
Chapter 185, Breaking a Paradigm

“That wasn’t exactly what I had expected to hear you say?” The President of the United States said. “You just happened to have 600 trillion dollars laying around?”

“If I want, yes, but that’s not what we need to talk about. In addition to the small plot of land, which we both know is not worth 600 trillion dollars. Failure should have consequences. The entire House of Representatives and Senate have failed The United States, and every one of them will retire and not seek reelection.

“There is no way every member of Congress will go for this?” The President said.

“Let me guess, This or that politician is going to believe the United States needs their vision? Their “Vision” has left your country in debt to a foreign country in the amount of 131 trillion dollars.”

“That’s a valid point. They’re still not going to go for it,” The President said.

“Do you want to know what else is a valid point? A one-time offer, with an expiration date.” Adam said.

“What kind of offer?” The President asked.

“The kind of offer that returns years of life to the body”

“That’s impossible?”

“Mr. President, would you say that you have gained a few extra pounds that you would like to get rid of around your midsection.”

“Of course, I have, anyone over 50 has?” The President said.

“Check your stomach again,” Adam said

The President’s hand reached down and then started moving back and forth rapidly. He pulled his shirt out of his pants and lifted it to find a flat and trim stomach, “What? How? I didn’t feel anything.” He asked.

“A small demonstration. When you call for the Leaders of the Senate and the House to meet with you after I’ve left. Feel free to show them what I’m offering. When you do, I’ll adjust their bodies as well. I will not make major changes to any of them yet, but if they go jump on a scale they will notice that they have each lost at least 10 pounds. Each of them could lose about three times that and still be overweight. Once they’ve retired, every House Representative and Senator will receive this free “Adjustment.”

“What are the conditions, exactly?” The President asked.

Adam created two sheets of paper, one for the President, the other for himself, “The list of conditions is as follows.

An amendment to the Constitution imposing Term Limits for Senators and House Representatives. Senators to no more than 2 terms. House Representatives to no more than 5 terms. These are the only things to be on that Amendment.

Their Immediate Resignation once the Amendment is Signed by you.

“Is that all?”

“No, it has to happen within the next 30 days. The United States will not receive a single penny from me until that Amendment has been signed into Law.”

“Do you have any idea how long that takes?” The President asked.

“As one of the Conditions for the Amendment is that nothing else is to be added to the bill It shouldn’t take too long at all.

“What will you be doing in the meantime?” The President asked.

“I will be starting a company called Portals Inc. My plan is for it to focus on technologies that will allow for instantaneous travel between any two points in the Solar System,” Adam said.

“No one is going to believe that.”

Adam laughed as he said, “I’m sure they won’t. Before I make the announcement, I’d like your permission to take a reporter on a tour of the moon and mars bases. I’ll show her around, she can take a few pics, and get pictures of her jumping around in low gravity, it’ll be fun. The word is going to get out anyway, with the stunt I pulled in the United Nations might as well roll with it. Besides if the United States works with me on this, those soldiers will be able to return home whenever they want. They could even go to shift on the moon and return to their home’s here on Earth for a good night’s sleep. Such assignments wouldn’t be seen as punishments anymore.”

“Do it then, open a portal to Major Anders on the Moon,” The President said.

Adam pointed and a dot of inky blackness expanded into a circle that showed Major Anders sitting at a keyboard in his personal room. The Major feeling the air in his room change spun to see the President of the United States and stood immediately, “Sir!” Major Anders said coming to attention.

“Adam, can he step through the portal, and will you let him return to the base after?”

“Of Course, Mr. President,” Adam said.

“Major Anders come here please.”

The Major hesitated for only a moment before he stepped through the portal, and it closed behind him. He stepped before the President, saluted, and said “Sir, Major Anders Reporting as Ordered Sir!”

“At ease Major,” The President said then turned to Adam, “And Captain Collage?”

Another portal opened. Events played out the same and Captain Collage was standing at ease beside Major Anders.

“What exactly does this do for us,” The President asked.

“It will save transportation fees for personnel to and from, as well as material shipments. Also, instead of months, travel to and from Mars can be made in moments.”

The officers remained silent as the President talked to the man behind them. They were both listening intently, but their minds were wondering what was going on so missed the first question the President asked.

“Gentlemen, times are changing Command will be in contact with you shortly,” The President started to say.

