Infinite travels of existence

Chapter 2: New life and new land

My eyes move over this new land I sit where ruins cover the land crumbling and trees over growing each and every structure making a beautiful image of how the earth is where everything returns whether made or born, they all return to it in the end. I stand and wobble slightly as I feel my body change and a new strength. My muscles tense and seem to grow as I feel every fiber of my being seems to heat up. I look down at my hands and see scales begin to grow on my wrists creating a sort of bracelet of scales. I fall to my knees as I can feel a searing pain in my head until I raise my hands to feel four horns two jutting out on each side and leading away from each other and away from the back of my head (look at the picture for book to understand the horns). 

I sigh in relief as the pain begins to lessen and I feel myself adapt to the changes to my body. I stand back up and take a deep breath in and out as I stretch my new muscles which I can already feel are more powerful by a long shot than my old ones. I scan the area to try and figure out if anything is left of the buildings on this island, but they all are absolutely destroyed which makes me a bit uneasy until my attention turns toward what looks like a cabin that is undamaged by the ravages of time which confuses me slightly as it is the only thing on the entire island still stands without rot or decay. 

My curiosity is peaked by this as I quickly walk through the soft short grass toward this wood cabin. As I get closer my new eyes see what looks like a note attached to the door of the cabin with a note on the side. This makes me sightly curious but what makes my curiosity even higher is just how large the door is as it could allow 3 people to walk in side by side. then I remember I am in the world of how to train your dragons where some people live with their dragons in their own houses. I feet stop as I reach the patio of this cabin and step up the two wooden stairs and the short distance to the door taking note of the wooden rocking chair and wooden table on one end of the patio. 

I rip the note of the door and take a read. 

dear Lila, my lovely daughter 

I hope you are enjoying your new world and body so far. I realized that you would need a place to stay so you did not have to sleep in a cave or under a tree, so I present to you this gift a fully furnished cabin with all the amenities of your old world. even a tv and some books. it has everything you could want but you might have to go collect some food and other things eventually. I hope you enjoy your new life. 

Until we meet again when you go to you next world

Your loving father 

P.S. the dagger in your door is very powerful so use it well.

I laugh slightly and smile looking at the note and then to the very nice-looking dagger stabbed into the door I shake my head before grabbing it and ripping it out of the door. As I take a closer look at the knife I am amazed by its craftsmanship. it is as long as my arm with a curved blade with a small guard and what looks like a vein running down the blunt edge of the blade giving of a soft purple light. I shake my head amazed at how much of a loving father my father is before sheathing it into my belt. I move my hand toward the doorhandle and pulling them down and pushing the door open. My eyes widen as I look inside the house. the entire end wall is made of glass with a second level connected to the first by a ladder of the left with a bed and a massive tv. On the first floor there is a kitchen at the right end of the room, with a dining table opposite it. on my right side I see a massive floor to ceiling bookshelf with soft carpet and bean bags next to them. as I look to the left of me, I see a massive flatscreen with controllers, and a remote sitting of the couch in front of it. Then I turn my head to the massive what looks like a dog bed between the kitchen and the library as well as a door which I believe holds the bathroom between the dining room and couch. I simply sigh as the shock of the enormity of this room takes full effect on me. 

"Thanks dad" I say in a soft voice as I walk into the house, I take a better look around the bookshelf has a wheeled ladder attached to it allowing for easy traversal from the bottom to the top. the couch is massive with cushions as soft as feathers. then there is the kitchen I think as I walk over and see the best tools any chief would want. Then I turn toward the massive fridge and cupboard but as I open the cupboard, I see a massive room with every ingredient someone would want. How it is there I do not know. When I move to the fridge, I see the same thing a massive freezer with everything I could possible every want. I simply shake my head and laugh at how much my father spoils me. I turn around and take a look at the majestic wood used to create the dining room table before I turn toward what I believe is the bathroom. I walk up to it and place my hand on the doorknob and sigh as I turn it and push the door open to reveal a massive room. On one side is a toilet with a sink and mirror. on the other is a massive open shower with made of what looks like black marble with a absolutely massive shower head. My eyes then move to the massive bath that takes up a quarter of the room and is imbedded into the floor. I simply laugh and shake my head some more as I see the black marble covering all the walls.

I walk out of the bathroom and close the door behind me and turn my head to have one more look at my new home before my view is pointed toward the window where I see the sun beginning to set. I sigh and walk to the kitchen and make some dinner. 20 minutes later I sit at the table as I sigh as I bite into the juicy steak burger. I quickly lean forward as juices begin to drip out of the burger. 

As I finish the burger and wash up the dishes I walk toward the ladder on the side toward the upper floor. My bare feet step one at a time on the carpeted stairs as I walk up and look around. On my left is the flat screen I saw when I walked in covering the entire wall with a dresser under it with what I presume to be clothes suited to this time and area. While on the left is a king-sized bed with a bed side table on each side and a tv remote on one of those tables. I simply sigh and stretch as I look out the window toward the now night sky with the sun fully set. I walk to the side of the bed and remove the dagger that I had been storing in my belt and place it on the bed side table before falling into bed and sleeping my worries about this new world off.

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