Ice vs Fire

Chapter 37: Instinct

*Welcome to the summoner's rift*

Both teams march towards their lanes confident to take the first win of the best of 5.

We will be on an amazing journey trying to analyze their builds, tactics, strategies and everything that follows.

"In the betting bar".

For the first match let's bet on All Stars.

Why? They haven't even killed a minion yet?

Don't worry Moe we bet on them because I found that they have played before.

What? They are not even matched in the worlds till now how did they play?

Must have been a friendly scrim I just checked their database.

What happend in it?

Nothing much Bengi stole the barron but ultimatly they lost to All Stars.

But it was before worlds meaning they have played many professional teams and became much stronger then they were before right?

Yes they have and they are longing for a quick 1:1 game they wanna equal the score.

Hmm I understand the human tendency to win against someone you have lost before but this is worlds bro anything can happen here.

So you want to bet on Skt? They have had a very successful run as well.

Whatever the reason may be I just don't feel the confidence in either team.

Oh ok that makes sense so why not bet on the team we are more familiar with.

Yup that would be ideal but this is huge money we can't just blindly gamble.

Who said we were gambling we are using our edge.

Our edge?

"Ben finds an unique edge" you see there coach.

Yes I do.

He always picks his nose before the winning games.

What isn't that a coincidence?

No he clears his nose so if he cries mucus won't sweep through.

But why would he cry? Is it tears of joy?


So they are planning to win.


Then let's capitalize on that.


"What Ben had found was half correct indeed Michael picks his nose before a winning match but not to clear the mucus but to calm his emotions down, from all the interactions in the game and the anticipation of a victory overloads Michael's reward system to cool it down and divert his attention Michael uses nose picking".

Back in the stadium.

Both duo lanes are empty as they are helping their junglers clear the buff faster.

Yes now that both powerful junglers got their buff faster who do you think will win if they faced off?

I would give Begni the advantage Lee Sin is definelty not a champ you should fight in the early game.

Yes but look at that Bengi is clearing his whole red side to stay close to his duo lane.

Skt's main threat right now is the control on the bottom side it will take Itachi a long time to rotate from top to bot.

And looks like Skt will take advantage of that fact and start ganking.

럭스가 탈출할 수 없도록 목표를 향해 가세요. (Go on target that Lux she won't be able to escape.)

Oh fuck fuck fuck if that Lee hit me I'm dead.

Max use your foot work you can dodge his first ability.

"Max just starts smashing his buttons and it works".

Look at that Max made a completely random moving pattern and it is damn hard to hit someone making those moves.

빨리 그를 갱킹하세요! (Gank him fast!)

피글렛 그를 추적할 수 없습니다. 먼저 시작해야 합니다. (Piglet I can't track him you will have to initiate first.)

쯧쯧 괜찮아 내가 할게 그냥 죽여줄게 알았지? (Tsk fine I'll do it just get a kill ok?)

Piglet goes in with his second ability and starts shredding Max.

And Bengi also initiates but what? Alex has also rotated to the bot lane.

Now it's a do or die situation Bengi has to get a kill.

But Piglet is also being low and Alex flash combos on Piglet he doesn't let him have the chance to flash out.

Begni also gets a kill too bad it's just a support but he successfully escapes after getting a nice kill.

아 안돼 벵기 너 너무 오래 걸렸어 난 살아남을 수도 있었어 (Oh no Bengi you took too long I could have survived.)

안타깝지만 다음 번에는 시간을 지키겠습니다. 걱정하지 마세요. 당신은 게임 후반 챔피언이므로 규모를 늘릴 것입니다. (My bad next time I will be on time don't worry you are a late game champ so you will scale.)

규모를 조정하겠지만 지금은 Ezreal이 앞서 있습니다. (Scale I will but now that Ezreal is ahead.)

신경을 진정시키세요. 그것은 단지 한 번의 전투일 뿐이고 길을 따라 많은 사람들이 당신을 기다리고 있을 것이므로 다음 전투를 위해 일부를 남겨 두십시오. (Calm your nerves it was just one skirmish there will be many waiting for you along the road so save some for the next one.)