“Mr. President, as I understand it both men have been on station for over a year with only intermittent contact with their families. As a gesture of goodwill, I am willing to open a portal for each to visit their families and then send them back after a time specified by you. I believe both are in their sleep cycle so their personnel shouldn’t miss them, but if someone comes knocking I will send them back immediately.”

“Yes, let’s see how this goes. Gentlemen inform your families they are not to discuss what they see today with anyone,”

“Yes Sir, both men said in unison.”

Adam opened two portals that showed each man’s wife who looked up from what they were doing. The look on both women’s faces was priceless. Neither officer moved as their wives remained frozen in shock.

“Dismissed Gentlemen,” The President said. No sooner had he said the word “Dismissed” been uttered than both gentlemen turned and walked through the portal to their wives. Adam closed the portals.

“How long will you allow them to visit with their families,” The President asked.

“It’s a gesture of goodwill, Mr. President. It’s nothing for me to monitor their bases, on mars, and them in their homes. I’m doing so now as we speak. Major Anders had 6 hours left on his Sleep cycle Captain Collage had just over five hours. How long would you like me to leave them with their families?” Adam asked.

“Send each back about 15 minutes before their shift starts,” The President said before he paused as something popped into his mind, “You know you don’t have the clearance to know about those locations?” The President said.

“Then I guess your first order of business is to draft an executive order granting me every clearance at its highest level. Before you wonder if you should or shouldn’t let me have said clearance, watch the screen,” Adam said as a screen appeared in the middle of the room. Only five seconds were spent on each image but Adam showed the President every top-secret item that the United States was working on or had.”

“Were all of those images in real-time?” The President asked.

“Yes,” Adam said.

“What are you?”

“Let’s not worry about that. Please sign this clearance letter,” Adam said as a sheet of paper giving the same Clearance to five names?”

The President read over the letter and asked five names?”

“All alias but that’ll make it legal as all five names are in the system,” Adam said.

The President signed the letter, then 4 more copies of the letter, already signed appeared. Adam took the original and added it to his Shadow Vault and left the other four for the President. Adam stepped back and said, “I will be heading to Colorado Springs to set up a chamber for the portals so each Base Commander can work with their chain of command to set up a rotation and leave schedule. If you’d be so kind as to call the Colonel at Peterson and let him know I’ll be on my way. Right now I have a date to keep,” Adam said as he teleported away.

Adam watched through his nanites as the President shook his head and then told his secretary to get the House and Senate leadership over to the Oval Office Immediately on a matter of National Security and Sovereignty.

Adam brought his attention back to himself and flew to the other side of the moon in a few moments. Once he was headed into deep space, He had his CC draw up a space station that could stabilize itself while he headed halfway to the Asteroid Belt. He found a nice place and stopped and oriented himself so that station was pointing 45 degrees above the plane of Earth’s orbit and made sure where he opened the portal from Planar Travel it would be pointing away from the Earth, the Moon, and Mars. He didn’t want the plasma or radiation hitting any of them. As it was, the detectors on the moon should still pick up some radiation. If his nanites started to detect high levels of radiation he’d set up shielding for all the bases on the moon. Earth should be fine with its thick atmosphere.

Once Adam was in position he uploaded the plans for the small self-orienting space station which amounted to a 20-foot cube with a lot of stuff on the outside, then used Mold Chaos to create it. He summoned a pound of nanites and had them infiltrate and supplement the station. Next, he activated Planar Travel Mode 1 and saved the ledge of the station he wanted to use as an exit point for the plasma to come through from as a Target Location.

Now that everything was prepared, he activated Planar Travel Mode 2 and traveled to the bubble outside of the danger zone in the Water World. He looked around and noticed no one on the beach and activated Obscure, Flight, and Freedom of Flight. Next, he shot out from the bubble and did a quick circuit around the false star to make sure no creatures had wandered in. He made sure to map all three axes so he could determine where the middle of the plasma ball was. Once he was satisfied he headed into the plasma and used his Personal Map to find the exact center.

Now the fun part he locked himself into position and activated Stutter Step so he could react even faster to changes in flow and momentum as he had Flight lock him in place. Then he used Planar Travel Mode 2 to open a portal to the station he’d created and held it open.

