that’s my fault too.”
.“What are you talking about, people don’t just miraculously get better?” the doctor said.
“Doctor Baker is it. I believe your mother has Stage IV liver cancer?” Adam said.
“Yes she does, how did you know that?” Dr. Baker asked.
Adam sent the command through his nanites and then had a portal open near the Doctor to his mother’s room in the Hospital in Colorado Springs, “General, the Doctor is going to want to be near his mom so he can watch after her,” Adam said to the General as he turned to the doctor,” Dr. Baker. Over the next, I’d say about five minutes, Your mother will fully recover. It is not a trick, run all the tests you want. The cancer will be gone and she will fully be restored, my fault, and miraculous.” Adam said with a smile
The Doctor looked at the General who just waved and said,” Go, make your report when you get back, no hurry,” take the day,” General Cain said.
The doctor stepped through the portal and Adam closed it then looked at the General before he smiled and said, “Go ahead, ask.”
“Simple really, All the crazy shit that is about to happen that will prevent people from being super stupid, that’ll be my fault. All the miraculous events, cleaning of the planet, and overall upgrade of everything, will also be my fault. I couldn’t very well make the claim without providing a shred of evidence. Also, I’ve been listening to the idiots in Washington bicker since I gave the President my pitch about the 600 trillion dollars. They’re all trying to figure out exactly how to steal money from me, and have me killed, I’m sure you get the idea. In a month the United States will default on its loan to China. The Chinese will be dumb and it will be hilarious to watch.
“What are you talking about? I mean I understand what you’re saying, but why will it be hilarious?” The General asked.
“It’ll be hilarious because anyone that goes to war will watch their entire military dissolve. All of their military personnel that are part of the attack will be naked and I’ve instructed Thor to be a bit ostentatious in providing clothing for those that do so in cold climates, I’m personally thinking pink fluffy insolated bunny suits, but he’ll do what he wants, though I’m sure after hearing what I’m thinking about it’s on his list now.”
“And you’re just going to allow people around the world to be sucked into another Great Depression?” The General Asked.
“Let me ask you this General, you have a bottle of 150-year-old Scotch in your drawer correct?”
“Yes, but how…” he started to say
“Eyes, everywhere General. Another Question, what is your favorite food, assuming that you no longer have to worry about your Cholesterol or heart,” Adam asked.
“That’s easy, Prime Rib steak from the Golden Steer Steakhouse in Las Vegas, The General said.
Adam sent the command and a cart formed and appeared next to the General with a full Steak Dinner and a sealed bottle of the 150-year-old scotch, an exact duplicate of a bottle held by another gentleman in Scotland that matched the bottle in his drawer.
The General watched the cart form out of nothing and then gasped as the bottle of scotch and the Steak, steaming hot with a baked potato and all the possible condiments he could ask for appeared as well as the side of green beans, also piping hot.
“No one on Earth will go hungry ever again. For everyone else including your family, it will not be such a blatant display but as shortages start to happen people will ‘find’ things that they want or need. Medicine bottles will refill automatically. This is going to happen to the whole world when the market crashes. I would suggest you prepare your family because you don’t know if I can do what I say I can but when the stories start breaking I want you to think back to this conversation. I would also convey this message to the President, Do not support or engage in hostile activity with anyone. Those that do will find they are unable to. As an example, let’s say a submarine was stupid enough to launch a torpedo at another sub. I would suggest that you look for the American Submarine personnel in White Sands and have the President suggest to other countries that they look to one of their sandy locations to find their personnel. The submarine and all its contents save non-clothing personal items will dissolve around them.”
“You’re insane, no one is going to believe that you can do what you’re claiming.” The General said.
“And that is why you’re going to pull out the opened bottle of Scotch, store the brand new one, and enjoy your Prime Rib dinner and I’m going to go talk with an Emperor once I find him,” Adam said.
“I will tell the President what you said, of course,” General Cain said.
“Enjoy your meal General Cain,” Adam said and activated Planar Travel mode 2 to the cave he’d appeared in right after he’d destroyed the Khua’ting.
The room was empty when he arrived so he sat in front of the Altar and waited. Both Tanya and Sarah, the women he’d seen before rushed into the room within a minute and saw him. Each drew and raised weapons they had drawn from their waist in one smooth motion.
“I come in peace,” Adam said with a smile