Alex really sensed Bengi.

Yeah but it could also have been revealed by Skt's agression to take the kill.

What ever the case may be both assassins got one kill it will be fun to watch which one gets the most kills Alex or Bengi.

Very nice gank Alex I didn't expect you would be so fast.

It's the ward I placed on his red buff side that saved you but don't expect too much he will certainly gank again.

*4 minutes later*

Oh man!

What happend King are you in trouble?

Oh no 'he' is in trouble I just realized I forgot to finish my coffee and it is waiting in my room.

Why are you remebering unimportant events just focus on the match.

Match huh! Itachi I have made Rumble burn his flash.

What! When did that happen and why didn't you tell me before I just recalled.

It happened around when you were taking scruttle crab.

Oh I must have missed that.

Don't worry just wait a little and watch my enemies surrender against my spear.

Ehhh like in game surrender?

No my dear comrade total surrender from spirit and soul.

Ok then I'll look forward to it.

*Dragon has been spwaned*

The mythical lizard from the dragon realm has entered the summoner's rift who will take control of this flying burning beast?

Infernal nice let's do a teamfight we are already ahead and if we need help King can always ult to us.

No Itachi think clearly they don't have to contribute to the dragon they can just push turrets and take the gold lead.

Oh I did not think of that then why don't you take the dragon solo if you need any help we will be right there with you.

Itachi is soloing the dragon with his Nidalee.

And Skt knows it they are surrounding around him.

Quick Itachi get out of the pit.

Ok No prob but now they are taking it.

No don't go just push the turrets and you Ross try to steal it.

Ok Mike.

젠장, 그들이 우리 포탑을 무너뜨리고 있으니 서둘러야 합니다. (Shit we have to be quick they are taking down our turrets.)

용 벵기(Bengi)는 꽤 낮은 편입니다. 우리 차선으로 가고 있으니 조심하세요. (Bengi the dragon is quite low take care of it we are going in our lanes.)

Skt gives the responsiblity of securing the infernal dragon to Bengi.

Now will itachu be able to steal it?

"Itachi goes in with the intention to smite before Bengi".

Boom! He failes Itachi failes Bengi comes out with the dragon.

Oh no shit! How could this happen?

Calm down Ross don't let a single miss tilt you.

"To everyone it seemed like just one loss but to Itachi it was a completely different story he has not once able to outsmite Bengi not only that but Bengi's rotation is also one step ahead he refuses to admit it but his subconsious has already made the decision that Bengi is superior".

Nice distraction Itachi we were able to take down half of their turret isn't that amazing?

Yeah it is "Itachi responds in a gloomy voice".

Kassadin vs Zed clash in the mid Alex ults Faker in his turret what will Faker do?

He uses his ult to escape and he succeed Alex's attempt to kill Faker fails but now Bengi is coming to mid trying to finish Alex.

Oh no Alex run!

Now Alex cannot go in his turret cause of his low hp nor can he fight he has to flee towards the jungle.

He is getting chased by not two but three players Skt's top laner has also joined in on the pursuit.

Fudge this second abiliy cooldown is soo long I can't escape with the time left.

이제 그를 둘러싸서 두 번째 능력에서 벗어날 수 없도록 멀리 머물게 했습니다. 이해하시나요? (We got him now surround him and one stay far so he can't escape from his second ability you understand?)

Alex in a desperate situation.

Hey King ult on me.

Ult on you sure child I shall protect you.

King ults on Skt's members to save Alex and he get a kill on Faker.

야, 그 사람 어디서 왔어? (Hey where did he come from?)

Faker is as surprised as we are but is doesn't end there Alex is still low.

Come on Alex you abilities should be up let's kill him.

"Both Alex and King tries to kill Bengi and Impact".

That Rumble ain't got shit on us.

Two kills for King he is on fire but unfortunetly Alex falls.

But what is this triple kill for King his pantheon is outshining every other champion.

I know who I am and I'll show the GODS what I can become!