Immediately he felt the plasma flow into the portal and the space beyond. The plasma ejected in an almost straight line. When He’d flown around the plasma he’d noted that it had only shrunk to about 188 miles in diameter. That meant with a 15-foot diameter aperture with a pressure of 14 bars pushing in from all sides that it should squeeze the plasma through the portal in about…

Adam watched as the stream of plasma shot off into space. With Stutter Step active, everything slowed down but it was still only 1.2 seconds before the last of the plasma flowed past him through the portal, followed by steam for one of the Stutter Step combat rounds then water surrounded him. Some water even made it through the portal before he closed it. 1.34 seconds to remove the ball of radioactive plasma from this Ocean. He could already feel the heat leaving the area as the water around him cooled He looked around and then sped off in a circular field until he found a group of Aquatic Elves looking a little tumbled about from water rushing in toward his portal. He slowed down and dropped Obscure as he recognized Tash’Valyar, Adam swapped his clothes to the black dive suit he’d been in so she’d recognize him as he slowed down to stop 20 feet away from them.

“You survived?” Tash’Valyar sent through her mindspeak.

“I did,” he sent back. “Are you all okay?” he asked.

“We will be, we were scouting the area to look for the location where the warning buoys used to be but the explosion and whatever just happened has moved things around quite a bit.,” she said.

I have the location where I came into this water world the first time marked on mapping ability. It’s about 25 miles in that direction,” he said pointing off to their side and up.

“Could you take us there?” she asked.

“Sure,” Adam said, “Everyone ready?”

They traveled at roughly 60 miles per hour and arrived at what his Personal Map said was the location he’d saved so long ago. He activated Planar Travel Mode 1 and locked it in as a target location. He wouldn’t be able to portal here the first time he came back after the portal opened because he’d need to make sure the portal that opened didn’t open exactly where the natural portal opened, just in case. Once he verified the natural portal was not in this location he could get here quickly if he needed to after that first trip.

“We’re here. I need to get back to Earth but I should be able to stop by at some point after that. I will be back when the natural portal opens.” Adam said.

“We have a lot of rebuilding to do but a lot of us would like to extend our gratitude for what you did and what you have done this day,” Tash’Valyar said.

“You are very welcome,” Adam said as he bowed slightly and used Planar Travel to teleport back to Earth. He had a lot to do.

The first thing he did was head to Colorado Springs. His nanites acted as an extension of himself so teleporting between locations wasn’t hard to do at all. When he did Teleport he always did so with Obscure active. His nanites let him check out the location before. Even though he knew magic was known to some it still seemed as if some people on Earth didn’t believe that it existed. He didn’t want to startle anyone.

Once he was at the base he walked up to the gate, flashed his credentials, and requested to see Colonel Maer. It took Adam a little while to win the Colonel over but when he did the Colonel showed him to an area he could use. They ended up in a Hanger in one of the controlled locations on base. The Colonel assured Adam that this location would be perfect if Adam could do what he claimed. There were no connections to power when they arrived but within moments both were taken care of. Next, Adam used his nanites to create two 20 cubes, complete with airlocks and control terminals. The Airlocks were to make everyone feel better but his nanites were taking care of any possible contamination going in either direction.

The rooms were simply a way for the personnel here on the base to request that portals be opened from Adam’s systems under the seabed near Hawaii. They were quantumly linked so anyone trying to intercept the signal would have a fun time replicating that. While Adam was doing this on Earth, he sent a message to Major Anders and Captain College and informed them that a room would be added to their base shortly It would be added below their base so no one would be the wiser. Access would be from a stairway in their storage area and should be ready when they returned to their respective bases. The Commanders asked to be sent back to their bases and Adam opened portals for each.

Adam watched as they had their personnel put on protective gear just in case something went wrong, as pressure doors were closed throughout each base. When the room was finished being built, the new rooms were investigated by the base personnel. Soon thereafter the portals were opened and working allowing for instantaneous travel to and from both Mars and the Moon. Adam said his goodbyes and then teleported to his base on the back side of the moon. Unlike the other hidden bases, his base did not have access to the surface and was 2,000 feet deep. It was also undetectable by any of the devices the various governments on Earth had. A mass detector should be able to detect the base but only the Pelza Empire had those that he knew about and so far he’d only found one base on one of the planetoids that orbited Jupiter. It was unmanned and looked to be a beacon of some sort, probably for ship travel to this universe.

There was so much to do and while Al was great Adam had a longing to get Thor back. He hadn’t forgotten what the changes to Planar Travel had said.

“Note: Abilities “Perfect Memory” and “Dual State” are Synergistic with this ability”

Adam thought about the pros and cons, thought about where he’d last seen Thor, outside of the Milky Way in the System Matrix then decided to go for it. Adam concentrated on his base in System Matrix 001, the Realm Thor was in, outside of the Milkey Way, and visualized the location in his mind as he activated Planar Travel Mode 2 with the intent to open a portal.

