Chapter 1: The end. And the Beginning?
POV Lila
Today has been a very good day. I got a promotion at work. The person at work I like accepted my offer to go out and we plan to go on a date tomorrow. My family is also planning on having a party soon for my newly born nephew. So, everything is just working out in my favor. But that is never the case for anyone or more accurately me. And what happened to me on my walk home just proves my point.
It was a normal walk home the street was as busy ever and as loud as ever. My eyes are suddenly drawn away from the city to the starlight in the vast sky. The city buildings do block out most but the view that is viewable is magnificent. An infinite number of lights burning throughout the heavens. As if beckoning all who see them to answer a call and come join them in the stars.
My eyes shift back down to reality, I stand leaned against a pole waiting for my chance to cross the intersection. Though my mind seems to be elsewhere thinking of my date tomorrow and what I should do and how I hope it will end. I am brought from my thoughts of love and connection by a somewhat strong tap on my shoulder, as I turn my head I see a hulking truck transformer. We stare at each other for what feels like an eternity, me staring at his... lights? And it is staring into my eyes as if judging me and deciding whether or not I was worthy of something. Its lights flicker as if it has decided something. It slowly raises its right robotic arm which looks to be using a wheel as an elbow, as it pulls back for a ... a ... a punch.
"Its isekai time bitch!!!" it screams and its arm flies forward straight to my head. The last thing I see before black is the transformed trucks hand, cold metal fingers. Then nothing but black, it was so fast that I had no time to react to the specific words that it used. As my mind moved on from the shock of what happened I tried to look around as I was somehow still conscious in some form as I was aware but all I could see was the black empty void of wherever I am.
I try to move but no matter how much I try it is as if I am just a mind or a soul with no body. The next moment My vision flips and the entire void shifts into what looks like an office of sorts with me sitting Infront is a glowing white man.
"Ahh good you are here. Well, I would like to welcome you to my office Lila" The man's voice was smooth and like a melody but there is nothing soothing about it to me. All that it fills me with is confusion and rage for what I suspect he has done to me.
"Where the fuck am I and who in the absolute fuck are you?!?!" I scream in rage trying to jump up, but the man just simply raises his hand and it as if I am unable to move my body an inch just trapped in the chair.
"Please calm down and allow me to explain everything." His voice is calm and collected causing me to stop struggling within the chair and waiting for him to continue.
"Thank you. Now to explain to you who I am, well I am what you would consider God, the creator of your world and all other worlds within the multiverse." My jaw drops as He smirks at me. "Now as for why you are here, that is more difficult to explain, the simple thing is that you are what would be considered my child, and no I am not your biological father, but a couple million years ago I sent some of my energy into the multiverse to see what came out of it, and after millions of years it combined into you." My jaw drops even further to the floor.
"Wait? So, what does that mean?" My confusion is more than evident which causes his smile to soften slightly.
"Your life while seems to have been going in a good and correct direction was about to take a drastic turn. You would have lost your job and lose all your friends, ending you going down a terrible spiral of depression until eventually killing yourself." I flinch at the words realizing that if he is right my life would have turned into absolute hell. "So, as an alternative I decided to remove you from that world and give you a better opportunity at a new life in another." My mind races with the possibilities of what could have been and what now will be with my new life.
"So, what possible worlds can I go to?" This causes the man to look shocked at how quickly I accepted what is happening.
"Ummm you accepted quite quickly." His words are hesitant and unsure.
"Well, I know I can't go back to my home world and an adventure across the multiverse sounds interesting."
"Well... that makes sense I guess, now you will travel from one world to the next, you can stay as long as you wish in each world. ooohhh and also you have soulmates scattered around the different worlds."
"Really like are the different worlds from movies and shows and stuff?" My words are fast and excited causing a soft smile to form on his face as he waves his hand, and I am free from whatever control he had over my movement. "ohh thanks, also mates so like people to fall in love with?"
"Yes, to both. You will be travelling to different worlds from tv-shows, movies and anything else. And yes, you have mates out there, more than one and yes you will meet them. Now to give you some idea of what to expect, your body will be slightly changed but you will be given a very nice gift. Also, the first world is how to train your dragons."
"Oooohhh interesting world choice for my first one. Do I get to know who my mate is?" My question is filled with curiosity as I look at him to which he just smiles softly and shakes his head.
"No of course I won't tell you, but I promise you will find them all with ease. Now another thing you should know is that when you travel to each world you will assimilate with a new species, like for example kryptonian and the like. Now through training you will be able to fully assimilate the species and gain their powers." My mouth drops to the floor at this as throughout all of fiction there are many species who could destroy entire planets with ease. This would mean that if they combine together slowly then I would be able to grow into a being more powerful than any god in any of those universes. The man simply smiles softly while looking down at me as if happy he finally has someone, he can call family.
"Well thank you, now I have a question"
"Go ahead and ask if I think it will not be detrimental to your journey then I will answer." His voice is filled with kindness, and he seems to give off a caring aura.
"You said that I am equal to you daughter as I was formed from your energy, correct?" He simply nods at this question. "Well then can I call you dad?" My question shocks him for a few seconds as he just stares at me for a few minutes while thinking about what I just asked. Then the table disappears as he flies toward me and envelopes me in a massive hug as he begins to cry.
"Yes, you can my daughter yes you can. I have always wanted someone who I can call family and now I have you. Thank you for accepting me as your father." I simply smile and return the hug happy to finally have someone who truly cares for me and who I know is my true father. After what seems like hours of us hugging, he slowly releases me from the hug and smiles while looking down at me. "Are you ready to begin your journey my daughter?"
"Yes, father I am and thank you for this opportunity to go on this journey over the multiverse." My smile is broad as I look at him as he simply nods and waves his hands making the world around me disappear as I look around a new land has appeared with trees and broken and rotting structures made of both stone and wood.