Yeah King that's the attitude now Itachi go and pudh mid turret ASAP.

What the truck is Asap?

As soon as possible.

Ok ok no prob I'm coming.

Alex did you know what your mistake was?

Mistake Mic are you blind I got 3 assists our teammate got three kills plus we are getting the turret all I have to say is that it was a good play not a miss play.

No you are of the mark I'm saying you are getting too argressive unesscesary agression only leads to rekckless playes.

Ok you correct but only half to win in lol you have to kill your opponents and ulimetly make them surrender by volition or by force.


What happend? "Everyone gets alert from Michael's loud realization".

I just saw one of my classmate in the spectator seat.

Michael! "Everyone makes him realize what he had done".

Oh I'm so sorry it won't happen again hehe.

"On the bottom lane"

Piglet and Johan are both fighting for the better poke.

Their abilities are for poking but All Stars have a huge advantage because of the lux.

Yes indeed one good root and ⅓ of your hp is gone in an instant very menacing.

무슨 일이 일어나든 그때까지는 뿌리를 내리지 마세요. (Whatever happens don't get rooted by then.)

걱정하지 마세요. 저는 입문 과정만 따르지는 않을 것입니다. (Don't worry I won't just follow through my initiation.)

"Piglet and PoohDuMan agressively initiates on Johan"

Shit! Max save me I'll have to use my flash.

I have got him we can turn this around.

Oh waoh! Both adc's are low and out of abilities.

Down Johan is down and...

Max kills Piglet it's a one on one exchange both supports get the kill of the adc's.

젠장, 그 사람은 이제 나보다 훨씬 앞서 있어요. (Shit he is now even more ahead than me.) "Piglet은 Fomo가 천천히 자신을 향해 다가오는 것을 느낍니다".

"Piglet feels Fomo slowly creeping towards him".

What happend at the bottom?

Their adc flashed in to start a fight but we held strong.

That's nice be careful of Lee Sin I don't know hod location on the map he may be hiding somewhere.

Ohh All Stars don't know Bengi used his second ability to jump from dragon pit to All Stars's jungle and

He gets it Bengi combos on Max.

Oh no where did he come from? "Max gets caught out by Bengi".

"Bengi uses his second ability which he recharged by smashing the crugs to ult Max into his side of the map and finishes him off with his first ability".

Oh no Max I warned you to stay safe.

But both the tri bush and the enemy bush were warded.

But he can jump over you forgot?

Oh yeah he could.

And how is Alex doing? In Zed vs Kassadin Zed has the advantage.

Oh he is going to kill him once he gets out of the turret.

벵기가 빨리 와요. (Bengi come mid fast.)

하지만 나는 바닥 포탑을 밀고 있습니다. (But I'm pushing the bottom turret.)

아니 벵기, 페이커와 미드를 구해야 하는 게 지금 가장 중요하다. (No Bengi you gotta save Faker and mid right now that has the most importance.)

코치님 말씀대로 미드라이너가 정말 말썽꾼인 것 같아요. (As you say coach but I swear that 'mid laner' is such a trouble maker.)

Hey Itachi?

What happend?

Fast! come mid.

What you couldn't get the kill Alex? "Itachi looks at his minimap to see the health bars".

No we might be able to get two their blind monk is also coming.

Oh I see then let's meditate in the mid.

All Stars is looking for an enage onto Faker and Bengi what will Skt do?

벵기들이 나한테 뛰어들면 네가 와서 둘 다 죽일 거야 알겠지? (Bengi when they dive me you will come and kill both of them ok?)

그러나 나는 그들이 그렇게 할 것이라고 생각하지 않습니다. 그들은 내가 미드에 오기를 기다리고 있습니다. (But I don't really think they will, they are waiting for me to come to mid.)

Cheeky bastard he caught onto our plan to ambush them.

What? But he has no wards in this area.

From my foot work he probably figured out I was being over agressive to make them defenceless.

And he is recalling there is only 30 seconds for the dragon what should we do Itachi?

Me too my Pantheon's ult is up I can rotate and join the fight.

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