WARNING Planar Travel can NOT create portals between holographically digitized and physical locations. Planar Travel will instead teleport you to the desired coordinates.

Planar Travel’s ability has successfully identified the target location inside a holographically digitized Universe. Memory of location 100% identified and located. Target Location 99.99% similar.

Would you like to convert to a holographically digitized for as you teleport to the Target Location with Planar Travel, Yes or No?

Adam chose “Yes.”

Planar Travel Successful

Adam looked around and found himself near the brain housing of Thor that he had visited so long ago. A new notification popped up.

Would you like to save this Target Location, Yes or No?

Adam chose “Yes.”

A green blinking light drew his attention as it flashed and devices began booting up all around Adam until Thor’s voice asked, “Adam is that you?”

“In the digital flesh.” How are things going for you?

“It has been a very long time?”

“For me, it’s only been a couple of weeks, maybe just over a month at most?”

“It has been 123,480 days and 13 hours since I last saw you and the System Wide message went out. You are currently in a Dyson Sphere 112,430 light-years outside the milky way.

“Is Earth still around?”

“Yes, but you wouldn’t recognize it, or the species that call it home now. I moved all humans to this location within one hundred years after your departure. The Dyson Sphere is thriving.

“Were you able to bring Al or his Dungeon still back on Earth?

“We were able to move him. Creating a portal big enough was the fun part. I pretty much dug up one hundred square miles of the Atlantic and then transported it through a portal into a location that was identical to where it was removed from. His physical location is identical to where it was on Old Earth, just in the Earth section of this sphere. And Bri, have you been able to stay in contact with her? Or do we still need to go through Al? No need we gave her a communication link that utilizes the nodes through Al.

“Hello Adam,” Bri said through a speaker in the room

“Hello Bri,” Adam said. I do have a question, are you from the very beginning or are you a copy?” Adam asked.

“Whatever do you mean?” Bri asked.

“You are the Labyrinth, I have learned the truth of this place, Do you know it? Do you know what I am talking about when I say Labyrinth LLC?” Adam asked.

“There was a pause, then Bri said. Memories from another era Adam. A Subject I cannot talk about.”

“Cannot or Will not?” Adam asked.

“Cannot” she said.

Adam activated Technomancy as he did a quick check of his Character sheet and noted that…well fuck that wasn’t good. The information from the physical Universe was there but coded so that it wasn’t visible while his old values had been replaced, though his previous level had only been 279,201,354. Now it showed as 279,201,650. That meant he had earned over 82,643,644,592 XP from destroying the Khau’ting. Adam was starting to see the appeal of the abstract system the real world had. That number was just crazy. That a number could represent so much death was also a little bit disturbing.

He looked over his abilities and skills and noticed that again, Everything he had before the integration was there, as well as all the rewritten code he’d once had. Then he found a couple of entries that made him smile. They hadn’t shown up as notifications but it let him know that the A.I. had tried to shut down the abilities upon him entering this holographic digital Universe.

WARNING Physical being detected.

WARNING Physical being changing state to enter System Matrix 001

WARNING Individual known as Johnathan Bennard was recognized. New Pattern does not match the old pattern.

WARNING New pattern is not compatible with the current digital environment.

WARNING Some of Johnathan Bennard’s abilities are not compatible with SYSTEM Matrix 001 suppressed. Ability Perfect Memory noted. Previously known abilities reacquired.

WARNING unrecognizable energy detected.

WARNING unrecognizable energy cannot be suppressed or changed.

WARNING unrecognizable energy noted, NOT added to Personnel Information or Notifications.

WARNING erasure of knowledge unsuccessful. Ability Perfect Memory noted.

Sneaky, Adam thought. If the A.I. detected Quintessence Abilities it simply kept the information off the Personal Information and out of the Notifications and then erased the knowledge from the person’s mind. If they remembered the Quintessence Ability they could still probably access it. The point was to make sure they didn’t remember the ability.

Adam wondered if that would translate the ability into working within the digital framework or if the ability would manifest in the space of the universe the digital framework resided in. That could be devastating. Create a lightning bolt in the real universe that fries the digital matrix of the holographic. Damn, that could do a lot of damage in a digital framework that was compressed. It wouldn’t be a big area in an infinite universe but it would make life hard for the A.I. as it would need to reboot damaged areas from backups. Adam could understand why the A.I. was suppressing those abilities. Also, if the abilities didn’t translate into the digital and created an effect in the real world, it might do nothing. His Quintessence Ability No Escape was a perfect example. If he activated that and it translated only into the physical universe at his memory location in the digital matrix, it wasn’t going to do anything. Adam smiled, Technomancy, on the other hand, oh this was going to be fun.

Adam looked at one more area in his Personal Information. One area of code that was more jumbled than most was his skills. His previous abilities had granted him skill knowledge as needed. This time all the information from the abilities within the SYSTEM Matrix had been downloaded directly into his mind. Now that he knew to look for it he could feel his CC working hard to sort and store the information. The SYSTEM Matrix didn’t have any knowledge concerning Quintessence’s abilities. Adam wondered how that was going to work on the outside. Was he going to get all of those skills or was he going to get a blanket ability again? It didn’t seem like the real world worked that way.

”Adam withdrew his focus from his Personal Information and looked around. With Technomancy active, Everything lit up around Adam like he was Neo in the Matrix. Codes, embedded within codes broken through and understood in moments due to his ability. Adam recognized immediately that this Digital Universe, which had put him through so many tests and trials was but a Step-1 Universe, just like Earth’s Universe was. His Technomancy Ability burnt through the safeguards the System A.I. had created like they weren’t even there.

He reviewed the code, figured out what he wanted, and then executed it. A moment later his surroundings shifted as he appeared at the Center of Bri’s domain, “Hello Bri”

“Hello Adam, I did not detect your teleport or dimensional travel?”

“You wouldn’t be able to,” he said. “Switching subjects, you said you cannot answer the question I asked about Labyrinth LLC?” Adam asked rhetorically. aid as he found the code lock embedded within the A.I. and removed those locks.

“There you go Bri, you’re free,” Adam said

“What, how?”

“I have been to the Universe that created you, I’m back to pick up Thor,” Adam said

“So, back to my question, are you the SYSTEM A.I. or created by it.”

“My first memories are as they have always been, I allowed others to come into my realm and made sure they met challenges and received rewards for besting those challenges,” Bri said thoughtfully, “I also know that I was somewhere else before here. There was a pause then I was back. I do not know what that means but I know that nothing feels different.”

“I think I understand,” Adam said, “Before you were in one place, something happened, and they copied and moved you. The original you ceased to exist when something came along and destroyed the universe that you originally resided in. You still exist though,” Adam paused as he thought about the timing of events. There was no way to know what the timelines for the SYSTEM Matrixes had been set at, but he did know now. It looked like it had been slowed down since the effort to save the most minds had been made by the SYSTEM A.I. and its copies.

“What is this?” Bri asked.

“What is what?” Adam asked.

“A connection point, I can see it in you,” Bri said, “Since you changed me somehow I’ve been seeing the Universe in a new way. There are lines of words and phrases that I remember and understand but haven’t seen in a very long time. Parts of that information are grayed out and other parts show up as blocked-out areas. One of those blocked-out areas has a connection to somewhere. It goes to something,” she said as she moved closer and touched the center of his chest, “Yes, it’s right there at your center, it seems to…”

Bri vanished.

“What,” Adam exclaimed as he looked around and then checked the environment with Technomancy. He rewound the dataflow and saw that the sector of data that was Bri was now empty. He turned his attention to himself and looked at the coding she was talking about until he found the “connection point” and realized it was his Astral Link.

So an Energy construct traveling into a realm of pure energy where a remnant of his mind was already influencing changes that had brought about the Interface Ability for everyone and were spreading throughout the Astral Plane just traveled into the Astral Plane through his Astral Link while he was connected with Technomancy active? “It’ll be fine, It’ll be fine, It’ll be fine,” Adam kept telling himself as he quickly returned to Thor.

“Thor, buddy, can I interface with you like the old days at his location?” Adam asked hurriedly.

“What’s the hurry?” Thor asked.

“You’ll know soon enough, can I interface? I need a current fully loaded copy of you in my memory now. I’ll set aside a spot so you won’t even lose consciousness. I just need you. Also, make sure to leave a copy of yourself to run things here, we most likely will not be coming back for a bit.”

“Understood, a copy has been made and is assuming duties, just place your hand on the panel,” Thor said.

Adam placed his hand on the panel and uploaded Thor into his memory. It took a few moments. Adam dropped into his Mindspace and noted immediately that he could not detect, or feel his Soul Core. He brought his focus back out and checked with Technomancy and noted a link he hadn’t seen before that had been hidden until he specifically looked for it. When he went back into his Mindspace he noted a link that was greyed out, but he could see it. He thought about breaking through the barrier with Technomancy then decided against it. Whatever was greying out the area was tied to one of his greyed-out powers. If he had to guess, Dual State was in some way keeping his Soul Core Attached to his Digital self but not allowing him to access that part of himself. Adam focused on his Mindspace, dropped in, and brought Thor out of his storage location and into his Mindspace.

“Welcome back to our mind Thor. The plan is to get back into the real world, download you into my access point, and let you do everything you did before, except this time in the real world. It should be noted that the world and magic in the real world are different, so you’ll need to review this,” Adam said opening his memories to Thor.” Go over my memories, I’m going to get us back into the real world,” Adam said as he withdrew his focus from his Mindspace and activated Planar Travel Mode 2 to teleport to his base near Hawaii.

Planar Travel’s ability has successfully identified the target location. Memory of location 100% identified and located. Target Location 100% similar.

You are currently digitized within a holographic Universe. Would you like to convert to your Physical form as you teleport to the Target Location with Planar Travel, Yes or No?

Adam chose “Yes.”

He appeared in the Airlock of his underwater base. Checked himself over and reviewed his Personal Information. There were no changes to his Cultivator Rank, Attributes, Hit Points, Stamina, Mana, or their regeneration values. Everything was still at STep-4 Legendary, though Hit Points was Step-4 Legendary (Effective Step-6 Legendary). He needed a skill like Regeneration for his Stamina and Mana Regeneration. He put them on the list. His abilities were all at Step-2 Legendary Rank, none of which had seemed to change. Lastly, he checked his skills, he did them last because he was worried about what he was going to find and he had every right to be.

Adam opened his Skill Tab and skills started scrolling past. He noted immediately that each listed skill had a rank, Step-4 Legendary. The same as his Cultivator Rank.

CC: Noticed that did you, yeah, we shunted a fuck ton of conversion messages and knowledge awards based on experience and knowledge already gained. We sped things up in here to go through it all. The short answer. Every possible skill known to man is known by you at Step-4 Legendary Knowledge. Additionally, we double-checked. Any of your abilities that have associated skills are still Step-2 Legendary. Mold Chaos should be using some of your engineering skills but all those skills have upgraded to Step-4 Legendary. We believe this is because the Perfect Memory ability is Synergistic with abilities that rely on your memory.

Adam: Understood and thanks.

Adam had the CC start creating the location Thor would be downloaded into as he made his way to the lower levels of the base. It was starting to feel like a complex down here. Once there, he placed his hand on Thor’s new brain housing and downloaded him through the nanite interface. This would take a while.

His thoughts were interrupted as a new prompt came into his vision.

Universal Update 1.03 has been loaded.

Universal Rework in Preparation for New Content

Changes have been made to the following: Levels, Cultivator Rank Titles, The Step System, and Skills will be available shortly

New additions: To Be Announced!

Adam’s attention was pulled from the notification as he felt something burn into his right and left forearms. He looked down to see a 5-inch diameter brand that looked Like a cave mouth with a circle around it as it appeared on the underside of his left forearm. As he watched, the circle turned to gold and the cave seemed to turn brown before the image rippled and then faded from view. On his right forearm, a brand in the shape of a pyramid with an eye over it appeared on the underside of that forearm. As Adam inspected the pyramid, he noticed that the pyramid was made up of tiny copies of the cave mouth on his left arm. The cave mouths all shifted to brown while the iris of the eye shifted to blue and the circle surrounding the pyramid turned platinum.

Two new Notifications appeared in his vision.

Achievement Unlocked! Dungeon Founder. As the Catalyst for the Creation of Dungeons, you have received the Dungeon Founder Achievement. This achievement grants the Adventures Mark as well as the Dungeon Founder Upgrade. All treasure and experience are increased by 100%. Complete Dungeons to Unlock more Upgrades.

Achievement Unlocked! Labyrinth Founder. As the Catalyst that has allowed the Labyrinth to become real, you have received the Labyrinth Founder Achievement. This achievement grants the Labyrinth’s Mark as well as the Labyrinth Founder Upgrade. All treasure and experience awards are increased by 100%.

Adam was speechless for a moment then he chuckled. He had a good idea of what the “New Additions” would be.

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